1895 Quarter 4

Conisborough Parish Council – New Fire Engine Accepted – Water – Street Lighting

Assault at Conisborough

Bosdin’s Toffee

Conisborough Policeman Violently Assaulted

Conisbrough Cricket Club – AGM – New Secretary

Denaby Mine Infringement

Denaby Notes – Convalescent – Wakefield – Miner in Trouble – Daring Robbery of Cattle

Indecent Exposure at Conisborough

Serious Accident – Denaby Main Colliery – Two Men in Hospital

Serious Accident – Fatality

Theft of a Piece of Wood


Dispute – Top Men Hold Meeting

Dispute – Meeting of Miners – Demands and Reply

Dispute – Imminent Strike

Dispute – No Settlement – 2000 Men Leave Work – Largest Pit in Yorkshire Idle

Dispute – Meeting of the Surface Workmen

Dispute – Miners Attitude – Mr Pickard Condemns Surface Men’s Union

Conisbrough Conservative Association – Celebration of Mr Fison’s Return

A Peculiar Charge – No Name on Cart

Conisborough Miner Short of Coal

Parish Council – Merryweather – Gas Lighting – Water Scheme – District Council

Conisborough School Board – Widow’s Special Friend

Damaging a Lock at Conisborough

Drunk at Denaby – Landlord of the New Denaby Main Hotel Summoned

Fire at Conisborough

Injured Innocents at Denaby

Inquest on Blacksmith at Denaby Main

Robbery in High Street

Theft of Timber at Conisborough

Industry and Commerce

Fatal Accident at Cadeby Main


Dispute – Denaby Strike – No Settlement Yet – Attempts at Negotiation Futile

Dispute – Strike at Denaby – Negotiations Abandoned – Firm to the Bitter End

Dispute – Denaby Strike – Men Still Out – Friction Between Men

Dispute – Settlement Arrived at – Appeal to Underground Workmen

Dispute – Another Strike Threatened – Men Still Out Of Work

Former Strikes at Denaby Main

Conisborough School Board – Gas Stoves for Heating

Denaby Main Parish Council – Lighting – Allotments – Urban Powers

Dispute as to a Thrashing Machine at Conisborough

Drunks – Two thirds from Conisborough

Family Feud at Conisborough

Queen’s Bounty for Triplets

Sad Accident to a Denaby Youth – Dangerous Toys

Stealing Coal – Collier in Custody for Seven Days

The Denaby Main Strike

The Late Denaby Strike and a Denaby Miner and his Creditors

The State of Ivanhoe Land

Young Thieves at Denaby