Crime and Courts

The Kilnhurst Outrage – Hewitt’s Trial – 3. The Evidence

Child Burned to Death

Cain, Hugh

Green, William (2)

Heroes of the Pit – Music Sheet

Section 4a The First Explosion

Springthorpe, James (Senior)

1912 Cadeby Main Colliery Disaster

Industry and Commerce

Mining Death Roll – Kilnhurst Footballer Killed.

Gas Explosion at Cadeby Main

Gas Explosion at Cadeby – Narrow Escapes by Datallers


Marconigrams – January 06th, 1912

Marconigrams – January 20th, 1912

Crime and Courts

Betrayed By Military Bearing

Breach of Rules at Denaby.

Contravening Special Rule 99

Cruelty to a Pony at Cadeby

Infringing Special Rule 106 at Cadeby

Warning to Colliers – Wages Paid in Public-House at Denaby.

Girl-Wife’s Suicide – Coroner Condemns Poison Laws.

Pit Lads Sent To Prison – Confession of Theft at Denaby.

Stolen Butter – Recovery Leads to Disclosure of Another Theft.

Violent Conisborough Man.


Denaby Utd  – Denaby 1  Mexborough Town  3

Denaby Utd – Worksop Town  0  Denaby United  0 – Worksop Lose Valuable Point

Denaby Utd – Doncaster Rovers Reserves  6  Denaby 0

Midland League Table – January 29, 1912


Brother E Marks (picture)

Industry and Commerce

Renewed Denaby Application – Co-Operative Society Successful

Hull Coal Traffic – A Slightly Increased Tonnage.

Strike will Affect 50,000 People To-Morrow.

Proposed Baths


Denaby Ambulance Dinner – Mr Chambers Affection for Denaby Main

Literary and Debating Society – “Superstitions” – Interesting Lecture

Conisbrough “Majority” Ball – Pleasing Social Function in the Drill Hall

Marconigrams – February 17th, 1912

Marconigrams – February 24th, 1912

Crime and Courts

Conisborough’s Filler Fined for Breach of Colliery Rules

Abusive, Violent & Bad Language

Adulterated Gin – Conisbro Publican Fined

Drunk and Disorderly.

Football Coupon Losses – Cruel Denaby Hairdresser’s Admission.

Railway Trespasser – Climbing over Denaby Crossing Gates

Saturday’s   Drunks

Tampering with Lamp – Might Have Caused Fearful Explosion

Wide-awake Conisboro’ Constable.

Wilful Damage – Mistook Tar for Water


The Denaby Club

Denaby Utd – Denaby 5  Wednesday Reserve  5 – Wired Football at Denaby.

Denaby Utd – Denaby United  2  Leeds City Reserve 0 – Denaby’s “Hard Lines.”

Denaby Officials Severely Dealt With.

Denaby Utd – Castleford Town 8   Denaby 2 – Denaby Crack Up.

Denaby Utd – Denaby 2  Worksop Town  2 – Denaby Draw with Worksop.

Denaby United Misdeeds

Chesterfield Town 2  Denaby United  0 – Chesterfield’s Easy Win.

Midland League – Monday 26th February, 1912

Midland League Local Results to February 26th, 1912

Industry and Commerce

Disastrous Effect on Trading Concerns.

Mass Meeting at the Iron Bridge (picture)

National Coal Strike – Premier’s Important Statement – Government Favour Minimum Wage.

Reports from the Coal Fields – In the Don Valley

Riotous Scenes at Cadeby – A Rumour Causes Big Demonstrations

Riotous Scenes at Cadeby – Good Work by Police – Ugly Rushes by 8000 Strong Crowd

Riotous Scenes at Cadeby – Police Baton Charge

The National Coal Strike – How the Local Firms Stand

The National Coal Strike – Situation at the Local Collieries (picture)


Marconigrams – March 9th, 1912

Crime and Courts

Begging at Denaby

Pit Pony Offences

Refused to Quit – Threw Pint Bottle at Landlord’s Son

Colliery Prosecutions – Mexboro’ Lock-keeper & his “Deceased Friend,”

A Denaby Argument


Denaby Utd – Notts County Res  6  Denaby 1 – United Heavily Beaten.

Denaby Utd – Denaby 1 Castleford Town 0 – Denaby’s Fighting Finish

Denaby Utd – Grimsby Town Res 3 Denaby 2 – United Go Close.

Midland League Local Results – March 25th 1912


Boy Found Dead in Bed

Unparalleled Disaster at Sea – Greatest Ship Foundered – Nearly 1500 lives lost

Conisborough Manufacturers Bereavement – Death of Mrs Caleb Kilner

Industry and Commerce

Lecture At Reigate – Denaby & Cadeby Collieries

End of the Great Strike – Resumption on Easter Tuesday – Grave National Peril Averted.

 Momentous Week End.

Return to Work at Denaby & Cadeby

Signing On – The Cadeby Trouble.

Conisborough Scavenging.


Denaby’s Lead.

Marconigrams – April 27th, 1912

Crime and Courts

A List of Drunks

Damaging Trees At Denaby.

Denaby Lad’s Escapade – Broke Barracks Twice in a Week.

His Enlistment Date – Charge of Desertion At Doncaster.

More Drunks on Tuesday

Coal Stealing – Denaby Miner Fined

Checkweighman Attacked – Denaby Collier Sharply Sentenced


Denaby Utd – Denaby 1  Doncaster Rovers Res  2 – Doncaster Too Good for Denaby.

Denaby United  1  Hull City Reserves  0 – Third-Porters Lose at Denaby.

Denaby Utd  – Denaby 1  Chesterfield Res  0 – Denaby Defeat Chesterfield.

Denaby Utd – Denaby  3  Leeds City Reserve   0

Denaby Utd – Denaby 0  Leicester Fosse  0 – Draw with Fosse

Denaby Utd – Wednesday Reserves  2  Denaby 1

Midland League 1911/12 – Final Table

Midland League Local Results – April 1912


Cycle Accident

A Changed Man.


Conisborough Improvement.

Crime and Courts

A Bit Stiff

“Cheap Firewood” – Denaby Persons Damage to a Fence

Conisborough Miner Smartly Fined

Drunken Denaby Woman – Does Damage to a Window.

Mining Offences

Struck his Mate – Denaby Youth Improperly uses Safety Lamp

Wicked Conisborough Boys – Throw Stones at Gas Lamps


Denaby & Cadeby  – Hickleton  192   Denaby  96  for 6 – Denaby Bowling Thumped

Denaby & Cadeby – Wombwell Main  75  Denaby  79 for 2

Denaby Utd – Ground To Be Changed.

Denaby & Cadeby – Mexborough   65  Denaby  37 – Spicy Cricket at Mexborough


Denaby Schoolgirl’s Record (picture)

Industry and Commerce

Cadeby hero – Memorial to be Erected to Manchester scholar

Conisborough Viaduct (picture)

Conisboro’ Parish Council – Refuse Destructor for Denaby & Conisborough.


Children’s Enjoyable Day.

King George to Visit Conisborough Castle

Mission Children’s Outing

Conisboro’ Notes – Sunday Schools’ Trip – Railway Opening

Damage at Conisborough.

Crime and Courts

Wife Desertion – Case Adjourned

A Woman’s Conduct

Denaby Mining Offence – Very Bad Case

Denaby Mining Offences.

Expensive Travelling – Girl Caught at Conisborough.

Assault and Remand

Miner’s Violent Conduct – Constable Kicked

Youthful Trouble – Alleged Assault and Damage at Conisboro’


Conisborough Cricket Tour

Denaby Utd – Lively Annual Meeting – A New Management


The Royal Visit – Conisboro’ Castle – Visits of Three Kings.

The Royal Visit – Eagerly Awaited in South Yorkshire.

The Royal Visit – July 8th – Striking Incident at Conisborough – King in the Tower

The Royal Visit – July 8th – Conisborough Castle – The King & Lady Fitzwilliam (picture)

The Royal Visit – July 8th – Conisborough Castle – The King & Queen (pictures)

The Royal Visit – July 8th – Conisborough Castle – Other Pictures from the Day

The Royal Visit – July 8th – The Queen’s Dress – Ladies at Conisbrough Castle

The Royal Visit – July 8th – Through Kilnhurst & Piccadilly

The Royal Visit – July 9th – Schoolchidren at Mexborough & Swinton (pictures)

The Royal Visit – July 9th – Swinton En Fete.

The Royal Visit – July 9th – Mexborough Loyalty

The Royal Visit – July 9th – At Goldthorpe and Bolton

The Royal Visit – July 9th – Thurnscoe

The Royal Visit – July 9th – At Wath upon Dearne

The Royal Visit – July 10th – At Wombwell

Industry and Commerce

Cadeby Pit Disaster 1912 – The Story of the Disaster

Terrible Pit Disaster – 80 Lives Lost At Cadeby – King Visits The Mine

Cadeby Disaster – Royal Sympathy.

Survivors Stories – Saved By King’s Visit

The King’s Message – Their Majesties’ Sympathy With The Sufferers.

Cadeby Disaster – Waiting for News (pictures)

Cadeby Disaster – Archbishop of York Service (picture)

Cadeby Disaster – Wives Watching the Funerals (picture)

Cadeby Disaster – Rescuers (pictures)

Cadeby Disaster – Bringing Out the Dead (pictures)

Cadeby Disaster – Waiting for News of the Victims (picture)

Cadeby Disaster – Cadeby Rescue Team (picture)

Cadeby Disaster – Death-Roll Raised To 86.

Cadeby Disaster – Inquiry into the Disaster

Cadeby Disaster – Removing the Bodies

Cadeby Disaster – Sad Crop of Funerals (picture)

The People who lost their lives – Where they are buried

The People who lost their lives – Where they Lived

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Ackroyd, William

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Alderson, Charles

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Beech, James

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Berry, Willie

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Boycott, Joseph

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Bungard, Robert Peel Ivema

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Burdekin, James

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Burns, James

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Burns, Thomas

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Bury, Charles

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Carlton, John William

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Carroll, Arthur

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Chambers, Douglas

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Chapman, Robert William

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Cody, Thomas

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Croxall, Eli

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Cusworth, Herbert

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Davis, William Charles

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Denton, George Royds

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Dove, William

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Dungworth, Arthur

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Eddington, Robert Neil

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Ellis, Sydney

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Evans, Phillip George

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Evans, Thomas Emrys

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Fleck, Thomas

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Fletcher, Charles William

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Fletcher, John

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Flynn, Arthur

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Fox, Joseph Benjamin

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Frankland, William

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Gascoyne, Richard

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Godsmark, William H.

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Green, William

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Green William (2)

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Hancock, Tobias

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Hayden, Michael

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Henderson, Edward

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Heptinstall, George

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Hewitt, Henry Richard

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Hindson (Hinton), George

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Horsfall, Frederick William

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Humphries, William

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Hunt, Charles Albert

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Jackson, Samuel

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Johnson, Charles

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Jordan, Matthew

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Kelsall, John William

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Lambert, William

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Marrow (Marsden), John

Cadeby Disaster Victim – McDonagh, James

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Mulhearn, John

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Mulrooney, Martin

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Neal, Herbert

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Nicholson, Percy Edgar

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Phillips, Jarrett

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Pickering, William Henry

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Prince, Charles Edward

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Radley, Charles William Phillip

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Richardson, Frederick

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Rodgers, Cyrus

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Roodhouse, Joseph

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Ross, Joseph

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Rowell, Arthur Edward

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Sanders, Samuel Thomas

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Shuttleworth, Joseph

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Smith, John

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Springthorpe, James (Junior)

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Springthorpe, James (Senior)

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Stone, Frederick

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Stribley, Thomas

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Summerscales, William

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Talbot, Timothy Smith

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Tarbrook, John William

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Thompson, Henry (Harry)

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Thompson, James

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Tickle, Gilbert Young

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Tuffrey, Charles Edgar & Edmund Jesse

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Turner, Joseph

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Wallace, William Henry

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Walsh, Thomas

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Walton, Frank

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Ward, Benjamin

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Waters, William David

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Webster, Samuel

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Whitton, George

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Williams, Thomas Samuel

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Wimpenny, Richard

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Wood, Frank

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Wraithmell, Thomas

Cadeby Disaster – Another Body Recovered – Remainder Expected Race Week.

Editorial – Home Office Inquiry

Fall of Roof. – Fatal Accident at Denaby –  The Inquest.

Funeral Of Another Victim.

Home Office Inquiry Into the Cadey Disaster – Monday Morning

Home Office Inquiry Into the Cadey Disaster – Monday Afternoon

Home Office Inquiry Into the Cadey Disaster – Tuesday Morning

Home Office Inquiry Into the Cadey Disaster – Tuesday Afternoon

Home Office Inquiry Into the Cadey Disaster – Points From The Enquiry.

Recovery Party In The Exploded Pit – Massive Steel Doors Used – No bodies Yet


Census Returns for 1911 – Some Startling Local Figures

Editorial – Cadeby Disaster

Editorial – The Titanic Findings

Editorial – Another Appeal

Lakeland scenes in the Dearne Valley – Countryside Flooded

Marconigrams – August 03rd, 1912

Crime and Courts

Callous Father – Brutal Treatment of Wife and Children at Denaby.

“Collecting” For Cadeby Disaster Fund.

In Court – Bad Language

Conisbrough Farmer Robbed – How Kindness was Rewarded

Petty Thefts – Denaby Plumber Was a Good Character.

Stolen Cigarettes – Conisbrough Boys Lapse

Denaby Miner’s Row – Tale of a Broken Jug


Denaby & Cadeby – Wath 154 for 8  Denaby  80 – Easy Victory for Wath.

Denaby & Cadeby – An Acquisition.


Mr Charles Dawson

Industry and Commerce

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Steadman, (Young) George

Cadeby Disaster – Widows’ Pathetic Disclosure at Inquest – A Painful Incident.

Closing Burial Scenes – Impressive Memorial Service

Mine Giving Up It´s Dead – Four More Bodies Recovered.

The Cadeby Disaster – Recovery of Three More Bodies

The Late Mr Eli Croxall – Story of his Career

The Late Mr S Ellis

What of the Cadeby Heroes?


Marconigrams – September 07, 1912

Marconigrams – September 28th, 1912

Crime and Courts

Sordid Denaby Homes –  Shocking Stories – Prison for Parents

Bad Language

Damage to Trees

Damaged Optic – Denaby Man Rough and Tumble

Drunk and Disorderlies

Drunk and Disorderly

No Dog Licence at Conisborough

Pipe in the Pit

Sorry Week Enders

Starting Early

The Drink and Theft


Denaby & Cadeby – Darfield 17  Denaby 83 Denaby’s Decisive Victory

Denaby Utd – Castleford  3   Denaby  0 – Castleford’s First Home Victory.

Denaby Utd – Doncaster Rovers  2  Denaby 0 – Doncaster’s Third Success.

Denaby Utd – Rotherham Town 2 Denaby 1

Denaby Utd – Denaby 2  Castleford Town  1 – Denaby on the Up-grade.

Denaby Utd – Denaby 2  Castleford  1 – Enthusiasm at Denaby

Industry and Commerce

Crushed Between Falls – Contractor Killed

Fatal Disobedience – Death in a Subterranean Shaft – Killed by the Cage

Conisborough Baths – Opposition Tactics.


Marconigrams – October 12th, 1912

Marconigrams – October 19th, 1912

Marconigrams – October 26th, 1912

Crime and Courts

Unhappy Home – Glassblower Sent To Prison – Shocking Story

Afraid of the Cadeby Mine – “A Smell of Sulphur and Gas.”

Assault in the Mine

Breach of Rules at Cadeby Pit

Court Briefs

Denaby Main and Conisborough School Irregulars

Drunk and Disorderly

Even More Drunk & Disorderly

Unparliamentary Language

Without A Licence

Mexborough Market Thefts


Denaby Utd – Leeds City Reserve  3  Denaby 0 – Denaby Disappointing


Denaby Landlord’s Failure

Loss to Denaby Main – Popular Cricketer – Tributes to Mr. Percy Bury.


Marconigrams – November 23rd, 1912

Crime and Courts

Another Month

About Dogs.

After Game at Denaby – Rabbits that were “bought”

Breach of Signalling Rules.

Colliery Offences at the Cadeby Pit – A Broken Safety Lamp

Colliery Prosecutions – Destructive Pit Boys

Drunk and Disorderly

Drunk at Denaby

Drunk & Incapable

Game Trespass at High Melton

Goldthorpe Man’s Bad Record

Mexborough Drunks

Mexborough Language

Mexborough Miners

Miners – Do what they Liked

New Conisbrough Woman’s Language

Obscene Language

Other Words.

Special Rule Four – Drawing Timber

Coal Stealing at Conisborough – Precocious Lad – Birch Rod

Assault at Denaby – Dispute Over Money Leads To A Fight


Denaby Utd – Denaby 7  Notts County Reserve  2 – Denaby Brilliant

Denaby Utd – Worksop Town  3  Denaby 1 – Denaby Again Defeated

Denaby Utd – Denaby  0  Chesterfield Res  3 – Champions Successful.

Industry and Commerce

The Cadeby Disaster – End of the Inquiry – Cusworth’s Pocketbook

The Cadeby Disaster – End of the Inquiry – Inspectors Important Conclusions


Conisboro’ Joint Hospital Board – Bentley- Alterations – Medical Officer

Review of the Year – Leading Local Events

Marconigrams – December 07th, 1912

Marconigrams – December 14th, 1912

Review of the Year – Cadeby Disaster – Coal Strike – Royal Visit – Titanic

Crime and Courts

Breach of Contract – Case Dismissed Against Conisbrough Miner

Conisbrough Pit Corporal’s Claim

Court Briefs

Mexborough Mothers Claim

No Ticket – Insurance Agent made to pay – Caught at Conisbrough

Conisbrough Errand Boy – An Interesting Case


Denaby Utd – Sheffield Wednesday Reserve 2 Denaby 2 – Denaby’s Gallant Effort