1879 – Dispute Settled – Another 5% Reduction

1879 Outburst of Gas

The Denaby Main Miners and the Alleged Robbery of Coal.

Dispute – Tommy Tickets

Dispute – Strike Continues Distress Severe

Dispute – Dispute Settled 5% Reduction

Dispute – Opposition to Decision of Council.

Dispute – Letter to Public

Crime and Courts

Neglecting to Maintain His Wife.

Conviction of a Farmer for not Reporting ‘ Scab. ‘

Industry and Commerce

Denaby Main Colliery Dispute.- Determined Opposition To The Decision Of The Council.

Settlement of the Denaby Main Colliery Dispute.

Dispute – Settlement of Denaby Dispute.


Parkwood Springs 5 Conisborough Castle 0

Disgraceful Public House Row – Alleged Cannibalism

Matrimonial Quarrel at Conisborough

Temperance Meeting

Threatening the Underviewer

Castle FC – Conisborough Castle v Exchange Brewery

Castle FC – Pamona v Conisborough Castle

Industry and Commerce

Forcible Ejectment of Miners at Denaby


Ivanhoe on the Football Nuisance

Crime and Courts

Poor Law Act at Conisbrough


Conisborough Castle FC – Conisbrough Castle  0 Parkwood Springs 3

Conisborough Castle FC – General Meeting and Challenge Cup

Band of Hope at Temperance Society

Commital for Three Months

Good Friday at Conisborough – 20,000 People Present

Good Friday Disorder – Alleged Assault

Good Friday Disorder – Refusing to Quit

Weslyan Sabbath School Anniversary

Miners Association 500 – Attend Public Tea

Conisborough Castle Football Club

Denaby Cricket Club

Juveniles Single Wicket Match

Permitting Drunkedness at Conisborough

Pitch & Toss Playing at Denaby – The Use of a Wife

Refusal to Quit – Serial Offender

Robbery from a Butcher’s Shop at Denaby

Conisborough CC – Mexborough 88 Conisborough 46

Conisborough CC – Conisbrough 92 for 5 Rawmarsh Church 29

Denaby Main – Kilnhurst 72 for 4 Denaby Main 53

Denaby Main – Denaby 15 Mexborough 101 – Poor Batting Display


Conisborough Cricket Engagements

Meeting of the Gas Company

Sale of Work and Fancy Articles – Lady Milton attends

Proposed Reduction of 10% – Mechanics Quit

Cricket – Conisborough C.C. – July 1879

Joseph Griffiths – Fell from Gangway

Kelly v Thompson – Runaway Boy

Proposed Reduction of Wages at Denaby Main Colliery

Row between Married Women at Denaby

Treat to Tenants

Crime and Courts

An Old Offender

Church of England Temperance Trip

Fatal Accident at Denaby Main Crossing

Light v Darkness – Gas Lights on Station Road

Meeting of School Board – Candidates for New Clerk


The Melancholy Death of Mr. John Hudson – Coroner’s Inquest.

Industry and Commerce

Inquest Denaby.

Cricket – Denaby Main C.C.

Fatal Accident at Denaby Colliery

Miners Permanent Relief Fund

Pugilistic Waiter at Denaby

Alarming outbursts of gas at Denaby Main colliery.

Breach of Rules at Denaby Main – Tobacco and Matches

Conisborough 1 Thornhill 4

Conisborough 5 Doncaster GNR 0 – Conisbro’ Challenge Cup

Conisborough School Board – New Schoolmistress – Sewing Success

Single Cricket Match – All England Player Defeated

Temperance Lecture – Beware of Pickpockets

Threatened Neighbour for withholding Sweep Money

Attack on Conisborough Glass Blowers – Full Story

Attack on Conisborough Glass Blowers – Magistrates Court

Charge against Conisborough Contractor – No Signalman

Breaking a Man’s Nose – Conisborough Glassblower

Conisborough 1 Lunar Rovers 2

Entertainment by 100 Children at the Board School

Missionary Sermons – Thorough Success

Pictorial Diorama at Denaby