1905 Quarter 2

Theft of Coal at Conisborough

The Denaby Strike – Was it Bag – dirt? – Was it 10%?

Another Judgement Summons from Denaby

Bazaar at Denaby

Benefit Concert at Conisborough for Blind Sunday School Student

Conisborough Elopement Case – Drink and Black Eyes – Sordid Revelations

Conisborough Notes – English Climate – Court of Appeal

Denaby Main Cricket Club – Annual Dinner and Smoker

Melee at Conisborough Station

New Conisborough Assault

Obstructing The Police At Conisborough – An Unfounded Charge Against The Police

The Hen and The Crab – A Conisborough Fable in Verse

Water Divining Near Conisborough – Gratifying Results of Operations

Denaby Utd – Worksop 1 Denaby 1 – Player Ordered Off

Denaby Utd – Rotherham 1 Denaby 1 – Equalised through Penalty

Denaby Utd – Sheffield Club 1 Denaby 4 – United Win at Wadsley

Denaby Utd – Gresley 1 Denaby 2 – Denaby win 10 minutes from end

Conisborough Men’s Game Trespass and Assault at Wadworth

Wilful Damage at Conisborough

A Disorderly Conisborough Passenger

An Unsupported Charge from New Conisborough

Another Judgement Summons from Denaby

Breach of Colliery Rules at Cadeby

Conisborough Assault – “Will do the time”

Conisborough Baptist Church – Presentation of Prizes

Conisborough Baptist Sunday School.

Denaby Main Rifle Club

Dice Games at New Conisborough

Good Friday at Conisborough

Sad Drowning Accident at Conisborough – Crossing The Ferry

Serious Shooting Accident at Denaby

Denaby & Cadeby – Mitchell Main 81 Denaby 142

Denaby & Cadeby – Rotherham dnb Denaby 63 for 6 – Rain !

Alleged Licensing Offence at Conisborough – “Half and Half” after 14 Pints

Assaulting and Abusing School Attendance Officer at Conisborough

Breach of Colliery Rules at Denaby and Cadeby

Conisborough Parish Council – Recreation ground, Allotments and a Deputation

Court Cases – “Bounce Ball”, Obscene Language, Wilful damage

Court Cases – Fighting At Denaby – Judgement Summonses – Sleeping Out At Cadeby

Cruelty to a Pit Pony at Denaby

Denaby Main District Civilian Miniature Rifle Club.

Denaby Notes – Serious Accident Avoided, Church Anniversary, Denaby Cricket

Mother in Law Assaulted at Conisborough

Trams! – Denaby to Rotherham Route – Early Construction Certain

Whitsuntide at Denaby

Denaby Main Colliery Tour – Background – Strikes and the Battle of Denaby Main

Denaby Main Colliery Tour – Works Above the Ground

Denaby Main Colliery Tour – Below the Ground

Denaby Utd – Annual Dinner – Presentation of Medals

Denaby Utd – Fixtures 1905 / 1906

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 169 for 8 Mexborough 200 for 9 – “Derby Day” at Denaby