1909 Quarter 4

Industry and Commerce

Killed at the Pit – Inquiry into Death of Two Denaby Men.

Two Miners Killed – Runaway Corves at Cadeby.

Hull Coal Traffic – September the Best Month of the Year.

Crime and Courts

Denaby Couple At Variance.

Cyclist Recovers Damages.

Dangerous Practice at Cadeby Pit

Mexbro’ Youth’s Offences.

Rag Gatherer’s Theft.

Adventure in The Yard – Doncaster Collier’s Story of Assault.


Mexborough and Denaby Clubs’ Annual Shoots,

Denaby Utd – Worksop 1 Denaby 2 – Worksop’s First Home Defeat

Denaby Utd – Denaby 5 Gainsbro Trinty Res. 3.

Denaby Utd – Denaby 5  York City 1 – Denaby’s Splendid Victory.

Denaby Utd – Denaby 2  Rotherham Town 0 – Rotherham Town Defeated

Midland League Table – Monday 25 October 1909

Denaby Utd – Nottingham Forest Res 2  Denaby 2 – Spirited Game at Nottingham.

Denaby Utd – Midland League Results – October 1909


Child Poisoned at Denaby

Fire at the “Star” Inn – Serving Girl Suffocated (pictures)

Unavailing Heroism – Efforts at Conisbro’ Fire – The Story at the Inquest.

Industry and Commerce

Cadeby Calamity – Graphic Story of Survivors – Discrepancies in Evidence.

Mr. C. W. Whitworth Down A Mine.


Conisborough Isolation Hospital.

Crime and Courts

Not Fit For Pigs – Pestilential Home – Shocking Neglect of Child.

Colliery Offences

Youths Break a Shop Window at Denaby.

Boys and Cigarettes – Thefts from Automatic Machine

Conisborough Disturbance – Police Sergeant Assisted By Crowd.

Denaby Man Seriously Injured – Alleged Assault with Earthenware Vessel

Lively Station Scene – Officials Assaulted At Conisborough

Pugilist and Police – Brutal Assaults at Conisborough.


Denaby Utd – Sheffield Utd Res 0 Denaby 1 – Denaby’s Notable Victory.

Denaby Utd – Mexborough Town 1  Denaby  1 – To Try Again !

Denaby Utd – Rotherham County 2  Denaby 1 – Rotherham County’s Fine Form.

Denaby Utd – Mexborough Town 1 Denaby 0 – English Cup Re-Play.

Denaby Utd – Bradford P.A. Res 6  Denaby United 1 – Easy Victory for Bradford Reserves.

Denaby Utd – Results – Nov 27

Midland League Table – November 27, 1909

Denaby Utd – Rotherham Town 1  Denaby 1- Poor Game at Rotherham.


Fifty Years Wedded Life – Worthy Couple – Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Appleyard (picture)

Death of Dr. F.G. Twigg – Clever Surgeon Succumbs To Pneumonia. (picture)

A Village in Mourning – Denaby’s Farewell to “The Doctor.”


National Service League at Denaby

Concert at Conisborough

Crime and Courts

Collier’s Fiendish Action.

Conisbro’ Collier Attempts Suicide.

Enforced Sobriety – Habitual Drunkard Sent to a Home

How Miners Risk Life – Allegations at Doncaster Police Court

Struck With a Jug – Denaby Man’s Head Cut Open – Miner Sent For Trial.


Conisborough Cricket Club

Denaby Utd – Denaby 3 Nottingham Forest Reserve 4 – Tufnell hat-trick

Denaby Utd – Denaby 2 Shiregreen 1

Denaby Utd – Denaby 1. Bradford Reserve 3

Denaby Utd – Mexborough Town 2  Denaby 1 – Mexborough’s Merry Xmas.

Midland League Table – December 27, 1909

Denaby United Results – December, 1909