
Tour de Conisbrough – All Over the Town

Tour de Conisbrough – Glynn Rawle’s Photographs

Tour de Conisbrough – Men’s Race

Tour de Conisbrough – The Mill Piece

Tour de Conisbrough – Town Centre

Tour de Conisbrough – Woman’s Race

Tour de Conisbrough – Works of Art

Robert Henry Shepard

Denaby & Cadeby Miner’s Memorial Chapel





04 – April

08 – August

Denaby & Cadeby C.C.

Denaby & Cadeby C.C.

Denaby Main C.C.

Mexborough Montagu Cottage Hospital

Baptisms 1559 to 1579

1769 Colliery Materials Sale

1792 Robbery of Denaby Main

1796 Sale of Water Colour Mill

1805 – Marriage – York Herald

1816 – Housebreaking in Conisbrough

1820’s – Stealing Sheep and Death by Apoplexy

1835 – Manslaughter through Drunkenness

1839 – Sheep Story – Sheffield Independant

1842 – Royal Pardon

1845 – Another Fire at Conisbrough – Subscription for Fire Engine

1846 – New Fire Engine Causes Panic

1846 – Wilful and Malicious Damage

1847 – Grand Cricket Match – Sheffield Athenaeum v Conisbrough

1847 – New Organ for Conisbrough Parish Church

1848 – Education – Rev. H.Ellershaw

1849 – Quarry Measurement Challenged

1889 – Child Drowned in a Slop Tub

Crime and Courts

Escaped Out Of Gaol, William Colley, Horse-Stealer.


Denaby Census 1841

Conisborough Census 1841

Crime and Courts

Murder at Swinton.

The Late Murder at Swinton.

1849 – Horrid Charge – Transported for Life

1851 – Sale of Denaby

1851 – Sheep Stealing at Conisbrough


Denaby Census 1851

1852 – Child Drowned

1852 – Death of Lady Francis – Letters of Junius

1853 – Accident on the South Yorkshire Railway

1853 – Sale of Conisbrough Castle

1853 – Theft by 15 year old – 4 months Hard Labour

Industry and Commerce

To Brewers, Innkeepers & Others – Sale of Eagle & Child

Crime and Courts

Death From Lockjaw – Youth Committed to Assizes

1855 – An Old Wife and a Young Husband

1856 – Brutal Attack on Stationmaster

1856 – Missionary Gathering at Conisbrough

1856 – Stealing Soil

1857 – Attempt to blow up Manufactory at Conisbrough

1857 – Sale of the Priory

1857 – Suspected Murder

1858 – Incendary Fires near Conisbrough

1858 – Serious Accident at Conisbrough

1859 – Boy killed on a Railway

1859 – Stealing a bottle of Gin – Three months in Prison

1860 – The Incumbency of Mexborough

1860 – Shooting at Manufactory

1867 – Robbery at Conisbrough

1867 – Manslaughter at Conisbrough


Census Conisborough 1861

Census Denaby 1861

1861 – Discovery of 2 Skeletons at Conisbrough

1861 – Temperance Gathering and Turnip Taking

1862 – Wilful Trespassing and Release of Cattle

1862 – Trespassing for Game

1863 – Sheep Stealing – Case Dismissed

1864 – Sinking of Shaft at Denaby Main

1866 – Aggravated Assault on a Young Woman

1867 – Fatal Fight at Conisbrough

1867 – Frightful Accident to a Gentleman at Conisbrough Castle

1867 – Savage Assault on a Woman

1868 – Denaby Main Coal – Advertisement

1868 – Denaby Main – New Colliery – Company Registered

1868 – Slaughter of Sheep on the South Yorkshire Railway

Industry and Commerce

Two More Fatal Accidents at the Denaby Main Colliery

Fatal Accident at the Denaby Main Colliery

Accident at Denaby Main – Flinders, George

Pit Driver dies of Lockjaw – Laybury, Thomas

Miner’s Festival at Mexborough

Fatal Accident – Fall of Roof in Engine Plane – Nattrass, George & Hough, Joseph

Crime and Courts

Rushing into the Policeman’s Arms

Industry and Commerce

Fatal Accident at Denaby Main – Phipps, John

Fire at the Denaby Main colliery


Census 1871 Conisborough

Census 1871 Denaby

Census – Conisborough – High Street

Crime and Courts

Beer seizure – Extraordinary Revelations – Gallon small quantity


1871 – Fatal Result of Bird Nesting

Crime and Courts

Assaulting the Police

Industry and Commerce

Dawes, Richard – Fatal Accident at Denaby Colliery

James Jackson – Fatal Accident

Appleyard’s Superior Household Funiture (Advert)

1872 – A Warning to Juveniles

1872 – Action for the loss of an Eye

1872 – Assaulting the Police at Denaby

1872 – Breach of Contract

1872 – Colliery Tonnages

1872 – Frederick Raynor – 14 year old Horse Driver dies

1872 – Great Miners Demonstration at Mexbro’

1872 – Henry Jackson – Fall of Bind kills Byeworker

1872 – Mitchell, Robert – Shocking Accident – Cage in Motion

1872 – A Non-Unionist Assaulted by Society Men

1872 – The Homes of Colliers

1872 – Spalding, William – Corve runs over 14 Year old

1873 – Assault on a Police Constable

1873 – British Archaeoligical Congress – Visit to Conisbrough

1873 – British Archaeoligical Congress – Visit to Conisbrough (2)

1873 – Disturbance at Fox Inn – Who’s Master?

1873 – New Mines Regulation Act – Brisk Fires

1873 – New Mines Regulation Act – Carrying Lucifer Matches

1873 – Opening of Workman’s Institute at Denaby Main

1873 – Thunderstorm at Conisbrough

Industry and Commerce

Valuable Copyhold Houses and Freehold Building Land


Youth Struck by Lightning

Accident at Denaby – Internal & External Injuries

Advance of Cabinet Makers’ Wages celebrated by Cricket Match

Cannibalism in Conisbrough

Conisbrough Church Choir

Denaby Miners accept 10% Pay Reduction

Destruction of a Bridge by Fire

Fatal Accidents – Samuel Webster and Joseph Lucas

Fatal Railway Accident

Opening of a Mission Chapel by the Dean of York

Robbery with Violence at Conisbrough

Shocking Accident to a Collier

Shocking Cruelty to a Pony

Single Woman Found Drowned

St Ledger Day – from Sheffield

Wilful Damage by Children at Denaby

Yorkshire Rambles – from Tickhill to Conisbrough

Absenting Themselves from Work without Leave

Colliers Charged – Breach of Rules and Intimidation

Conisbrough Castle Grounds – Wilful Damage by playing Cricket

Fatal Railway Accident at Denaby

Hieroglyphics at Conisbrough Castle

Railway Accident or Typhoid Fever

Trade Secretary Committed

Wounding at Conisbrough – Murderous Assault by Colliers

The Sheffield and Hallamshire Loan and Investment Society

The Terrible Floods – Exciting Scenes at Conisbrough

The Terrible Floods – Great Loss of Life

Action by Denaby Main Colliers

Beerhouse License

Breaches of Colliery Rules

Conisbrough Man found Drowned in Rotherham Canal

Denaby Cricket 1876

Dispute at Denaby Main Colliery

Embezzlement by a Traveller

Great Demonstration of Colliers

Lockout of Yorkshire Glass Bottle Makers

Man found Drowned at Denaby

Miner’s Quarrel – Attacked with Saucepan

New Domesday Book


Child Burnt to Death at Denaby

Crime and Courts

Murderous Assault at Denaby Main

L. Calladine – Fatal Accident at Denaby Main Colliery

New Weslyan Chapel – Laying of Stones

Pleasing Testimonial

The Attempted Wife Murder at Rotherham

The Attempted Wife Murder at Rotherham (2)

Carnforth v Denaby Main

Concert at Denaby Main for Denaby C.C.

Sale of valuable Colliery Horses and Ponies

Stealing Tinned Rabbit – Perjury by Witness

South Yorkshire Coal Trade

Stealing a Gun

Struck in Face with Thick Cloth

Denaby Dispute – Meeting of Men

Denaby Dispute – Settlement

Disturbance by Women

Disturbances by Women & Breach of Contract

Excited Glass Blowers

Apr 10th – Riot at Denaby Main – Heavy Fines – Witness Assaulted

Apr 16th – Denaby Main Riots – Conclusion of Proceedings

Apr 30th – The Clumsy Thieves – A drake and a Duck

Apr 7th – Important Sale of Live and Dead Farming Stock

Apr 9th – Denaby Riots – 122 summonses for Intimidation

May 19th – 9 months for Unlawful Assault

May 2nd – Sheffield Lit. & Philos.Society – Castle at Conisborough

June 15th – Tunnel Worker Dies

June 18th – Glass Bottle Makers in trouble

Bristers Vegetable Pills

Election of Conisbrough School Board

Denaby Sunday School

Suspicious drowning of Denaby Collier

Boy kicked in head by Runaway Horse

H. Hatton – Shocking Death of Boy at Denaby Main

Primitive Methodist Sabbath School Anniversary

Death of Mr William Goodlad

Serious Accident and Burglary at the Glass works

Violent Assault over Pigsty

Church Excursion to Roche Abbey

Cricket Matches in August and September

Church Visit to Wharncliffe Crags

Unlawful Wounding at Conisboro’

Conisboro Assault over Newspaper Supplement

Assault by a Collier

Assaults at Denaby

Black Sheep Assaulted

Industry and Commerce

Denaby Main – Notice to Quit Houses


Opening of a New Wesleyan Chapel at Conisbrough

Crime and Courts

A Dangerous Practice


1878 – 27% Reduction in Pay

Assaulting a Policeman who Interfered

Colliery Accident – Edward Roddy

James Whittaker of Coinisboro’ Again

Suicide on Railway at Conisboro’

The Case for a Police Station at Conisboro’


Nine Year old Boy Burned to Death at Denaby.

Bowling a Turnip – Assault at Conisboro’

Conisboro’ School Board – Letter of Resignation

Drunk and Riotous at Conisboro’

Drunken Woman at Conisboro’

Mischievous Boys

Selling Beer without a Licence

Stealing Quick Wood at Conisboro’

Conisboro’ School Board – New School Mistress

Fatal Accident at Denaby Main – William Harthill

Pocket Picking at Conisboro’ Station

Pocket Picking at Conisbro’ Station – The true story of the Recapture

Miners Meeting – 200 Men Present

Assault by Stones and Names at Conisboro’

Conisboro’ Cricket

Gambling at Conisboro’ on Good Friday

Good Friday

Heavy Punishment of Pickpockets

Strange Theft by Heartless Daughter

Threatening Language among Women at Conisboro’

Troublesome Customers at the Reresby Arms

University Students at Conisborough

Whooping Cough

Meeting at Denaby – Mr Rymer’s Accident

Absenting Himself from Service

Accidents at Denaby Main

Conisboro’ and Denaby Cricket

Meeting of Miners – Speaker falls down Stairs

Unrequited Hospitality

Damaging Grass at Conisboro’

Accident at Denaby Main

Discovery of Bones of Extinct Animals at Conisbrough.

Obtaining Two Shillings by False Pretences

The Feast

Great Meeting at Mexborough – Men given Notice

Cutting & Wounding by a Drunken Man at Denaby

Great Meeting of Miners from Denaby Main

Dispute Settled

Excursion of the Church of England Temperance Society

Temperance Society – American Speakers

Uncle Tom’s Cabin at the Methodist Church

Dispute – Circular from Miners

Dispute: Mass Meeting – Lock Out at Denaby

Dispute – State of Families and Businesses Sad

Dispute – Offer over a Whiskey Jug

Dispute – Police in Attendance at Colliery

Joseph ‘Salty’ Thompson – An Old Offender

Joseph ‘Salty’ Thompson – Rabbits

Local Honours at the Paris Exhibition – Kilner Brothers

The Working of the Game Laws

Throwing a Dog on a Fire at Denaby

Dispute – Workmen’s Circular

Dispute – Whisky Jug Discussions

Castle Football Club Paper Chase

Dispute – New Dispute over Check Weighman

Dispute – Dispute Settled for 5% – Another Dispute

Dispute – Dispute continues – Policemen at Pit

Dispute – Settlement of the Denaby Main Dispute.


1879 – Dispute Settled – Another 5% Reduction

1879 Outburst of Gas

The Denaby Main Miners and the Alleged Robbery of Coal.

Dispute – Tommy Tickets

Dispute – Strike Continues Distress Severe

Dispute – Dispute Settled 5% Reduction

Dispute – Opposition to Decision of Council.

Dispute – Letter to Public

Crime and Courts

Neglecting to Maintain His Wife.

Conviction of a Farmer for not Reporting ‘ Scab. ‘

Industry and Commerce

Denaby Main Colliery Dispute.- Determined Opposition To The Decision Of The Council.

Settlement of the Denaby Main Colliery Dispute.

Dispute – Settlement of Denaby Dispute.


Parkwood Springs 5 Conisborough Castle 0

Disgraceful Public House Row – Alleged Cannibalism

Matrimonial Quarrel at Conisborough

Temperance Meeting

Threatening the Underviewer

Castle FC – Conisborough Castle v Exchange Brewery

Castle FC – Pamona v Conisborough Castle

Industry and Commerce

Forcible Ejectment of Miners at Denaby


Ivanhoe on the Football Nuisance

Crime and Courts

Poor Law Act at Conisbrough


Conisborough Castle FC – Conisbrough Castle  0 Parkwood Springs 3

Conisborough Castle FC – General Meeting and Challenge Cup

Band of Hope at Temperance Society

Commital for Three Months

Good Friday at Conisborough – 20,000 People Present

Good Friday Disorder – Alleged Assault

Good Friday Disorder – Refusing to Quit

Weslyan Sabbath School Anniversary

Miners Association 500 – Attend Public Tea

Conisborough Castle Football Club

Denaby Cricket Club

Juveniles Single Wicket Match

Permitting Drunkedness at Conisborough

Pitch & Toss Playing at Denaby – The Use of a Wife

Refusal to Quit – Serial Offender

Robbery from a Butcher’s Shop at Denaby

Conisborough CC – Mexborough 88 Conisborough 46

Conisborough CC – Conisbrough 92 for 5 Rawmarsh Church 29

Denaby Main – Kilnhurst 72 for 4 Denaby Main 53

Denaby Main – Denaby 15 Mexborough 101 – Poor Batting Display


Conisborough Cricket Engagements

Meeting of the Gas Company

Sale of Work and Fancy Articles – Lady Milton attends

Proposed Reduction of 10% – Mechanics Quit

Cricket – Conisborough C.C. – July 1879

Joseph Griffiths – Fell from Gangway

Kelly v Thompson – Runaway Boy

Proposed Reduction of Wages at Denaby Main Colliery

Row between Married Women at Denaby

Treat to Tenants

Crime and Courts

An Old Offender

Church of England Temperance Trip

Fatal Accident at Denaby Main Crossing

Light v Darkness – Gas Lights on Station Road

Meeting of School Board – Candidates for New Clerk


The Melancholy Death of Mr. John Hudson – Coroner’s Inquest.

Industry and Commerce

Inquest Denaby.

Cricket – Denaby Main C.C.

Fatal Accident at Denaby Colliery

Miners Permanent Relief Fund

Pugilistic Waiter at Denaby

Alarming outbursts of gas at Denaby Main colliery.

Breach of Rules at Denaby Main – Tobacco and Matches

Conisborough 1 Thornhill 4

Conisborough 5 Doncaster GNR 0 – Conisbro’ Challenge Cup

Conisborough School Board – New Schoolmistress – Sewing Success

Single Cricket Match – All England Player Defeated

Temperance Lecture – Beware of Pickpockets

Threatened Neighbour for withholding Sweep Money

Attack on Conisborough Glass Blowers – Full Story

Attack on Conisborough Glass Blowers – Magistrates Court

Charge against Conisborough Contractor – No Signalman

Breaking a Man’s Nose – Conisborough Glassblower

Conisborough 1 Lunar Rovers 2

Entertainment by 100 Children at the Board School

Missionary Sermons – Thorough Success

Pictorial Diorama at Denaby

Denaby Glittering Star C.C.

1880 – Request for the return of the 5% and 1000 Out of Work

Industry and Commerce

Denaby Main Miners – Excellent Repast – Request for 5%

Crime and Courts

An Unhappy Married Couple at Denaby

Important Meeting Of Denaby Main Miners. – The Five Percent Question

Alleged Theft by Farm Servants

An Alarming Epidemic of Measles at Denaby

Feb – Outbreak of Measles – Water at Denaby

The Hunt – An Accident with a Donkey at Conisborough

The Hunt – An Exciting Chase

The Trickery of a Birmingham Traveller – Trapped at Conisborough

Water Supply Startling Statements – Alleged deaths from Impure Water.

A Landlady and her Lodger at Denaby

Conisborough Castle Football Challenge Cup – Conisborough 1 Doncaster 0

Fatal Accident at Denaby – Jas. Morris

Service of Song at Conisborough – The Pilgrim Fathers

Denaby Glittering Star – Kilnhurst White Rose, Mexborough Red, White and Blue, Mexborough (seconds)

Conisborough Glassblowers causing an Affray

Cruelty to Horses on Good Griday

Felony by a Lodger at Denaby.

Glassblower Brothers in Trouble at Conisborough

Stealing corn at Conisborough.


Castle Cricket Club Concert

A Stack Set on Fire by a Lad at Conisborough.

Allen and another v Bamford

Castle Ruins attracts Visitors by Boat and Waggonette

Rent Dinner at Denaby – Speeches on Agriculture and Local Questions

Sale of Conisborough Windmill

The New Church, Cemetery and Reading Room at Denaby.

Industry and Commerce

Shocking Fatality at Denaby Main – Joseph Stacey

An Aggravated Assault upon a Woman at Conisborough.

Conisborough Gas Company – Annual Meeting

Determined to Break his Neck

Irregularities in School Attendance at Conisbrough

Land and Property Sale

The Recent Application by the Denaby Main Colliery – The Economist

Denaby GS – Kilnhurst White Rose

Assaulting a Father at Conisborough Feast.

Conisborough Feast

Conisborough Fishmonger Drunk and Disorderly – No Appearance.

Conisborough Glassblower Drunk and Asleep in Hedge Bottom.

Disorderly and Refusing to Quit Licensed Premises at Denaby.

Insulted by a Beggar at Cadeby – Prison for 21 days

Miner’s Trip – Liverpool and New Brighton

School Board Election – Notice on Church and Chapel Doors

School Board Election – Result

Singular Adventure on a Steam Yacht.

The Claim for Wages by a Conisborough Farm Labourer.

Wesleyan Anniversary – Public Meeting and Children’s Games


Death of Mr Thomas Henry Simpson.

Industry and Commerce

Fatal Accident at Denaby – John Wall


Conisborough C.C. – Well beaten by Mexborough, July 1880

Denaby GS – Mexborough Red, White and Blue and Swinton

Accident at the Colliery – Run over by Tubs

Death of Oldest Inhabitant – The Man who escorted Sir Walter Scott

The Fraud by a Commercial Traveller – Leeds Assizes

13 Year Old Lamp Cleaner fatally burned at Denaby

Conisborough Floral and Horticultural Show.

Damaging Growing Grass

Sad Bathing Fatality at Conisborough

Stack Fire

Theft of Money by a Denaby Collier.


The Fatal Accident in Conisborough Tunnel.

Crime and Courts

Conisborough Glassblowers After Potatoes.

Denaby Main Colliery – Wages Reduction – Banksmen Strike

Mexborough Victoria v Conisborough – “off side” dispute

Murderous Assault at Station Hotel – Trial

Strike at Denaby Main Colliery

The 5% Question – the Sliding Scale – the Coming Prosperity.


Youthful Shepherdess – “Bo Peep” drove 20 Sheep to Sheffield

Industry and Commerce

Serious Accident at the Colliery


Conisborough School Board – Attendance Officer’s Salary

Floods – Serious Floods in the District.

Crime and Courts

Theft of Turnips at Conisborough.

Accident at Pit on Day of Marriage

Fatal Accident at Denaby – John Wood

Floods – Conisborough Works under Water

Floods – Narrow Escape from Drowning at Denaby.

Floods – The Colliery Flooded and the Railway Embankment in Danger.

Murderous Assault at Station Hotel

Neglecting to Maintain a Wife at Conisborough

Bastardy Case from Conisborough.

Conisborough Castle

Doncaster v Conisborough – Conisborough Beaten for First Time

Notorious Character from Conisborough.

Outrage on the Highway

Quarrel over a Knurr and Spell Match at Conisborough.

Dispute – 800 Men and Boys under Notice.

Dispute – 1000 Hands out of Work

Industry and Commerce

Dispute – Indignation – What is the Cause?

Dispute – State of Affairs at Denaby – 800 hands under notice.

Dispute – The Crisis at Denaby Main Colliery – What is the Cause?

Dispute – 800 men given notice

Assaulting the Denaby Policeman

06 June – Denaby Main Red Rose, Swinton Wild Violet, Thrybergh Park

Good Friday at Conisborough

Unfriendly Conisbroites

Unhappy Married Couple at Denaby

Wesleyan Sunday School Anniversary.

1881 Black Sheep, Sliding Scales & Pony Drivers Strike

Singular Drowning Case – The Results of Spitting.


Shocking Accident on the Railway at Doncaster

W Rice Oxley Obtains Degree at Oxford


Water v Alcohol – Wesleyan Band of Hope

Census 1881 – High Street

Library and Reading Room by G.E. Swithenbank

Industry and Commerce

Dispute – Appeal for Support

Dispute – Letter from Buckingham Pope

Dispute – The 5% , Packing Pay and 3 Meetings

Dispute – The Railway’s Response

Dispute – Denaby Main Miners – The Men on Strike

Dispute – First – Meeting of the Men.

Dispute – Second Meeting of the Men

Dispute – Third Meeting of the Men


Conisborough v Swinton Albion – Kicked a Goal to win the Match

Industry and Commerce

Dispute – The Crisis at Denaby – Chuck ’em into t’Cut !

Horticultural and Cottage Gardeners Association.

Temperance Meeting.

The Storm

Dispute – Decision of the Council

Dispute – The Relief Fund – How Matters now Stand

Dispute – A ‘Scene’ at the Colliery

Dispute – Manager’s Desire to Settle Matters Reported

Dispute – Miners to Return to Work

Dispute – ‘Scene’ with Visitors

Industry and Commerce

Colliery Accidents – Henry Poxon and Maurice Dunn

The Fire Engine.


Conisborough Primitive Methodist Chapel Anniversary. (video)

Crime and Courts

Collier sent to Prison for Neglect of Family.

Conisborough Farm Labourer Assaulted.


Denaby Main C.C. – Election of Officers

Meeting Of Denaby Main Miners – Sliding Scale

Meeting Of Denaby Main Miners – Sliding Scale (2)

Drunkenness – P.C. takes Drunk in Wheelbarrow to Mexborough

Fatal Accident at the Colliery – 17 year old Thomas Dagnall

Shove Tuesday Football at Conisborough

Industry and Commerce

Colliery Accident. – Cage Conductor Broke


Conisborough Horticultural Gardeners Society.

Conisborough School Board – Staff and Salary Reduction

Crime and Courts

Assaulting a Miner and his Wife at Denaby.

Alleged Murderous Assault at Conisborough.

Alleged Murderous Attack upon a Farmer at Conisborough.

Brutal Treatment of a Pony

Conisborough 4 Eastwood 2

Conisborough Public Houses – Police Raids

Conisborough School Board

Drunk on Good Friday at Conisborough.

Football Dispute – Doncaster v Conisborough

Good Friday

Methodist Anniversary

Proposed Reduction in the Miners Wages

Publicans Charged

Riots at the Denaby Main Colliery – Grave Allegations against Company.

Season’s Fixtures

Season’s Fixtures

Serious Charges against Collier

Traction Engine on the Highway at Conisborough

Young Woman found Drowned in River

Dispute – Proposed Reduction In Wages At Denaby Main Colliery.

Dispute – Meeting with Manager

Denaby Main – Bethel Church 51 Denaby 57 for 6

Assaulting a Denaby Lad because he refused to sing.

Drunk on Licensed Premises

Kilner Brothers win Order of Merit

Lady Like Proceedings at Conisborough.

Conisborough CC – Conisborough 69 Aldwarke 50

Conisborough CC – Mexborough 66 Conisborough 38

Denaby Main – Mexborough 81 Denaby 101

Denaby Main – Thrybergh Park 63 Denaby 80

Denaby Main – Denaby 48 Attercliffe 32

Denaby Main – Denaby 168 v Doncaster White Star

Denaby Main – Denaby 89 Eastwood 24 – Rudkin 6 for 8

Denaby Library – Every neet


Good Friday – More Drunkeness

Lively Proceedings at Conisborough

Suicide of a Young Woman at Conisborough.

Conisborough CC – Kilnhurst 136 Conisborough 51

Conisborough CC – Greasborough 56 Conisborough 53 for 5

Denaby Main – Denaby 44 Parkgate 5

Denaby Main – Wath Oil Mills 39 for 5 Denaby 51

Pony Drivers Dispute – Pony Drivers Walk Out

Pony Drivers Dispute – Return to Work

Denaby Main C.C. – Mexborough, Eastwood View and Kilnhurst

Drunk and disorderly at Conisborough – “Taking the Village by Storm”

Garden Robberies at Conisborough.

More Glassblowers in Trouble

Neglecting to send Children to school

Perilous Position of 16 Miners at Denaby.

Pony Drivers Dispute – Pit Stopped

Pony Drivers Dispute – Singular Proceedings.

Riotous proceedings at Conisborough.

Sale of Contents of Castle Inn, Building Materials, Carts, Pony and Fowls

Sale of Growing Grass

Shocking Accident at Denaby – Joseph Morgan

The Sports

Wilful Damage of Gooseberry Trees at Conisborough.

Crime and Courts

Unlawfully Trespassing at Conisborough.

Conisborough Floral and Horticultural society

Damaging Mown Grass at Conisborough.

Application for an Ejectment Warrant against a Denaby Miner

Drunk and Assaulting the Police at Conisborough.

Fatal Colliery Accident – Michael Burke

Stealing apples from an Orchard at Conisborough.

Alleged Indecent Assault

Alleged Indecent Assault by a Certifed Colliery Manager at Denaby.

Conisbrough Parish Church Harvest Festival.

Denaby Miner’s Inquest – James Shelton

Denaby Red Rose

Furnishing of the Ministers House – Wesleyan Methodism at Conisborough.

Married Ladies Falling Out at Conisbrough.

Outrage upon a Young Girl at Denaby.

Mexborough Constable Assaulted by a Denaby Collier

Mexborough Red Rose v Denaby Red Rose.

Robbery of Eight Sheep at Conisbrough

York Assizes – The Alleged Criminal Assault

Caution to Owners of Cattle.

Conisborough News

Denaby Red Rose v Mexborough Red White and Blue

Drunk in Charge of a Horse

Narrow Escape of the Denaby Main Colliery Manager.

Temperance and Evangelistic services.


Conisborough Farmer and his Servant.

Conisborough Wesleyan Sunday School Annual Tea.

Denaby Colliers and the Game in the Wood.

Denaby “Corporal” attacked by Pony Drivers.

Parish Church Tea

Parish Church Tea

Whose was the Rabbit ?

Industry and Commerce

Sale of Rock House, Conisborough

Crime and Courts

Charges of Stealing Eight Sheep.

Disgraceful Proceedings in Conisborough Churchyard.

Farmer Assaults Servant at Conisborough

Followers of Bacchus

Infringement of the Highway Act at Conisborough

Married Woman “Lost” at Conisborough.

Mr Warburton on the Healthiness of Coal Mining

Travelling from Doncaster to Conisborough without a Ticket.


Presentation to Mr Arthur Simpson, of Conisborough.

Children’s Entertainment for Scripture Classes

Denaby Main C.C.

Drunk and Hell Fire

Parish Meeting

The Late Strike at Denaby – Claim for Goods Supplied

Whose was the Rabbit ?

Conisborough Castle on Good Friday

Denaby C.C. Concert

Concert – It Makes a Man Feel Like a Fool

Concert – Hark, Hark the Lark

Concert – Within a Mile of Edinburgh Town

An Unhappy Daughter.

Assault with Spade

Cheating the Railway

Conisborough Households in Dispute – Charges Made

Mexborough 160 v Conisborough

Sale of freehold property

The Double D’s.

The Wounded Pony

Wath Oil Mills 37 Denaby Main 56

Violent Denaby Miner

Conisborough Funeral Society

Conisborough Households in Dispute – The family row.

Dense Smoke

The Pawned Watch.

Alleged Robbery from a garden and the Colliery Thief

An Objectionable Traveller

Assaults and Violent Folk

Conisborough Feast

Conisborough Feast Time – Drunkards and fighters.

Go as you Please

On the Streets – Month in Wakefield

Sale of the Priory

An Early Tippler

Conisborough Show.

Is the Denaby Recreation Ground Private?

Sales of Castle Inn and Bone Mill

School Board – Primitive Methodist Charges and School Holidays

The Duke of Leeds Lodge of Oddfellows.

Visit of the Sheffield naturalists

The Bottle Works

Application for Licences – Conisborough and the Race Week

Conisborough Traction Engine Puffing.

Licensing Day – More beer for the Denaby men

Miners meeting at Denaby

Robbery in a Beanfield

Stabbing at a Farmer in Conisborough

Wesleyans Marry

The Police Station Begun.

Homeless in Conisborough

A Stray Sovereign

Crime and Courts

Denaby “Corporal” attacked by Pony Drivers.

Church Restoration – Bazaar at Doncaster Yesterday

The Man Killed at Denaby

Pony Whipping in Denaby

Wesleyan Entertainment

Conisborough Primitive Methodist Concert (videos)

Fatality in Denaby Main

Fatality in Denaby Main – John Barker

Conisborough Flower Show

Conisborough New Cemetery

Conisborough Police Station – Accepted Tender

Conisborough Police Station – Action against Contractor

Conisborough School Board – Christmas Holidays and Certificates

Conisborough’s New Railway station

Findings are stealing?

Heavily Penalty for Cruelty to a Pony at Denaby.

The Guardian of the Poor for Conisbro’


18 Year Old Girl Killed at Conisborough Station

Industry and Commerce

Conisborough Priory, Near Doncaster.

14 Year Old boy run over by Corve – Thomas Morris

Industry and Commerce

Sad Death of a Keel Captain at Denaby.


Denaby Glittering Star – Altofts, Doncaster White Rose & Star, Barnsley White Lily

Industry and Commerce

Trammer Killed at Denaby – Douglas Cox

12 – December 19th – Men given Notice – 25% Reduction demanded

Industry and Commerce

Meeting Of The Miners. – Miners Unanimously oppose Reduction

Dispute Cause – Meeting Of The Miners – Men unanimously oppose Reduction

Startling Conditions – Overcrowding and Infection

Conisboro’ Parish Church – Christmas and New Year Services

Conisboro’ Wesleyan Sunday School – Annual Tea and Soiree

Outbreak of Smallpox at Denaby

The Fruits of Leaving the Teetotal Band

Dispute Cause – Proposed Revision of Price at Denaby Main Colliery – Men given Notice

Dispute Week 1 – Meeting with W.H. Chambers

Industry and Commerce

Dispute Week 1 – Bringing Out the Tools

Dispute Week 1- The Strike Begins

Dispute Week 2 – Distress amongs Miners

Dispute Week 2 – Employers View – Colliery Guardian

Dispute Week 3 – Distress from Cold, Hunger and Disease

Dispute Week 3 – Impending Evictions – Outbreak of Smallpox

Dispute Week 3 – Letter from Pope – Delegation to meet

Dispute Week 3 – Unsuccessful Attempt To Settle The Difficulty

Dispute Week 4 – Meeting of Miners – Nothing more to add

Dispute Week 5 – Latest News

Dispute Week 5 – Miners Weeting – Distribution of Bread – Black Sheep – Small Pox

Setting Fire to a Stack

Denaby Collier Enjoying Himself

Denaby Miners and the Doncaster Corporation – Guildhall Refused

Entertainment for Cricket Club at Conisbrough

Highway offence

Dispute 06 – February 6th – More Smallpox Cases

Dispute 07 – February 13th – Dispute into Sixth Week

Dispute 09 – February 27th – Meeting & Calculation of Proposed Reduction

Denaby Utd – Lincoln 0 Denaby Utd 2

Doughty Denaby

Dispute – March 6th – Dispute now 2 Months – Attempt to Re Open Pit

Dispute – March 13th – Ejection Notices Issued

Dispute – March 13th – Meeting with Buckingham Pope

Dispute – March 20th – Application for Ejectment Orders

Dispute – March 20th – Alleged intimidation by Denaby Miners

Dispute – March 20th – Ejectment Orders

Dispute – March 27th – Expected Encampment Of Ejected Families

Dispute – March 27th – Alleged Intimidation at Denaby Main (2)

Industry and Commerce

Dispute – Alleged Intimidation at Denaby Main (1)

Interesting Presentation at Conisbrough – Mr Shutt

Dispute – April 3rd – Miners Meeting – Dispute with Mr Chappell

Dispute – April 10th – Ministers Distress

Dispute – April 10th – 50 Families Evicted

Dispute – April 17th – 700 Persons Turned Out

Dispute – April 17th – The Aftermath

Dispute – April 24th – Decision to Join Barnsley Association – Stormy Meeting

Dispute – April 24th – Denaby Curate relieves Distress

Dispute – April 24th – Great distress among the Miners

Dispute – April 24th – Meeting with Mr Chambers – Strangers to Start Work

Dispute – April 24th – Mr Chappell answers the Charges

Dispute – April 24th – Miners Demonstration at Brampton Bierlow

Dispute – May 1st – Arrival of New Workmen – Unprecedented Scenes

Dispute – May 1st – Exciting Scenes – Arrival of New Workmen

Dispute – May 8th – Great Distress amongst Families

Dispute – May 8th – No Black Sheep – More Distress

Dispute – May 8th – Question in the Commons

Dispute – May 8th – Sad Scene – More Evictions – The Encampment

Dispute – May 15th a – Arrival of New Workmen

Dispute – May 15th b – Looking after the new Workmen

Dispute – May 15th d – Summonses issued for Compelling

Dispute – May 15th e – Deputation Requested

Dispute – May 15th f – Rev T.J. Leslie – Barnsley Association

Dispute – May 15th g – Fresh Batch of Workmen

Dispute – May 15th c – Buckingham Pope in the Daily Telegraph and replies

Dispute – May 15th i – Mr Leslie and the Rotherham Bench

Dispute – May 22nd a – Delegation meets with Mr Pope

Dispute – May 22nd b – Refusal of Employers Terms

Dispute – May 22nd c – More Cornish Workmen

Dispute – May 22nd d – Scene on the River Don

Dispute – May 22nd d – An offer from Mr Pope

Dispute – May 22nd e – Address by Benjamin Pickard

Dispute – May 22nd f – House of Commons question

Dispute – May 22nd g – Probable Closing of the Colliery

Dispute – May 22nd h – The Men and the Proposed Closure

Dispute – May 22nd i – Reply from Mr Burt

Dispute – May 22nd j -Excitement At Denaby – More new Workmen

Dispute – May 22nd k – Rev T.J.Leslie’s Work Continues

Dispute – May 29th a – The Cornishmen go back

Dispute – May 29th b – Another Interview with the Manager

Dispute – May 29th c – Threatened Collapse Of Negotiations

Dispute – May – Correspondance – They all have a say

Denaby Mans Accident to his Skull

Doing Damage to a Wheat field

Drunk and Disorderly at Conisbrough

Game Trespass

Horses Astray

Keeping a Dog without a Licence

Novel Felony – Boy Drank Milk from Cow

Theft of Milk at Conisborough

Whit Monday Procession at Denaby

Dispute – June 5th – Decision to close Pit

Dispute – June 5th – Meeting of the Topmen

Dispute – June 12th – Alleged Intimidation

Dispute – June 12th – Sale of Pit Ponies

Dispute – June 12th – The Relief Fund for the Distressed Families at Denaby Main

Dispute – June 19th – Colliery still recruiting – Ponies out to Grass

Dispute – June 26th – Mexborough Feast – Arrival of new Workmen

Dispute – June 26th – Return of the Staffordshire Men

Conisbrough Assault on the Police

Conisborough Castle – Ecroyd Smith

Conisbrough Feast and its Visitors

Defrauding the Railway Company

Denaby Main Drunkenness

Dispute – July 3rd – New Terms offered by Men

Dispute – July 10th – Arrival of more Staffordshire Men

Dispute – July 10th – Commencement of Disturbances

Dispute – July 17th – Battle of Denaby Main – Desperate Fight – Revolver Shots

Dispute – July 17th – Retreat of the Staffordshire Men

Dispute – July 17th – Gathering of Denaby Main and Staffordshire Miners

Dispute – July 17th – More New Hands – Men Return to Work

Dispute – July 17th – The Disturbances At Denaby Main.

Dispute – July 17th – Rake & Pan system

Dispute – July 17th – Support for Grievances – House of Lord’s Condemnation

Dispute – July 24th – The Riotous Proceedings at Denaby Main

Dispute – July 24th – The Recent Riot at Denaby Main

Dispute – July 24th – Return to Work – History of the Lock Out

Dispute – July 31st – Pit slowly returning to Normal

Dispute – July 31st – The Great Distress of the Evicted Miners at Denaby

A Loving Couple

Alleged Attempted Murder at Sprotborough

Alleged Discovery of Dynamite at Denaby Main

Conisborough Flower Show


Horses Straying on the Highway

Staffordshire Man in Trouble at Denaby

Unprovoked and Cowardly Assault

Dispute – August 7 – Arrival Of Staffordshire Men

Dispute – August 14 – Meeting of the Denaby Main Miners – Mr Pickard on the situation

Dispute – August 14 – Mr Chappell Intervenes

Dispute – August 14 – Riots at Denaby Main

Dispute – August 28 – Mr Chappell and the Denaby Miners

Dispute – August 28 – Work at Another Colliery

Damaging Growing Grass

Denaby Main Sunday School Anniversary

Drunkenness – A Stranger Taken in – Drunk on the Highway

Game Trespass – 24 Previous Convictions

Strangers in Doncaster – “Knob sticks” in Trouble

Knocked Insensible Collecting Mushrooms – A Serious Mistake

Quarrels of Denaby Miners – Arguments with Strangers

Two Imposters get Hard Labour

Dispute – Mr Chappell and the South Yorkshire and North Derbyshire Miners Association

Dispute – Mr Pickard on the Situation – Miners Meeting at Mexborough

Embezzlement by Servant

Another Wanderer at Denaby

Conisborough Reading Room

Conisborough School Board – New Girl’s Mistress – Tenders for Partition Wall

Conisborough Wesleyan Chapel Anniversary

Cruelly Ill-Treating a Pony

Floods in South Yorkshire

Inquest at Clifton – Man on Horseback Dies

Man Shot at by a Boy Near Conisborough

Mischievous Boys at Denaby

Mr W. S. Shelley, Doncaster Liberal Candidate

Denaby Main – Mexborough Victoria 2 Denaby 5

Alleged Illegal Sale of Fireworks at Conisborough

Alleged Theft of a Tub at Denaby Main

Conisborough School Board – Apology from Liberal Chairman

Conservative Address by the Honourable A.E.G. Hardy – Disorderly Proceedings (picture)

Crowther’s Consulting Chemist

Curious Speech at Conisborough

Licence Offence at Conisborough

Meeting of the Denaby Main Miners last Night

Strike Imminent for Miners of Yorkshire

Unforgiving Neighbour

Crime and Courts

Alleged Theft of Coat – Carter sent to Assizes

The Alleged Brutal Assault at Barnburgh

A Horse Drowned in the Don

Conisborough School Board

Conisborough United Brass Band Entertainment (video)

Cowardly Assault on a Denaby Woman

Denaby Main Coal Company v Manchester, Sheffield & Lincs Railway – House of Lords

Drunk and Quarrelsome – A Foolish Trick

Striking a “black sheep” at Denaby Main

Tea and Concert at Old Denaby Mission Room (poem and video)

Valuable Freehold Properties for Sale in Conisborough


A Conisborough Obstruction Case

Annual Tea and Concert at the Wesleyan Chapel

Co-operative Conference at Denaby Main

Denaby Main Cricket Club Annual Meeting – Election of Officers

Important to Publicans

Kilner Bros Festivities at Conisbrough

Leaving a Horse and Horse

Master and Servant

Neglecting Parents at Conisborough

New Year’s Festivities at the Parish Church

The Denabyites Again

Crime and Courts

Extraordinary Conduct of a Policeman at Conisborough

Proposed New Church – Church Tea At Denaby Main.

Conisborough Clerk Charged With Embezzlement And Forgery.

Board School Children’s Concert (video)

Conisborough Gospel Temperance Mission.

Health of Rural Districts – Smallpox at Denaby – Water at Conisborough

Meeting of Denaby Main Miners – Sliding Scale – 6d Per Ton Rate

Sunday School Tea and Entertainment

Traction Engine without Name and Standing Too Long

W.H. Chambers Complains About the Police

Crime and Courts

Denaby Miners At Variance

Denaby Main and the Police – Letters

A Violent Vagrant

Adulterated Whiskey

An Uncorrigible Offender at Denaby Pit

Assault By An Ex-Police Officer

Careless Pony Driver – Valuable Pony Destryoed

Concert At Denaby

Concert to Relieve Distress at Conisboro’

Conisboro’ School Board.

Conisboroites at Variance

Cruelty To A Pony At Denaby Main

Dangerous Practice at Denaby Main

Lively Parish Meeting At Conisbro’ – Footpaths and Waywardens

Over-Watered Gin and Whisky

Permanent Relief Fund

Serious Offence At Denaby Main Colliery.

Denaby Main and the Police – W H Chambers

Parish Meeting at Conisborough – Stormy Proceedings

Accident at Denaby Main Colliery

Assault in a Mine

Breach of Colliery Rules

Conisborough Inhabitant’s Grievance

Cruelty to a Pony at Denaby Pit

Denaby Main Reading Room

Parish Meeting at Conisborough – Meeting that was Adjourned

Sad Case of Burning at Denaby Main

Shocking Accident at the Conisborough Glass Works

Selling Objectionable Prints

Exciting Chase after Poachers at Denaby

Conisbrough Visitors

The Fatal Accident at Denaby Main Colliery

Shocking State of Depravity

The Traction Engine Nuisance Again

The Floods in Denaby and Conisborough – Thursday

The Floods in Denaby and Conisborough – Friday

The Floods in Denaby and Conisborough – Saturday

Denaby Main – Denaby Main 81 for 2 Thrybergh 52

Denaby Main – Tinsley 72 for 7 Denaby Main 64


Colliery Offences – Safety Lamp – Deputy Orders – Chaining Corves – Death of Pony

Conisboro’ Men At Wadworth Feast

Conisboro’ School Board – No Contest for New Board

Conisborough Cricket Team

Cruelty To Ponies At Denaby Colliery

Disorderly And Refusing To Quit

Police Court Civilities – Pigs Straying

Trinity Sunday and the Queen’s Anniversary

Wesleyan Anniversary At Conisboro’

Whitsuntide Festivities – Old Denaby

Mass meeting of Denaby Main Colliers – Pit Set Down by the Fillers

Assault in Denaby Pit

Conisborough School Board

Denaby Main Colliery Company v Protector Lamp and Lighting Company

Extraordinary Conduct of a Police Sergeant

Family Affairs at Conisborough

Fatal Accident at Denaby – John Dagnall

Flower Service at Conisborough

Opening of a New Library and Institute at Denaby Main

Property in the Market at Conisborough

Shop Lifter Surprised at Conisborough

Visit of 600 Botanists (picture)

Conisborough 133 v Attercliffe 23 for 2

Conisborough v Mexborough 169 for 7

Amusing Horse and Cart Case from Conisborough.

Determined Suicide at Conisborough

Fire at Denaby Main Colliery

Madman at Mexborough – Denaby Main Dataller Conveyed to Wadsley Asylum.

Suicide at Conisborough

The Denaby Institute – Means for Recreation and Amusement

Wilful Damage to Growing Peas by Youths

Crime and Courts

Murder of a Policeman – Neighbourhood Searched for Murderer (pictures)


Denaby Main Fillers Dispute – Prosecution of 70 Fillers

Denaby Main Fillers Dispute – Meetings Final Decision – Arbitration Desired

Denaby Main Fillers Dispute – Important Meeting of Miners

Denaby Main Strikes and Lock outs – A Retrospect

Aggravated Assaults at Conisborough – A Woman Stabbed

Conisborough Constable Censured

Fatal Accident at Denaby – Thomas Green

Lecture at Conisborough – “How to get on in the world.”

Man Given a Lift and Steals Coat

Outbreak of Swine Fever at Denaby Main

Voters in the Rotherham Division – Another Overseer Fined

Industry and Commerce

Water Dispute at Conisborough – Holywell Spring

Crime and Courts

Murder of a Policeman – Search and Escape (pictures)

Murder of a Policeman – The Murder (picture)

Murder of a Policeman – Capture of Murphy at Kingstone Place (pictures)

Alleged Threats at Denaby

Breach of a Special Rule at Denaby Main Colliery

Breach of Colliery Rules – Boy’s Misdemeanors

Denaby Miners and “Rakes And Pans.”

Harvest Festivals at Denaby

Hawking without a Licence

Important to Publicans – Use of Measures at the ‘Eagle and Child’ and the ‘Station’

Non Payment of Poor Rates – Hard Lines

Parish Affairs – Streets in Utter Darkness

Recent Strike of Fillers at Denaby Main Colliery

Shocking Accident on the Railway at Denaby

Threatening a Woman at Denaby

Conisborough Ironstone.

Mischievous Trapper

Denaby Colliery Set Down Again

Serious Accident to a Boat Hauler

Accident with Elephants at Conisborough.

Chrysanthemum Show at Conisborough

Conisborough Castle – The Keep and Curtain Wall (picture)

Conisborough Castle – The Mason’s Marks

Denaby Main Miners and the Altofts Colliery Explosion

Kilnhurst 1 Denaby Main 2

Row About a Sixpence

Service of song

Conisborough – The Discovery of Iron Ore

Conisboro’ Board School Concert – Prize Pupil

Assault At Denaby Main

Assault On The Highway At Conisboro.

Charge Of Obstructing The Highway At Dalton Brook.

Denaby Main Institute – New Billiard Table

Ice Accident

The Fatal Accident At Denaby Main Colliery

Times Almanack 1887

Crime and Courts

Cruelty To Pit Ponies At Denaby Main – Four Killed and 12 Maimed in Last 6 Months

Extraordinary Foolhardiness At Denaby Pit.



Fatal Accident – 14 Year Old Pony Driver – John Sheldon

1887 Denaby Main Great Fire – The Aftermath

Industry and Commerce

Suffocated by Gas at Denaby Main – Edmund Wigley

Cruelty to Pit Ponies at Denaby – Heavy Fine for 12 Year Old

Aggravated Assault

Cruelty to Pit Ponies at Denaby – Father’s Charge

Another Serious Accident at Denaby Main Colliery

Christmas Supper for Railwaymen

Conisborough Railway Station Broken Into

Death of Popular Conisborough Man


Serious Outbreak of Typhoid Fever

Sudden Death of a Denaby Collier

Taking Pipe and Matches Down the Pit

Theft of a Rug at Denaby Main

Industry and Commerce

Fatal Accident at the Denaby Main Colliery


Stack Fire


Denaby Main Institute.

The Outbreak of Typhoid

The Outbreak of Typhoid at Denaby Main

Crime and Courts

Alleged Swindling by a Book Canvasser

Queer Place for a Snooze.

Assault by a Woman at Denaby

Conisborough School Board

Conisbrough Case Discharged

Cruelty to a Pit Pony at Denaby

Fatal Accident At Denaby Main

Five Cases of Cruelty to Ponies in Denaby Main Colliery

Interesting to Miners – Alleged Theft of Tools at Denaby

Plate Layer Cut to Pieces – William Barrett

Severe Sentence on a Denaby Miner

Theft of a Waistcoat

Crime and Courts

A Terrible Tragedy – Wife Murder at Wombwell

Wife Murder at Wombwell – Inquest


Easter at Conisborough


Good Templary Demonstration at Conisborough

Mr B. J. Clarkson’s Confectionery Establishment at Conisborough.

Serious Accident to an Old Man at Denaby Main

To Be Let

What is “A Glass of beer?”

Yorkshire Collieries & Hull Coal Trade – Large Increase- Denaby Heads List

Card Playing at Denaby

Beacon Lights

Denaby Main Institute – Jubilee Celebration

Jubilee in the Mexborough District

Sensation on the Railway

South Yorkshire Collieries and the Hull Coal Trade

The Rev Peter McKenzie at Conisborough last night

Traction Engine Offence

Wilful Damage to a Haystack

Crime and Courts

The Wombwell Tragedy. – Trial of Hazlehurst. – Wombwell’s Wild Beasts.


Explosion Near Conisborough

Sad Case of Drowning at Conisborough

Strange Leap from a Window At Conisborough

Free Day at Denaby – Munificence of Colliery Company

Jubilee Festivities at Conisborough

Death of Mrs G.M. Coates of Wath

Marriage of Miss Tankard, of Denaby, and Mr Brooke of Brampton Bierlow

Industry and Commerce

Fatal accident to 14 year old at Denaby Main Colliery

Breach of Colliery Rules at Denaby

Cruelty to a Pony at Denaby Main

Crime and Courts

An Illegal Lottery at Conisborough


Conisborough C.C. Results

Botanists Gathering & Friendly Societies Demonstration at Conisborough.

Excursion to Conisborough.

The Attempted Suicide at Denaby Main

Mexborough, Denaby and Manvers

Industry and Commerce

Joking at Denaby Pit

Parish Meeting – Water Question & Proposed New Magistrate – Lively Proceedings.


Flower Service at Conisborough Church (videos)

A Trip with The Conisborough Brass Band To Chatsworth.

Conisborough Castle

Crime and Courts

Catching a Hare at Denaby

Sad Suicide of a Conisborough Young Woman.


Denaby Main 85  Thrybergh Hall Colliery 51 


Presentation to Dr, Smith, Denaby Main

Industry and Commerce

Excursion to Liverpool


Denaby Churches – Annual Treat to Scarborough

The Forbidding of the Banns at Conisbro – Business Before Pleasure.

Forbidding the Bans – A Young Lady Takes a Dose of Poison.

The Recent Episode

Works at Conisborough Castle

Crime and Courts

A Strange Story of Matrimony at Mexborough

Destination of Two Children at Denaby – The Mother Elopes.

Offence Under Contagious Diseases (Animals) Act at Denaby


Rabbit Coursing Match at Conisborough


A Frightened Passenger

Narrow Escape Of Miners – Cage Dashed To Pieces

The Hexthorpe Disaster – Balby Inquest (picture)

The Hexthorpe Disaster – A National Coverage (picture)

The Hexthorpe Disaster – Verdict of Manslaughter (picture)

The Hexthorpe Disaster – County Inquest – Company’s Liability. (picture)

Fashionable Wedding at Denaby Main


Wesleyan Chapel Conisborough

Crime and Courts

Alleged Theft at Denary.

Drunk and Ejected

” Moonlighting ” at Mexbro’.

Mushrooming at Denaby Main

Distressing Suicide Of An Old Man – Domestic Troubles

Impudent Robbery at Conisborough.


Conisborough C.C. Results


Presentation at Denaby Main

Novel Wager – Colley’s Pig Powders and Their Worth

Strange Love Affair At Conisbro’ – Disappearance of Ex-Policeman.

Industry and Commerce

Mining Accident – John Silverwood & John Thomas Roebuck

Mining Accident to Brothers at Denaby Main

The Fatal Accident at Denaby Main.

Accident at Denaby Main

Colliery Accident at Denaby Main – Alarming and Singular Mishap.

Important Experiments with New Explosive at a Yorkshire Colliery

Sudden Death to Colliery Fitter

Denaby Main Miners and Restriction – Return of Mr Leslie


The Restoration of Conisborough Castle.

Ambulance Class to be Held

Denaby Main – 1st Ambulance Class

Formation of an Ambulance Class At Denaby Main

Crime and Courts

Returning from Mexbro’ Market.

Suicide of a Woman at Conisborough

The Case of Suicide at Conisborough.


Conisborough 2 Mexborough 3 – Hallamshire Cup 2nd Round


Runaway Horse

Goat Sausages !

Library Action

Industry and Commerce

The Discovery of Iron Ore at Conisbro’.

Footpath Needed

In the Dark

Crime and Courts

Singular Love Affair from Denaby – Lodger Kissing the Landlady.

Garden Robberies at Denaby Main

Alleged Theft from a Publican at Conisbrough

Wholesale Robbery from a Factory At Conisbro’.


Denaby Main Great Fire

Accident at Denaby Main Colliery

Chrysanthemum Show

Industry and Commerce

Destructive Fire At Denaby Main Colliery – Aftermath

Destructive Fire at Denaby Main Colliery

Past History of the Pit

Destructive Fire at Denaby Main Colliery – Reconstruction

Destructive Fire at Denaby Main Colliery – The Distress Fund.

Crime and Courts

New Mode of Dispersing Quarrelsome Neighbours

Deserter At Conisborough.

Serious Stack Fire at Conisborough


Fatal Accident at Denaby – John Humphries

Industry and Commerce

Sad Fatality – William Troupe

Denaby Main Colliery Fire – Current Status

Denaby Main Colliery Fire – The 11 Entombed Men During The Fire

Denaby Main Colliery Fire – The Relief Fund.

Denaby Main Colliery Fire – Sketch of the Ruins from the River (picture)

Mass Meeting of Denaby Miners – Mr. W. Parrott and Miners’ Organisations.

Railway Servants’ Dinner at Conisborough


Denaby Main Infant School Concert

Crime and Courts

Brutal Assault on Conisborough Woman.

Denaby Miners and Relief – “Beggar” In Trouble.

Dishonest Lodger – Six Months Hard Labour for Watch & Trousers

Fracas by Glass Blowers at Conisborough.


Accident at Denaby Main Colliery

Present For a Cats Mistress

Industry and Commerce

Denaby Main Colliery

Resumption of Work at Denaby Main Colliery

Doncaster By Election – The Poll Results

Doncaster By Election – Feeling Runs High

Doncaster By Election – Polling

Doncaster By Election – Utter Rout Of The Separatists. (picture)

“After Many Days.”

Crime and Courts

Disorderly Home Ruler at Mexboro’.

The Conisboro’ Goat Sausage Libel

Stealing Coal at Denaby

Disturbances at Conisbro’.

Industry and Commerce

New Invention – Automatic Barrel Tilter

Fatal Accident at Denaby Main – John Humphreys

Dangers of Mining

The Glass Bottle Industry – Present Condition and Prospects (pictures)


Confirmation Service

Good Friday at Conisborough

Conisborough Notes – Election, Vicar’s Rebuke, Promenade

Conisborough Notes – Weather, Billiard Rooms, Boycotts, Foundry, Confirmations

Crime and Courts

Alleged Robberies at Bolton

Theft at Conisbrough


Presentation to Mr. W. H. Chambers, At Denaby.

Industry and Commerce

Ambulance Work at Denaby Main.

South Yorkshire Collieries and The Hull Coal Trade.

Mr. Parrott Attacks Mr. Parker Rhodes.


Conisborough Notes – Small Pox – Conisborough Works

Good Friday Demonstration at Conisborough

Conisborough  Notes – Easter – Spring – School Concert

Conisborough Notes – Good Friday – Smallpox – April Showers – Conservative Club

Conisborough Notes – New Pit near Conisborough – Kilner’s Dinner – Romance of Conisborough – Priory Sale

Crime and Courts

Desertion of a Wife at Conisborough

Faithless Husband – Summoned for Wife Desertion. End of Conisborough Romance.

“Rabbitting” at Denaby


Denaby Main 146 Brightside Wellington 12 for 2

Conisborough  United Star 2  Conisborough  Town 1

Industry and Commerce

The Denaby Main Extension. – Opening Out Another Coalfield.

Congratulatory Dinner At Conisboro’.


Denaby Main Cricket Club Concert – “The Musical Emigrants’ (videos)

Notes from Conisbro’ – Whitsuntide at the Castle

Conisbro’ Notes – “Tossing” – Women Insulted – Dangerous ‘Lark’ – Impudent Youths

The Banks of the Dearne and Dun

The Prize-Fighting Craze – Stubborn Battle Between Denaby Miners.

Crime and Courts

Another Neighbours Quarrel from Conisborough

Breach of Colliery Rule

Brutal Pony Driver

Conisborough Policeman and His Suit Of Clothes.

Drunk and Disorderly

Gambling at Denaby

The Difficulties of a Cyclist

The Wrong Tribunal – Breaking Windows

Using Threats to the Manager at Conisbro’ – A Violent Fellow


Aldwarke Park  36  Denaby Main 79 – Good Denaby Bowling

Denaby Main 98 for 6 Meadow Hall 32 – Smith Eight More Wickets

Mexborough 64  Denaby Main 93 for 6 – Last Meet Four Years Ago


Serious Trap Accident at Conisborough

Industry and Commerce

A New Industry for Denaby

Best Station between Doncaster and Manchester

Conisborough Gas Company Dividend


Conisborough Notes – Foresters Procession – Feast Play Day – Concertina Band

Excursionists at Conisborough

Linnaean Botanical Society Visit Again

Railway Employees in Pig Hunt

Crime and Courts

What He Got For “Peaching.” – The Accident in a Conisborough’ Quarry.

Wilful Damage at a Conisbro’ Quarry.


Invitation from Bramall Lane Committee

Industry and Commerce

South Yorkshire Collieries and the Hull Coal Trade.

Scarborough Treat


Conisbrough Notes – Holiday Time – Billiard Tables – Concertina or Brass Band

Crime and Courts

A Denaby Collier and his Topcoat

A Smoky Traction Engine

A Teetotaller Summoned For Being Drunk

 Gaming With Cards at Denaby Main

Trespassing at Denaby

Wilful Damage at Denaby


Phenomenal Bowling Averages


Narrow Escape from Drowning at Mexborough.

Wedding – Morley & Appleyard

Industry and Commerce

Accident at Denaby Main.


Conisborough Castle

A Lunatic at Large at Mexbro’

Crime and Courts

A Wife Summoned for Threatening her Husband.

Advised to Behave like Human Being.

Connubial Infelicity at Mexbro’.

A Smoky Traction Engine at Conisborough – The “Difficulties” Of An Engineer

Damaging the Denaby Main School.

Expensive Mushrooms at Conisbro’

Rival Butchers at Conisbro’


Meadow Hall  78    Denaby Main 45

Thrybergh Hall Colliery 44  Denaby 88


Wife found Dead in Bed

Industry and Commerce

Sad Fatality at Denaby Main Colliery.

Doncaster and District. – The Doncaster Coalfield.

Meeting of Miners – 10% advance – Mr. Cowley “Kicks Off.” (picture)


Notes from Conisborough – Doncaster Races – New Station Buildings – Concertina Band – Dancing Classes – Vicars holiday – Harvest

Crime and Courts

Adulterated Milk.

Alleged Strange Conduct of an Ex-Police Inspector.

Wilful Damage to a Fence.


Wath 6  Conisborough Town 1

Conisborough Town 4 Eastwood 7

Industry and Commerce

Denaby Main Colliery Notices

Miners Wages – Firm Attitude of The Men – Pits Set Down

Pit Sinking Operations at Conisborough

An Explosives Licence.

Burial Error

Conisboro’ Urban District


What Conisbrough people are saying ?

Crime and Courts

Damaging Conisborough Castle.

Much Ado About Nothing at Conisborough

Wilful Damage to Fence

Coal Stealing at Denaby


Sheffield and Hallamshire Challenge Cup ties

Conisborough 2 Wombwell Temperance 1


Man Reported Killed at Conisbro’.

Industry and Commerce

10% Advance Given

Denaby Miners’ Presentation.

Mass Meeting of Denaby Miners.

Powder Manufactory for Denaby.

The New Conisborough Railway


Chrysanthemum show at Conisborough

Floods Near Mexbro’

The Gale in the Don Valley.

Crime and Courts

A Conisborough Divorce Case

Drunk and Refusing to Quit at Conisborough

Drunkenness at Conisborough

School Attendance Case from Conisborough


Narrow Escape from Drowning At Conisbro’

Serious Accident at Conisbro’.

Industry and Commerce

An Invention at Conisbro’.


Conisboro’ United Brass Band Concert. (videos)

Conisborough Notes – The Church Organ

The Conisborough Conservatives and the Late Election

Board School Concert at Conisborough

Conisborough Notes – Cannonball

Crime and Courts

More Stack Fires at Conisborough – Supposed Incendiarism

Theft of Coal


Wombwell Temperance  3 Denaby 4

Conisborough Rovers 6 Rotherham Baptists 2



Death of Mr Thomas Colley of Conisborough

Obituary – Mr Joseph Hill

Industry and Commerce

Breach of Colliery Rules

Colliery Offences at Denaby.

Disputes at Denaby Main Colliery – Mr. Pickard, M.P., at Mexborough


Conisborough Parish Church Annual Parochial Tea (videos)

Vicars at Conisbro’

Notes from Conisbro’ – Footpaths – Guardsman – Sinking Operations – Mosquitoes

Crime and Courts

Alleged Felony at Conisbro’ – A Singular Theft.


Kilnhurst Challenge Cup – Mexborough 9 Denaby 0

Industry and Commerce

Denaby Main Colliery – New Shaft

Desperate Encounters at Denaby Main.

Desperate Prize Fight at Denaby.


Entertainment at Denaby Main

Crime and Courts

A Fiendishly Cruel Pit Lad.

Gross Cruelty to a Pony at Denaby Pit.

Serious Outbreak of Swine Fever.

Assault at Denaby Main


Monk Bretton 0  Denaby  8


Mysterious Death on Railway At Conisborouoh – Sad End of Mexborough Apprentice  .

Sad Death of a Conisborough Woman – The Employment of Mid Wives.

Industry and Commerce

The New Colliery at Conisborough.

New Colliery – from Sylvan Scenery to Industrial Dirt & Grime


Elopement from Conisborough

Spiritualistic Appearances at Denaby Main

The Denaby Main “Ghost” – Singular Explanation

Crime and Courts

Painful Domestic Story at Mexborough

Theft of Heifers at Conisbro

Assault at Conisbro’

Unprovoked Assault upon a Tradesman


Child Drowned In Slop Tub At Denaby.

Industry and Commerce

Co-Operative Conference At Denaby Main – The Dividend Question.

The South Yorkshire Coalfield – Pits of the Future.

The Development of Conisbro’


Good Friday at Conisbro’

“Long Night” at Conisborough

Notes from Conisbro – Good Friday Prep – Quadrille Dance – Reynard’s Concert

Crime and Courts

His Wife in Drink.


Denaby Main Cricket Club – videos – Bowton’s Yard – Annie Laurie

Industry and Commerce

Denaby Main Colliery -The New Pit.

Meeting of Miners

Threatened Strike At Denaby Main – Trouble With The Pony Drivers.

Flameless Explosive Works at Denaby.

Conisborough Conservative Association.

Crime and Courts

A Rash Pit Lad.

Cruelty to a Pony at Denaby.

Local Court Cases – May 14th 1889

Local Court Cases – May 20th 1889

Local Court Cases &new – May 27th, 1889


Denaby Main 46  White Lane 74 – Local Cricket Scores

Denaby Main – Denaby 54  Neepsend 60 for 4

Denaby Main – Kimberworth 60 Denaby Main 33


Local News – Singular Adventure of a Child – Novel Couch at Mexbro’

Industry and Commerce

Accidents at Denaby Main Colliery.

Denaby Main Topmen and Their Wages.

New Colliery.

Pit Boy’s Strike

Pony Drivers & Pit Boys Strike

The Dispute at Denaby Main.

The New Colliery at Conisborough.


Floral Festival at Conisborough.

Crime and Courts

A Traction Engine Nuisance at Conisbro’.

Disobeying Orders in a Colliery.

Robbing the Gooseberry Trees.

Cowardly Assault on a Woman.


Fatal Fall from a Haystack.

The Drowning Case At Mexbro’

Industry and Commerce

Valuable Freeholds to be Sold by Auction

A Mexbro’ Collier ” Buried Alive.”

Dispute At Denaby Main Colliery – Meeting Of Miners.

 Meeting Of Denaby Main Miners.

The New Colliery at Conisborough.


Botanists at Conisborough.

Crime and Courts

A Mischievous Youth.

Slandering A Doncaster Farmer,

Too Many Horses

Stealing a Duck at Conisbro’.

Industry and Commerce

Denaby Main Branch of The Permanent Relief Fund.

Denaby Main Colliery Extension.

Miners’ Wages – Top Men at Denaby

The Denaby Main Miners.

Crime and Courts

A Family Squabble at Conisbro’.

A Squabble at Denaby.

Local Court Cases


Tinsley Park 88 Denaby Main 83


Fire at the Star Hotel

Industry and Commerce

Denaby Main and the Miners’ Permanent Relief Fund.

The New Pit at Conisborough.


A New Cottage Hospital

Notes from Conisborough – Bill Posting – Cadeby Rattles

Saint Leger Week

Crime and Courts

Disgraceful Row at Denaby.

Local Court Cases

Theft of Turnips at Denaby


Sad Death of a Conisbro’ Constable.

Industry and Commerce

Joiner dies at Denaby Main – Charles Clarke

Terrible Accident to a Man At Denaby.

The Fatality at Denaby Main Colliery.

Accident at Denaby Main Colliery

Extension of The South Yorkshire Coalfield – A Prospective View

Parish Meeting at Conisborough – Proposed Formation Of A Burial Board.

Crime and Courts

Breach of the Mines Act.

Foot Racing At Denaby.

Stealing Cigars


Calves Smothered at Denaby.

Industry and Commerce

Denaby Main and Manvers Main “Top” Men.

Denaby Main Topmen.

Meeting at Mexbro’ – Mr. Pickard and His Detractors

New Colliery in Business

Proposed New Line From Wath to Conisboro’

Conisborough Burial Board.

Parish Meeting at Conisborough.


Conisborough Chrysanthemum Show – Opening By Lady Auckland.

Lighting Up Conisbro’

Crime and Courts

Quarrelsome Neighbours at Conisbro’.

Industry and Commerce

Conisbro’ Co-Operative Society.

Colliery Extensions – Cadeby   

Denaby Main and Manvers Main Topmen

Denaby Main Topmen Advance

Riding on an Underground Road.

Trade in the Mexborough Area in 1889

Conisbro’ Burial Board.


An Evening with the Children at Denaby

Seasonal Generosity

Crime and Courts

Matrimonial Failure at Conisbro’.

A Conisborough Butcher and his Dog

An Ingenious Defence

A Dishonest Lodger.

Stealing Horse Corn.

Assault at Wath


Alarm in a Tunnel

Trap Accident at Denaby Main.

Industry and Commerce

Denaby Main Co-Operative Society – Dividend & State of the Roads

Denaby Main Miners – Wage Advance

Federated Institution of Mining Engineers – Visit to Denaby Main Colliery.

Doncaster Highway Board and Denaby Roads.

The Burial Question at Conisborough


Conisborough Wesleyan Sunday Schools.

Floods In The Mexbro’ District.

Prize Fight between Denaby Miners

Scene in a Mexborough Shop.

Crime and Courts

Sleeping When On Duty.


Another Distressing Accident at Denaby Main Colliery.

Accident at Denaby Main Colliery.

Accident at Denaby Main Colliery – Severe Laceration

Accidents at Denaby Main Colliery – Fall of Coal & Fracture

Injured by Colliery Corves.

Shocking Accident to a Mexbro’ Miner.

Industry and Commerce

Denaby Main New Colliery

Meeting of the Denaby Main Miners

Miners’ Agitation – Meeting At Mexborough – Mr. Parrott States The Case For The Men.

Conisbro’ Burial Board.


Concert Proceeds for Mexbro’ Cottage Hospital.

Charity Concert at Conisborough.

The Great Gale – Don and Dearne Overflowed

Crime and Courts

Hackenthorpe Breach of Contract.

Unmuzzled Dogs.

Alleged Attack on a Conisbro’ Glassblower

Industry and Commerce

Telephone Connected

Colliery Fatality at Denaby Main.

Fatal Termination of Colliery Accident

Inquest at Mexborough.

Denaby Main Miners and The Situation.

Denaby Main New Pit.

Deputation Waits Upon Manager

A New Quarry at Denaby

Proposed Retford and Barnsley Railway.


Conisborough Musical Society

Crime and Courts

Bigamy Case

Prison for Desertion

Contravention of Special Rule 4

Cruelty to Ponies at Denaby.

Ill-Treatment of Ponies

Illegal Use of Pit Lamps

Scuffle in Cow House


Carbrook Cup- Semi Final – Carbrook Church 5 Conisbro’ 0


Accident at Denaby Main Colliery.

Industry and Commerce

Denaby Main Co-operative Society.

Denaby Main Top Men

Denaby Main Topmen – Deputations

Affairs at Denaby Main.

Denaby Main Miners

Denaby Main New Colliery.

Unusual Visitor at Denaby Main Colliery

Conisbro’ Water Supply

Vestry Meeting at Conisborough – New Burial Site


Proposed New Church & Accident at Denaby Main.

Gala at Conisbro’

Unprecedented Crowds at Conisborough

Crime and Courts

Doing Damage at Denaby.

A Careless Miner

Breach of Colliery Rules

Taking Tobacco Pipe Down The Pit

Theft from a Farmer’s Cart


Accidents at Denaby Main Colliery.

Industry and Commerce

Fatally Crushed At Denaby Main Colliery

Dispute at Denaby Main

Yorkshire Coalowners & Local Wages Questions – Important Resolution.

Colliery Extensions

Sinking Halted by Water

“Missionary Work” in Explosives


A Ramble Round Mexborough – The Present and The Past.

Whitsuntide at Conisborough.

Crime and Courts

Quarrelsome Neighbours at Denaby

Wilful Damage at Denaby Main

Two Months for Stealing Trousers and Stockings


Funeral of Mr. Joseph Appleyard of Conisborough

Industry and Commerce

Fatal Result of Carelessness At Denaby Main.

Sad Death of a Denaby Main Miner.

The New Colliery at Conisbro’.

Mr Pickard’s Reply

Mr. Pickard, M.P., and The Grievances At Denaby Main.

Denaby Main Miners – Settlement of Price List.

Denaby Main Miners and Their Work.

Conisbro’ Gas Company.


Hospital Saturday at Denaby Main

Crime and Courts

Drunk and Disorderly

Brutal Attack At Mexbro’ ” Feast.”


Wombwell Main  110 for 7   Denaby Main  55

Denaby Main 133 for 6 Wickersley Dnb

Industry and Commerce

Accident at Denaby Main

Accident at Denaby Main

Accident at Denaby Main Colliery

Denaby Main Miners at Blackpool

The New Colliery Sinkings at Conisborough.

A New Bridge at Conisborough.

Projected Railway from Conisborough to Wrangbrook.

A Local Board ?

Conservative Demonstration at Conisborough – Speech by The Hon. H. W. Fitzwilliam.

Politics at Conisborough


Religious Requirements at Denaby Main.

Conisborough Picnic Society.

Cure for Sparrows

Local and General Notes – Conisborough as it is.

Crime and Courts

Drunk at Denaby

A Suspicious Character at Conisborough

Cruelty to Pit Ponies At Denaby.

Drunks at Denaby & West Melton

Drunks, Gambling & Muzzling

Playing at “Bank” at Denaby

Scene at Mexborough Feast


Prize fight at Mexborough

Single v Married at the Conservative Demonstration


Conisborough Notes- Church – Boating Trips – Castle Grounds – Blackpool Day

Conisborough Notes – Picnic Society – Fire Brigade – Excursionists – Church

Crime and Courts

Attempted Murder and Suicide – A Terrible Tragedy at Conisbro’. –

Attempted Murder and Suicide – Critical Condition of The Wounded Woman.

Attempted Murder and Suicide – Watching The Woman Escape.

Attempted Murder and Suicide – Important Witness

The Conisborough Tragedy

Notes and Comments – Tragedies at Bolton & Conisborough

The Conisborough Tragedy – Death of The Woman

The Conisborough Tragedy – Inquest and Verdict

The Conisborough Tragedy – Sketch of the House (picture)

Dr Hills and Vaccination

A Peculiar Sleeping Place.

A Lively Drunk at Conisborough

Alleged Wilful Damage at Conisborough

Conisborough Youths in Trouble

Cruelty to Pit Ponies at Denaby

Gambling at Conisborough

Strange Behaviour at Conisborough


A Farm Labourer Choked.

Found Drowned At Conisborough.

Industry and Commerce

The Colliery Sinking At Cadeby

Resignation of Dr. Hills.

Dr Hills’ Resignation

Crime and Courts

A Denaby Dog Owner Fined

Breach Colliery Rules.

Breach of Colliery Rules.

Caught at Conisbrough

Gambling at Conisbro.’ – Hard Swearing.

Using the Knuckle Duster


Wath 8 goal Conisbro’ 0 goal


Singular Accident to a Conisborough Lady

An Octogenarian at Conisborough.

Industry and Commerce

Denaby Main Co-operative Society.

New Colliery – Fossilized Palm Tree

Appointment of Vaccination Officer for Conisboro’ District. – Lively Proceedings.

 Proposed Local Board for Conisborough.

Vaccination Question at Denaby Main. – Indignation Meeting – Petition Local Government Board.


Montagu Cottage Hospital.

Conisbrough News – Accident & Tourists

Furious Fat Beast

Limbs Broken & Lives Lost !

Crime and Courts

 A Violent Man at Cortonwood.


Big Catch at Whitham


The Inquests at Cadeby – John Bell

The Inquests at Cadeby – John Camm

Death of Sergeant Simpson, of Conisborough.

Industry and Commerce

Sale of Building Material

The Guardians and the Denaby Vaccination Offices.


Denaby Main Institute Brass Band Concert. (videos)

A Chapter of Accidents – The Fog in the Don Valley – Sad Drowning Fatalities

Dangerous Place

Snowstorms all Over the Country – Conisborough Mail Cart Problems

The Fog at Mexborough.

Men Drowned in Fog At Conisborough – Curious Coincidence.

Crime and Courts

Constable’s Mastication Disturbed.

Serious Offence at Denaby Main Colliery.

Theft at Conisborough.


Carbrook Cup – Conisborough Town 6 Rotherwood Rovers  0

Industry and Commerce

Mining Students visit to Cadeby

The New Colliery Sinkings at Cadeby.

The Storage of Explosives at Denaby.

Conisbrough Burial Board – A suggestion

Conisbrough Burial Board – Oh Dear !


Dangers in Conisborough

Prize Fights at Denaby Main.

Crime and Courts

A Denaby Miner fined for a Breach of Rule

A Mysterious Denaby Pit Boy

Carelessness in Mines – Narrow Escape at Denaby.

Cruelty by Pit Lads – How Ponies Are Ill Treated Underground


Sad Drowning Case – Going to Skate and Falling into the Canal

Dinner to Work people

The Cooper Musical Family

Industry and Commerce

Denaby Main Co-Operative Society.

Colliers and their Earnings

Denaby leads Collieries in 1890

The Cadeby Colliery.

Local Trade in 1890

The Burial Question at Conisbro’ – Lively Proceedings.

The Conisborough Burial Ground.

The Sanitary State of Conisbro’


Conisbro’ Parish Church Annual Tea

Ecclesiastical Affairs at Denaby Main

Census 1891 – Conisborough Church Street

The Distress at Mexbro’, Denaby and Conisbro’.

Crime and Courts

Larceny at Mexbro’.


Accident in the Hunting Field

Industry and Commerce

The Burial Question at Conisborough

The New Medical Officer.

Crime and Courts

A Satisfactory Settlement.

An Untruthful Parent at Denaby.

Man and Wife From Denaby

Drunk or a Fit.

Drunkenness at Denaby, Swinton & West Melton

Drunkenness at Wath, Denaby & Kilnhurst

Drunks at Kilnhurst, Denaby, Wath & Swinton

Brutal Assault at Conisborough – Saturating Wife With Paraffin – Red-Hot Poker Applied.

Industry and Commerce

Conisborough Flour Mills.

Breach of Colliery Rules at Denaby

Denaby Main Mine Visit – Part 1 – Preparation & Mr Witty

Denaby Main Mine Visit – Part 2  – Underground – Arteries – Refuge – Endless Rope & Ventilation

Denaby Main Mine Visit – Part 3 – Spontaneous Combustion, Pit Ponies, Mice & Output

Denaby Main Mine Visit – Part 4 – Dangers, Careful Dick & Narrow Escape

Denaby Main Mine Visit – Part 5 – Return – Fine Dust, Cupolo shaft, Mid-Summer to Mid Winter

Editorial – Local Government for Conisborough ?

Local Government at Conisborough – Proposal to Form Local Board.

The Coming Census.



Scarcity of Water at Conisborough

Crime and Courts

Conisborough Labourers and their “Drops.”

Firing of a Gun on the Highway at Conisborough


A Pitch In of Mexborough Buses

Industry and Commerce

 Denaby Main Co-operative Society

Accident at Denaby Main Colliery.

Action Against the Yorkshire Miners Permanent Relief Fund – lmportant to Injured Miners.

Alarming Cage Accident at Denaby Main.

Chapter of Accidents at Mexbro’ Montagu

New Pit at Cadeby

St. John Ambulance Association – Denaby Main Colliery Class.



Concert at Denaby Main.

Crime and Courts

Conisborough Joke

Dog without a Licence at Denaby

The Dog or the Muzzle ?

The Hard Swearing Case from Conisborough

Threats at Conisborough

A Conflict of Evidence.


The Late Sergeant

Industry and Commerce

A Disobedient Young Collier.

Prize Fight by Denaby Colliers.

The New Waywarden


Wesleyan Methodism at Denaby Main.

Crime and Courts

A Disorderly Wedding Guest at Conisborough

A Driver and the Cyclists at Conisborough

Disorderly at a Conisborough Inn

Gambling at Conisborough

A Defaulting Barge Man

Singular Conduct at Conisborough


Serious Accident at Denaby Main

Industry and Commerce

The Development of Cadeby “Rattles”

Conisbro’ Gas Works.


Botanists at Conisbro’.

The Serious Flood in the Doncaster District.

Visit of the Price and Princess of Wales to South Yorkshire

Crime and Courts

A Denaby Miner on a Spree

Imposing on a Conisborough Innkeeper

Serious Charge

Murderous Assault at Conisborough


Batted Through Innings – Not Out 0 !


Infant Death from Asphyxia

Scene with a Traction Engine – Boy Killed.

Serious Accident to a Boy

Industry and Commerce

Conisborough Youth Suffocated at the Orgrave colliery.

Fatal Termination to Colliery Accident

Breach of Colliery Special Rule 4 – Peggy Marks

Breach of Colliery Special Rule 4  – Throwing a Beesom

Breaches of Colliery Rules at Denaby.


Hospital Demonstration

Hospital Sunday at Conisbrough – Successful Gathering

Crime and Courts

A Miner and His Debts – Censure by the Judge.

Alleged Breach Of The Licensing Act -. Hard Swearing.

Claim for Damages at Conisborough – Injunction Granted.

Assaulting a Cyclist at Conisborough


Drowned While Bathing At Denaby.

Fatal Accident at Denaby Main

Fatal Result of Stopping to Drink at Conisborough

Fatality to a Married Woman at Conisborough.

Remarkable Occurrence at Conisbro’.

Industry and Commerce

South Yorkshire Collieries and The Hull Coal Trade – August 14, 1891


A Wesleyan Chapel For Denaby Main.

Primitive Methodist Minister – Rev. John Gair

Crime and Courts

Negligent Driving At Mexborough.

Serious Charge Against a Conisborough Gentleman.

Serious Charge against a Gentleman at Driffield.

Serious Charge against a Travelling Photographer – Rape on a Conisborough Girl.

Walking Without Legs at Conisbro’

Buying a Prisoner’s Confession.

Assault At Denaby.


Desperate Prize Fight at Denaby Main – 63 Rounds Fought.


Alarming Bus Accident

The Result of Playing Truant from Sunday School.

Industry and Commerce

Colliery Offences at Denaby

Colliery Offences

The South Yorkshire Coalfield.

The Home Rule Question at Conisbro’ – An Appeal to the Highway Board


Denaby Main Church Sunday School Festival.

Crime and Courts

Refusing to Quit at Denaby Main

Alleged Thefts by Boys.

Stealing a Motty at Denaby Main Colliery


Fire at Ferry Farm

Narrow Escape

Industry and Commerce

Co-operative Conference – 1. Chairman’s Remarks

Co-operative Conference – 2. Webb’s Paper

Co-operative Conference – 3. Delegates Comments

Notes From Conisborough – The Co-operative Conference

“Why Should Conisborough Wait.”


“Strafforth Sands.”

Crime and Courts

A Dog Scene at Conisborough.

Drunk, Disorderly & Obscene Language

Horse Astray at Denaby.

Obscene Language at Mexborough

Reckless Conduct of Youths on the Railway

Prosecution by the Denaby Main Colliery Company – A Severe Penalty.

Theft of Denaby Main Coal

Brutal Attack on Brothers – Scene after Marionette Show – Exemplary Punishment.


Colliery Offence from Denaby Main


Burning Fatality at Denaby Main.

Industry and Commerce

Conisborough Co-Operative Society – Annual Tea and Meeting.

Notes from Conisborough – Cadeby Colliery Sinking Apace

Notes From Conisborough – Colliery Cottages

Notes From Conisborough – Kilner Brothers

Notes from Conisborough. Local Government


Conisborough Chrysanthemum Society – Seventh Annual Exhibition.

Notes From Conisborough – Chrysanthemums & Crags

Notes From Conisborough – Good Wages and Packmen

Crime and Courts

Breaches of Colliery Rules at Denaby

Conisborough Innkeeper in Trouble.

Notes From Conisborough – False Swearing & Outrageous Assaults

Traction Engine Owner Fined.

Conisborough Assault Case

Double Assault at Denaby

Poker Assault at Denaby


Conisborough Town Football Club – Presentation to the Treasurer

Conisbrough Town  4 Swinton Wanderers  4 

Industry and Commerce

Suffocated At The Powder Works At Denaby – A Dangerous Occupation.


Conisborough School Board

Lecture on Vaccination at Denaby Main.

Crime and Courts

A Conisbrough Youth and his Employer

Drunk and Disorderly at Conisborough

Drunk at Denaby

Drunken Freak At Denaby – Beer, Port & Rum – Tale of Two Ducks

Gambling at Conisborough

Negligent Miner at Denaby.


Conisborough Domestic Servant in Trouble.

Another Row at Denaby.


Conisborough Town 9 Hexthorpe Wanderers 1

Soldier – Ramsey J.W. – Wounded in 22 Places (picture)

Industry and Commerce

Supper at Conisborough

Meeting of Parishioners – A Recommendation.


Peace and Prosperity to the Inhabitants of Denaby Main

Death of Duke of Clarence and Avondale

Death of Duke of Clarence – District Sympathy

Historical Diary – 01 January Anniversaries

Historical Diary – 02 February Anniversaries

Historical Diary – 03 March Anniversaries

Historical Diary – 04 April Anniversaries

Historical Diary – 05 May Anniversaries

Historical Diary – 06 June Anniversaries

Historical Diary – 07 July Anniversaries

Historical Diary – 08 August Anniversaries

Historical Diary – 09 September Anniversaries

Historical Diary – 10 October Anniversaries

Historical Diary – 11 November Anniversaries

Historical Diary – 12 December Anniversaries

Don and Dearne Valley Directory

Crime and Courts

Drunk and Disorderly

Drunkenness at Denaby

Sad Case of Attempted Suicide at Conisborough

Breaking a Man’s Jaw at Mexborough


Conisborough Town 2 Gainsborough Trinity Reserve 3

Rawmarsh Parish Church 5  Denaby 3 – Conisborough Town 1  Hexthorpe 1


Paraffin Lamp Explosion – Woman Killed – Son Injured.

Accidents from Paraffin Lamps

Explosion of Paraffin Lamp at Denaby – Woman Killed – Son Injured.

Serious Accident at Old Denaby

Mr Ogley’s Coming of Age

Industry and Commerce

Denaby Main Colliery – Description of Workings

Denaby Main Colliery – Seams Worked


Cantata at Denaby Main.

Denaby Main – A Miner’s Paradise

Crime and Courts

Wife Assault at Denaby

Drunk and Disorderly at Conisborough

The Attempted Suicide at Conisborough

Missing Cakes at a Conisborough Confectioner Establishment

Assault at Denaby Main Colliery

Breaking a Man’s Jaw at Mexborough


Gainsborough Trinity Reserve  2 Conisborough 1

Sheffield and Hallamshire Minor Cup – Conisborough Disqualified.

Industry and Commerce

The Crisis in the Coal Trade – Mexborough District

Denaby & Conisborough Highways – Further Complaints – Colliery Company’s Liability.


The Vicar is to Leave

Good Friday Expectations

Crime and Courts

Another Case from Denaby Main.

Breach of Colliery Rules

How the Collier “Touched” the Pony.

Stopping Denaby Pit for a Lark

Stealing Coal at Denaby Main – A Costly Lump.


Conisborough Football Club

Sheffield & Hallamshire F. A. – Result of the Conisborough Case

Industry and Commerce

South Yorkshire and the Hull Coal Trade – The Miners’ “Stop” Week

Burial Board & Self Government


Altered Townships

“Dry” after the Play at Conisborough

The Easter Week End – The Weather

Crime and Courts

A Dangerous Freak on the Railway at Conisborough

Alleged Breach of the Licensing Act at Conisborough – Hard Swearing

Breach of Rules at Denaby Main Colliery

Breach of the Weights and Measures Act at Conisborough

Drunk and Disorderly at Mexborough & Conisborough

Drunk and in Danger at Denaby.

Drunk at Mexborough and Conisborough

“Good Friday” at Conisborough

Making an Affray at Denaby

A Determined Fight at Conisborough

Miners’ Quarrel at Denaby

Industry and Commerce

Mexborough Local Board – The Small Pox Epidemic


Presentations to the Vicar of Conisborough

Small-Pox at Denaby.

Small-Pox Epidemic at Denaby Main

The Small-Pox Epidemic.

Crime and Courts

Wife Assault at Denaby

An Expensive Fight at Denaby

Conisborough School Cases

Damage at Denaby

Damaging a Fence at Denaby

Denaby Man Injured at Doncaster


Gambling at Conisborough

Nowhere to Go

Public House Row at Denaby

Sensational Unrehearsed Performance at Conisborough.

A Young Thief at Denaby

Theft of Money at Denaby

Alleged Assault at Conisborough

Alleged Assault at Denaby Colliery

Alleged Cowardly Attack on a Sister at Conisborough

An Assault at Denaby.

Assault at Conisborough

Brutal Assault on a Young Lady At Kilnhurst – Details of Outrage

Brutal Assault on a Young Lady At Kilnhurst – Local Tradesman Arrested


Clifton  40  Conisborough  24

Kimberworth  96 Denaby  68                  


Sad Death at Denaby Main Powder Works.

Industry and Commerce

Death of a Powder Worker at Denaby.

Sad Death at Denaby Main Powder Works.

The Development of the Railways


Change in Clergy

Rev. J. G. Wood Farewell Sermon at Conisborough.

Mexborough Feast

Small-Pox At Denaby

Smallpox at Mexborough and Denaby

The Small-Pox Epidemic at Denaby and Mexbro’.

Whitsuntide at Conisborough.

Whitsuntide Festivities

Crime and Courts

Relations at Loggerheads – Conflicting Testimony

Disorderly and Refusing to Quit at Denaby




Gaming At Denaby.

Unmuzzled Dogs

Wilful Damage at Conisborough

A Scene in the Conisbrough Theatre

Alleged Assault on a Landlady at Denaby

The Kilnhurst Outrage – Hewitt Before the Magistrates – Committed For Trial


Denaby Main  89  Wath  37


Accident at Conisborough Station

Industry and Commerce

Accident at Denaby Main.

Miner’s Demonstration

New Explosive Magazine at Denaby.


Small Pox in Denaby

Crime and Courts

A Father’s Difficulty.

Alleged Assault and Threats at Conisborough

Boys Throwing Stones

Contradictory Evidence

Damaging Mowing Grass at Denaby.

Drunk and Disorderly at Conisbrough

Drunkenness at Conisborough.

Theft by a Housekeeper at Conisborough

Alleged Robbery at Denaby – Conisborough Miner Committed For Trial.

Alleged Theft at Denaby

Larceny by a Bailee at Conisbrough

Assault at Denaby

The Kilnhurst Outrage – Hewitt’s Trial – 1. Severe Criticism

The Kilnhurst Outrage – Hewitt’s Trial – 2. The Prosecuting Barrister’s Address

The Kilnhurst Outrage – Hewitt’s Trial – 3. The Evidence

Industry and Commerce

Shocking Fatality at the Conisborough Glassworks

Hull Coal Trade – Falling Off of the Traffic.

New Cadeby Colliery

Medical Officer’s Report

Crime and Courts

A Denaby Miner Fined for Taking Matches into the Pit.

A Foolish Act.

A Superior Pit Pony at Denaby Main

Conisborough Case Dismissed

Conisbrough Landlord and his Servants.

Cruelty to a Pit Pony at Denaby

Disobedient Miners at Denaby

The Result of a Peep Through a Window at Conisborough.

Trespassing on the M.S. and L. Railway

Young Man Tired of Life – The Inquest.

Alleged Robbery at Denaby – Miner Committed For Trial.

Alleged Robbery from the Person at Denaby

Dastardly Outrage by Thieves near Mexborough.

The Theft and Assault at Harlington.

Theft of a Watch and Chain at Conisborough.

Theft of Bottles of Beer at Conisborough

Scene on the Wedding Day at Conisborough


Conisborough 106 Denaby Main 54 for 5

Conisboro’ 95 Swinton 86

Prize Fight Near Mexborough.

Industry and Commerce

A Warning to Miners.

Cadeby Moving Forward

Junction Line at Wrangbrook

Mining Intelligence – Colliery Operations in the Mexborough District

Conisborough’s New Cemetery.

The Lighting Question – Ratepayers Meeting -Lively Proceedings


Sacred Concert at Denaby Main

Crime and Courts

A Cobbler in Trouble

Aggravated Assault

Breaches of Colliery Rules at Denaby Main


Fighting – A Family Affair – Drunk

Grave Charge against a Labourer.

Mining Breaches of Rules

A Strange Story from Conisborough

Alleged Theft of a Watch at Conisborough

Robbery by a Lodger at Conisborough


Local Cricket – September 02nd, 1892

Industry and Commerce

Fatal Accident at Denaby Main Colliery Last Night.

Fatalities at Houghton Main, Manvers Main & Denaby Main

The Fatal Accident at Denaby Main Colliery

Powder Magazine


Serious Floods.

Crime and Courts

Assaulting his Wife

Breach of Colliery Rules

Claim for Damages Caused by a Ferret

Kicking a House Door In

Singular Claim

The Drunken List

Trespassing in Pursuit of Game


Warrant for Engine Driver

All Through a Dog

Alleged Brutal Wife Assault at Conisborough

Street Scene at Conisborough – “Big Sticks” and “Hair Pulling.”


Retford Town 5 Conisborough 1

Conisbrough Cricket Club – Annual General Meeting

Industry and Commerce

Denaby Main Co-operative Society

Sad Death of a Miner

Cadeby Colliery – Rapid Development

South Yorkshire Collieries and the Hull Coal Trade


The Living of Conisborough

The Living of Conisborough

Crime and Courts

Drunk and Disorderly.

Ejectment Order

Gross Cruelty to a Horse at Conisborough

Lucifer Matches

Not His Fault; but He Had To Pay

Recklessness in a Coal Mine

Taking a Pipe into the Denaby Pit

A Conisborough Girl and a Neighbours Cash Box

Only a Lark and Its Consequences

Industry and Commerce

Commercial Trade in 1892

Fatal Accident at Cadeby


Conisborough Cemetery Chapel

The New Cemetery at Conisboro’ – The First Interment

Historical Diaries – 01 January Anniversaries

Historical Diaries – 02 – February Anniversaries

Historical Diaries – 03 – March Anniversaries

Historical Diaries – 04 – April Anniversaries

Historical Diaries – 05 – May Anniversaries

Historical Diaries – 06 June Anniversaries

Historical Diaries – 07 July Anniversaries

Historical Diaries – 08 – August Anniversaries

Historical Diaries – 09 – September Anniversaries

Historical Diaries – 10 – October Anniversaries

Historical Diaries – 11 – November Anniversaries

Historical Diaries – 12 – December Anniversaries

Crime and Courts

Child Murder at Mexborough.

A Scene At Conisbro’ Station.

Child in Canal – Open Verdict

Drunk & Disorderly & Bad Language

Sleeping Out

“Would Knock His Brains Out”


Mr. John Dixon

Industry and Commerce

District Trade in 1892


Conisborough School Board – Attendance – New Teachers – New Desks

Crime and Courts

Breaking Rules at Denaby Main

Christmas Festivities

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 06 January 1893

Refusing to Quit

Industry and Commerce

Celebration of Cadeby Coal-Winning – Grand Dinner.

New Cadeby Colliery

Shaft Sinking

The New Cadeby Railway – Progress of the Work,


Friendly Society Hospital Sunday at Conisborough

Deplorable State of Morals.

Sanitary Condition of Conisborough.

Crime and Courts

A Beastly Fellow

Another New Denaby Case

Case Dismissed

Conisborough Glassblower Drunk

Cruelty to a Horse


School Attendance Offences

A Drunken Spree

Theft of Rabbits by a Denaby Miner.


The Denaby Assault

Cruelty to a Pony at Denaby Main.

A Shrove Tuesday Lark at Denaby

Industry and Commerce

Scenes at Denaby Main Colliery – Arrival of Military and Magistrates – Alarming Rumours.

Crime and Courts

Alleged Sale of Intoxicants Without License at New Conisbrough


Keeping a Dog without a License

Using a Gun without a License at Conisborough

Stealing 10 shillings at New Denaby

Fighting At Denaby


Accident – Fall of Stone

Industry and Commerce

Sad Death of a Denaby Miner

A Disastrous Year in the Coal Mines

Taking Matches into Denaby Pit


Denaby Main Sick  and Dividing

Visit of Miss Fannie Sellers

Crime and Courts

A Lively Scene

Serious Assault at Denaby Main.


Attendance Cases

Conisborough Notes – Vicar – School Board – Station Inn

Conisbro’ School Board.

Crime and Courts

A Complicated Case Of Assault

A Jealous Husband at Conisborough.

Wife Desertion

A Careless Cyclist

Drunken Driver at Denaby – Serious Consequences


A Young Thief at Conisbro’

Alleged Serious Assault at Denaby – Prisoner Committed For Trial.

The Denaby Main Assault Case.

A Traction Engine Drivers Difficulties

Industry and Commerce

Strike at Denaby Main Colliery.

Conisborough Parish Council – Amazing Debate – Business and Motion – Committees

A Bus Scene at Denaby

A Miner’s Foolhardiness

A Modern Marvel – A Revolution in Sweet Stuff – “Sugar, Spice And All That’s Nice,”

Alarming Explosion of Gas at Conisborough – Denaby Main Hotel

Drunkenness at Christmas Time

Failure of a Conisbrough Grocer

Fatal Accident at Denaby Main – John Bellis

Firth College Free Lectures

He Forgot about his Pipe

Sad attempted Suicide at Denaby – Laudanum is a Medicine

Denaby Main Co-operative Society

A Costly Spree

Obstructing the Highway at Conisbrough

Travelling without a ticket

Conisbrough and Consecration – The Archbishop’s Compromise

Alleged Cruelty to children

Careless Cadeby miners

Fatal Accident at Cadeby Main Colliery Yesterday – 15 Year Old Pony Driver

Horse Bolted and Injured a Man

Muzzling Order

New Hotel for Denaby just Completed


Result of a Jollification at Conisbrough

Unlawful Dog Franchise – Unmuzzled Dogs

Inhuman Parents

Unmuzzled Dogs

Conisborough Parish Council – Treasurer, Footpath, Fire Brigade, Water Supply

Sad Burning Fatality at Conisborough

Conisborough Musical Society.

Denaby Main Colliery – “Playing Days”

Denaby Notes – Swine Fever – Parish Election – New Workhouse

Denaby Pit Lads in Trouble

Free Travelling on M. S. And L. Railway

Friendly Societies Hospital Sunday at Conisborough – Annual Church Parade

Illegal Canine Franchise – Muzzling Order and Dog Owners

Inhuman Parents – On Remand Verdict

Ivanhoe Smoking Club.

New Hotel at Denaby – Denaby Main Hotel

Prize Fight at Denaby – Kilmartin v Dalton

Resignation of the Conisborough Weslayan Church Organist

Burial Board Committee – Consecration Again

Conisbrough and Consecration – Another Pitched Battle

The Terrible Accident at Cadeby Colliery – Inquest and Verdict

The Terrible Accident at Cadeby Colliery – Funeral (video)

South Yorkshire League Champions v Rest of League

Conisborough School Board

Breach of the Locomotive Act – Travelling at Rate of 3 1/2 m.p.h. (picture)

Conisborough Notes – Fire Engine – Dog Bite – Streetlight

Conisbrough Parish Council – Cemetery Lodge – Urban Council – Minnie Mow

Conisbrough Parish Council – New Fire Engine – Merryweather or Rose’s ? (pictures)

Mindless Miners

New Shop in Conisborough – Taylor, Hatter and Outfitter

Resignation of the Rev R.P.Roseveare

The Consecration Question at Conisborough

Tragedy at Denaby Main – Attempted Murder and Suicide

Without Muzzles – An Indignant Dog Owner

More Traction Engine Trouble

Dangerous Practice at Conisborough

An Unruly Railway Passenger at Conisborough Station

The Shocking Tragedy at Denaby Main – Verdict

Conisborough Cruelty to a Pit Pony

Conisborough Football Club – South Yorkshire League Champions

Conisborough Man goes to Pasteur for Treatment

Conisborough – School Board – Cases of Cruelty to Children

Costly “Bids For Fortune”

Damage to Growing Grass – A Timely Prosecution

Fatal Burning Case at Conisborough

Husband and Wife at Conisborough – A Pattern Pair

Sunday Afternoon through Denaby & Conisborough

the Fatal Accident at Cadeby colliery

The New Denaby Main Hotel – Proposed Rebuilding

The Shocking Tragedy at Denaby Main – Sensational Evidence

Conisborough notes – Village Feast, Demonstration, Botanical Rable – Trip to Scarborough

Conisborough Parish Council – The Chairman Indignant

Conisborough Parish Council – The Purchase of a Fire Engine – A Stormy Debate

Conisborough School Board – Notice of Meeting, Attendance, Wash House Building

Denaby Main Cricket v Kilnhurst, Houghton Main and Conisborough

Dangerous Offence at Cadeby Pit

Child Employed Contrary to Factory Act

Alleged Threats and Intimidation at Denaby.

Breach of Special Rule at Denaby Main

Coal Stealing at Denaby Main

Conisborough Hospital Sunday – Damp Day Damages the Undertaking

Conisborough School Board – Attendance – Scarlet Fever – Inspectors Report

Costly Amusement at Denaby

Lively Scene in the Region of Conisborough Castle

School Board Election

Ungrateful Denaby Main Miners

Conisborough Parish Council – The Question of Charities

Conisborough Parish Council – Allotments

Conisborough Parish Council – Water Supply

Conisborough Parish Council – Accounts – Election Expenses

Conisborough Parish Council – Fire Engine – Urban Powers

“Scrap” in the Dark at Cadeby Main – Virulent Conisborough Miner (re-trial)

Assault at Conisborough

Conisborough Farmer Summoned – The Muzzling Order

Conisborough Notes – Choir Trip – Infant School Treat – Sunday School Excursion

Conisborough School Board – Chairman Dispute

Conisborough School Board – Letter

Denaby Veteran Summoned

Important Colliery Prosecution from Denaby Main.

Ladies Cricket Match – Conisbrough 17 Braithwell 13

More Colliery Prosecutions – Negligence – “Back Stay” Rule – Illegal Practice

Mushrooming Expedition at Conisborough

Terrific Storm at New Conisborough.

“Scrap” in the Dark at Cadeby Main – Virulent Conisborough Miner (adjourned)

Woman’s Privilege

Workmen’s Supper – Ashfield Fire and Clay Works

Denaby Main – Denaby 103 for 5 Doncaster WE 42 – Cannot Play for Nuts or Toffee

Denaby Main – They Couldn’t Play for Toffee if They Tried ! (poem)

Crime and Courts

Threats of “Murder and Sudden Death” at Denaby.

Hull Engineers and Naval Architects – Visit to Denaby and Cadeby Collieries

Conisborough Fire Brigade – The New Fire Engine

Conisbrough Notes – Conisbrough United Brass Band – Gas Explosion – Machine Accident

Conisborough Notes – Water Scheme – Road to Doncaster Races – Workmen’s Dinner

A Pit Lad’s Cruelty to a Pony

Affray in a Train at Conisborough

Alleged Assault on a Denaby Miner’s Wife

Application Case from Denaby

Excellent Character Ruined at Denaby Main – A Repentant Thief

Important Case – A Dishonest Contractor at Denaby Main

More drunks at New Conisborough and Denaby

Matrimonial Bliss – A Violent Fellow at Conisborough.

Serious Charge – A Successful Alibi from Conisborough

Wedding – Denaby Young Lady Marries Leeds Manufacturer

Conisborough Parish Council – New Fire Engine Accepted – Water – Street Lighting

Assault at Conisborough

Bosdin’s Toffee

Conisborough Policeman Violently Assaulted

Conisbrough Cricket Club – AGM – New Secretary

Denaby Mine Infringement

Denaby Notes – Convalescent – Wakefield – Miner in Trouble – Daring Robbery of Cattle

Indecent Exposure at Conisborough

Serious Accident – Denaby Main Colliery – Two Men in Hospital

Serious Accident – Fatality

Theft of a Piece of Wood


Dispute – Top Men Hold Meeting

Dispute – Meeting of Miners – Demands and Reply

Dispute – Imminent Strike

Dispute – No Settlement – 2000 Men Leave Work – Largest Pit in Yorkshire Idle

Dispute – Meeting of the Surface Workmen

Dispute – Miners Attitude – Mr Pickard Condemns Surface Men’s Union

Conisbrough Conservative Association – Celebration of Mr Fison’s Return

A Peculiar Charge – No Name on Cart

Conisborough Miner Short of Coal

Parish Council – Merryweather – Gas Lighting – Water Scheme – District Council

Conisborough School Board – Widow’s Special Friend

Damaging a Lock at Conisborough

Drunk at Denaby – Landlord of the New Denaby Main Hotel Summoned

Fire at Conisborough

Injured Innocents at Denaby

Inquest on Blacksmith at Denaby Main

Robbery in High Street

Theft of Timber at Conisborough

Industry and Commerce

Fatal Accident at Cadeby Main


Dispute – Denaby Strike – No Settlement Yet – Attempts at Negotiation Futile

Dispute – Strike at Denaby – Negotiations Abandoned – Firm to the Bitter End

Dispute – Denaby Strike – Men Still Out – Friction Between Men

Dispute – Settlement Arrived at – Appeal to Underground Workmen

Dispute – Another Strike Threatened – Men Still Out Of Work

Former Strikes at Denaby Main

Conisborough School Board – Gas Stoves for Heating

Denaby Main Parish Council – Lighting – Allotments – Urban Powers

Dispute as to a Thrashing Machine at Conisborough

Drunks – Two thirds from Conisborough

Family Feud at Conisborough

Queen’s Bounty for Triplets

Sad Accident to a Denaby Youth – Dangerous Toys

Stealing Coal – Collier in Custody for Seven Days

The Denaby Main Strike

The Late Denaby Strike and a Denaby Miner and his Creditors

The State of Ivanhoe Land

Young Thieves at Denaby

Conisborough Parish Council – Lively Meeting – Burial Board – Post Office

A Violent Miner

Bad Night for Day

Brutal Assault at Conisborough

Conisborough Cricket Club Annual Ball

Conisborough Town Football Club Concert (videos)

Conisborough Young Men fined for Kissing and Annoying Railway Passengers

Dangerous Cartload

He was Fond of his Cat

Missionary Meeting at Denaby Main

Shameful Neglect of Children

Stopping the Toy at Denaby

Bad Night for Day – Where the Rugs Went to

A Denaby Tradesman’s Complaint

Conisborough Notes – Dancing and the Funeral

Conisborough Parish Council – Gas and Dole

Dogs Not ‘Collared’

Funeral of Husband and Wife at Conisborough

Primitive Methodism At Denaby Main – Sale of Work

They Were All Drunk

Traction Engine – Where Was The Third Man?

Conisborough F C – The Boys Of The Castle Town.

Conisborough F C – Conisborough 2 Thornhill United 0

Breach of Rules at Cadeby Main – Lamp Keeper Prosecuted

Entertainment at the Wesleyan Church (videos)

Advertisement – Nicholson Bros – Maltsters & Brewers

Advertisement – W.J. Ward – Chemist & Druggist

Ambulance Work at Conisborough

Barnsley St Peters Reserve 4 Conisborough 1

Brutal Assault at Conisborough

Conisborough Gentlemen in Little Bytham Train Crash (picture)

Conisborough Notes – Footpaths – Infirmary Sunday – Church Institute

Conisborough Parish – Gas, Electric & Fire – Local Registrar – Allotments – Footpaths

Death of Mr J Cranidge, of Old Denaby – Famous Bonesetter

Parochial Tea And Entertainment At Conisborough (video and song)

Remarkable Case From Denaby – Thirty-Four Pawn Tickets – Severe Sentence

Conisborough School Board – Lively Proceedings

Fancy Dress Ball At Conisborough – Brilliant Gathering For Charity’s Sake

Outbreak of Swine Fever at Denaby Main

Postal Arrangements At Conisborough

Teaching Boys To Gamble – Charge Against a Conisborough Shopkeeper

The New Offices of the Denaby and Cadeby Main Collieries Ltd (pictures)

Wedding – Miss Sarah Emily Sharp and Mr John Bateson

Wesleyan Chapel Lecture – Life and Saying of the late Rev. Peter Mackenzie (picture)

Conisborough PC – Postal Reforms – Charities – New Fire Engine

Conisborough PC – ‘Last scene of all – That ends this strange eventful history,’


Conisborough 1 North Staveley 0 – Charity Cup Final

Hurrah For The Castle Boys ! (poem)

Conisborough Town 3 Eastwood Mission 0 – Rough & Tumble, Kick and Rush

An Indignant Defendant from Conisborough

Cadeby Grounded while Leaving Cronstadt

Conisborough Town 3 v Eastwood Mission 0 – Rough & Tumble, Kick & Rush

Conisborough Wesleyan Sunday School Anniversary

Conisbrough Parish Council – Scavenging Again – Urban Powers

Distinguished Honour for a Conisborough Musician

Fatal Accident at Denaby Main

Fatal Accident to a Mexborough Miner

Lecture on Rev Peter McKenzie (picture)

Photographing Conisbrough Fire Brigade

Robberies at the Denaby Main Post Office – Young Men Involved

Denaby Main – Kilnhurst 68 for 5 Denaby Main 62

Denaby Main – Denaby Main 108 Hexthorpe 72 for 6

After Game At Denaby.

Alleged Criminal Assault At Consiborough – Trial at Doncaster

Alleged Criminal Assault At Consiborough – Prisoner Remanded

Conisborough Church Sunday School Collections

Consiborough Doles And Charities

Consiborough Hospital Sunday

Consiborough Wesleyan Chapel – Cleethorpes on Whit Monday

Denaby Main Church – The Micklefield Disaster

Inquest At Denaby Main of Teenager’s Railway Death at Accommodation Crossing

Kicking A Pit Pony

Mrs Hoyle – Active Supporter of Montagu Cottage Hospital and G.F.S. dies aged 32

Outbreak of Typhoid Fever at Denaby.

Presentation to Enginewright at Denaby Main.

Resignation of The Rev. R. P. Roseveare Of Denaby Main – Living at Great Snoring

Streets to be Re Named

Whitsuntide At Denaby Main

A Neighbours Feud

Accident At Denaby Main Colliery – Fatal Result 15 Year Old

Another Alleged Assault

Alleged Assault At Conisborough.

Alleged Cruelty To A Wife

Assault At Hilltop

Conisborough Parish Ratepayers Meeting – Urban Powers

Conisborough Parish – Allotments – Urban Powers – Footpaths – Fireman’s Clothes

Conisborough Wesleyan Choir – Choir and Organist

Death From Typhoid Fever At Denaby Main

Death Of Two Denaby Screenmen

Denaby Main Church – A Minister Appointed

Fighting At Conisborough

Illegal Pawning of a Handkerchief at Denaby.

Runaway Horse At Conisborough

The Curacy Of Denaby

Threat To Murder a Wife At Denaby

Twenty Shillings In The Pound And Interest.

Conisborough Wesleyan Choir – New Organist

Woman Refused Ticket and Told to Wait for Next Train

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 50 Rawmarsh 83 – Crummack’s Excellent Bowling

Accident at Cadeby Main Colliery

Assault at Conisborough – Brother in Law

Assault at Conisborough – Husband

Conisborough F.C. – A Coming Club

Conisborough Notes – New Conisborough – ‘Salty’ Thompson – Fruit Thieves – Wine

Conisbrough Administration Order.

Conisbrough Application to Sell Bottled Beer Granted

Cricket Match and Dinner at Denaby Main

Deserting His Wife at Conisborough

Fatal Accident at Conisborough – Rusty Nail

Good News From Cadeby Main Colliery – The Barnsley Bed Reached at Last

Alteration to Three Horse Shoes Inn

Assault at Denaby by Bricks and Stones

Breach of the Vaccination Act

Breaking Colliery Rules – Endangering Lives at Denaby Main

Breaking Colliery Rules – Lamp Testing – Pipe in Pocket – Fixing Backstay

Breaking Colliery Rules – Silly Conduct of a Driver

Breaking Rules at Cadeby Main Colliery

Brutal Treatment of a Dog at Conisborough

Coal Trade with Hull – Denaby Main Greater than whole of West Yorkshire

Conisbrough Parish Council – Public Road – Fire Equipment

Denaby Main Primitive Methodist Chapel – Harvest Festival

Drowned at Conisborough

Drunkeness – Seven Cases from Conisborough

Employers and Workmen’s Act

Impudent Theft of Mushrooms

Matrimonial Troubles at Conisborough

No Light at Conisborough – Mate in Front with Lamp

Rough Assault on Farmer by Trespassers

Six Year Old Conisborough Boy Drowned at Mexborough

Stealing Cultivated Mushrooms at Conisborough

Sudden Death at Conisborough

Sudden Death in Denaby Main Pit

Accident to the Royal Mail at Conisborough

Alleged Assault at Conisborough.

Alleged Threatening with a Gun

Breach of Colliery Rules – Death of a Pony

Breach of the Explosives Act – Sale and Display of Fireworks

Conisborough Notes – New Baptist Church and Footpaths

Conisborough Wesleyan Foreign Mission

Cooperative Tea and Concert at Conisborough

Dangerous Conduct at Denaby

Daring Burglary at Denaby Main

Denaby and Cadeby Main United Cricket Club – Annual Dinner

Fatal Accident to 13 year Old at Denaby Main – Inquest

Fatal Accident to 13 Year Old at Denaby Main

He Had Been After the Rabbits

Hoyland Rock 5 Conisborough 3 – Playing in Low Shoes

Liberal Tea, Meeting and Music at Conisborough

Lively Defendant from Denaby

Magic Lantern Lecture – Parochial Mission of the Jews

Miner’s Midnight Movements at Conisborough

Non Payment of Rates – Adjourned

Pit Lad’s Carelessness of Danger

Conisborough Drowning Case Inquest – False Rumours

Accident at Cadeby Main Colliery.

Alleged Wounding at Conisborough.

Assault at Conisborough.

Breach of Colliery Rules

Colliery Rules – Disobedience at Denaby

Conisborough and Denaby Notes – Manager ill – Cinderella Dance – Musical Society

Conisborough Notes – Musical Society – Castle Street – Church News

Conisborough Notes – Preacher’s Accident – Street Names – Fire Brigade’s First Fire

Death of Manager of Denaby Co-Operative Stores.

Fatal Accident at Conisborough – Railwayman’s Crowbar

Gambling at Conisborough.

Kind Act at Conisborough

Lecture on History of Alphabet at Conisborough

Liberal Tea and Meeting at Conisborough

Painful Death of Denaby Schoolboy.

Rev Father Kavanagh on the Denaby Main Institute

Wife Assault.

Assaulting a Denaby Publican

Visit to Cadeby Main – The Largest Colliery In Yorkshire – Pit Top Inspection

Conisborough Wesleyan Bazaar

Conisborough Wounding Case – Six Months Hard Labour

Dangers of Disobedience – Breach of Colliery Rules

Dangers of Disobedience – Extraordinary charges

Ride On An Underground Road.

The Shocking Fatality of a 13 year old at Denaby Main Colliery

The Usual List.

Visit to Cadeby Main – The Largest Colliery In Yorkshire – Underground

Gambling in a “Chip” Shop.

Burning Fatality at New Conisborough

Conisborough Parish – Street Naming – Kilner’s buildings – Postal Facilities – Fire Brigade

Denaby Main Orchestral Society – Concert at Denaby Main

False Pretences at Cadeby Colliery

Girl’s Extraordinary Story

Horse Drowned

Kicking a Pony

Larceny at Conisborough

Rabbit Catcher Caught

Sharp Practice at Denaby

Some Costly Rabbits at Barmboro’

Theft of Bottled Beer and Stout at Denaby.

Unsafe Lamp at Denaby.

Wife Maintenance


Conisborough Notes – Christmas Eve in Conisborough – Cricket Club Ball

Attempted Suicide at Conisborough

Conisborough Parish Council – Footpaths, Street Names and Bridges

Conisborough School Board – Teacher Appointment – New School – Temperance

Cruelty to a Pit Pony

Dinner and Social At Denaby – Cadeby Main 1 Denaby Main 0

Entertainment at Conisborough.

Floods in the Don and Dearne Valleys

Service of Song at Conisborough

Silly Youth – A Pony Incident

Silly Youth – About a Drag

Topmen’s Meeting at Conisborough

Wounding Unlawfully at Conisborough.


Fatality on The Railway at Denaby

Alleged Sale of A Wife for a Gallon of Beer

Conisborough Parish Council – Street Lighting and Holywell Spring

Conisborough Parish Council – The State of the Roads

Cruelty to a Pony at Denaby Main

Dangerous Offence.

Denaby Parish Church – Denaby 6 Kilnhurst 3; Denaby 1 Carr 0; Denaby 7 Greasbro 1

Diamond Jubilee

Music Hall Artistes in Conflict at Denaby

Scene at the Denaby Main Hotel

Industry and Commerce

Terrible Death of a Youth At Cadeby Main Colliery


The Church and the Castle and Flowers

A Warm Afternoon at Conisborough

Ambulance Classes at Denaby Main

Conisborough School Board

Damaging Fences at Conisborough

Denaby and Cadeby Main United Cricket club.

Denaby Main Institute – Interesting Statements.

Denaby Main Wesleyan Band of Hope.

Drinking During Prohibited Hours

Fatality at Cadeby Main

Headmistress leaving School

Kilner Bros Outing (picture)

Obstructing the Highway at Conisborough

The Water Question at Conisborough

The Water Supply at Conisborough – Editorial Comment

Industry and Commerce

Accident at Denaby Main

Denaby Main – Aldwarke Park 94 for 4 Denaby Main 93


Corpse Burnt at The Wakes


New Organ

Grand Concert at Denaby Main by Orchestral Society (videos)

Crime and Courts

Conisborough Case – Hire of Traction Engine

Damaging Fences at Conisborough

Daring Burglary at Hilltop – The Thief up A Chimney

Travelling Without a Ticket

Assaulting a Sister at Conisborough

Pulling Hair at Conisborough

Savage Assault at Denaby


Mexborough and District League – Conisborough 45 Swinton 46 for 8

Industry and Commerce

Pit Lads Strike – Refusal to Work – Meeting with Mr Wright

Pit Lads Strike – Interview with Mr Parrott

Pit Lads Strike – Sunday Afternoon Meeting

Pit Lads Strike – At the Police Court


Denaby and the Diamond Jubilee

Jubilee celebrations at Denaby and Denaby Main

Industry and Commerce

Fatal Accident at Cadeby

Conisborough Parish Council


A New Church for Denaby Main

Conisborough School Board

Conisborough School Board – Land at Last

Denaby Main Technical Class

Crime and Courts

Naughty Talk at Conisborough Station

Wilful Damage to Fences at Conisborough

Assault at Conisborough

Assaulting a Constable


Conisborough C.C. – Conisborough 61  Wentworth  41

Conisbrough C.C. – Conisborough 94  Mexborough 83

Denaby Main – Denaby 43 Kilnhurst 44 for 4

Denaby Main – Denaby 64 for 2  Greasborough 62


Accident at Denaby Main

Colliery Workmen’s Trip to Hull

Diamond Jubilee in Conisborough

Children’s Diamond Jubilee Cot

Conisborough Notes – New School – Urban Powers – Hospital – Temperance – Jubilee

Denaby Main Cottage Hospital.

Visitors at Conisborough.

Industry and Commerce

Conisborough Parish Council – Registrar – Ash Pits – Pipe in Spring – Causeway – Burials

Road Extension at Denaby Main.

Water Supply of Denaby


Conisborough Church Flower Festival

Denaby Main Wesleyan Sunday School.

Flower Services at Cadeby

Denaby Main Institute.

Reresby Arms Concert Room, Denaby

Children’s Diamond Jubilee Cot fund

Denaby Main Institute – Omission

Proposed Cottage Hospital for Denaby Main.

Teachers Picnic to Roche Abbey

Crime and Courts

Conisborough Maintenance  Application.

Drunks and Assaults


Conisborough 51 Mexborough 52 for 7

Mexborough 175 for 6  Conisborough 57

Denaby Miner Sent To Prison.

Larceny at Conisborough

An Assault at the New Hotel

Assault at Conisborough

Assault at Conisborough


Trap Accident at Conisborough

Sad Drowning Fatality at New Conisborough.

Garden Party at Conisborough.

Success of a New Conisborough Musician

Industry and Commerce

Breaches of Colliery Rules At Denaby

Denaby and Cadeby Collieries Trips

Denaby Excursions – Liverpool & Hull

Fatality Important Test Case over Boy’s Death at the Mine

Conisborough Parish Council – Water Famine – Allotments – Barbed Wire -Bridge


Denaby Main Wesleyan Anniversary (videos)

Roman Catholic Church for Denaby Main – Foundation-Stone Laying.

Denaby Main Orchestral Society at Sprotborough Hall (videos)

Conisborough School Board – Examinations – Cleaning – Inspector

Conisborough School Board – Land – Deaf & Dumb

Robbing Somnolent Cyclist


Death from Injuries at Denaby

St Leger Day and Denaby Crossing

Industry and Commerce

Conisborough and Urban Powers

Colliery Trade


Vicar of Conisborough to go to Pocklington

Crime and Courts

Heartless Cruelty to a Child at Conisborough

A Violent Girl at Conisbro’.

Cruelty to A Horse

Game Trespass at Melton.

Police Seizure of Rabbits

Scene at Conisbro’.

The Usual List

Saturday Night Row at Conisborough

Industry and Commerce

Sad Fatality at Denaby Main

The Prosecution of Denaby Main Miners

Denaby Explosive Works – Company to be Voluntarily Wound Up

Parish Council – Spring, Railway Bridge, Alottments, Fire Brigade


Roman Catholic Church Foundation Stone Laid by Bishop

The New Vicar of Conisborough.

Crime and Courts

A Dangerous Dog

Action for Detained Goods

Thrown From Horse – Alleged Fatal Result of a Lark

Thrown From a Horse at Denaby Main

Traction Engine Danger

Woman Commits Suicide at Conisborough

House Robbery at Conisborough

Theft From A Miner.

Curious Case From Cadeby – Fighting Underground


Burning Fatality at Denaby

Concert at Denaby

Industry and Commerce

Negligent “Corporal” At Denaby.


Conisborough School Board.

Crime and Courts

Cases of Drunkenness.

The Firework Nuisance

Conisborough Assault Case


Conisborough Cricket Club’s Annual Dinner

Denaby Parish Church 6 Newhill 2 – One Sided Game

Rotherham Church Inst 5 Denaby Parish Church 2 – Player’s Leg Broken.

Industry and Commerce

The Butchers Christmas Show – Christmas beef

Stoppage – Reply to “Trade Union Tyranny” -Mr. Holmes

Stoppage – Task Accomplished In Record Time – Remarkable Engineering Feat

Stoppage – Breakage of Winding Rope Shaft at Denaby Main

Stoppage – Incident at Denaby Colliery – W.H. Chambers

Conisborough Parish Council – Water Supply – Footpaths – Urban Powers.


Induction of The New Vicar Of Conisboro’ By The Archbishop Of York.

Organ Opening at Conisborough Wesleyan Chapel

Proposed New Church – Donations from Archbishop

Tithe Rent Charges in The Conisborough District – Sale in  London

Crime and Courts

Conisbro’ Butcher and His “Domestic Life.”

Inquest on Female Infant At Conisborough

Traction Engine Difficulties at Conisborough

Violent Prisoner


Cadeby, Conisbro’, And Denaby – Urban Powers


Fire at Conisborough Brickyard

Conisborough Cricket Club Annual Ball

Death of Father of Famous Footballer

Death of Mr George Kilner, Thornhill Lees

Death of Mr Swaby, of Denaby Main

Death of the Conisborough Town Cryer

Wanted, Everyone To Know – C.A. Cranidge, Bone-setter

Crime and Courts

Conisborough Traveller Beat a Railway Company

Silly Trick at Conisborough

How John Lost His Boots-  A Miner’s Little Adventure

Safe Robbery at Conisborough

Theft of Coal at Conisbro’

Conisborough Neighbours at Variance

Scene at New Conisborough – Wholesale Window Smashing


Denaby Parish Church – Denaby  4  Greasbro’ 1

Denaby Parish Church – Sandhill 0 Denaby P.C.3


Social Evening at Denaby Main.

Industry and Commerce

Fatal Accident at Denaby Main Colliery

Medical Officer for Denaby & Cadeby Main Collieries

Conisborough Parish Council – Dangerous Hill, Town Crier, Fire Brigade Bill

Crime and Courts

Horrible Cruelty to a Child – A Drunken Set

Unhappy Matrimonial Alliance

Cruelty to a Pit pony at Denaby Main

Denaby Scandal – Medical Man Amours – Sensational Evidence

Denaby Miners Theft.

Affairs at Conisbrough – Sergeant Brown Assaulted


Racing at the Junction Inn Grounds

A Conisborough Hero. (picture)

“A Gambling School” At Mexboro’.

Breach of Colliery Rules at The Denaby Main Colliery.

Breaches of Colliery Rules at Cadeby Main.

Brutal Attack on a Miner.

Conisboro’ Notes.

Cruelty To A Pony At Cadeby Main.

Dirty Talk at Conisborough

Fire at Conisbrough

Illegal Pawning At Conisborough

Serious Allegation Against The Police.

Wedding at Conisborough

Youthful Offenders at Conisboro’.


Serious Accident at a Farm at Denaby

Industry and Commerce

Fatality At Denaby’ Main Colliery

Accidents at the Denaby Main Colliery

Denaby & Cadeby Main Collieries Ltd – Debenture Stock Offer – Prospectus

Gruesome Topic. – Should Miners Cease Work When Fatality Occurs ?

Denaby & Cadeby Main Collieries Ltd – Debenture Stock Offer


Conisbro’ School Board – Attendance Officer’s Salary – Irate Parent

Crime and Courts

Alleged Highway Robbery.


Denaby Parish Church 0 Birdwell 2 – Montagu Cup – A Scene.

Doncaster Rovers Reserve 2 Denaby Parish Church 1

Industry and Commerce

Fatal Accident at Conisborough.

Singular Fatal Accident at the Conisbro’ Glassworks.

Denaby Main Miners and the Compensation Act.

Lundhill Colliery History

The Denaby Main Rating Assessment

Breach of the Factory Acts

Denaby Rating Assessment Case – The Award.

Conisborough and Urban Powers.

Conisborough Rural District Election – Conservative Victory

Home Rule for Conisbrough – (Mexborough & Swinton Times Editorial)

Crime and Courts

Scene at New Conisborough

Being on Licensed Premises – A Trumpery Charge

Being on Licensed Premises – Summons Dismissed

The Gambling Mania.

Leniently Dealt With.

Robbing a Lodger at Denaby

An Assault at Conisborough


Doncaster Rovers’ Reserves 1. Denaby Parish Church 2 – South Yorkshire League Semi-Final


Death of a Child at Conisborough – Too Much Infants’ Preservative – Mother Censured.

Interesting Wedding at Conisborough

Industry and Commerce

Conisboro’ Parish Council – Fire Brigade – Mr Butcher Taken To Task. – Water & Post

Conisborough Parish Council


The Invasion of London – How Fox Inn Took Possession of the Greatest City ( photos & videos)

Conisborough Notes – Cricket, Football, Bicycle Mania, Miners Demonstration

Conisborough Notes – Miners 10% Advance – Parish Council Meeting

Conisborough School Board – New Schools – Appeal To Parents – Urban Powers Question.

Crime and Courts

Objecting To Swine Fever Regulations.

“Running Down” Case at Denaby.

Serious Allegation against the Police.

Week End Drunks

Assaulting the Police

Highway Robbery with Violence


Denaby Parish Church 2 v Mexborough West End 1 – Cup Final

Sheffield and Hallamshire Football Association.


Expedition From Conisbrough

Industry and Commerce

Kilner’s Jubilee

Conisborough and Urban District Powers – Final Day of the Inquiry.

Conisborough and Urban District Powers – County Council Inquiry.


Subscriptions deducted From Wages.

Conisbrough Notes – Eagle & Child Singers – Sunday School Festivals – Vicar’s Injury

Crime and Courts

Oiling a Colliery Brake At Denaby.

Alleged Unlawful Wounding of a Gamekeeper

Fracas at a Conisborough Inn.


Wath 67 Conisborough 66 – Narrow Win for Wath

Industry and Commerce

Fatality at Denaby Main Colliery.

Denaby Main Institute.


Fair at Conisborough Castle (picture)

The History Of Conisborough Castle – Sheffield Deacons Fraternal At Conisborough

Hospital Demonstration

Conisborough Notes – Lively Week End – Bicycle Fever

Progress at Denaby Main

Crime and Courts

Brutal Assault at Conisbrough

Case From Conisborough – Two Colliers Get Six Months Each.

Lively doings at Conisbrough


Conisbrough 14 Hickleton Main 41 for 2 – Feast Farce !

Conisbrough 36  Braithwell 32; Conisbrough 74  Wadworth 21

Wath 67 Conisborough 66

Industry and Commerce

Conisbro’ Parish Council – The Urban Powers Question


Temperance Mission at Denaby – Successful Sunday. Meetings

Burcroft Feast and Sport

Cadeby Feast

Conisborough Notes – Mr Chambers – School Board – Mushrooms – Typhoid – Urban Powers

Conisborough Notes – Organist – Nearly Struck by Lightning

Conisborough’s Water Problem – Dam in the Brook

Where is the Post Office?

Crime and Courts

A Separation Order.

After The Apples

Assault at Conisborough.

Riding In a Pit

Alleged Assault at Conisborough

Ructions At New Conisborough


Conisborough 25 Balby 26 for 5

Conisbrough 30   Swinton (2 wkts) 34

Presentation of the South Yorkshire Cup and Medals at Denaby Main

Industry and Commerce

Rating Assessment

Conisborough Parish Council – Sewage and River – Pinder and Pinder’s House – North Cliff Footpath


Conisborough Castle Fishing Club (video)

Conisborough – Advance Accepted – Baptist Chapel – New Resident – Loss of Engineman

Conisborough Notes – Three Horse Shoes Landlord – Mail Cart Drivers Suicide – School Board – Ghost – Doncaster Races

Conisbro’ School Board.

Technical Education at Denaby Main – Coal Mining Lecture.

Crime and Courts

Neglecting a Wife – Cowardly Assault

A Conisbro’ Militiaman.

A Paltry Case from Conisborough

Capture of Poachers Near Doncaster.

Poaching Offence at Cadeby

They were drunk

Suicide of a Mail Cart Driver at Conisbro’.

Alleged Theft of a Pony

Alleged Assault at Conisbro

An Assault at Conisborough

Riotous Scene at Conisbro’.


Parkgate United Reserves 2 Conisbro’ St. Peters 1


Accident to Boy

Wedding – Day & Piper

Industry and Commerce

Death of First Cadeby Mason

Wage Advance

Wage Advances


New Baptist Chapel

New Organist & Choirmaster

Conisborough Notes – Evening Classes – Baptist Chapel – Coloured Clay Pipes

Conisborough School Board – Caretaker’s Wages – Precept Needed

Crime and Courts

Singular Charge Against a Wife.

Month Hard Labour for Poaching


Conisborough Cricket Club – Use of Bad Language

Denaby Utd – Denaby 2 Thope Hesley 0 – Hatchard Cup


Sad Burning Fatality At New Conisborough

Industry and Commerce

Doctor Williams Pink Pills for Pale People (Advert), (picture)


Conisbro’ School Board

Conisbrough Notes – Urban Powers, School Caretaker, Post Office Lamp, Lively New Conisbrough, Toothache Cure

Crime and Courts

A Conisborough Rent Case.

Conisborough Drinkers

Fire at Clifton

The Betting Bye-Law

Assaults on the Police.

More Assaults on the Police

Police Constables Assaulted.


Smoking Concert at Denaby Main (videos)


Cadeby Accident

Industry and Commerce

House Building

Another Pit Accident

The New Lamps for the Fire Engine


Organ Recital at Conisborough (videos)

Sick and Dividing Societies

Conisborough Notes – Marriage, Dances, Cricket, Football and Billiards

Conisbrough Notes – Races, Holly and Cliffs

First Class Certificates

Street Music at Conisborough


Conisborough Cricket Club Public Dance

Denaby Utd – Doncaster Rovers Res 2  Denaby United  2

Conisbrough St Peter’s 2 Thurnscoe 0 – Football in the Dark


The Worst Village in England

1899 Fatal Explosion at Denaby Main


Fatal Mishap to a Somnambulist

Sad Effects of Drink.

Industry and Commerce

Conisbro’ Parish Council

Conisborough Parish Council


Conisbro’ Parish Church Annual Tea & Concert

Crime and Courts

A Wife’s Maintenance

Singular Domestic Squabble.

Attempt To Wreck a Train At Conisbro’.

Discontented Farm Labourers.

“Raffling” At Christmas.

The Removal of Pigs.

Would Be Train Wrecker at Conisborough

Working Unfit Horse At Mexborough.

Alleged Bicycle Theft.

A Troublesome Customer.


Denaby Utd – Denaby 4 Ecclesfield 0


Great War Remembered – Herbert Mennell Rutter – School Years

Industry and Commerce

Conisborough’s Urban Powers Application – Conclusion of the Inquiry.

Conisborough’s Struggle For Self-Government – Local Government Board Inquiry

Conisbrough’s Application for Urban Powers – Second Day’s Proceedings.

Crime and Courts

Attack On Wife At Conisbro’

Neglect of Family.

A Gang of Gamblers.

A Goalkeeper in Trouble. (picture)

Breach of Colliery Rules.

Suicide at Conisborough.

Felony at Conisbro’

Shop-Breaking at New Denaby.


Coal Merchant Bankrupt repays Debts

Industry and Commerce

Fatal Accident at Cadeby Main Colliery.

Fatal Accident At Denaby.

The Fire at Cadeby Main Colliery – Death of Another Victim – The Inquest.

Conisbro’ Parish Council – Storm Damage – Allotments & Fire False Alarm

Liberalism in The Doncaster Division – Mr, Black at Conisborough.


Oddfellows’ Demonstration at Conisbro’.

Conisbro’ School Board.

Crime and Courts

Domestic Troubles at Conisbro’.

A Conisbrough Firm Summoned

Breach of Colliery Rules at Denaby.

Lamp Offence

Railway Officials and Passengers.

The Birch for Conisborough Boys.

Rough Party at Doncaster Railway Station.

Sequel to Prize Fight Near Mexboro’ – A Police Officers Stern Chase.

Denaby C.C. – Tea Concert

Denaby Main Orchestral Society


Fire at Denaby Main.

Industry and Commerce

Fatal Accident at Denaby Main Colliery


The First Vicar of Denaby Main.

Concert at Denaby Main.

Crime and Courts

Claim Against the Denaby Main Colliery Company

Suicide at Conisborough


Found Drowned At Mexboro’.

Industry and Commerce

Conisborough and Urban Powers – Denied


A New Church at Denaby Main

Crime and Courts

Alleged Arson at Denaby.

Nice Haul at Conisborough.

Street Betting At New Conisborough – Bookmaker Fined.

Drowning at Conisborough

Suicide at Consborough.

Swinton Fowl Stealing Case.

A Scene at Conisbro’.

Fighting At Conisbro’.

Serious Affray at Doncaster – The Bench and the Bar.


Conisbro’  34  Swinton 36 for 8

Conisbro’ 39 Balby  108 for 8

Hope Glass Works 63 For 4  Conisborough 60

Wath  110  Conisbro’  47


Fatal Accident at Conisbro’ Glass Works.

Fatal Paraffin Lamp Explosion at Denaby – Juryman Criticises Coroner.

Industry and Commerce

Run Over By Railway Waggon at Conisborough.

A Burial Question at Conisbro’.

Conisbro’ and Urban Powers

Crime and Courts

A Denaby Miner Sent To Prison.

A Reminder of the Lock-Out in the Coal Trade

Negligent Pony Drivers.

Desperate Suicide of a Woman at Mexboro’ – Exciting Scene in the Canal.

Boys Steel Tobacco at Doncaster.

An Affray at Conisbro’.

An Assault at Conisborough

Violent Customer at New Conisborough.


Balby 35  Conisbro’ 59

Conisborough   38 for 8  Wath  37


Conisborough Notes – Obituary – John Downing

Industry and Commerce

Denaby Main Co-Operative Society.

Conisbro’ Parish.

West Riding County Council – The Conisbro’ Application for Urban Powers.


Conisborough Hospital Sunday.

Conisbro’ School Board Election – Liberal Victory.

Conisbrough Notes – Excursions

Crime and Courts

Straying Cows at Conisbro’

A Rough Customer at Conisbro’


Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 146 for 5  Aldwarke Park 47

Conisborough Cricket Club Sports.


Boy Drowned at Denaby Main

Industry and Commerce

Fatal Accident at Denaby Main.

South Yorkshire Collieries and the Hull Coal Trade

Crime and Courts

Maintaining A Father.

A Fatality at Denaby Main.

A Troublesome Smoker on The Line.

Matches Into The Denaby Pit.

Refusing To Quit At Denaby.

Forfeit of Bond

Savage Assault at Conisborough.

Unruly Customers at Conisborough.


Swinton 120   Denaby  79 for 6


Accident at Conisbro’ Saw Mills.

Industry and Commerce

Institution of Mining Engineers – Visit to Cadeby Main Colliery.

Crime and Courts

After The Wedding At Conisbro’.

An Unhappy Marriage.

After the Rabbits at Melton.

Damage to Haystack At Denaby.

Gambling On Doncaster Racecourse.

He Lost His Ticket.

Singing in a Railway Carriage.

Sudden Termination of a Prize-Fight At Conisbro’

Vaccination Cases.

Alleged Theft from Conisbro’ Station


Roundell Street 3 Denaby Main 3

Local Football Scores

Conisborough  3 Hallam 0


A Denaby Burning Case

Industry and Commerce

Conisborough’s Struggle for Self-Government – Another Scheme to Be Submitted

Conisbro’ Parish Council


Conisborough School Board.

Crime and Courts

A Denaby Barman and his Hosepipe

Cruelty to Sheep

Lost His Ticket and Threatened with a Knife

Wilful Damage to Haystack

Sad Suicide of a Professional Cricketer


Conisbro’ St. Peter’s 3 Roundel 1

Denaby Utd – Denaby 1 Sheffield Club 1

Denaby Utd – Sheffield Club 0 Denaby 1 – English Cup Replay

Denaby Utd – Denaby 6  Hallam 2

Denaby Utd – Denaby 2 Mexboro’ 1 – English Cup

Conisborough St. Peter’s 1  Kimberworth 3

 Treeton 0 Denaby United 1

Denaby Utd – Denaby 2 Hunslet 2 – English Cup


Chapel Work At Denaby.

The Worst Village in England

The Worst Village in England – Certainly not!

The Worst Village in England – Eastern Morning News

The Worst Village in England – Hull Daily Mail

The Worst Village in England – Mexboro’ Trades Council Annual Dinner

The Worst Village in England – Mr William Parrott

The Worst Village in England – Westminster Gazette and Others

Crime and Courts

Box of Matches in Possession

Selling Drink to Children.

Visiting Small-Pox Patients.

Theft and Drink.


Denaby Utd – Hunslet 1 Denaby1.

Denaby Utd – Hunslet 1 Denaby 1 – Third Qualifying Round – Replayed

Denaby Utd – Hunslet 4 Denaby 3

Conisbro’ St. Peter’s 3  Montrose Works 2


Shocking Affair at Conisborough – Father Killed In Sight Of Reservist Sons.

The Shocking Fatality at Conisborough.

A Denaby Girl’s Experience.

Industry and Commerce

Conisborough at Christmas


Supplying Drink To Children.

The “Character of Denaby Main”.

Denaby Main – In Search of the Truth

Relief Fund Concert at Conisborough.

Crime and Courts

Neglect at Conisborough.

Conisbro Policeman Assaulted

A Smart Denaby Boy

Big Haul of Gamblers at Conisbro’

Kicking a Denaby Pony

Pony Kicking at Cadeby

The Conduct of Denaby – A Police Court Explanation

Assaulting A Gamekeeper.





Conisborough Children

Church Street

Colliery Offices

The Poplars

Industry and Commerce

Doctor Williams Pink Pills for Pale People – Critical Condition of Conisbro’ Woman.


Slandered Denaby – Apology Tendered.

Crime and Courts

Trouble at the Alma Inn

Window Breaking at Denaby

Cruelty to a Denaby Pony


Billiards – Conisbrough v Denaby

Denaby Utd – Denaby 4 Montrose Works 0

Denaby Utd – Denaby 4  Montrose Works 0

Denaby Utd – Denaby 11 Kimberworth 1

Denaby Utd – Denaby 2 Aston Coal Coy 2

Denaby Utd – Denaby  2  Aston Coal Company 2

Denaby Utd – Denaby 4 Conisbro’ 1

Hatchard Cup – Division 1 Table – January 29, 1900

Conisborough St Peters – Hatchard Cup Division 1 – Results

Denaby Utd – Results – January 1900


Boer War – Teddy Gregory

Boer War – Tim Roper

Industry and Commerce

Failure of Conisborough Miller

Denaby Ash Pit Neglect


Parochial Tea at Conisbrough

Temperance Meeting at Denaby Main

News – Drowning Escape – Burning Fatality – Mental Disorder

The Supply of Beer to Under Age Children

Crime and Courts

Breaches of Colliery Rules.

Wilful Damage at Denaby


Denaby Utd – Denaby 4 Conisbrough 1

Denaby Utd – Denaby 3 Swallownest 0


St Patrick’s Day Concert at Denaby

Industry and Commerce

College Students at a Coal Mine

The Position of Colliery Surfacemen.

Conisbro’ & Urban Powers. Opposition by Colliery Company

County Council Inquiry at Conisborough.

Crime and Courts

Contravening Bye-Laws.

Doncaster Police Cases

Alleged Shop Breaking.


Denaby Utd – Conisbrough 1 Denaby United 3

Denaby United Football Club – Benefit Concert

Denaby & Cadeby Main Cricket Club Smoking Concert

Industry and Commerce

Denaby Main Co-operative Society – Dividend 5 shillings in £

Urban Powers – 1 The Day’s Proceedings

Urban Powers – 2. Mr Holmes Evidence – The Water Supply

Urban Powers – 3 Something about the Rates

Urban Powers – 4. A Rural Councillor’s Evidence


Ambulance Work at Denaby Main

Birthday Club’s Trip to London – Dirty Dicks & Sam’s Folly

Crime and Courts

Denaby Labourer’s Responsibility

Breach of Colliery Rules – Dangerous Actions

Breach of Colliery Rules – Hanger On’s Orders


Denaby Utd – Swinton 1 Denaby 2

Denaby Utd – Denaby 4 Rotherham Town 0

Conisbro CC – Conisbrough 55 for 5 Hope Glass Works 18


News from a Denaby Soldier


Conisborough School Board – The Clerkship

Crime and Courts

Domestic Quarrels at Conisborough

Worst Village – 1. Mr Buckingham Pope in Witness Box

Worst Village – 2. Plaintiff’s Summing Up

Worst Village – 3. Defendant’s Summing Up

Worst Village – 4. Judge’s Summing Up and Verdict

Worst Village – Buckingham Pope v Eastern Morning & Hull News

Bashed with a Beer Bottle at Denaby

Serious Assault at Denaby

Denaby Football Club Dinner


Conisbro CC – Conisborough 28 Mitchell’s Main 117 for 7

Conisbro CC – Conisborough 47 Swinton 116

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 41 Houghton United 23

Conisbro CC – Conisborough 66 Denaby 107

Denaby Cricket Club Special Committee Meeting

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 39 Mexborough 77

Industry and Commerce

Cadeby, Conisborough, and Denaby – Urban District Recommended.

Conisborough Water Supply


Conisborough rejoices over Lord Roberts´s success at Pretoria

Crime and Courts

Disorderly Behaviour at New Conisbro

Gaming with Coins at Conisbro

Mafeking Spree at Conisborough

Not Giving Warning with Bicycle at Conisborough

Obscenity at Conisbro’

Shocking Case at Conisbrough – Acting as wife at 15 years of Age

A Strange Suicide of a Lad.

Robbery from the Person.


Conisbro CC – Old Albion Brewery 51 Conisborough 82

Conisbro CC – Hope Glass Works 124 for 4 Conisborough 123

Conisbro CC – Conisborough 138 for 7 Balby 70

Conisbro C C – Wombwell Main 160 for 5 Conisborough 84


Denaby & Cadeby – Mexborough 84 for 4 Denaby 54

Conisbro CC – Conisborough 67 Rawmarsh 118 for 5

Conisbro CC – Conisborough 90 Wath Athletic 51

Conisbro CC – Mexborough 127 Conisborough 39


Denaby Girl killed at Cleethorpes

Industry and Commerce

E. Robinson Undertaker (advert)

Trip From Conisborough.


Choral Society on the Wane

Hospital Demonstration at Conisborough.

Pride of Conisborough Lodge

Indian Famine Fund Formed at Conisborough

Boer War – Letter from a Denaby Ambulance man

Boer War – Letter from Seat of War – Camp Fire Explodes

Boer War – Letter from Tim Roper, Denaby Footballer

Boer War – Reservist´s War Experiences – Lord Kitchener’s Orderly

Boer War – Return of a Denaby Reservist

Crime and Courts

Serious Assault on a Mexborough Woman.

Neighbours Quarrel at Denaby.

Domestic Trouble at Conisborough.

A Denaby Deserter

A Denaby Miner and His Watch

Abduction By A Miner

Conisborough Tipplers

Conisborough Tipplers

Obscene Language at Conisborough

Extraordinary Suicide – Pedlar jumps into River

Strange Suicide at Conisborough

Turnip Thefts at Conisborough

Fighting At New Conisborough.


Conisborough Cricket Club Sports

Conisborough Cricket Week.

Conisborough 55 Hickleton Main 53

Mixed Cricket at Conisborough – Ladies 82 Gentlemen 76

Novel Cricket Match – Starts at 2 a.m. !

Denaby & Cadeby – Wath, Rawmarsh, Swinton & Aldwarke Park

Conisborough CC – Braithwell, Hickleton and Rawmarsh

Industry and Commerce

Denaby Main Miners and the Wage Question


Conisborough Notes – Beautiful Village – Butcher buys a Refridgerator

Conisborough Notes – Urban District Appeal – Pitiless Rain – Indian Famine

Conisborough Notes – Park Road Sanitation

Crime and Courts

Family Trouble at Conisborough

A Trivial Case from Conisborough

“Banker” at Conisbrough

Card Playing at Conisborough

Conisborough Drunks

Denaby Drunks

Masterful Denaby Woman

Surety for a Denaby Man

The Denaby Abduction Case.

Fighting at Denaby

Alleged Assault at Denaby

Fighting at Denaby


Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 59 Houghton United 37

Denaby Main 57 Conisborough 48 – Harrison’s Benefit

Conisborough C.C. – Wombwell, Balby and Swinton


Accident at Cadeby Main

Brave Policeman at Denaby Main

Wedding – Booth & Hempsal – Interesting Wedding at Conisborough

Industry and Commerce

Liberal Candidate Talks to Miners at Denaby Main


New Protestant Church at Denaby Main

Conisborough School Board – Tenders for New Schools

Tim Roper Returns

Crime and Courts

Disobeying the Orders of a Deputy


Denaby Utd – Denaby 2  Rotherham  0 – Good Entry into Association League

Denaby & Cadeby – Rotherham 94 for 7 Denaby 90

Conisborough CC – Conisborough 33 for 8 Hickleton 102

Mexborough League – Final Table

Denaby Utd – Denaby 1 Wath 0 – Denaby dance round Wath

Denaby Utd – Worksop Town 3 Denaby 2 – Twice Winning but lose

Industry and Commerce

Bargains at Whitaker’s (advert)

Denaby Main Co-op – Centuries of Coal to be Mined in Yorkshire

Urban Powers


Wesleyan Bazar – “Worst Village” Libel

Crime and Courts

Yorkshire Fisheries Board – Important Prosecution

Burglary Epidemic

Impudent Robbery in Conisborough

Stealing Apples at Ravenfield.


Denaby & Cadeby Main United Cricket Club – Flourishing Condition

Denaby Utd – Swinton 2 Denaby 2 – Surprising Show at Swinton

Denaby Utd – Denaby 1 United Reserve 3 – Denaby Outclassed at Home

Denaby Utd – Denaby 4 Wombwell 3 – Denaby Secure Couple of Points.

Sheffield Association League – October 26, 1900

Industry and Commerce

Proposed New Cooperative for Conisborough.

Conisborough Councillors at Variance – Abusive Language


Denaby Main Orchestral Society – Successful Concert

Shakespeare’s Church and the Fullerton’s of Thrybergh, and Denaby.

Crime and Courts

Denaby Man gave a Wrong Name

A Conisbrough Deserter

An Unruly Conisborough Miner

The Beer Victims.

Without Gun Licence at Denaby

Fighting at Mexborough


Denaby & Cadeby United Dinner – New Professional Engaged

Denaby Utd – Wath 1 Denaby 1 – Denaby Draw at Wath

Denaby Utd – Hunslet 1 Denaby 1

Denaby Utd – Sheffield Club 0 Denaby 5 – Dashing Display by Denaby

Crime and Courts

Quarrelsome Denaby Man


Letter from South Africa

Industry and Commerce

Proposed New Cooperative in Conisborough – Work Beginning

The New Schools. – A Heated Discussion.

The New Schools – Comment


Father Kavanagh and his Flock.

Crime and Courts

Alleged Persistent Cruelty at Denaby

Neglecting to Maintain a Wife at Denaby

Refusing to Quit the Denaby Main Hotel

Theft of a Purse at Conisbro’


Sheffield Association League Table – Dec 28, 1900

Denaby Utd – Thornhill 3 Denaby 0 – Denaby Defeated at Thornhill

Conisborough Cricket Club

Denaby United

Disturbance at a Conisbrough Inn – Conflicting Evidence

Jan 18th – Denaby 0 Wednesday Reserve 2 – Denaby well beaten

March 29 – Wednesday Reserve 5 Denaby 1 – Wednesday score 4 in Second Half

Quarter 1

Watch Stealing at Conisborough.


Denaby – A glimpse back in time

Denaby Cricket Club Ball – Enjoyable Function – Noticeable improvements

Industry and Commerce

The Hull Coal Trade

Conisborough and Urban Powers.


Conisborough Church Organ – Dedication Service and Recitals.

Pride of Conisborough Lodge – Annual Tea, Concert and Dance.

Census 1901 – Old Denaby District 9.00 – Analysis and Map

Census 1901 – Conisborough District 1.00 – Analysis and Map

Census 1901 – Conisborough District 1.00 – Boundaries & Contents

Census 1901 – Conisborough District 1.00 – Surname Check

Census 1901 – Conisborough District 1.01 – Infectious Hospital, Don View & Sundry

Census 1901 – Conisborough District 1.02 – Don View

Census 1901 – Conisborough District 1.03 – Don View & Highfield Road

Census 1901 – Conisborough District 1.04 – Highfield Road

Census 1901 – Conisborough District 1.05 – Highfield Road

Census 1901 – Conisborough District 1.06 – Doncaster Road

Census 1901 – Conisborough District 1.07 – Doncaster Road

Census 1901 – Conisborough District 1.08 – Doncaster Road

Census 1901 – Conisborough District 1.09 – Doncaster Road, Star Hotel

Census 1901 – Conisborough District 1.10 – Doncaster Road, Clifton Hill

Census 1901 – Conisborough District 1.11 – Sheffield Road, Red Lion, Holywell Terrace

Census 1901 – Conisborough District 1.12 – Holywell, Kearsley Brook, Lime Grove

Census 1901 – Conisborough District 1.13 – Lime Grove

Census 1901 – Conisborough District 1.14 – Lime Grove, Rock House & Cottage, Sundry

Census 1901 – Conisborough District 1.15 – Mount Pleasant

Census 1901 – Conisborough District 1.16 – Mount Pleasant

Census 1901 – Conisborough District 1.18 – Hill Top & Pattison’s house

Census 1901 – Conisborough District 1.19 – Firsby, Farms & Sundry

Census 1901 – Conisborough District 1.20 – Clifton

Census 1901 – Conisborough District 1.21 – Clifton, Crookhill & Others

Census 1901 – Conisborough District 2 – Boundaries & Contents

Census 1901 – Conisborough District 3.00 – Analysis and Map

Census 1901 – Conisborough District 3.00 – Boundaries & Contents

Census 1901 – Conisborough District 3.00 – Surname Check

Census 1901 – Conisborough District 3.01 High Street

Census 1901 – Conisborough District 3.02 High Street & Castle Street

Census 1901 – Conisborough District 3.03 Castle Street, High Street & Station Road

Census 1901 – Conisborough District 3.04 Church Street & Station Road

Census 1901 – Conisborough District 3.05 Church Street & Elm Green Lane

Census 1901 – Conisborough District 3.06 Elm Green Lane & Old Road

Census 1901 – Conisborough District 3.07 West Street, “Alma Cottages & Various

Census 1901 – Conisborough District 3.08 West Street, Earnshaw Lane & Garden Lane

Census 1901 – Conisborough District 3.09 West Street, Castle Grounds, Eagle & Child

Census 1901 – Conisborough District 3.10 Garden Lane, March Street, Lightnings

Census 1901 – Conisborough District 3.11 Lightnings

Census 1901 – Conisborough District 3.12 Lightnings, Old Road

Census 1901 – Conisborough District 3.13 Church Street, School House, Various

Census 1901 – Conisborough District 3.14 – Smith’s Yard, West Street, Station Road

Census 1901 – Conisborough District 3.15 – Station Road, West Street

Census 1901 – Conisborough District 3.17 – West Street

Census 1901 – Conisborough District 3.16 – Station Road, West Street

Census 1901 – Conisborough District 3.18 – West Street, Goodlad’s Yard

Census 1901 – Conisborough District 3.19 – Goodlad’s Yard, Walker’s Yard & Church Street

Census 1901 – Conisborough District 3.20 – Church Street, Castle Street

Census 1901 – Conisborough District 3.21 – Earnshaw Lane

Census 1901 – Conisborough District 3.22 – Earnshaw Lane, Old Road & Various

Census 1901 – Conisborough District 3.23 – Wellgate

Census 1901 – Conisborough District 3.24 – Wellgate

Census 1901 – Conisborough District 3.25 – Wellgate

Census 1901 – Conisborough District 3.26 – Wellgate

Census 1901 – Conisborough District 3.27 – Garden Lane, Old Road & Silverwood View

Census 1901 – Conisborough District 3.28 – Silverwood View, March Street

Census 1901 – Conisborough District 4.00 – Boundaries & Contents

Census 1901 – Conisborough District 5 – Boundaries & Contents

Census 1901 – Denaby District 8.00 – Analysis and Map

Census 1901 – Denaby District 8.00 – Surname Listing

Census 1901 – Denaby District 8.01 – Bone Mill, Reresby Arms, Various

Census 1901 – Denaby District 8.02 – Doncaster Road

Census 1901 – Denaby District 8.02 – Doncaster Road Detail (picture)

Census 1901 – Denaby District 8.03 – Doncaster Road

Census 1901 – Denaby District 8.04 – Doncaster Road

Census 1901 – Denaby District 8.05 – Doncaster Road

Census 1901 – Denaby District 8.06 – Doncaster Road

Census 1901 – Denaby District 8.07 – Doncaster Road

Census 1901 – Denaby District 8.08 – Doncaster Road

Census 1901 – Denaby District 8.09 – Doncaster Road

Census 1901 – Denaby District 8.10 – Doncaster Road

Census 1901 – Denaby District 8.11 – Doncaster Road

Census 1901 – Denaby District 8.12 – Doncaster Road

Census 1901 – Denaby District 8.13 – Doncaster Road

Census 1901 – Denaby District 8.14 – Doncaster Road

Census 1901 – Denaby District 8.15 – Doncaster Road

Census 1901 – Denaby District 8.16 – Barmbro’ Street Detail (picture)

Census 1901 – Denaby District 8.16 – Doncaster Road, Barmbro St.

Census 1901 – Denaby District 8.17 – Barmbro’ St

Census 1901 – Denaby District 8.18 – Barmbro’ St.

Census 1901 – Denaby District 8.19 – Barmbro’ St.

Census 1901 – Denaby District 8.20 – Barmbro’ St.

Census 1901 – Denaby District 8.21 – Barmbro’ St.

Census 1901 – Denaby District 8.22 – Barmbro’ St.

Census 1901 – Denaby District 8.23 – Adwick Street Detail (picture)

Census 1901 – Denaby District 8.23 – Barmbro’ St.

Census 1901 – Denaby District 8.24 – Adwick Street

Census 1901 – Denaby District 8.25 – Adwick Street

Census 1901 – Denaby District 8.26 – Adwick Street

Census 1901 – Denaby District 8.27 – Adwick Street

Census 1901 – Denaby District 8.28 – Adwick Street, Annerley Street

Census 1901 – Denaby District 8.28 – Annerley Street Detail (picture)

Census 1901 – Denaby District 8.29 – Annerley Street

Census 1901 – Denaby District 8.30 – Annerley Street

Census 1901 – Denaby District 8.31 – Annerley Street

Census 1901 – Denaby District 8.32 – Annerley Street

Census 1901 – Denaby District 8.33 – Annerley Street

Census 1901 – Denaby District 8.34 – Annerley Street

Census 1901 – Denaby District 8.35 – Annerley Street

Census 1901 – Denaby District 8.36 – Annerley Street

Census 1901 – Denaby District 8.37 – Annerley Street

Census 1901 – Denaby District 8.38 – Annerley Street

Census 1901 – Denaby District 8.39 – Annerley Street, Thrybergh Street

Census 1901 – Denaby District 8.39 – Thrybergh Street detail, (picture)

Census 1901 – Denaby District 8.40 – Cliff View Street Detail (picture)

Census 1901 – Denaby District 8.40 – Thrybergh Street, Cliff View

Census 1901 – Denaby District 8.41 – Cliff View

Census 1901 – Denaby District 8.42 – Cliff View

Census 1901 – Old Denaby District 9.00 – Surname Check

Census 1901 – Old Denaby District 9.01 – Farms & Cottages

Census 1901 – Old Denaby District 9.02 – Old Hall, The Green, Field Cottage

Census 1901 – Old Denaby District 9.03 – Top Fold, Engine House, Various

Conisboro’ Notes – Musical Soiree – New Year’s Gathering – Choral Society – Brutal Assault

Conisborough School Board.

Queen Victoria (picture)

Crime and Courts

An Unruly Husband at Denaby.

Domestic Trouble at Denaby – Case Adjourned

Wife Assault At Denaby – Living Together Again

A Bentley Butcher’s Christmas Morning.

Alleged ” Marrying ” at Conisborough

Breach of the Explosives Act.

Cruelty to a Pony – Ill treatment not allowed in this District

Alleged Theft of Fowls at Conisborough

Savage Assault at Conisborough


Denaby Utd – Attercliffe 0 Denaby 4 – Chapman’s Hat Trick

Sheffield Association League – January 25, 1901


Wedding – Cranidge & Smith – Marriage of Bone Setter

Industry and Commerce

Trouble at Denaby & Cadeby – Revised Price List Wanted – Ballot to be Taken.

Conisborough Parish Council – Burials, Minniemoor Road, Fire Engine House and the National Sorrow

Urban Powers Inquiry – 1. Introduction

Urban Powers Inquiry – 2. Opposition to the Proposal – A General View

Urban Powers Inquiry – 3. Evidence for the Colliery Company

Urban Powers Inquiry – 4. More Evidence for the Opposition

Urban Powers Inquiry – 5. Evidence for the Rural Council

Urban Powers Inquiry – 6. The Case for the Parish Council

Urban Powers Inquiry – 7. Montagu Trustees

Urban Powers Inquiry – 8. Other Supporters of the Scheme

Urban Powers Inquiry – 9. Speeches for the Appellants


Conisborough Mourns – Parish Church Memorial Service for Queen Victoria

Crime and Courts

A Quarrel at Denaby Main.

Abusive Language at Conisbrough

Drunk and Disorderly at Denaby Main.

Drunk and Disorderly at Denaby Main – Assault on Landlord

Fighting At Conisbrough

Ill-treatment of a pony at Denaby Main

Matches in the Mine.

Removing Pigs Without Authority at Denaby

Some Conisborough Drunks

Robbing Poor People of Denaby


Conisborough C.C. – A.G.M. and Averages

Sheffield Association League – 25 February 1901

Denaby Utd –  Denaby 0  Doncaster Rovers 2 – Montagu Cup Semi-Final

Denaby Utd – Monk Bretton 6 Denaby 0 – Sheffield Association League

Industry and Commerce

Ballots at Denaby – Labour Members.

Breach of Colliery Rules at Cadeby.

Accident of Serious Nature – Pony Driver’s Compound Fractures

Doncaster R.D.C. – Ashes out of Closets obstruct Main Road

Crime and Courts

Brothers Quarrel at Conisborough

New Conisborough Bookmaker & Miner Bound Over

After Rabbits at Edlington

Breach of Rules at Cadeby – Refusal to Obey Deputy

British v Boers at New Conisborough

Conisborough Drunks

Flimsy Charge against a Denaby Youth.

Refusing to Quit at The Denaby Main Hotel

Conisborough Men in Trouble

Assault at Denaby


Cricket Club Pro. joins Imperial Yeomanry – Medal for Professor Bilboa

Denaby Utd – Monk Bretton 6 Denaby 0 – Denaby Custodian injured

Denaby Football Club – Concert Last Night.

Annual Dinner – Conjuring and Elocution by Professor Bilboa

Denaby Utd – Denaby 3 Gainsborough 0 – Denaby win with confidence


Pierrot Entertainment at Conisborough. – In Aid of the Parish Church Organ Fund

Conisborough at Easter Time

Conisborough School Board – The Blind Boy, Precept, Clerk’s Extra Work

Crime and Courts

Conisborough Miner Disputes his Marriage.

Damaging Windows at Conisborough and Denaby

Alleged Bigamy at Conisborough.

At Conisborough on Good Friday – Obscene Launguage and Indecent Prints

Drunk and Disorderly at Denaby on April Fool’s Day

Gamblers Caught at New Conisborough.

Without a Gun Licence at Conisborough

Alleged Theft at Denaby – Stealing Thorns

Theft of Fowls at Conisborough – Trial at Quarter Sessions

Serious Charge – Alleged Abdominal Attack.


Denaby Utd – Denaby 1 Sheffield Club 1 – Draw against the Sheffield Club

Denaby Utd – Denaby 5 Bolton 2 – Easter Monday Morning Victory

Denaby Utd – Denaby 5 Conisborough 0 – Conisborough thrashed in afternoon

Denaby Utd – Denaby 3 Monk Bretton 2 – Good Friday Victory

Denaby Utd – Denaby 2 Montrose Works 3 – Hallett brace

Denaby Utd – Denaby v Doncaster Rovers – Hatchard Cup Semi Finals – Drawn Games

Industry and Commerce

Conisborough and the Coal Tax – Mr F.W.Fisons “Death Blow.”

Water Supply for Conisborough


Conisborough Choral Society

Erection of an Infectious Diseases Hospital at Conisborough

Pride of Conisborough Juvenile Lodge – Tea, and Sports.

Conisborough Notes – Water, Census and Dancing at the Castle

Denaby Notes – Water, Two Denaby men in London

Crime and Courts

Bad Son at Conisborough

Heartless Bigamy at Conisborough

Serious Charge against a Conisborough Man – 1. Case for the Prosecution

Serious Charge against a Conisborough Man – 2. Case for the Defence

Serious Charge against a Conisborough Man – 3. Counsels, Judge and Verdict

Abusing a Denaby Hawker.

Bad Conisborough Case – 65th Summons

Drunk on Licensed Premises at Conisborough

Gamers on the Cliffs at Conisborough

“Only Wrestling” at Denaby

Paltry Case from Conisborough.

Refusing to Quit at New Conisborough

Wanting to Fight at Conisborough.

Birch for Conisborough Boys

Public House Lark at Denaby – Stolen Mackerel


Denaby Utd – Denaby 2 Attercliffe 1 – All scores in Second Part

Denaby Utd – Denaby 2 Swinton 0 – Last Home Match

Denaby Utd – Gainsbrough 1 Denaby 0 – Tuesday Evening Defeat

Denaby Utd – Sheffield Association League Table

Denaby & Cadeby – Hickleton 65 for 5 Denaby 125 for 5 – Luther with Bat & Ball

Conisbro CC – Mexborough 32 for 2 Conisbrough 29 – Hopelessly Beaten.

Denaby & Cadeby – A New Ground Opened – Denaby v Mitchell Main

Conisbro CC – Conisborough 54 Wath 84 – A Moderate Game

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 129 for 6 Mitchell Main 57 – Team Photographed

Conisborough CC – Conisborough 72 for 9 Swinton 101 – Lucky Draw

Denaby & Cadeby – Rawmarsh 72 Denaby 103 – Denaby Retain Splendid Form.

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 93 Conisborough 50 – Fine bowling


Red River Expedition – Sergeant Short’s Medals (picture)

Return of Conisborough Yeoman (picture)

Sergeant Brown leaves the District

Industry and Commerce

Foresters Visit to Cadeby Colliery


Denaby Main Wesleyan Sunday School Anniversary.

Conisborough School Board – New Desks – The Blind Boy – The New Act

Conisborough School Board – New Schools – Overcrowding – Blind Boy – Government Reports

Crime and Courts

Denaby Miner’s Troubles – A Peculiar Household

Conisborough Quarrel. – Assaulting a Married Woman

Denaby Compensation Case – Conflict of Medical Evidence.

Employers and Workmen’s Act at Conisborough.

Peculiar Poaching Charge at Conisborough.

Serious Charge against a Denaby Footballer

Denaby Suicide Averted

Brutal Assault at Conisborough.


Conisborough CC – Rawmarsh 118 for 8 Conisborough 88 for 8 – Drawn Game

Denaby & Cadeby – Swinton 80 for 8 Denaby 156 for 9 – An Exciting Match

‘Kip’ Races

Denaby & Cadeby – Mexborough 106 for 8 Denaby 34 – Disasterous Defeat

Conisborough CC – Swinton 54 Conisborough 78 – First Victory

Denaby & Cadeby – Conisborough 106 Denaby 114 for 3 – Victory at Neighbours

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 105 for 6 Mexborough 124 – Return Match

Denaby Utd – Annual Dinner – Over £60 in hand

Conisborough CC – Conisborough 33 for 4 Mitchell Main 29 – Second Victory

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 94 for 5 v Wombwell Main – Game Abandoned

Mexborough League Table – June 28th 1901


Accident of Serious Nature to Manager of Co-operative Stores

Drowning at Gray’s Bridge

Return of Ambulance Man from the Front

Another South African Return

Owner of the Manor of Conisborough claims Three Baronies. (pictures)

Industry and Commerce

Pit Accident


Conisbrough Hospital Sunday – A Successful Gathering

Conisborough Notes – Typhoid – Water – Lovely Stinks !

Conisborough School Board – Election – Candidates

Conisborough School Board – Election – Results

Conisborough School Board – Treatment of truants – Furnishing of New Schools.

Crime and Courts

O’Meara Quarrel at Conisborough.

Another Fight at New Conisborough

Damage to Potatoes at Conisborough.

“Grate Fite” – A lively Fight at Denaby

Police Obstruction at New Conisborough.

Thefts of Sheets at Denaby.

Women at War at Conisborough

Juvenile Thefts at Conisborough.


Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 71 Rotherham 163 for 4 – Rotherham’s Favour

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 68 Balby 73 – Win aided by Linithan

Donkey Dispute at Conisborough C.C. Sports

Conisbro CC – Conisborough 130 for 7 Braithwell 67 for 7 – Feast Match

Denaby & Cadeby – Wath 114 for 4 Denaby 156 for 2

Conisbro CC – Goole 92 Conisborough 94 for 6

Conisbro CC – Conisborough 129 for 8 Rawmarsh 58 – Conisborough Win on Time.

Industry and Commerce

Shunting Fatality at Denaby.

Prospect of a Strike – Payment for Bag Dirt

Threats towards Deputy at Denaby


Organ Recital at Conisborough.

St Alban’s Church Outing to Askern

First Meeting of Newly Formed School Board

Crime and Courts

Quarrel at Denaby – Rag Gatherer Summoned

“The Lodger” again at Denaby.

Bathing in the River at Conisborough.

“Bounce Ball” at Conisborough.

Cruelty to a Pony at Denaby.

Damaging a fence at Conisborough.

Disturbance at a Conisborough Hotel.

Leaving a Train in Motion

Attempted Suicide at Conisborough.

Apple Stealer at Conisborough

Assault after “Pantomime”

Assault by Lodger

Assault on Conisborough Station Master.


Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 84 for 7 Hickleton 79 – “Crick” Smith’s benefit.

Conisbro CC – Conisborough 73 Rotherham 59 for 6

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 142 for 3 Wath 50 – Another win for Denaby.

Denaby & Cadeby – Mitchell Main 147 Denaby 60 for 3

Conisbro CC – Wath 83 Conisborough 90 for 5

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 79 for 4 Rawmarsh 149 for 8 – “Crick” Smith.

Industry and Commerce

Sale of Property at Conisborough

Fatal Accident at Denaby Main Colliery.

Breakage at Denaby Colliery.

Trouble at Denaby & Cadeby Collieries – Majority Favour Strike – Bag Dirt Problem


Harvest Thanksgiving at Denaby.

Opening of a New Organ at Denaby Main Parish Church.

Conisborough School Board – The Price of Water – The New Schools

Crime and Courts

Breaches of Colliery Rules – Leaving place without Sprags

Breaking Doors at Denaby.

Colliery Offence at Denaby.

Theft of a Revolver at Denaby.

Assaulting a Constable at Denaby.

Assaults at Conisborough & Denaby

Brutal Conduct at Conisborough Station.

Neighbours Fight at Conisborough.


Conisborough C.C. – A Players Finger Broken.

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 90 for 1 Swinton 87 – Another Victory for Denaby.

Champions – Denaby Cricketers Jubilant – Winners of the Mexborough League.

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 107 Rawmarsh 59 – Championship Play Off

Athletic Festival at Denaby – A Splendid Success.

Denaby & Cadeby – Champions – Luther Robinson’s Batting and Bowling

Denaby & Cadeby – Final Mexborough League Table

Industry and Commerce

Denaby Main Co-operative Society – Dividend 22.5%

Conisborough Parish Council. – Grave Digging


Conisbrough Notes – Pesentations & Postal Arrangements

Conisbrough Notes – Professional, Building Works, United Brass Band

Dramatic Entertainment and Concert at Denaby

Crime and Courts

Persistent Cruelty at Denaby.

Boy Thieves at Conisbrough.

Conisbrough Poacher Caught.

Damaged Fences at Conisbrough.

Damaging Turnips at Denaby.

Denaby Bookmaker’s Child.

Denaby Main Colliery Prosecution

Neglectful Father at New Conisbrough.

Neighbours Fight at Conisbrough – “let’s have one dog one bone”

Trade Mark Infringement by a Conisbrough Confectioner


Denaby Utd – Denaby 3 Sheffield 0 – Easy Victory for Denaby.

James Massey – Denaby Goalkeeper (photo and wikipedia link))

Denaby Utd – Wath 2 Denaby 2 – Denaby Draw at Wath.

Extraordinary Knurr & Spell Match

Conisborough C.C. Averages

Sheffield Association League – October 25th 1901

Sheffield Association League Table

Presentation at Denaby Main

Denaby Utd – Attercliffe 7 Denaby 1 – Denaby Pulverised by Attercliffe.


Fatality at Denaby Main – Burning

Sad Drowning in Rotherham – Denaby girl found in canal.

Industry and Commerce

Fatality at Denaby Main – Colliery – Matthew Taylor

Grand Annual Social – With Musical Menu

Grand Social – Deathless Army (Video)

Grand Social – The Village Blacksmith (video)

Grand Social – Mary of Argyll (Video)

Grand Social – Since our Angelina joined a cooking class (poem)

Story of Cadeby Colliery – Interesting Speech by Mr W.H.Chambers

Rural District Council – Cadeby Borehole – New Houses – Refuse Tip – Denaby Footpaths

Explosives in Graves – Grave Digging Extraordinary


Tripe Supper – Conisborough Homing Society

Crime and Courts

Pony Drivers Responsibility.

Unhappy Married Life at Denaby – Not Providing Maintenance

Conisborough´s Man’s Record – 65 Convictions

Cruelty to a Pit Pony

Damaging a Fence at Conisborough – Gambling

Damaging a Fence at Conisborough – Schoolboy’s Bonfire Wood

Removing Pigs at Conisborough.

Potato Thefts at Conisborough.

Theft of Trousers at Conisborough

Denaby Ruffian Gets Three Months


Denaby Utd – Denaby 1 Royston 2

Denaby Utd – Hunslet 1 Denaby 1 – Denaby Draw at Hunslet.

Denaby Utd – Denaby 2 Gainsborough 0 – A Day Out for Denaby.

Sheffield Association League


Death and Funeral of Mrs Holmes, of Conisborough

Industry and Commerce

Conisborough Parish Council – Colliery Officials and the Chairman.

Conisborough Parish Council – Explosives for Graves, Brook Square Footbridge

Conisborough Water – A Public Scandal

Conisborough Water Supply – Another £600 needed

Conisborough Water Supply – Doncaster Rural District Council


Presentation of £100 to a Conisborough Druid

Crime and Courts

Another Fence Damager Fined

Colliery Prosecutions from Denaby Main

Denaby Swine Fever Case – Ignorance No Excuse

Youthful Offenders at New Conisborough – Pigeon Stealing and Shop Breaking.


Denaby Utd – Denaby 1 Doncaster Rovers Reserve 0 – Denaby Win Tame Game.

Denaby Utd – Denaby 7 Wombwell 0 – An Easy win for Denaby United

Denaby Utd – Barnsley Reserve 1 Denaby 2 – Grand Victory by Denaby

Denaby Utd – Denaby 5 Sheffield Club 0

Denaby Utd – Doncaster Rovers Res 1 Denaby 2 – Poor Game

Sheffield Association League – December 30th 1901

Denaby & Cadeby Main United C.C. Averages

Denaby Utd – Denaby 3 Roundel 0 – Denaby beat Roundel


1902 Bag Muck Strike

Assault on Police


Child Burnt to Death – Use of Fireguards

Brewer’s Drayman Killed At Conisborough.

Industry and Commerce

Interesting Gathering at Conisboro’.

Conisboro’ Parish Council – Gunpowder for Graves at Conisboro’.


Presentation to Mr Gibbs

Crime and Courts

A Rag Gatherer’s Lot.

Marriage a Failure at Denaby.

Colliery Prosecution of Denaby Men.

Drunks & Abusive Language

Refusing to Quit at Conisborough.

Swinton Trap Accident – Action Against Colliery Company – Claim for £50.

Scarf Pin Snatched at Denaby.

A Denaby Colliery Official Threatened.

A Denaby Miner charged with Manslaughter.

Alleged Unlawful Wounding at Denaby.


Denaby United 2  Conisborough St Peters  1 – Montagu Cup Semi Final

Denaby Utd – Monk Bretton 5  Denaby 2 – Denaby on The Wrong Tack

Montagu Cup Final

Conisborough Cricket Club – Annual Meeting


Boer War at the Front

Boer War Letters

Industry and Commerce

Conisborough Co-operative Society, Ltd. – Half Yearly Meeting

Accident at Denaby Main

Accident at Denaby Main

The “Bag Dirt” Question – Doncaster County Court

Crime and Courts

Marital Trouble At Denaby

A Conisborough Case.

An Unruly Denaby Collier

Colliery Prosecutions From Denaby

Colliery Special Rule 4

Conisborough Disturbance – Gaol for Two Men and Fine for Wife

Drunk and Disorderly At Conisbro’

Education at Mexborough.

Non-Paying Travellers at Conisbro’.

 The Drunks.

Alleged Theft At Conisiboro’.


Denaby Utd – Denaby 3 Monk Bretton  0 – Denaby beat Monk Bretton


Accident to Charles Blakemore

Industry and Commerce

Conisboro’ Parish Council – Water Barrel & Enquiry – Churchyard Footpath.

Crime and Courts

Cruelty in the Cadeby Mine.

Defaulting Guardsman.

Drunk and Disorderly.

Ferocious Dog at Conisborough

Mining Offences at Cadeby Main.

Obscene and Abusive Language & Disgraceful Fight

Obtaining Alms by False Pretences.

The Drunk and Disorderlies.

Assault on a Police Officer at Conisboro’.

Sensational Shooting Case at Conisborough

Conisborough Shooting Case – Prisoner Committed For Trial.


Denaby Utd – Royston 0 Denaby 0

Denaby Utd – Thornhill 0 Denaby United 1

Denaby Win the Montagu Cup – Final Tie at Mexborough – Denaby 3 Newhill 0

Denaby Win the Montagu Cup – Presentation of Cup and Medals.

Denaby Utd – Denaby 2  Barnsley Reserve 1


Good Friday Fatality at Conisboro’- Young Men Drowned – Wombwell Youth Severely Censured.

Inquest -Good Friday Fatality at Conisboro’

Industry and Commerce

Terrible Accident At Denaby Main.


Denaby Baptist Mission.

Conisborough on Good Friday

Crime and Courts

Persistent Cruelty at Conisborough

Condition of Safety Lamp

Denaby Colliery Prosecutions.

Drunk & Abusive

Falling Asleep at Work

Gambling at Conisborough.


Denaby Utd – Denaby 2  Wath Athletic  0 – Denaby Beat Wath.

New Rifle Range at Denaby Main.

Denaby Utd – Denaby 2 Thornhill 0


Letter from a Denaby Soldier.

Industry and Commerce

Two Miners Injured at Denaby Main

Accident at Denaby Main

The “Bag Dirt” Question – Outbreak of Trouble – Ballot for Strike

Conisbrough Parish Council – Heated Discussion – “A Confounded Liar.”


Whitsuntide Festivities

Denaby News – All Saints, Brass & Drum & Fife Bands

Whitsuntide Celebrations

Crime and Courts

All Over the Pig – A Conisborough Row

“Bounce Ball” at Conisborough

Colliery Prosecutions at Denaby

Drunk and Disorderly

“Lord Nelson” Summoned at Conisborough

Slate Damage

Sacking Theft

The Denaby Shooting Case.


Conisborough 77 for 7  White Lane 75 – Conisboro’ Win On Time

Conisborough 48 Hickleton Main 49 for 5 ; Denaby 62 for 2  Wombwell Main  161 for 0 dec

Mexborough and District Cricket League

Swinton  79 for 9  Conisborough  77; Hickleton Main 90 for 4 Denaby 131 for 7

Denaby   55   Mitchell Main  69 for 0

Tankersley 124  Denaby & Cadeby  42

Mexborough and District League Table – May 30th 1902

Mexborough & District League – Results to May 1902

Industry and Commerce

Sale of Land at Conisboro’.

The “Bag-Dirt” Question – Meeting Of Association Executive.


Denaby Main and the Coronation – Generous Gift – New Institute

Crime and Courts

A Dangerous Practice.

A Denaby Celebrity Sent To Prison

A Deserter

Abusive Language at Conisboro’.

Education at Denaby.

Owing to the Coronation

Straying Horses at Conisboro’

Women’s Quarrel

Writing on the Walls at Denaby.


Denaby Admitted to Midland League

Denaby in the Midland League

Mexborough League Results – June 30th, 1902

Mexborough League Table – June 30th 1902


A Conisbro’ Application.

Industry and Commerce

The “Bag Dirt” Question – Dispute Again

The “Bag Dirt” Strike – Mass Meeting

The “Bag Dirt” Strike – The Wheels Stopped

The “Bag Dirt” Strike – Wednesday Interview with Mr Chambers

The “Bag Dirt” Strike – Letter from Mr W.H. Chambers

The “Bag Dirt” Strike – Reply from the Lodge Secretaries

The “Bag Dirt” Strike – Mass Meeting of Men – Annables & Hall

The “Bag Dirt” Strike – Mass Meeting – Collecting Cards

The “Bag Dirt” Strike – Mexborough & District Trades Council

Crime and Courts

Claim against Conisbrough Brick Manufacturers – Case Dismissed

Denaby Colliery Prosecutions.

Obscene & Abusive Language

Refusing To Quit At Conisbro’

The Two D’s

Assault At Conisboro’.

Assault At Denaby.


Wath 99 for 7   Denaby 94


Golden Wedding – Mr & Mrs Senior

Industry and Commerce

The “Bag Dirt” Strike – Soup Kitchen for Mexboro’

The “Bag Dirt” Strike – Bread & Soup

The “Bag Dirt” Strike – Feeding the Children.

The “Bag Dirt” Strike – Meeting with Mr Chambers – 6th Week of Stoppage

The “Bag Dirt” Strike – Meeting with Mr Chambers – Memorandum

The “Bag Dirt” Strike – Meeting with Mr Chambers – Price List

The “Bag Dirt” Strike – The Strike and Children

The “Bag Dirt” Strike – Slight Disturbances

The “Bag Dirt” Strike – Seventh Week of the Stoppage

The “Bag Dirt” Strike – Mass Meeting of Men

The “Bag Dirt” Strike – Further Summonses

The “Bag Dirt” Strike – Meeting of Miners’ Wives

The “Bag Dirt” Strike – Ninth Week of the Stoppage


Denaby Main Notes.- South Africa – Drum & Fife Band

Marconigrams – August 01st, 1902

Conisborough School Board

Coronation Day Passes Quietly (picture)

Denaby Notes – Sick and Dividing Clubs – New Engine House

Marconigrams – August 08th, 1902

Marconigrams – August 15th, 1902

Marconigrams – August 22nd, 1902

Marconigrams – August 29th, 1902

Return of Denaby Soldiers from South Africa.

Crime and Courts

Alleged Assault at Denaby

Alleged Intimidation.

Alleged Threats

Catapults at Conisborough.

Denaby and Cadeby Strike – Police Court Sequel. Assault on a Police-Sergeant.

Drunk at Conisborough

Drunks and Disorderly – Obscene & Abusive Language

Forty-Two More Miners Summoned.

One Sequel to the Denaby Strike

Refusing to Quit at Conisboro’

Well Merited Punishment

Wounding a Pigeon

Wrong Person At Denaby.

Mail Driver Sent To Prison.

Alleged Assault at Denaby.

New Conisborough Man Sent to Prison – Assault on the Police


Denaby & Cadeby – Rawmarsh  69  Denaby 73 for 2

Denaby & Cadeby – Mitchell Main  136  Denaby & Cadeby 137 for 6 – Champions Defeated

Mexborough & District Cricket League Results – August 23rd, 1902

Mexbro’ and District League – August 29th, 1902

Mexborough League Results – August 30th 1902


Child Run Over At Mexboro’.

Shocking Death of a Denaby Man – Falls Sixty Feet Into a Quarry.

Painful Event – Husband and Wife Die Within Few Hours Of Each Other.

Industry and Commerce

The Hull Coal Trade – Serious Decline of Traffic.

Denaby and Cadeby Strike – 10th Week of the Great Struggle

Denaby and Cadeby Strike – 12th Week of The Stoppage – Communication with Chambers

Denaby and Cadeby Strike – 13th Week of Stoppage – Remarkable Letter from Mr. W. H. Chambers

The “Bag Dirt” Strike – More Miners Summoned – 317 Orders Made.

The “Bag Dirt” Strike – Miner’s Meeting

The “Bag Dirt” Strike – Proposed New Price List

The “Bag Dirt” Strike – Further Prosecutions.


Camp Life at Conisboro’ Cliffs.

Conisboro ‘ School Board – Presence of a Woman

Marconigrams – September 05th, 1902

Marconigrams – September 12th, 1902

Marconigrams – September 19th, 1902

Marconigrams – September 26th, 1902

Crime and Courts

Denary Bookmaker Sent To Prison.

Women’s Squabble at Denaby.

Conisborough and Denaby Drunks.

Conisboro’ School Board Member Summoned – Drunk and Disorderly.

Cruelty at Conisboro’.

Drunk in the Ferry Boat Inn at Mexborough

Impudent Reply at Denaby


Mexborough and Conisborough Drunks

Obscene Language.

Wilful Damage – A Sequel to the Howden Assault Case

Coal Stealers Caught at Denaby.

Stealing Fruit at Denaby


Local Cricket Results – September 5th, 1902

Denaby Utd – Denaby  2  Barnsley Reserves 0 – First Home Match


Horse Bolts Along the Railway at Conisborough

Sad Case of Destitution

Industry and Commerce

Denaby and Cadeby Strike – 14th Week of Strike – Alleged Loss Of £90,000 In Wages.

Denaby and Cadeby Strike – 15th Week of Strike – View of the Management

Denaby and Cadeby Strike – 17th Week of Strike – Application to Bench.

Denaby and Cadeby Strike – 18th Week of Strike – Mass & Stormy Meeting of Men

Strikes & Stoppages at Denaby

Conisborough Parish Council – Blasting at Cemetery – Fire Brigades Uniform – Rate Collector’s Salary


Marconigrams – October 03rd, 1902

Marconigrams – October 10th, 1902

Marconigrams – October 17th, 1902

Marconigrams – October 31st, 1902

Crime and Courts

A Denaby Collector in Trouble.

Damaging Fence at Conisborough

Extensive Thefts of Turnips at Conisboro’.

More Miners’ Summoned and the Usual Orders Made

Obscene & Abusive Language

Obscene Language at Conisborough

Stealing Apples at Conisborough

Fighting At Conisboro’.


Denaby Utd – Worksop Town 4  Denaby 1

Denaby’s New Additions

Denaby Utd – Grimsby Town Reserve 0  Denaby 2 – Smart Performance at Grimsby

Denaby Utd – Denaby 0  Sheffield United Reserve  0

Denaby Utd – Results – October 31st, 1902

Midland League Table – October 31st 1902

Industry and Commerce

Condition of Denaby Main -Hopeful Week

Denaby and Cadeby Strike Colliery Companies Determined Attitude

Denaby and Cadeby Strike – Sixth Month Of The Stoppage – No Prospect of Settlement

Statement by Mr Buckingham Pope, Chairman of Denaby & Cadeby Main Collieries

Conisbrough Parish Council – New Footpath’s -Question of Expenditure – Mr Baker & Mr Singleton


Conisbrough Castle Club

Marconigrams – November 07th, 1902

Marconigrams – November 14th, 1902

Marconigrams – November 21st, 1902

Marconigrams – November 28th, 1902

Crime and Courts

A Bad Tempered Denaby Footballer

After the Rabbits at Hickleton.

Court Briefs

Drunk in a Conisborough Inn

Rabbiting at Cadeby

Refusing to Quit at Denaby.

The Denaby and Cadeby Main Strike – Three More Orders Made

The Drunks

The Drunks

Member of Denaby Strike Committee Charged with Theft


Denaby Utd – Walsall  3  Denaby 2 – Weak referee

Denaby Utd – Denaby   1   Sheffield Club 4

Denaby Utd – Denaby 3  Newark  4

Denaby Utd – Denaby 2 Whitwick 1


Obituary – Henry Dunning

Obituary – Mrs Morte – Father escorted Napoleon

Industry and Commerce

A Day in Destitute Denaby – An Army of Beggars – The Stopping of Union Pay.

Denaby and Cadeby Strike – Conference of Masters and Men – Settlement Still To Be Made

Denaby and Cadeby Strike – Developments – Ejectment Orders Granted – Exciting Scenes

Denaby and Cadeby Strike – Ejectments Granted – 750 Homes to Be Broken Up.

Denaby and Cadeby Strike – Question Of Strike Pay

Important Injunction against Y.M.A. – “Strike Pay” Stopped.

Mass Meeting of the Men – Men Full of Fight

Meeting of Men – Prospects of a Settlement.

Resultant on The Strike – Damages Obtained From More Miners.

The Denaby and Cadeby Strike – Treachery

The Question of Evictions – 750 Ejectment Orders

Women’s Trouble at Denaby


Grand Musical Evening – Performance of Handel’s “Messiah.”

Marconigrams – December 12th, 1902

Marconigrams, December 5th, 1902

Crime and Courts

Court Briefs

A Drunken Assault.

Damaging the Company’s Property – Footballer Fined

Drunk & Disorderly & Obscene Language

A Peculiar Theft at Denaby

Theft from Denaby Main Colliery – Wrong Man Arrested


Denaby Utd – Derby County Reserve 5 Denaby 0

Denaby Utd – Hinckley 1 Denaby 2

Industry and Commerce

The Denaby and Cadeby Strike – Mr W Parrott Mr J Walsh & Local Officials Advice

Marconigrams – October 24th, 1902


Denaby Utd – Leuicester Foss Res 0 Denabuy 0

Week 1 – January 2nd

Week 2 – January 9th

Industry and Commerce

The Evictions – Good Meal for 1500 Little Ones – Feeding the Hungry.

The Evictions – Dinner in the Evicted Miner’s Quarters – London Graphic

Day 1 – Eviction Orders Executed – Distressing Scenes – “Come along with mammy”

Day 2 – Rain Came Tumbling Down in Sheets – “Can you spare a Copper Sir?”

Day 3 – Considerable progress with the Work – Array of Empty Houses

Day 4 – Evictions Ended – 750 families ejected – Importation of Fresh Labour ?

Denaby Main Colliery

Denaby Notes – “Mammy where shall we go ?”

Eviction of Miners at Denaby – London Sphere

Evictions Pictures – Evictions at Denaby

Evictions Pictures – Cliff View

Evictions Pictures – Denaby Main

Evictions Pictures – Doncaster Road

Evictions Pictures – near the Denaby Main Hotel

Evictions Pictures – Police Removing Furniture

Evictions Pictures – Removing Furniture

Evictions – Removing his Goods on a Wheelbarrow

Evictions Pictures – Familes Outhouse Refuge

Eviction Pictures – Families in Goldthorpe Methodist Chapel

Evictions Pictures – Families in Primitive Methodist School

Evictions Pictures – Families in Small Pox Hospital

Eviction Pictures – Families off to seek a new Home

Evictions Pictures – Family in Methodist Chapel

Mass Meeting of the Men – Friday – Progress of the Struggle

Evictions Pictures – Miners Demonstration

Evictions Pictures – Meeting of Denaby Miners at Mexborough

Evictions Pictures – Police Protecting New Arrivals

Eviction Pictures – Miners Preparing for Demonstration

Evictions Pictures – W.H. Chambers

Evictions Pictures – Tent life in Doncaster Road

Evictions Pictures – Tent Life near Miner’s Inn

Evictions Pictures – Tent life of Evicted Miners

The Denaby Main Evictions – Sheffield Daily Telegraph (picture)

Evictions Pictures – Waiting for New Arrivals at Conisboro’ Station

Important Developments

Mass Meeting of the Men – Monday – Ready for the Ejectments – “Fight On Fight On.”

Sidelights of the Strike – Families Accomodated at Schools and Tithe Barn

The Evictions of 1885


Denaby’s Christmas

Crime and Courts

Carrying Water on the Footpath at Conisborough

Bag Muck Strike and Denaby Evictions

Denaby and Cadeby miners – Special Appeal for Assistance.

Final “Ultimatum” Issued by the Colliery Company.

New Years Gift – Notice of Ejectment


Denaby Utd – Denaby 1 Chesterfield Reserves 1

Denaby Utd – Sheffield United Reserve 4 Denaby 1

Industry and Commerce


Strike Leaders – Fred Croft and John Nolan

Mass Meeting of Men Still Unemployed

Moving Back to their Homes

The Intimidation Charges

Crime and Courts

Assault Cases Adjourned

The Rabies Order.

Conisborough Miner Charged with Larceny

A Disorderly Denaby Striker

A Violent Wath Miner at Denaby

Industry and Commerce

Crushed To Death At Denaby. Buried Beneath A Fall Of Roof.



Big Day for Denaby – Stone-Laying of the New Fullerton Hospital.

Crime and Courts

Claim for Compensation

Street Betting At Conisborough.

Ten Years in Africa – Conisbrough Man Finds England To His Liking.

Denaby Elopement – Wife and Furniture Gone.

Rash Act at Denaby

A Lively Time at the Denaby Main Hotel

Conisbrough Cricket Club – Annual ball – a splendid success

Conisborough Man gets Two Years – Brutal Assault on the Police Well Punished

Trespassing on the Railway at Conisborough

Denaby Main Co-operative Society Ltd – A Model Society

Conisborough Parish Church – Annual Soirée

Conisborough Parish Church – Annual Soiree – Attaque des Uhlans (Video)

Conisborough Parish Council – The Allotment Dispute

Conisbrough Grocer’s Bankruptcy – Statement of Affairs

Fatal fall of Roof at Cadeby – Denaby Collier’s Death from Injuries – Coroner’s Inquiry

Odd Fellows Tea at Conisborough

Suicide at Conisborough – Young Married Woman’s Rash Act

Denaby Utd – Denaby 2 Gainsborough Trinity 1 – Another Success Gained

Denaby Utd – Sheffield Utd Reserves 1 Denaby 2 – Foulkes twice beaten (picture)

Denaby Utd – Lincoln City Reserve 0 Denaby United 1

Crime and Courts

Killing a Lamb at Conisborough – A Family Starving


Denaby Utd – Mexborough 0 Denaby 2 – Denaby always good enough

Saturday Night Railway Tragedy – Man Killed in Conisborough Tunnel

Conisborough Doctors Midnight Visit.

First Case under the Spitting By Law.

A Conisborough Fowl case.

Another Judgement Summons – Leaving Work without Notice

Breach of the Swine Movement Order

Conisborough Notes – Concert – Church – Missionary Society – Church Street

Conisborough Notes – Glowing Lights – Serious Accident – Church

Death of Mrs Farmer Denaby Main.

Disorderly Conisbrough miners.

Conisbrough Convalescent Homes Scheme – Successful Concert

She Cost me Seven and Sixpence (video) – From the Concert in the Previous Article

Denaby Utd – Denaby 0 Worksop 2 – Anything but Score

Denaby Utd – Denaby 5 Stockport County 0 – Youth with the Quiff scores first in Rout

Denaby Utd – Denaby 3 Doncaster Rovers 1 – United show 2nd Division Side Way Home

Denaby Main Rifle Club

Benefit Concert at Conisboro’ – Beneficiare’s Warm Tribute to the Montagu Hospital.

Benefit Concert at Denaby – Young Kentucky Minstrels

Breaches of Colliery Rules at Cadeby

Conisboro’ Cricket Club – Annual Meeting.

Conisboro’ Domestic Case – A Husband Delusions – Thought he was being poisoned

Conisboro’ Notes – Band of Hope – Smallpox at Burcroft

Conisboro’ Notes – Church Events and Benefit Concert

Conisboro’ Notes – Religious Life

Conisbro’ Parish Council – The Denaby Allotments

Denaby & Cadeby Main C C – Annual Meeting. – Resignation of Seretary

Denaby Man’s Troubles – Charges Wife with Stealing Blanket & Shirt

Denaby Notes – Whist Drive, Cricket Club AGM, Billiards and Draughts and United

Denaby Notes – Hairdresser and boy suffering from Smallpox

Refusing to Quit at New Conisborough.

St. Patrick’s Day at Denaby – Annual Concert

Terrible Fatality at Cadeby Colliery – Boy Falls 400 feet – Dashed to Pieces

The Usual Judgement Summonses From Denaby and Cadeby

Denaby Utd – Denaby 3 Rotherham 0 – Handsome Victory

Denaby Utd – Denaby 4 Thornhill Utd.1 – Denaby Win Hands Down

Denaby Utd – Denaby 2 Derby County 1 – Game Spoiled by Strong Wind

Denaby Utd – Doncaster Rovers 0 Denaby 1 – Denaby Return with Two Points

Theft of Coal at Conisborough

The Denaby Strike – Was it Bag – dirt? – Was it 10%?

Another Judgement Summons from Denaby

Bazaar at Denaby

Benefit Concert at Conisborough for Blind Sunday School Student

Conisborough Elopement Case – Drink and Black Eyes – Sordid Revelations

Conisborough Notes – English Climate – Court of Appeal

Denaby Main Cricket Club – Annual Dinner and Smoker

Melee at Conisborough Station

New Conisborough Assault

Obstructing The Police At Conisborough – An Unfounded Charge Against The Police

The Hen and The Crab – A Conisborough Fable in Verse

Water Divining Near Conisborough – Gratifying Results of Operations

Denaby Utd – Worksop 1 Denaby 1 – Player Ordered Off

Denaby Utd – Rotherham 1 Denaby 1 – Equalised through Penalty

Denaby Utd – Sheffield Club 1 Denaby 4 – United Win at Wadsley

Denaby Utd – Gresley 1 Denaby 2 – Denaby win 10 minutes from end

Conisborough Men’s Game Trespass and Assault at Wadworth

Wilful Damage at Conisborough

A Disorderly Conisborough Passenger

An Unsupported Charge from New Conisborough

Another Judgement Summons from Denaby

Breach of Colliery Rules at Cadeby

Conisborough Assault – “Will do the time”

Conisborough Baptist Church – Presentation of Prizes

Conisborough Baptist Sunday School.

Denaby Main Rifle Club

Dice Games at New Conisborough

Good Friday at Conisborough

Sad Drowning Accident at Conisborough – Crossing The Ferry

Serious Shooting Accident at Denaby

Denaby & Cadeby – Mitchell Main 81 Denaby 142

Denaby & Cadeby – Rotherham dnb Denaby 63 for 6 – Rain !

Alleged Licensing Offence at Conisborough – “Half and Half” after 14 Pints

Assaulting and Abusing School Attendance Officer at Conisborough

Breach of Colliery Rules at Denaby and Cadeby

Conisborough Parish Council – Recreation ground, Allotments and a Deputation

Court Cases – “Bounce Ball”, Obscene Language, Wilful damage

Court Cases – Fighting At Denaby – Judgement Summonses – Sleeping Out At Cadeby

Cruelty to a Pit Pony at Denaby

Denaby Main District Civilian Miniature Rifle Club.

Denaby Notes – Serious Accident Avoided, Church Anniversary, Denaby Cricket

Mother in Law Assaulted at Conisborough

Trams! – Denaby to Rotherham Route – Early Construction Certain

Whitsuntide at Denaby

Denaby Main Colliery Tour – Background – Strikes and the Battle of Denaby Main

Denaby Main Colliery Tour – Works Above the Ground

Denaby Main Colliery Tour – Below the Ground

Denaby Utd – Annual Dinner – Presentation of Medals

Denaby Utd – Fixtures 1905 / 1906

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 169 for 8 Mexborough 200 for 9 – “Derby Day” at Denaby

Denaby Main Co-operative Society – A visit to the Stores

Assault at Denaby – Money Owed for Lodgings

Conisborough Drowning Tragedy – 18 month old child

Conisborough Suicide – Died at Balby Workhouse

Crane Fatality at Cadeby – Policeman’s Son’s Shocking Death – Trying To Stop a Runaway

Cycling Match

Denaby Assault Case – Black Sheep Allegations

Denaby Assault Case Dismissed – “War Cry Incident”

Denaby Desertion Case

Dogs – Muzzles, Biting and Fighting

Drunk and Bad Language at Conisborough

Fullerton Hospital Denaby – Opening Ceremony by Mr. Buckingham Pope

Garden Plot – Intruder Caught

Shocking Train Fatality near Conisborough – Lady Leaps from Train

Theft of Money at New Conisborough

Unruly Denaby Defendant – Behaviour in Court – Threatens to Kill his Wife

Unsuccessful Conisborough Claim – Doncaster Wine Merchants Sued

Conisborough 81 Mr. C. Kemps Swinton XI 116

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 138 for 8 Wath 137 – Win for Denaby – Nothing to Spare

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 152. Monk Bretton 73 – Reputation not Justified

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 176 for 6 Swinton 85 – Severe Ill Usage of Swinton

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 170 for 9 Swinton 73 – Denaby bid for Honours

Cadeby Main Miner Killed – The Inquest

Conisborough Notes – Cadeby Pit Death – Wedding – Infants School

Conisborough Notes – Cooking and Dressmaking – Scholarships – Allotments

Denaby and District XIV. v. Mr. G. S. Marples Derbyshire XII. (picture)

Denaby Notes – Baptist mission – Rawmarsh Disaster – Mining Classes – Boys in Mines

Denaby Notes – Cricket Match – Primitive Methodist – Infant Mortality – Town Beaten

Denaby Squabble

Druidism at Denaby – Annual Tea and a Presentation

Education at Conisborough

New Conisborough Assault Case – Exemplary Sentences.

Theft of Rabbits by Conisborough Miners

Twelve Years Matrimonial Unhappiness at Denaby.

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 128 Hoyland 68 – Denaby’s Substantial Win

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 189 for 5 Stairfoot 47 – Sorry Stairfoot

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 137 Rotherham 15 – Intense Excitement

Denaby & Cadeby – Rawmarsh 105 Denaby 45 – Denaby’s Defeat.

Ex Official Charged with Theft – Echo of the Denaby Strike

A Conisbrough Grievance

Alleged Shop breaking by Conisborough Lads – A Peculiar Sequel

Breaches of Colliery Rules at Denaby and Cadeby

Conisborough Resident’s Son Missing – Suit of Clothes discovered on Blackpool Beach

Conisborough Trap Accident – Four Year Old Run Over

Wesleyan Harvest Festival – Recognition of the new Minister – Mr C Kilner’s programme

Court Cases – Conisborough Miner and his Wife – Denaby Miners Confession of Bigamy

Denaby Main Horticultural Society – A Successful First Attempt

Denaby Miner’s Temptation – Robbing his Workmates – Drastic Punishment

Denaby Notes – Miss Kay – Families for Canada – Works Visit

Denaby Notes – Widows Benefit – Accident at Cadeby

Conisborough Parish Council – Double Fees for Grave Reopening – The Allotments

Saturday Night at Denaby – Police Savagely Assaulted

Denaby Utd – Mexborough 0 Denaby 1 – The Night of the “Ancient Eel”

Denaby Utd – The Bitters are Mixed With the Sweets

Denaby Utd – Denaby 3 Doncaster Rovers 1 – A Fast Game and a Big Crowd

Denaby Utd – Denaby Down Doncaster

Denaby Utd – Denaby 3 Notts County Reserve 1 – Denaby Trounce Notts County Reserve

Denaby Utd – Denaby’s Third Win

Denaby Utd – Opponents, Result, Scorers, Teams

Alleged Theft at Conisborough

Conisborough Baptist Church Harvest Festival

Conisborough Boys in Mischief

Conisborough Parish Church Harvest Festival.

Conisbrough Notes – Baker’s Horse Bolted – Pierrot Concert – Nelson – New Organist

Consequence – A Conisborough Champion

Denaby Colliery Prosecutions – Breach of Rule 4

Denaby Compensation Case.

Denaby Desertion Case.

Denaby Main and District Rifle Club v Selby Patriotic Rifle Club

Denaby – Rifle & Cricket Club – Brass Band – Wesleyan – Accident – Language

Denaby Notes – Gambling – Cyclists Collection – Mining Classes – Hull City

Denaby Row – Causes a Sensational Rumour – Lively Scenes

Fatal Accident at Cadeby Colliery – Doncaster Labourer’s Death.

Former Conisborough Man Arrears.

Improvements at Conisborough.

Judgement Summonses – Breaches of Colliery Rules – Cruelty to a Pony

Police Courts – Refusing to Quit at Conisborough – Tenement Notices

Pugilists at Conisborough

Sad Accident at Denaby Main – Denaby Footballer Killed (picture)

Sad Accident at Denaby Main – Miraculous Escape.

Sad Cycling Fatality at Conisborough

Shocking Case from Denaby.

Stealing a Medal at Conisborough

Denaby Utd – Denaby 2 Wednesday Reserve 0 – Denaby Still Unbeaten

Denaby Utd – Denaby 4 Doncaster Rovers 2 – “Butterscotch” Palace hopes Snuffed Out

Denaby Utd – Denaby’s Cup Tie.

Denaby Utd – Denaby 1 Sheffield Wednesday Reserve 0 – Good Gate – United too Strong


Conisborough Notes – Harvest Festival – Musical Society – Park Road Fresh Air

Houses For Miners – Conisbrough Councils Five-Year Plan

Dinner and Concert for Bandmaster

Another Denaby Judgement Summons

Breaches of Colliery Rules at Denaby

Conisborough Cyclists Assault

Denaby Main Colliery Officials at Dinner

Fighting and Threats at Conisborough

Horse Not Fit to be Worked at Denaby

Mean Theft at Denaby

Old Woman Committed to the Assizes – Conisborough Larceny Charge

Denaby Utd – Denaby 2 Rotherham County 0 – Further Brace of Points from County

Denaby Utd – Newark 1 Denaby 1 – Denaby Still unbeaten

Denaby Utd – Fixtures, Results and Scorers 1905/06

Midland League Table – November 25th 1905

Industry and Commerce

Fatality at Denaby Main – Mexborough Man’s Sad Death

Important Brewery Combine – Whitworth’s Purchase of Nicholson Bros

Charge of Theft from Denaby Pit – Lenient View of the Case

Conisborough Notes – Musical Society – Convalescent Homes – Cricket Ball

Denaby Notes – Denaby Concert – Montagu Cot Fund – Mining Students

Denaby Notes – History Lectures – United Players Working Extra Shifts

Denaby United Notes – Denaby Win Again – Docherty Cautioned – Christmas Day Treat

Mining Students Visit to Cadeby Colliery

Shocking Cruelty at Denaby

The Foul Mouths

The Spragging Rule at Denaby

Underground Riding at Denaby

Young Conisborough Thieves

Denaby Utd – Denaby United v Barnsley Reserve – Poem

Denaby Utd – Denaby 3 Barnsley Res 1 – An Undoubted Win for Denaby

Denaby Utd – Denaby v Rotherham Town – Poem

Denaby Utd – Denaby 6 Rotherham Town 1 – The One Unbeaten Team

Crime and Courts

Dangerous Mischief at Denaby

Wagon-Lowerer Run over by Wagons at Cadeby Main

Woman’s Dead Body found in a Pond

Alleged Assault at New Conisborough

Christmas Tree at Conisborough.

Conisborough Cricket Club Ball – A Successful Social Function

Conisborough Parish Council – Fire Brigade – Allotments – Strong Words – A Warm Time.

Conisbrough Gentleman’s Visit to Egypt

Death and funeral of Mr George Smith of Conisborough

Denaby News – Gymnasium at Denaby – Order of Rechabites – Glass Trade.

Playing at Hanging at Denaby

Railway Trespasses at Conisbrough – “The worst station on the G.C.R. System.”

Serious Charge at Denaby Main

Theft by Small Boys at Denaby

Two Months Hard Labour for Clothing Theft

Unprovoked Assault at Conisbrough

Denaby Utd – Sheffield Wednesday Res 1 Denaby 2 – Beat Owlerton Side 3 Times

Denaby Utd – Denaby United 1 Mexborough 1 – A Comparison

Denaby Utd – Worksop Town 0 Denaby 2 – Denaby’s Luck

Denaby Utd – Results Season 1905/6

Industry and Commerce

Painter Electrocuted at Cadeby Colliery – A Horrible Fate (picture)

Brave Rescue by Colliers

Heroism in the Mine – Thrilling Rescue at Cadeby Main Colliery

Another Assault upon the Police At Denaby

Breach of Rules at Denaby Main

Colliery Offences at Denaby and Cadeby – The Missing Lamp

Conisborough Child Burnt to Death

Conisborough Man sent to Prison – Three Months for Stealing a Bicycle

Conisborough Notes – Railway Convictions and Child Burning

Fullerton Hospital Annual Meeting – Plain Speaking by Mr W.H.Chambers

Grand Concert – The Convalescent Home Scheme (videos)

Fullerton Hospital Annual Meeting – Mr Buckingham Pope’s Reply

New Beer Off Licence for Conisborough

Railway Trespassers Caught at Conisborough

The Big Viaduct at Conisbrough – A Huge Engineering Feat (photos)

Unhappy Denaby Marriage

Unique Wesleyan Social Evening at Conisborough (videos)

Weak Whiskey at Conisborough – An Expensive Mistake

Denaby Utd – Denaby 10 Gainsborough Trinity Reserves 2 – Extraordinary Shooting

Denaby Utd – Denaby 6 Notts Forest Reserves 3 – Nine Up!

Denaby Utd – Denaby Utd 2 Rotherham County 0 – Denaby win in the Mist

Adulteration at Denaby – Sweet Spirit of Nitre

Boyish Pastime at Conisborough

Conisborough Man’s Foolish Outburst – Preferred Suicide

Fatal Accident at Denaby Main Colliery – Well Known Conisborough Man Killed

Miners Generosity at Denaby – Cadeby Miners Magnificent Gift

New Railway Bridge at Denaby – How the Feat was Performed in a Day

Railway Offences at Conisborough – Interfering with Comfort of Passengers

St Patrick’s Day at Denaby – Annual Concert (videos)

Unprovoked Assault at New Conisborough – Lost Four Teeth

Denaby Utd – “Jack” Lavery (picture)

Denaby Utd – Denaby 4 Sheffield Wednesday Res 2 – Sheffield Challenge Cup final

Denaby Utd – Sheffield Challenge Cup final – Hail Denaby ! (poem)

Denaby Utd – Gresley Rovers 3 Denaby 0 – Second String Team lose at Gresley

Denaby Utd – “Nimmy” Nimrod (picture)

Denaby Utd – Denaby 11 Gresley Rovers 0 – More Fun than Football – Lavery scores 6

Denaby Utd – Results and Scorers – March 1906

Breaches of Colliery Rules at Denaby

Child on Fire at New Conisborough – Neighbours Prompt Action

Conisborough Cricket Club – Prospects for the Coming Season

Conisborough Youth Found Drowned – Inquest at Conisborough

Death of a Denaby Football Supporter

Denaby and Cadeby Cricket Prospects

Kindness (Not) Rewarded at Conisborough

Licensing Offence at Conisborough

Railway Trespass at Conisborough – Wetter Off Went to “Big Drum” for Liquor

Street Betting at Conisborough – Bookmaker Heavily Fined – Maximum Penalty

Sunday Trading at Denaby

The Conisborough Licensing Case

Denaby Utd – Denaby 2 Worksop Town 2 – Slackness at Denaby

Denaby Utd – Midland League – Final Table


Lavery’s Transfer (picture)

Run over by Tubs Denaby Main

Alleged Use of Threats at Conisborough

Breach of the Peace – Before and After – “argiment over – always best of friends”

Breach of Colliery Rules – Danger of Gob Fire

Breach of the Peace at Conisborough – Quite Friendly Now

Burglary at Conisborough – Extraordinary Housebreaking Case – Stealing a Donkey

Conisborough Farmer’s Assault – Heavy Penalty

Conisborough Man pleaded Ignorance

Conisborough Notes – Death of Child – Wanton Damage

Conisborough Parish Council – Secondary Education

Conisborough Railway Fatality – Wandering Toddler killed by Train

Conisbrough Miner’s Arrears

Damaging Property at Conisborough

Denaby Main Rifle Club – Denaby beat Sheffield

Denaby Man in San Francisco – Story of the Earthquake (picture)

Denaby Notes – Rifle Club – Students at Cadeby – May Day

Disgraceful Offence – Drunk in Charge of a Child

Dog Licence Cases

Expensive Short Cut – Conisborough Miners Fined For Damage

Gaming at Conisborough

Inquest at Denaby – Mexborough Youth’s Sad End

Leaving for Canada

Licensing Offence at Conisborough

No Light at Conisbrough and Mexborough

Peculiar Fatality at Cadeby Colliery – Labourer Falls 5 Feet and is Killed

Theft of Batten of Timber

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 137 Wath 138 for 5 – Denaby do Badly

Denaby Utd – Denaby 0 Sheffield Wednesday Reserves 2 – Practically Reserve team

Denaby Utd – Rotherham County 4 Denaby 2 – Season End at Thornhill

Denaby & Cadeby – Hoyland & Silkstone 38 Denaby 57 – All 10 wickets for Robinson

Denaby Man Charged With Bigamy – Committed Assizes – ‘Well, It’s There; I’ve Done It!’

Five Accidents Reported in One Day at Cadeby Main

Bounce Ball At Conisboro’

Bounce Ball at New Conisborough

Conisboro’ Education – ‘Mexborough’s Impertinence’ – Strong Remarks

Conisborough Boys Theft – 112 Glass Marbles

Conisborough Contractor’s Accident

Conisborough News – Good Weather – Easter Visitors – Litter – Wesleyan Service

Conisborough Sports and Show

Denaby Utd – Tea And Presentation Of Cup And Medals

Local Footballer’s Illness

Obscene Language At Denaby

Obstructing the Footpath at Conisborough

St. John Ambulance Brigade At Blackpool – Denaby Corps In Camp

Theft at Denaby Main

Denaby & Cadeby – South Kirkby 46 Denaby 86 – Denaby’s Big Victory

Denaby & Cadeby – Rotherham & South Kirkby

Denaby & Cadeby – Elsecar 75 Denaby 48 – Elsecar Feast (picture)

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 200 for 7 Hickleton 109 for 8 – A Race With Time At Denaby.

Denaby & Cadeby – Mexborough 50 Denaby 100 for 5 – Denaby’s Deadly Bowling.

Amateur Pugilists at Conisborough

An Obstructive Conisborough Donkey

“Banker” at Conisborough.

Bigamy of a Denaby Hairdresser – The Parties in Tears

Conisborough Cricket Club Show and Sports – Splendid Exhibits – Successful Gathering

Conisborough Man’s Foolish Outburst – Preferred Suicide

Conisborough Notes – Majority at Horseshoes – Baptist Leader – Sudden Death – Drink !

Conisborough Notes – Prevention of Cruelty to Children – Annual Mission Church Tea

Conisborough Hospital Sunday Demonstration – Mexborough Hospital Finances

Conisbrough Magisterial Appointment – Mr Caleb Kilner, J. P. – Career (picture)

Denaby Notes – Local Excursions – Accidents – Cricket

Friendly Societies Meeting at Conisbrough

Knocking down a Sergeant at Conisborough.

Presentation to Mr W. H. Chambers

Sagacity of a Newfoundland dog at Conisborough

Sequel to Conisborough Feast

Denaby & Cadeby – Wombwell Main 37 Denaby 124 – Home Team Failed Miserably

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 152 for 9 Swinton 67 for 1 – Bowling Weak

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 173 for 5 Stairfoot 169 – Wooden Spoonists Succumb

Denaby Utd – Outlook Exceedingly Rosy

Accident at Cadeby Colliery

American Mining Engineers at Cadeby – Processes Best Ever Seen

Conisborough Notes – Fire Brigade Demo – WMC New Steward – Viaduct Progress

Conisborough Parish Council – Echoes of Last Meeting – A Members Threats

Denaby Main Annual Choir Trip – Liverpool and New Brighton

Friendly Societies Church Parade at Denaby

Right of Way Dispute at Conisborough – Fences Broken Down – Summonses Issued

Unlawful Wounding at New Conisborough

Worst Village Thing of Past – Institute & Reading Room – Ambulance Brigade – Rifle Club

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 116 for 6 Wombwell 110 – Another Victory for Denaby

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 79 Rotherham Town 86 for 4 – The Undoing of Denaby

Fatality – Struck by Pit-prop at Cadeby Main

Accident of a Serious Nature

Breach of Colliery Rules

Conisboro’ Notes – Association of Ratepayers – The Changeover – Summer Ends

Conisboro’ Parish Council – Mr. Clarkson And The Council – Footpath Questions

Cricket Among Growing Grass At Conisboro’

Denaby Child Drowned At Mexboro’.

Denaby Main Horticultural Society – Second Annual Show – Splendid Increase All Round

Denaby Main Mining Classes – A Boon To The Local Miners

Denaby Notes – Formation of Boy’s Brigade – Holidays.

Denaby Notes – Investigation into United – Infantile Mortality – Burial of James Dalton

Denaby Youth Killed In Nova Scotia – Terrible Fall Over The Cliff

Fatality – Fall of Roof at Denaby Main – Mexborough Pit Lad´s Fate.

Serious Charges Against Denaby Football Club – Technical Breach.

Fatality – Run over by Tubs at Denaby Main

Serious Charges Against Denaby Football Club – Commission Of Inquiry Appointed

Outrage at Conisboro’ – Attacked in Bed – Bedroom Like a Slaughter-House.

Outrage at Conisboro’ – Grave Developments – Death of Dalton (picture)

Outrage at Conisboro’ – ‘Wilful Murder’ Against Dagnall – (picture)

The Unruly Member At Conisboro’ and Mexboro’.

Thirst-Provoking Sabbath At Denaby.

Denaby & Cadeby – Hickleton 93 for 9 Denaby 89 – Denaby’s Downfall

Denaby & Cadeby – Mitchell Main 111 for 4 Denaby & Cadeby 108 – Only 8 Men

Denaby Utd – Denaby 4 Sheffield Utd Res1 – Denaby Open Out Well.

Denaby Utd – Barnsley Res 0 Denaby 3 – Denaby’s Triumphal Process

Denaby Utd – Denaby 4 Bradford Reserves 2

Alleged Wounding Case at Denaby – Prisoner Committed

Badly Crushed Foot

Brutal Attack at Conisborough – Father’s Assault Upon His Five Year Old Son

Conisborough Murder Case – Dead Man’s Sordid Story – Drink and Jealousy

Conisborough Right of Way Case – No Jurisdiction at Doncaster

Conisborough’s Custodian (picture)

Conisbrough Parish Council – “Friendly” Cross Table Talk – Proposal to play at Marbles

Crushed by Tubs at Denaby Main

Curious Education Case at Conisborough

Fatal Neglect of Corporals

Denaby Utd – Denaby 3 Gainsborough Trinity Res 0- Denaby Going Strong

Denaby Utd – Denaby 0 Doncaster Rovers 0 – F.A. Cup – Goaless at Tickhill Square

Denaby Utd – Doncaster Rovers 2 Denaby 2 – Denaby’s successful expiring effort

Denaby Utd – Denaby 3 Doncaster Rovers 1 – The Deciding Cup Tie at Mexborough

Denaby Utd – Denaby 7 Grimethorpe 1 – Replay Tie – Denaby’s Smashing Victory

Uproarious Scenes at Conisborough – Councillors Angry – “That Horrible Fellow”

A Husband’s Cruelty at Conisborough

Conisborough Man’s Penchant for Apples

Conisborough Notes – Schoolboy Awards – New Zealand – Church St Bank – Brass Band

Denaby Man’s Negligence – Miner’s Lives Endangered

Denaby Neighbours in Conflict – Mutual Animosity in a Backyard.

Denaby Notes – Football – Careless Cyclist – Sad Burning Case

Denaby Orchestral Society – Season Successfully Started

Denaby’s Sons in Canada – Emigrants Tale – When 250 Left for Candada

Fatal Fall from a Wagonette – Conisborough Glassblowers Tragic Death

Scene at Conisborough – Threatening to “Murphy” the Police

Shepherd’s Concert

Denaby Utd – Chesterfield Reserves 1 Denaby 3 – Well Done Denaby!

Denaby Utd – Heckmondwike 3 Denaby 5 – The Denaby Players

Denaby Utd – Bradford City Res 1 Denaby 2 – Denaby’s fine recovery.

Denaby Utd – Denaby 3 Notts Forest Res 4 – Denaby United Defeated At Last

Denaby Utd – Denaby 3 Doncaster Rovers 2 – United, Rovers & Wind – 3 Cornered Fight

Destructive Fire at Denaby (picture)

Murdered While Asleep! – Death Sentence Passed – Judge Affected (pictures)

Benefit Concert at “Big Drum” for Band

Cadeby Collier’s Terrible Predicament – Suspended for Two Hours

Conisborough Footballers Too Enthusiastic. – Damaging Growing Grass

Denaby Burning Fatality – Tribute to A Good Wife

Denaby Cricket Club Dinner – An Excellent Repast

Denaby Main Cooperative Society – Houses for Members

Denaby Milk Dealer Fined

In Search Of Spring Water – Labourers Fatal Experience – Crushed by Train

Miners Child Burned at Denaby – Cause of Thousands of Deaths.

Our Public Men – John Brocklesby (picture)

Run over by Wagons Cadeby Main

Snowfall in the District – A White World

Theft of Whisky at Conisborough

Denaby Utd – Kilnhurst Town 2 Denaby 2 – Denaby’s Fright

Denaby Utd – Denaby 2 Rotherham Town 0 – Splendid Game – Started with 8 men !

Denaby Utd – Denaby 2 Mexborough Town 2 – A Fine Recovery

Crime and Courts

Inequalities in the Denaby Mine

A Conisborough Land Transaction – Twice Won Victory

Conisborough Cricket Club Ball – A Brilliant Function.

Conisborough Murder – Saved from the Scaffold – Life Imprisonment

Conisborough Shopbreaker

Conisbrough Miner and his Mother’s Maintenance

Drowned Whilst Drunk – Denaby Man’s Death After a Day Out

Foxhunting in Conisborough District.

Interrupted Donkey Race – Furious Driving at Warmsworth

Matches down the Pit at Denaby

Sad Homecoming – Denaby Woman’s Sudden Death

When the Football Feminine is Occasionally Prominent

Denaby Utd – Denaby 1 Kilnhurst 0 – Keen Game at Tickhill Square

Denaby Utd – Denaby 6 Newark 0 – Fine Form and Six Goals

Denaby Utd – Notts County Res 0 Denaby 1 – Hepenstall scores Winning Goal

Denaby Utd – Rotherham Town 6 Denaby 1 – Soundly Thrashed.

Mandarin – Denaby Success

Assault in a Train – Councillor Baker Refusal to Be Bound Over (picture)

52 Miners Hung in Cage

Accident at Old Pit

Accidents at Cadeby and Cliff View Bricklayer

Collier Struck by Piece of Coal at Cadeby Main

Compensation for a Conisborough Druid – Conviviality Under Difficulties.

Conisborough Law Case – Northcliffe Footpath Question.

Giant Tea -Denaby Ladies Success – Feast of Harmony (video)

Mandarin – Denaby Success (pictures)

Property sale at Conisborough

Retirement of Mr George Appleyard – 40 years in business

Denaby Utd – Denaby 7 Lincoln City Res 1 – Glut of Goals Against Lincoln


Attempted Suicide at Denaby

Cadeby Fatality – Inexplicable Accident to a Wagon Counter – Terrible Injuries

Conisborough Election – All About Mr. Baker (photo)

Conisborough Fent Stores (advert)

Cruelty to a Pony at Denaby

Denaby Deputy’s Inspection – A Nice Point

Denaby Wife Deserted

Fall of Roof Cadeby Main – Inquest On Walter Collins.

False Pretences at New Conisborough

Music at Denaby – Orchestral Societies Concert (videos)

Negligent Denaby Trammer

Parish Council Elections

South Yorkshire Mining Students – The Treatment of Pit Ponies

Struggle with the Prisoner at Conisborough – Policeman Badly Used

Suffering Pit Pony – Breaches of Rules at Denaby and Cadeby.

The Unruly Crowd

Denaby Utd – Denaby’s Engagement – Review of Season

Denaby Utd – Denaby 1 Rotherham County 1 – Poor game – Goals & Points divided.

Denaby Utd – Denaby visit Rotherham – County Unlucky to Lose (poem)

Denaby Utd – Rotherham County 0 Denaby 1 – Visitors not Entitled to Victory

Conisborough Parish Council – Mr Henry Baker – New Chairman

Amateur Dramatic Performance – “Ali Ba Ba,” or The 40 Black Sheep

Conisborough Child Thieves Brought to Book

Conisborough Parish Council – Mr Baker Elected Chairman

Damage at Denaby

Denaby & Cadeby C.C. – Preview of Season

Miserable Denaby Squabble. – Rough Handling – Prisoners Committed To The Assizes

Story of a Denaby Wedding

Theft of Coal at Denaby

Withholding Trades Union Money – Cadeby Treasurer to Repay.

Denaby Utd – Denaby 4 Grantham Avenue 0 – Equal Terms with Mexborough

Crime and Courts

Denaby Colliery Offence.

Conisborough Farmer and the Boys

Conisborough Parish Council – Mr Baker in Charge – Another Entertaining Meeting

Conisborough Sports

Conisbrough Notes – Measles, America, Young Couples Problems, Bits & Pieces

Damage to Grass at Conisborough

Denaby Notes – Ambulance Men, their Band and the Horticultural Society

Prison for Conisborough Collier

Railway Trespass at Conisborough

Saved from Suicide – New Conisborough Man’s Strange Conduct

Shocking Fatality at Conisborough

Sordid Denaby Story – Four Hours Hearing at Leeds – Remarkable Case

The Policeman Lodger – Domestic Misery At Conisborough

Denaby Utd – Harrop transferred to Rotherham Town

Denaby Utd – Final Midland League Table

Denaby Utd – Results 1906/7


Serious Accident to Young Woman

Denaby Dog’s Desperate Deeds – Terror of Neighbourhood

Denaby Notes – Galas, Old Sol, Cricket, School Attendance

Industry and Commerce

The Fatal Accident to a Pit Sinker

Denaby Datallers And Their Tubs – “Were They Mottied?”

Echo of the Denaby Strike – Question of Costs Raised In The High Court –

Miners Meeting At Denaby – Organising the Workers


The Conisborough Show

Crime and Courts

A Trip To The “Pub.”

A Raid on Bookies – Denaby Constables Busy – £5 Fines

Broken Glass

Conisborough Farmers Claim

Obscene Language at Conisborough

Sequel to Damage to Fences at Conisborough (picture)

Tresspassing at Conisborough – Damaging Growing Oats

Youthful Gamesters

Brutal Assault


Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby’s Defeat – Denaby Team Surprises Us

Denaby United Project – New Stand – Scheme, Guarantors and Committee

The Denaby Footballer’s Venture

Rifle Shooting – Denaby Main and District Civilian Miniature Rifle Club.

 A Denaby Man’s Revenge.

Refusal To Quit The Denaby Main Hotel.


Shooting Accident

Conisborough Notes – British Columbia – Viaduct Bridge

Industry and Commerce

Colliery Mystery at Denaby – Lads Untimely Death

Breach of Colliery Rules

New South Yorkshire Railways – Features of The Dearne Valley Line.

Conisborough Parish Council – Smoking Forbidden -Bad Footpaths – Ratepayers Association.

Smoking at Meetings


Conisborough Education Subcommittee – The New School Site.

Crime and Courts

Breach of Colliery Rules

Conisbrough Piano Dispute.

Gambling with Coins at Conisbrough

Pay His Debts – What the  Policeman Saw – A Substantial Penalty.

Public Nuisance at Conisbrough

Sad Story from Conisborough “I Shall Jump Off The Viaduct.”

Violent Conisbrough Miner.


Conisborough Show  And Sports – Rain Ruined Fixture.

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 94  South Kirkby 163 – South Kirkby’s brilliant win.

Denaby & Cadeby –  Mitchell Main 172 for 9 Denaby 124 for 6

Denaby & Cadeby – Stairfoot 109 for 3 Denby 93 – Denaby Despondent

District Cricket Jottings.

Rifle Club – Very Good Shooting

Denaby United’s Good Capture.


Army Manoeuvres at Denaby

Wedding – Coy & Wraithmell

Industry and Commerce

Accidents to Young Persons at the Colliery

Breach of Colliery Rules

Denaby Presentation to Capt Pope

Minor Accidents at the Collieries

 Presentation at Denaby to Mr Wallace

Conisborough Parish Council


Denaby St John Ambulance Brigade – In Camp at Blackpool.

Crime and Courts

A Denaby Collarless Dog.

Abusive Language at Denaby.

Cyclists Take Note! Conisborough Youths Give No Warning.

Denaby Man’s Runaway Lodger Caught

Gaming with coins at Conisborough.

Handball Nuisance at Conisborough.

More Damage from Conisborough.

No Money. – No Beer – Denaby Man’s Silly Act.

Theft of Newspapers at Conisborough

Struggle in a Train – Denaby Girls Plight.


New Pavilion for Rifle Club – An Interesting Ceremony

New Pavilion for Rifle Club – Pictures of the Day

Denaby Utd – Football Season – Change but not Decay (picture)

Brutal Wife Assault at Denaby.

Industry and Commerce

15 Year Old Pony-driver Run over by Tubs at Denaby Main

Man´s Sad Death. Killed By Over-Loaded Wagon. Safety Suggested.

Denaby Pit Lad’s Death (picture)

Mining Fines

Crime and Courts

Illegal Pawning At Denaby –  An Interesting Case.


Denaby Main Rifle Club – Annual Shooting Competition

Denaby Utd – Leicester Res 1 Denaby 3

Denaby’s New Captures

Denaby Utd – Denaby 1 Wednesday Res 0 – Good Start & Stand (picture)

Denaby Utd – Worksop 2 Denaby 2 – Denaby better Team

Denaby Utd – Walter Bennett Goes To Denaby

Dnaby Utd – Sheffield United Res 4 Denaby 0 – Denaby’s Poor Form

Denaby Utd – Denaby 6 Lincoln City Res 2 – Five Goals in Second Half

Midland League Table

Denaby Utd – Midland League – Results

Industry and Commerce

Killed While Walking Home

Cadeby Colliery Fatality – Filler Buried By Fall of Roof

Denaby Miner’s Death Follows Operation.

Fall of Roof at Denaby Main – Man Crushed To Death.


Interesting Presentation at Denaby

Conisborough Notes – Saturday’s Storm – State of Footpaths

Crime and Courts

Assault at Conisborough

Parental Abuse at Conisborough

Breach of Colliery Rules at Denaby

Conisborough Nuisance

Cruelty to a Pony

Dangerous Practice at Conisborough.

Obstructing a Police Officer at Conisborough

Pitch and Toss at Conisborough

Assault at Denaby


Denaby Utd – Denaby 13, Wakefield City 0 – Prolific Goal Scoring.

Denaby Utd – Hull City Res 1 Denaby 0 – Denaby Again Under

Denaby Utd – Results to October

Denaby Utd – William Lawley (picture)

Denaby Utd – Denaby 3 Worksop Town 1 – A Bennett Hat-trick

Denaby Utd – Kippax 0 Denaby 4 – Extraordinary Game


Whist Drives in the Mexbro District

Industry and Commerce

Big Fall of Roof At Cadeby – Miner’s Terrible Death

Offences in The Mine – Batch of Cases At Doncaster.

Crime and Courts

Twelve Years’ for Conisbro’ Brute

Alleged Robbery with a Bite at Conisborough

“Carnival of Window Breaking” – Wholesale Damage at Denaby

Conisborough Pony Driver’s Disobedience

Conisborough Station Nuisances – Youths Foolish Actions – Heavy Penalties

Conisborough Widow Sued

Could Not Resist the Temptation Denaby Boys Illicit Ride

Offences in the Mines

Unlawful Pawning At Conisbro’.

A Pious Prisoner and His Lodgings

Theft of Pigeons at Denaby

More Cruelty at Denaby – Pony Badly Kicked


Swinton Alliance League – Conisborough Champions

Military Drill For Rifle Clubs – Colonel Mitchell Inspects Marksmen (picture)

Denaby Utd – Wednesday Res 3 Denaby 0 – Denaby’s Setback

Denaby Utd – Castleford 2 Denaby 1 – Shock Cup K.O.

Denaby Utd – Rotherham County 3 Denaby 2 – Hard Game at Millmoor

Denaby Utd – Denaby 5 Barnsley Reserves 0

Denaby Utd – Grantham Ave 4 Denaby 1 – Denaby’s Poor Display at Grantham.

Denaby Utd – Results to November 1907

J BALL, Denaby United (picture)

Walter “Cocky” Bennett (picture)


Stackyard Blaze – Heavy Harvest Totally  Destroyed – Christmas Eve Mishap

Conisborough Notes – Dr. W. J. Maclure – Certifying Surgeon – Christmas Cometh

Industry and Commerce

Roads – Urban Powers

The Burial Scandal


Denaby Orchestral Society – Successful Concert (video)

Conisboro’ Joint Hospital Board.

Conisboro’ Musical Society – Successful Concert   (videos)

State of North Cliff Footpath

Crime and Courts

Cruelty to a Horse at Conisbro’

Denaby Lad’s Trick – Six Strokes with Birch Rod

Conisborough Schoolboy’s ’s Theft of Steps – Strokes of Birch Rod

Violent Assault  At Denaby


Denaby Utd – Denaby 4  Gainsborough Trin Res 2

Denaby Utd – Chesterfield Reserve 1 Denaby United 1

Denaby Utd – Midland League Table

Conisboro’ United Football Club.

Denaby United – Denaby’s Downfall

Denaby Utd – Mexborough Town 1  Denaby 2 – The Great Match – Three ” Soft ” Goals.

Denaby Utd – Wombwell Main 1 Denaby 0 – Denaby’s Remarkable Defeat.

A Giant of the Past – Walter ‘Cocky’ Bennett (picture and poem)

Denaby Utd – Results to December 31st

Denaby Utd – Denaby 4 Leicester Fosse Res 0 – Leicester Fosse Well Beaten


Conisborough United F.C.

Denaby Cricket Team

Kilner Bros New Offices – Conisborough Firm’s Enterprise

Sequel to the Denaby Romance.


Fire Tragedies at Denaby

Death of An Old Denaby Octogenarian – A Life Spent In The Soil.

Industry and Commerce

Conisborough and Its Fire Brigade

Miners Unsuccessful Claims


Salvation Army Children’s Treat

Conisboro’ Notes – Low Road Water Problems

Crime and Courts

A Life of Crime.

Claim for Hire of a Piano

Colliery Prosecutions at Doncaster

Bicycle Thief.

‘Borrowing” At Balby.

Conisbro’ Youth Sent To a Reformatory


Conisborough’s Famous “Annual.” – A Brilliant Spectacle but Reduced Attendance.

Denaby Utd – Denaby 3  Mexborough 2 – Denaby Defeat Mexborough Again.

Denaby Utd – Denaby 2  Nottingham Forest Rev 1 – Denaby’s Sequence of Victories.

Denaby Utd – Doncaster Rovers 0  Denaby 1 – Lucky at Doncaster

Denaby Utd – Denaby 5 Leeds City Reserve 1 – Denaby Overwhelm Leeds

Conisborough United Football Team – Leaders of the South Yorkshire League

Denaby Utd – Results to January 1908

Denaby Utd – Midland League Table

Skating Frost and Sunshine – Pastures Popular Venue


Centenarian Dies Of Old Age – Unique Figure – John M. Brammer (picture)

Death of an Old CheckWeighman – Founder of Local Trades Unionism.


Denaby’s Monstre Tea – Annual Effort – Glee Singers Concert (videos)

Brewster Sessions. – Colliery Company and Their Employees

Blizzard Sweeps The Country – Waggonette Overturned

Crime and Courts

Curious Cadeby Colliery Case – A Punctured Gauze

Lazy Pony Drivers at the Denaby Colliery – Sliding Home

Master and Servant Action At Doncaster

Theft of a Cycle at Conisborough Rotherham Man Sent to Gaol

Brutal Miner – Savage Attack in Denaby Pit


Denaby Utd – Rotherham Town 1  Denaby 2 – Blow Struck For Championship                                      

Denaby Utd – Denaby 3 Chesterfield 1 – Ninth Successive Victory


Assault at the Denaby Colliery


Denaby Utd – Grimsby Town Res 1  Denaby United 1 – Draw at Grimsby

Trip to Grimsby – Denaby Draw & Others Matters Incident Thereto

Denaby Utd – Denaby 5  Doncaster Rovers 2 – Return to Victory

Denaby Utd – New Centre Forward For Denaby

Midland League Table

Midland League Results


Outbreak Of Fire – Dressing-Room Attacked Fire Brigade’s ” Soft Job.”

Industry and Commerce

Conisborough Man Killed at Cadeby

Denaby Driver’s Death – Crushed By a Fall of Roof.

Compensation Claims – Denaby Pony Driver’s Neglect.

Glass Workers Presentation to District Secretary (picture)

Crime and Courts

Conisborough Squabble – Visit To His Mother-In-Law

Denaby Colliery Proprietors Sued.


Denaby Utd – Denaby 4 Grimsby 0 – Denaby Thrash Grimsby.

Denaby Utd – Wath Ath 3 Denaby Res 0

Nimrod of Denaby.

Denaby Player’s Benefit Match.

Denaby Utd – Denaby 4 Grantham Avenue 0

Denaby Utd – Barnsley Reserves 2 Denaby 0 – Defeated – After Four Months

Denaby Utd – Nottingham Forest Reserve 1 Denaby 2

Denaby United Results – March 1908


Denaby Utd – Gainsborough Trin Res 3 Denaby 1 – Gainsbro’ Too Good.

Midland League Table – March 1908


Fire at Oil Works

Industry and Commerce

Conisbro’ Bricklayer’s Death at Cadeby Colliery.

Funeral of Walter Bennett

How Bennett Died. A Ten Ton Stone. The Inquest.


Children’s Concert

Crime and Courts

Protecting The Horses.

Protecting The Horses.


Denaby Utd – Lincoln City Reserve 0 Denaby 1

Leeds City Reserves 0, Denaby United 0 – Only a Draw Against a Weak Leeds Team

New Player For Denaby.

A Famous International – Walter Bennett Killed – Tragic End of a Brilliant Career

Denaby Utd – Denaby 2 Rotherham Town 2 – The Home Record Gone

Sheffield United’s Action

Denaby Utd – Newark 4 Denaby United 4 – Denaby’s bad patch

The Bennetts – A Football Family.

Denaby Utd – Denaby 1 Hull City Reserve 1 – Fine Game at Denaby

Denaby Utd – Denaby 2 Sheffield United Reserve 0 – Championship In Sight.

Denaby Utd – United Reserves – Poem

Denaby Utd – Bradford City Reserves 1 Denaby 2

Denaby United 2 Bradford City Res. 2 – Another Draw

Denaby Players For Glossop.

Denaby Utd – Denaby 5 Newark 1 – Denaby’s Fine Finish.

Denaby Utd – Results, Scorers & Attendances 1907/8


Death of an Old Conisboro’ Resident – Aged Woman’s Fall Downstairs.

Death of 25 Year Old Footballer

Crime and Courts

An Expensive Good Friday Drink

Charge Against Conisborough Milk Dealer – Horse Experts Differ

Conisborough Bookmaker Fined – “Got Broke Over The Lincoln.”

Damaging Safety Lamp

Serious Charge Preferred – Denaby Man in Trouble – Barnsley Girl’s Experience.

Serious Charge – Strange Denaby Case – Man Accused of Assault

Suicide at Conisborough

He Began to Cry.

Outrage at Conisborough – Another Arrest.

Outrage at Conisborough – Assaulted and Left Unconscious.

Outrage – The Strange Story of Strannock – Gagged and Robbed In The Wood.

Singular Denaby Case – Sequel to a Wrestling Bout


Conisbrough Cricketers Convivial – Celebrating a Championship

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 63 Hickleton Main 58 – At Last!

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 93 Wath 116 – Denaby’s Third Defeat

The Midland League

Denaby Departures

Denaby Arrivals

Denaby Utd – Happy Annual Meeting – Past Record and Future Prospects.

Midland League 1907 1908 Final Table


Denaby Corps at Blackpool – Interesting Experiences.

Industry and Commerce

Urban Powers – A Third Attempt ?


Conisborough Castle

Conisborough Notes – Friendly Societies – Local Man Missing

Denaby Notes – Ambulance Corps Returns

Crime and Courts

Allegations Against a Wife – Smoking and Drinking

Conisborough Man Welshed At Doncaster Races

Conisborough Notes – Conisborough Sergeant and The Coppers – Theft By A Lodger

Conisborough Sergeant’s Promotion

Left without Notice at Conisborough

A Denaby Claim

Rough Denaby Customer


Denaby 149 for 2  Rawmarsh 126 – Robinson and Stott In Fine Form.

Denaby 155 for 3 Mexborough 196 for 4 – Struggle Between Two Great Rivals

Denaby 168   Hoyland Silkstone 79 – Denaby Win Again

Mexborough 71 Denaby 106 for 5 – Mexboro’s First Defeat


Accidents – Plate Glass Window Smashed in Thousands of Pieces

Fat In The Fire – Saturday Night Blaze At Conisbro’

The Late Mr. G. Walker, J.P., of Conisborough.

Denaby Miner’s Gallantry

Industry and Commerce

To Close A Trust; Sale  of Houses, Buildings, & Agricultural Land at Conisborough

Pony Drivers Death Pathetic Case At Conisbro .

Small Splinter Causes Miner’s Death


Conisborough Show – Encouragement To Local Farmers.

Crime and Courts

Curious Denaby Case – Contractor’s Domestic Affairs – Four Hours’ Hearing.

Asleep on the Station Platform – Denaby Miner Assaults His Disturber.

Conisbro’ Men In Trouble – Wanted Cheap Drinks.

Hard Labour for Highway Robbers


Denaby 131 for 7  Stairfoot 47 for 6 – Young “Billy” Smith Scores 74

Denaby and District 113 Mr. G. S. Marple’s Derbshire Xi. 100 – Victory of The District Team.

District Cricket Jottings.


Tramps Death in a Culvert – Pathetic Case at Mexborough’

Industry and Commerce

Denaby Miners’ Sad Death


Denaby Hospital Sunday

Crime and Courts

Denaby Main Romance – Bench Reversed Previous Decision.

Extraordinary Scene in Court – Tussle Between Solicitors.

After Pleasure Comes Pain

Reckless Colliers at Denaby

Street Betting Convictions at Doncaster.

A Violent Trio – Constable’s Teeth Knocked Out.


Denaby 149   Mitchells 132 for 4

Denaby 227 for 3 wkts  Rotherham 75 – A Robinson 100 not out

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 107 for 6 Rawmarsh 100

Denaby Cricket Team (picture)

Denaby United Football Club Sports Day


Horse Sensation

Denaby Miner Missing.


Typhoid at Denaby

Conisbrough Notes – Lowfield Junction – Oil Mills – Crackers – Epidemics

Denaby Notes – Cruelty Warning – Till the Races – Back from Canada – Harvest Festivals

Doncaster Races – Sheffield to Mexboro’ by Tram & Walk for Train from Conisbro’

Crime and Courts

A Parent’s Despair, Incorrigible Denaby Boy.

Cruelty To A Pit Pony – Denaby Driver Sent To Prison.

Raid on an Orchard

Assault at Conisborough – Alma Inn Landlord and Son

A Violent Trio – Constable’s Teeth Knocked Out.

Adding Insult to Injury – Constable Kicked and his Whistle Stolen

Assaulting the Police at Denaby

Assaults at Denaby


Denaby & Cadeby – Wombwell Main 151 for 9  Denaby 77 for 4 – Denaby Draw

Medals For Denaby Players

Denaby Utd – Doncaster Rovers 1 Denaby 2

Denaby Utd – Denaby 3 Bradford City Res 1

Denaby Utd – Rotherham County 3 Denaby 0

Denaby Utd – Denaby 3  Newark 1

Denaby Utd Results

Midland League Table – September 24th


Denaby Miner Missing.

Emigration to Canada – Strange Experience of Denaby Miners – Wheeliker’s Story

Industry and Commerce

Cadeby Miner Killed.


Conisbrough Castle – A Scene of Scott’s Romance.

Crime and Courts

Brutal Wife Assault at Denaby.

Denaby Main Builder’s Appeal.

Betting At Conisborough – Bookmaker’s Young Clients

Denaby Pit Accident  Sequel – Unable or Unwillingly – Work Offered and Refused

Discharged for Idleness

 Sleepy Passenger

A Doubtful Transaction

Burglary Charge at Rotherham

Conisbro’ Assault Case.

“Driven Off His Dot”


Denaby Utd – Denaby 0 Mexborough 1 – English Cup Tie

Denaby Utd – Worksop Town 0 Denaby 1 – Another Solitary Goal

Denaby Utd – George Padley,Centre Forward (picture)

Denaby Football Players (picture)

Denaby Utd – Results to October 24

Denaby Utd – Denaby 2. Notts County Reserve.1

Midland League Table – October 27, 1908

Industry and Commerce

Amazing Epidemic of Fatal Accidents – Four Colliery Disasters & Two Drowning Cases

Crushed By Runaway Tubs – How Did The Accident Happen?

Denaby Miner Killed.

Gigantic Fall of Roof – Driver Crushed To Death – Heroic Rescue by Deputy.

Sweeping Up the Pit – Claim Against the Denaby  Company.

Crime and Courts

Denaby Miner Seriously Assaults his  Wife

Big Blaze at Conisboro’. – Saw Mills Completely Gutted – Proprietor’s Son Charged With Arson.

Conisboro’ Councillor Charge of Permitting Drunkenness

Damage to Grass at Conisbrough

Mail Driver and His Horse.

The Conisboro’ Saw Mills Fire – Hearing of the Arson Charge – Harold Booth Committed For Trial.

Despicable Theft by Cadeby Pony Driver – Steals Watch From His Injured Mate

Mexborough Hooligans – I’m Done—Stick To Him

Serious Charge against Denaby Man – Alleged Unlawful Wounding


Denaby Utd – Lincoln City 1 Denaby 0 – Denaby Just Beaten.

Denaby Utd – Denaby 6  Nottingham Forest Reserve 1 – Denaby Overwhelm Forest Reserve.

Denaby Utd – Denaby 3  Sheffield United Reserve 0 – Denaby Going Strong.

Denaby Utd – Results – November 1908

Denaby Utd – Denaby 1 Barnsley Reserve 0 – Denaby Again !

Midland League Table – November 30th 1908


Denaby Burning Victims – A Sad Sequence

Oldest Inhabitant in the District (picture)

Industry and Commerce

Colliery Pay Sheds – A Denaby Departure – Convenience for Colliers.

Local Railway Improvements – Railway Crossing To Be Removed -New Road & Bridge.

Crime and Courts

Conisboro’ Porter’s Discovery.

Matches in the Pit at Denaby

Denaby Miner’s Impudent Theft – Steals His Mates Clothing

Assault Charge from Conisborough


Denaby Utd – Denaby 3 Leeds Reserve 0

Denaby United 3 Mexborough Town 0

Denaby Utd – Hull City Reserve 1  Denaby United 0 – Denaby’s Narrow Defeat.

Midland League Results to December 1908

Midland League Table



Another Burning Fatality at Denaby – Extraordinary Circumstances.

Burning Fatalities – Sad Case at Denaby.

Denaby Fire – Gramophone, Canaries, and Furniture Burnt.

The Sleep of Death – Unknown Suffocated In Lime Kiln

Industry and Commerce

Brian and Jackson’s Xmas Bazaar

Brocklesby’s Teas

Denaby Miner’s Fatal Injuries

Fatality at Silverwood Colliery – Miner Crushed To Death, 

Miners Buried At Denaby – Two Hours Without Help.

My Neck Is Broken – Denaby Miner’s Last Words.

Buried By Fall of Roof

The Denaby Strike – Claim Against the Miners’ Association.

Conisborough Fire Brigade.

Conisborough’s Hard Water – Proposals by the Colliery Company.


New School for Conisborough.

Crime and Courts

Altered Birth Certificate

Broken Windows

Colliery Offences – Miners Fined at Doncaster

Discord, and a Piano

Drunks, Drunk and Disorderly.

Conisborough Lodger’s Assault.

Kicked a Policeman At Denaby

Trouble in a  Denaby hotel.


Conisborough Cricketers’ Ball.

Denaby and Cadeby United Cricket Club Annual Meeting

Denaby Utd – Denaby 1 Rotherham Town. 2

Denaby Utd – Sheffield United Res. 4 Denaby 1

Denaby Utd – Mexborough Town 3 Denaby 3

Denaby Utd – Chesterfield Reserves  3 Denaby 1 – Denaby Defeated at Chesterfield

Denaby Utd – Denaby’s Decline

Denaby Utd – Denaby 2 Gainsborough Trinity Reserves 4

Midland League Table January 25, 1909

Denaby Utd – Results


Interesting Personality – Man and Wife Both Expire Within A Few Hours.

Obituary – Mr. Joseph Appleyard.

Industry and Commerce

Buried for Two Hours – One Taken and the Other Left – Miner’s Neck broken

Danger In The Mine – Colliers Fined At Doncaster.

Conisboro’ and Denaby Roadmen Entertained – Dinner Last Night.

Conisboro’ Parish Council – Another Discussion on the Water Question.


Conisborough Objection.

Conisboro’ Musical Society – Performance of “The Ancient Mariner.”

Crime and Courts

Conisborough Arson Case

Travelling Without Tickets.

Pay Check Stolen At Denaby

Forcible Argument. – Conisborough Stationmaster’s Story of Assault.

Stationmaster Assaulted


Denaby Utd – Wednesday Reserve 1  Denaby  0 – Wednesday Reserve Beat Denaby.

Denaby Utd – Denaby 2   Lincoln City 3 – Lincoln Just Beat Denaby.

Denaby Utd – Grimsby Reserves  2  Denaby 0 – Denaby’s Defeat at Grimsby

Midland League Table – February 26, 1909

Denaby Utd Results – February 1909

Industry and Commerce

Conisborough Confectioner in Bankruptcy Court


Doncaster Rural District – Medical Officer’s Comprehensive Report.

Crime and Courts

A Dangerous Practice – Denaby Miners Fined

Offences In The Mine – A Pony Driver’s Brutality.

Runaway Lodger

Picking a Quarrel.

Using The Poker At Denaby


Rifle shooting – The Movement at Denaby – A Flourishing Club.

Denaby Utd – Leicester Fosse Reserves 2   Denaby 2 – Denaby’s Creditable Draw.

Denaby Utd – Denaby 1 Chesterfield Reserve 1

Denaby Utd – Denaby 2  Leicester Fosse Reserve 1 – New Experience for Denaby.

Denaby Utd – Notts County Reserve 5 Denaby 0.

Denaby Utd – Midland League Results

Denaby Utd – Denaby 9  District XI  2 – E Sheldrake’s Benefit

Industry and Commerce

Another Pit Fatality – Miner Buried At Cadeby – Killed In Three Seconds.

Denaby Rating Appeal – House of Lords’ Judgment,


Conisboro’ Notes. -Good (?) Friday At Conisboro”

Conisbrough Notes – Water

Easter at Conisborough

Crime and Courts

Price of Revolting Cruelty.

Shocking Child Neglect – Filler Sent To Prison – Baby’s Death By “Slow Murder.”

Case Against Landlord Dismissed.


Prisoner Hunt -Exciting Escape – Found Hidden In A Drain Pipe.


What Did I Tell You!’’- Iron Hague Champion (picture)

Denaby Utd – Barnsley Reserve  0  Denaby 0

Denaby Utd – Denaby United 3 Hull City Reserve 0

Denaby Utd – Denaby 2 Grimsby Reserve 1 – Denaby’s Good Wind Up

Denaby Results 1908/09

Midland League – Final Table

Industry and Commerce

Alarming Accident – Engine Turns a Somersault – Driver & Fireman’s Miraculous Escape

Exports Increasing Denaby & Cadeby Again to the Front.

Lost His Leg in the Pit.

Miner Hero – Bravery Recognised – Edward Medal Awarded.

Remarkable Innovation at Denaby.


Denaby Vicar’s Departure.

Conisbro’ Isolation Hospital.

Crime and Courts

Beer for the Children

Cruel Step-Mother – Girl Beaten With Walking-Stick – ” Worst Case Ever”

 “Another Injustice to Ireland.”

Careless Denaby Miners 

Careless Miners Fined.

Pit Pony Cruelly Ill-Treated

Street Betting At Denaby.

Unjust Weights and Measures

Conisbro’ Tragedy – Family Imperilled – Out of Work Miner’s Suicide.

Village Tragedy – Eight Children Narrowly Escape Death – Father’s Suicide House Filled With Gas.

Collier’s Musical Tastes Speedily Vanish.

Conisborough Football Club Shirts – Curious Charge of Theft

Denaby Shopbreaker Punished

Mexbro’ Man’s Candid Admission

Stole The Insurance Money.

Assaulting a Constable.


Denaby  169  South Kirkby 170 for 8

Denaby 78 for 4 Wombwell 75

Monk Bretton 106 for 6 Denaby 105

Denaby Utd – Denaby United  1  Wednesday reserve  0 – Denaby Win Again.

Story of the Season.

Mexborough and Denaby Captures.


Missing Denaby Youth – Has He Wandered to Worksop.


Conisborough Church Needs.

Review of S.P.C.C. Work

Crime and Courts

The Climax at Mexborough – Alleged Persistent Cruelty

Matches in The Mine

Surprised Prisoner.

An Undesirable Customer at Conisborough

Sequel to Finding Fresh Lodgings.


Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 129   Swinton 62 – Homesters Win Easily

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 246 for 7   Hoyland Silkstone 127 – Denaby Doing Well.

Denaby & Cadeby – Mitchell Main  127   Denaby & Cadeby 131 for 6 – Denaby’s Recovery.

Industry and Commerce

Bosdin J. Clarkson (Advert)

Valuable, Freehold and Copyhold Property at Conisborough

Cadeby Pit Boy Crushed To Death

Miners’ Dangers – Fatalities in Mexborough District.

Two Colliers Killed –  Ex-Soldier’s Neck Broken at Denaby.

Conisbro’ Man’s Bravery – A Well-Deserved Decoration. (picture)

Denaby Hero and The King – Received by His Majesty – A Hearty Handshake.


Conisbro’ Isolation Hospital.

Hospital Sunday at Conisborough.

Conisborough Agricultural Society’s Annual Show

Crime and Courts

Footballer and Girl – A Denaby Application.

Alleged Serious Offence At Denaby.

Collier’s Offence In The Pit.

Workmen Play Truant

Brutal Denaby Housekeeper.


Denaby and Cadeby – Denaby 216 for 5 Rawmarsh 86

Mexborough League Championship – July 31 (and the Iron Hague Match)

Industry and Commerce

Conisborough – Sale of Freehold and Copyhold Property

Fish Fryers and Grocers (Advert)

Platelayer Loses An Arm – Mexborough Railwayman’s Death

Crime and Courts

Colliery Official and His Wife.

Cruel Denaby Pitman

Hard Swearing At Doncaster

Sad Story of Drink and Its Effect.

Too Fond Of Work.

Trespassing in Wood – No Right of Road.

Youthful Conisborough Offenders Caught.

Denaby Collier’s Escapade

Stole Three Geese

Denaby Woman Assaulted

Too Hasty.


Denaby United Prospects

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 202 for 2 Stairfoot 49 – A Century-Maker.


Distressing Affair at Doncaster – Lady Fatally Injured – Danger of Unlighted Waggons.


Archbishop at Denaby – Address to Working Men (picture)

Conisborough Hospital Board.

Ambulance Awards – Lady Yarborough & Denaby Colliery Corps – What Denaby Wants.

Denaby Ambulance Competitions.

Denaby Notes – Cadet Corps – School News

Teachers’ Difficulties.

Crime and Courts

Denabys Father’s Anger – Assaulted Daughter’s Sweetheart – Too Young For Courting At 15.

Tears in the Dock. – Conisborough Woman’s Besetting Sin.

Travelled Under The Seat.


Conisboro’ Parish Church Football Team (picture)

Denaby Utd – Denaby 5 Leicester Fosse Reserve 1

Denaby Utd – Denaby 2  Doncaster Rovers 0 – Rovers’ Poor Form at Denaby.

Denaby Utd – Denaby 1 Sheffield United Res 3 – Uniteds at Denaby.

Midland League Table

Industry and Commerce

Killed at the Pit – Inquiry into Death of Two Denaby Men.

Two Miners Killed – Runaway Corves at Cadeby.

Hull Coal Traffic – September the Best Month of the Year.

Crime and Courts

Denaby Couple At Variance.

Cyclist Recovers Damages.

Dangerous Practice at Cadeby Pit

Mexbro’ Youth’s Offences.

Rag Gatherer’s Theft.

Adventure in The Yard – Doncaster Collier’s Story of Assault.


Mexborough and Denaby Clubs’ Annual Shoots,

Denaby Utd – Worksop 1 Denaby 2 – Worksop’s First Home Defeat

Denaby Utd – Denaby 5 Gainsbro Trinty Res. 3.

Denaby Utd – Denaby 5  York City 1 – Denaby’s Splendid Victory.

Denaby Utd – Denaby 2  Rotherham Town 0 – Rotherham Town Defeated

Midland League Table – Monday 25 October 1909

Denaby Utd – Nottingham Forest Res 2  Denaby 2 – Spirited Game at Nottingham.

Denaby Utd – Midland League Results – October 1909


Child Poisoned at Denaby

Fire at the “Star” Inn – Serving Girl Suffocated (pictures)

Unavailing Heroism – Efforts at Conisbro’ Fire – The Story at the Inquest.

Industry and Commerce

Cadeby Calamity – Graphic Story of Survivors – Discrepancies in Evidence.

Mr. C. W. Whitworth Down A Mine.


Conisborough Isolation Hospital.

Crime and Courts

Not Fit For Pigs – Pestilential Home – Shocking Neglect of Child.

Colliery Offences

Youths Break a Shop Window at Denaby.

Boys and Cigarettes – Thefts from Automatic Machine

Conisborough Disturbance – Police Sergeant Assisted By Crowd.

Denaby Man Seriously Injured – Alleged Assault with Earthenware Vessel

Lively Station Scene – Officials Assaulted At Conisborough

Pugilist and Police – Brutal Assaults at Conisborough.


Denaby Utd – Sheffield Utd Res 0 Denaby 1 – Denaby’s Notable Victory.

Denaby Utd – Mexborough Town 1  Denaby  1 – To Try Again !

Denaby Utd – Rotherham County 2  Denaby 1 – Rotherham County’s Fine Form.

Denaby Utd – Mexborough Town 1 Denaby 0 – English Cup Re-Play.

Denaby Utd – Bradford P.A. Res 6  Denaby United 1 – Easy Victory for Bradford Reserves.

Denaby Utd – Results – Nov 27

Midland League Table – November 27, 1909

Denaby Utd – Rotherham Town 1  Denaby 1- Poor Game at Rotherham.


Fifty Years Wedded Life – Worthy Couple – Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Appleyard (picture)

Death of Dr. F.G. Twigg – Clever Surgeon Succumbs To Pneumonia. (picture)

A Village in Mourning – Denaby’s Farewell to “The Doctor.”


National Service League at Denaby

Concert at Conisborough

Crime and Courts

Collier’s Fiendish Action.

Conisbro’ Collier Attempts Suicide.

Enforced Sobriety – Habitual Drunkard Sent to a Home

How Miners Risk Life – Allegations at Doncaster Police Court

Struck With a Jug – Denaby Man’s Head Cut Open – Miner Sent For Trial.


Conisborough Cricket Club

Denaby Utd – Denaby 3 Nottingham Forest Reserve 4 – Tufnell hat-trick

Denaby Utd – Denaby 2 Shiregreen 1

Denaby Utd – Denaby 1. Bradford Reserve 3

Denaby Utd – Mexborough Town 2  Denaby 1 – Mexborough’s Merry Xmas.

Midland League Table – December 27, 1909

Denaby United Results – December, 1909




Conisborough Parochial Gathering.

Crime and Courts

Too Idle To Work – Denaby Wife’s Sad Story.

Fall of Roof at Cadeby – Miners Fined for Breach of Rule.

Preparing For Christmas.

A Remarkable Story.

Jug as Weapon – West Riding Quarter Sessions

Alleged Unlawful Wounding at Denaby


Denaby Utd – Denaby 4 Mexborough Town 1 – Denaby’s Revenge

Fancy Dresses at Conisborough – Successful Cricket Club Ball.

Players Banned after Fisticuffs in FA Cup match

Denaby Utd – Denaby 1 Grimsby Reserve 2 – “Fishermen” Luckiest Fellows in World

Denaby Utd – Huddersfield Town 3 Denaby 1

Midland League Results – January 29, 1910

Midland league Table – January 29, 1910


Knocked Down By Runaway – Conisborough Man’s Accident at Doncaster.

Conisborough Councillor’s Tragic Death.

A Conisborough Wager.

Industry and Commerce

Resignation of the Clerk.

Crime and Courts

A Wife’s Maintenance.

Colliers Fined At Doncaster – Many Offences in the Mine

Colliery Offences – Many Prosecutions at Doncaster.

Brothers Sentenced – Mother Robbed Of £100 Bank Note. 

Clothesline Thefts at Conisborough.

Curious Evidence in Conisborough Burglary Charge.

Robbed His Own Meter – Denaby Man’s Theft.

 Sad Conisborough Case – A Son Charged with Theft.

Denaby Wounding Case – Brother in Law Committed for Trial.

Saturday Night Row At Denaby – Alleged Use Of The Poker.


Denaby Utd – Denaby   5  Worksop Town  0 – Denaby Demoralise Worksop

Denaby Utd – Denaby 5 Rotherham Town 1 – Cup semi Final

Denaby Utd – Denaby  7  Castleford  0 – Castleford out played

Denaby Utd – Results to 28.02.10

Denaby Utd – Wednesday Reserves  1  Denaby  1

Midland League Table – February 28, 1910


Conisboro’ Drayman’s Death – Walked 250 Yards with Broken Leg

Death of Mr. F. Handley – Sequel to a Doncaster Street Accident. (Picture)

Road Men at Dinner. Enjoyable Evening at Conisboro’.

Industry and Commerce

Mr. Wadsworth, M.P., At Denaby – Is Yorkshire The Dumping Ground?


Bank Holiday – A Brilliant Day

Crime and Courts

Denaby Neighbours’ Quarrel.

Cheap Gas at New Conisborough.

Conisboro’ Sensation – Gas Manager’s Downfall -Three Months For Embezzlement. “

Previous Convictions For Stealing – ” I Was Hard Up at the Time.”

The Tell-Tale Boots – Startling Morning Discovery at Conisborough.

Thefts From Conisbrough Station – Three Youthful Depredators Punished


Denaby Utd – Grimsby Town Reserve  4  Denaby 0

Denaby Going Strong for the Cup.

Denaby Players Sought After

Denaby Utd – Denaby  7  Notts County Reserve 0 – Shearing the “Lambs.”

Denaby Utd – Gainsborough Trinity 4  Denaby 0 – Denaby Surprised

Conisborough Swifts 3 Hickleton Main 1 – Montagu Charity Cup Semi Final

Denaby Utd – Challenge Cup Final – Denaby 2  Barnsley Reserve 0 – Match Abandoned

Sheffield Challenge Cup-tie Awarded Denaby

Denaby Utd – Denaby 1  Chesterfield  0 – Denaby Defeat the Leaders.

Denaby Utd – Denaby 1  Bradford City Reserve 0 – Denaby Defeat Bradford City.

Denaby United  3  Leeds City Reserve 1 – Denaby’s Double

Denaby United Results – March 28, 1910

Midland League Table – March 28, 1910

Industry and Commerce

Conisbro’ Fruiterer’s Affairs

Looked Over The Cage Side.

Powers of the Admiralty – Drastic Action at Portland.

Glass Trade Crisis – How It Affects The Don Valley

Crime and Courts

After The Dinner Fracas At Conisborough Station.


Denaby Utd – Notts Reserve 0. Denaby 0

Denaby Utd – Denaby 2 Huddersfield Town Res 0

Denaby Utd – Bradford City Res 1  Denaby United 0 – “General Slackness” at Bradford.

Transferred to Sheffield Wednesday.

Denaby Utd – Denaby 2 Lincoln City Reserve 0 – Denaby again Win.

Denaby Utd – Hull City Reserve  2  Denaby United 1

Denaby Utd – Denaby 1  Rotherham County 1

Denaby Utd – Results for Season

Midland League Table – Final

Industry and Commerce

Under Fallen Roof – Miner’s Shocking Death – Ambulance Work Praised.


Model Aeroplane Society  at Conisborough (picture)

Crime and Courts

Denaby Father’s Heartless Conduct – Story Of A Baby’s Death – Shocking Revelations

Damages For Slain Lamb

A Denaby Greenhorn – How a Country Lad Lost his Money,

A Foolish Whitsuntide Escapade.

Robbed His Fellow Lodger.


Lawn Tennis – Denaby Club

Mexboro’ and District Cricket League – May 7, 1910

A Denaby Cricketer – W. Smith (picture)

Mitchell Main 119   Denaby  76 for 9

Mexborough and District League – May 21st 1910


Mr. Witty’s ‘Majority’ – Twenty-one Years at Cadeby. (picture)

Industry and Commerce

Pit Shaft Accident at Cadeby – Narrow Escapes.

Colliery Company to Pay – Miner in Interesting Case.

Miners Who Break Rules – Several Offences at Cadeby.


Denaby Main Sports (picture)

Conisboro’ Notes – Stone Throwing – Narrow Escape

Crime and Courts

Persistent Cruelty – Sordid Details – Scathing Cross-Examination.

Trespassers in Denaby Wood – More Heavy Penalties to be imposed

The Abusive Ones.

Denaby in Luck – Recreation Ground and Swimming Bath – Parish Council’s Scheme


Denaby and Cadeby United 125 for 3 Mexborough 121

Denaby & Cadeby Utd – Denaby 91 Wath 77

Conisboro’ 46  Greasbro’ 39


Convalescence for Conisborough – Infirmary’s windfall – Generous Donation

A Growing District

Crime and Courts

Breaches of Colliery Rules at Denaby Main

Cowardly Conisboro’ Character – 24 Years of Cruelty & Anxiety

Jumped off the Cage whilst in Motion

Pedestrianism That Didn’t Pay – Denaby Miners in Trouble

Wanted an Easy Time at Denaby Main

The Right Man from Denaby


Denaby Cricketers Successful Tour – An Account of their Doings

Mexborough  63   Denaby  67 for 4 – Doughty Denaby

Lively Proceedings at Annual Meeting – Resignations and New Officers

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 186 for 8   Wombwell Main 17 – Wombwell Main Trounced


Conisboro’ Notes – Bank Holiday – Band Trip – Homing Society

Denaby Notes – Bank Holiday – Cricket – Suicide – Salvation Army

Crime and Courts

Alleged Wife Desertion at New Conisbrough – “My Lady Nicotine.”

Conscientious Objection to Support of Old Mother

Is The Husband Dead? Denaby Benedict’s Worry.

Unhappy Denaby Couple.

Conisboro’ Woman’s Plea.

Conisborough Man’s Illness

Conisborough Miner Refuses To Quit Licensed Premises “A Great Annoyance”

Story of a Denaby Piano – Strange Revelations – A Hire-Purchase Sequel.

Vagrant in Trouble at Conisborough.

Suicide at Conisboro’ – Remarkable Story – He Had “A Bit Of A Loosing.”


Denaby & Cadeby – Swinton 55  Denaby 99 – A Denaby Double

Mitchell Main 134 Denaby United 135 for 4 – Denaby’s Biggest Win.

Mexborough League Table – August 27, 1910

Denaby and Cadeby Cricket Team


Mr. Robert Taylor Wilson (picture)

Industry and Commerce

Adverts – Appleyard’s – W.J.Ward – Troughton – Brocklesby’s

Another Railway Line at Conisborough – Iron Ore may be Worked


Conisboro’ Evening Classes

Crime and Courts

An Old Offender.

Children’s Court – Denaby Lad spite

Conisboro’ and Denaby Imbibers.

Denaby Men in Custody

Footballer and Denaby Girl.

Stripped to the Waist

Talkative Conisborough Man

Wounded Boat Horse


Denaby Utd – Sheffield United Res 3 Denaby 1

Denaby Utd – Hull City Res 8 Denaby 1

Mexborough League – Final Table

Denaby Utd – Nottingham Forest Res 2 Denaby 1


Overlaying Case at Denaby – Life On 18s. A Week.

Retirement of Denaby Police Officer After 26 Years Service (picture)

Industry and Commerce

Buried In Sight Of His Brother – Cadeby Filler’s Sad Death


Conisbrough & District Model Aeroplane Society (picture)

Denaby’s Playground Open – Air Baths for the People

Neglectful Denaby Main Parents

New Denaby Swimming Baths (picture)

Crime and Courts

Called “Hubby” A Little Pig – Conisborough Woman’s Peculiar Plea.

Conisboro’ Assault Case – A Row About Children.

Denaby Father Gets Six Weeks

Denaby Horsekeeper In Trouble – Ju-Jitsu Practice

A Banned Word – Denaby Woman Says Its Rotten Hard Lines

Batch of Denaby Gamesters.

Cruelty to a Pony at Cadeby.


Denaby Utd – Denaby 2  Huddersfield Town Reserve 1 – A scratch team

Denaby Utd – Denaby  2 Rotherham Town 1

Denaby’s Team Reviewed.

Played through Rotherham Game with a Broken Arm (picture)

Denaby Utd – Denaby 6  Allerton Bywater 1 – A Couple of “Hat Tricks.”


Miraculous Escape – Denaby Pugilist Falls from a Train

The Laudanum Habit – A Denaby Victim – Fatal “Two-Penn’orths”

Death of Mrs. W. H. Chambers, of Conisbro’ – Villagers in Mourning

Industry and Commerce

Cunard Contract Makes No Difference To Denaby.

Crime and Courts

Disgraceful Case Of Child Neglect – Denaby Fillers Sorry Show At Court

Breach of Colliery Rules at Denaby and Cadeby

Cyclists Conduct at Conisbro

Disgusted Denaby Woman

Ignorant Conisbrough Butcher

Wilful Damage at Denaby

Black Eyes Before Marriage -Husband’s Admissions – Man Scarcely Ever Sober.


Cricket Club Celebrate Championships – Double Honours – Tributes to a Sporting Side

Denaby Utd – Denaby 2  Barnsley Reserve 1

Denaby Utd – Denaby   2  Castleford Town  2 – The Return of Dodsley

Industry and Commerce

J. Whitaker & Co Ltd (Advert)

Inquests at Mexborough and Denaby

Eltsac – Sweetmaking in Conisbrough

Railway Development In South Yorkshire.

Crime and Courts

Drunkard Who Is Afraid Of His Wife – Denaby Ex-Soldier’s Promise.

At the Courts – Conisborough Lodger – Denaby Officer Meant It – Denaby Man’s Query

Colliery Discipline

Prison for Poaching – Conisborough Colliers Committed

Mother and Son Punished

A “Rough and Tumble” – Lively Time for the Police at Conisbro


Denaby Utd – Denaby 1  Notts County Reserve 2 – Great Suter

Denaby Utd – Castleford  3  Denaby United  1 – Remarkable Game

Denaby Utd – Denaby  1 Notts Forest Reserve 3 – Denaby Downhearted

Denaby Utd – Denaby 3  Mexborough Town  3 – The Great Encounter

Denaby Utd – Midland League Results – December 31, 1910

Denaby Utd – Wednesday Reserve 4  Denaby 0 – Denaby at Owlerton

Midland League Table – December 31, 1910

Denaby Main Miniature Rifle Club – Annual Competitions – Presentation By Mr. W. H. Chambers

Breaches of Colliery Rules



Conisborough Fog Tragedy

Conisborough Victim – Carting Contractor Drowned In River Don.

Industry and Commerce

G B Appleyard (advert)

Crime and Courts

Conisboro’ Man’s Love Affairs

To Prison with Hard Labour For Desertion

Careless Miners

Conisbrough Sweetheart’s Experience

Interfering with the Comfort of Railway Passengers

Offences at Denaby

Pipe in the Denaby Mine

Pilfering in the Cadeby Mine


Denaby Utd – Mexborough Town 0  Denaby 1 – Ground Resembled Quagmire

Denaby Utd – Doncaster Rovers  4 Denaby 1 – Doncaster Outclass Denaby.

Denaby Utd – Leeds City Reserve 0  Denaby 1 – Denaby Defeat Leeds.

Denaby Utd – Results to January 7, 1911

Denaby Utd – Leicester Fosse Reserve 0 Denaby 2 – United do well

Denaby Utd – Results to 30th January 2011

Midland League Table – January 30th, 1911


Bridegroom with Broken Back – Remarkable Wedding Prospect

Denaby Boy Disappears – Verdict of Found Drowned


History and Legends of an Historic Village

Crime and Courts

Denaby Husband Humoured

Conisborough Mother and her “Kid”

Denaby Man’s Revenge

Good Fellowship in lock-up – Amusing evidence

No Contest at Denaby

Some Denaby Drunkards

Three Charges against Young Denaby Collier

Two Denaby Pugilists

Conisborough Lodger Loses his Watch

A Christian Kicked at Conisborough


Denaby Utd – Rotherham Town  4  Denaby  2 – Defeated At Rotherham.

Denaby Utd  – Denaby 4  Leicester Fosse Reserves  1 – Denaby’s Improved Form.

Denaby Utd – Denaby 2  Gainborough Trinity 0 – Rough Weather

Denaby Utd – Denaby 0  Wednesday Reserve 1 – Valuable Victory for Wednesday

Midland League – February 27, 1911

Denaby Utd – Results to February 27, 1911


Child’s death by Burning – Open Verdict

Denaby Miner’s Tragic Death – Terrible Station Tragedy in Sheffield

Denaby Women Disagree – Contradictory Evidence At An Inquest.

Denaby Romance – Girl Marries Man with Broken Back

Industry and Commerce

No Licence for New Co-Operative Stores – Unsuccessful Application – Development of Village

Denaby & Cadeby Collieries Review – 1. Early Days

Denaby & Cadeby Collieries Review – 2. The Advent of Cadeby

Denaby & Cadeby Collieries Review – 3. The Operations

Denaby & Cadeby Collieries Review – 4. Denaby Main – A Well Equipped Village

Denaby & Cadeby Collieries Review – 5. Strikes and Conflicts


Rector of St Alban’s Denaby Main (picture)

St. Alban’s Catholic Church, Denaby Main – Now Completed.

Denaby Developing – New Elementary School to be Opened To-Day.

Crime and Courts

Denaby Pit Hand has To Pay

Denaby Husband’s Kiss

Mother Prosecuted.

Warning for Denaby Mothers

Conisboro’ Mother asked for Fine

Disorderly Drunkards

Larceny at Denaby

Youth and the Watch.

Violent Denaby Miner Warned Constable

Words and Blows.


Denaby Utd – Denaby 1 Chesterfield Town 0 – Denaby Defeat Chesterfield.

Denaby Utd – Chesterfield Town 2  Denaby United 0 – Chesterfield’s Deserving Win

Denaby Utd – Denaby 3  Worksop Town 0 – Worksop Whacked At Denaby

Denaby Utd – Huddersfield Town Reserve  3  Denaby 2 – Beaten at Huddersfield

Denaby Utd – Barnsley Reserve 5  Denaby 0 – Denaby’s Defeat at Oakwell.

Midland League – March 27, 1911

Denaby UItd – Results to 25th March 1911


A Conisboro’ Canard – Baseless Report Contradicted – School Playground Occurrence

Mr. Tom Peters. (picture)

Industry and Commerce

Coronation Toffee (Advert)

Koff Cures (Advert)

Ward & Appleyartds (Adverts)

Denaby Dataller’s Death – Smothered In The Mine

Cadeby’s New Under-Manager – Hoyland Cricketers Appointment


Denaby Main Parish Church – The Needs of a Growing Parish

Capital “Paper” At Conisboro – Dickens as Social Reformer – A Great Novelist.

Census – Miner who Looked to the Future.

Census – Miner who Thought Schedule was the Referendum

Conisboro’ In Clover – Mrs Walker Gives another Recreation Ground

New School for Denaby – A Handsome Building – County Council’s Good Bargain.

Crime and Courts

Denaby Father Remanded

Conisborough Case Adjourned

Conisboro’ Woman Talks About Votes

Denaby Housekeeper’s Rough Time

Denaby Mother not Frightened

Didn’t go to Church at Denaby.

Looking for his Wife at Conisboro’

New Conisbrough Man’s Song

Over Fifty Convictions.

Sentimental Conisbro Man

Warning to Denaby People

Attempted Suicide at Conisboro’

Lodger’s Violent Assault at Conisboro’


Denaby and Cadeby C.C. – Prospects for Season

Denaby Utd – Denaby 1 Grimsby Town Reserves 3 – Grimsby’s Fine Recovery.

Denaby Utd – Denaby 2  Rotherham County Res  4 – Plenty of Goals at Denaby

Denaby Utd – Lincoln City Reserves 3  Denaby 2 – Denaby Lose At Lincoln.

Denaby Utd – Rotherham County  5  Denaby 1 – Scorers’ Day at Rotherham.

Denaby Utd – Gainsborough Trinity Reserves 3 Denaby 1

Denaby Utd – Notts Reserves 3 Denaby 2 – Reserves Finish The Season Well.

Denaby Rifle Club – The Year’s – Presentation of Certificates & Medals

Denaby Utd – Full Season Results

Denaby Utd – Worksop Town 6  Denaby 4 – Ten Goals at Worksop.

Midland League – Final Table


Boating Fatality – Boy Drowned – Accident Caused By Wooden Leg (pictures)

Industry and Commerce

Adverts – Troughton, Appleyard, Ward & Brocklesby

The Property Market, Sheffield – Messrs. Nicholson’s Important Sale


Missions of the Mormons – Denaby Gatekeeper Defends the Faith (picture)

A Bed for Conisborough Patients

Crime and Courts

Girls Agony Life of Awful Cruelty at Denaby – Kept Locked Up, Kicked & Bruised All Over

A Conisborough Peacemaker

A ‘Rum ‘Un’ at Conisborough

Breach of Colliery Rules at Cadeby

Damage to Grass at Conisborough

Drunken Conisboro’ Mother

Generous Denaby Gamesters.

More Drunk & Disorderly

Wilful Denaby School Children


Presentation to Mr. H. Cusworth (picture)

Industry and Commerce

Adverts – Troughton, Appleyards, Ward, Brocklesby

Denaby Miner’s Death – A Fatal Error of judgement

Conisboro’ Parish Council – Proposed Open Air Bath – The Allotments Question.


Conisboro’ Hospital Board – Exchange of Pleasantries

Marconigrams – June 3rd, 1911

Marconigrams – June 10th 1911

Marconigrams – June 17th, 1911

Marconigrams – June 24th, 1911

Crime and Courts

Matrimonial Friction at Denaby – Alleged Persistent Cruelty

Breach of Rule at Cadeby

“Cricket” at Conisborough

Denaby Baths Damaged

Denaby Boy falls from House Top

Pantry Door Damage

Alleged Shop breaking at Conisborough

Sensational Allegations Against Pit Sinker and Woman – Tea companies Heavy Losses

Industry and Commerce

Mr T.W. Mosby – A Popular Official 1100 Subscribers (picture)

Mr T.W. Mosby – Presentation of Cabinet (picture)


Godfrey Walker Home – A delightful gift – the Door of Health (picture)

Crime and Courts

Alleged Persistent Cruelty – A Denaby Case Adjourned

Denaby Man Shoots Assailant – Justifiable Homicide

Drunk and Disorderly & Abusive & Violent Language

Conisbrough Farmer’s Claim – Sequel to Workman taking French Leave

Costly Mistake – Conisborough Sportsman Bags a Homer

Denaby Man “Coronating.”

A Lodger’s Loss

Assault in Cadeby Pit


Golden Wedding – Mr and Mrs John Soar (picture)

Industry and Commerce

Cadeby Collier Crushed.

Crime and Courts

Denaby Man’s Misfortune – A Severe Sentence.

Cruelty to Pit Pony

Damage at Old Denaby

Melee at New Conisborough

Receiving a Deserter’s Uniform – Denaby Woman let off Lightly

The Kettle and the Pot

Farewell Note – Denaby Collier Tries To Cut His Throat.

Territorial’s Alleged Theft

Another Conisborough Assault

Sequel to “Fair” Fight – Bottle Used at Conisbro


Denaby Batsmen Attracting Yorkshire Attention (picture)

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby and Cadeby 116  Wath Athletic  162

Denaby and Cadeby United  232 for 5   Rotherham  109

Denaby & Cadeby – Monk Bretton 104 Denaby 106 for 5

Denaby United’s Big Scheme.

Mexborough & District League – 28th August 1911

Industry and Commerce

Killed in the Pit – Pony Drivers Mistake

Colliery Changes at Denaby

Conisborough Offer of Land for Baths.

Site for Conisborough Baths (picture)

Crime and Courts

Broken Promises – Wife Seeks Separation At Doncaster.

“Contemptible Trick.”

Destructive Conisbro’ Boys.

Offences in Denaby and Cadeby mines.

Machine Robbed at Conisbro’

Theft from Denaby Colliery


Denaby Utd – Denaby 0 Rotherham Town 2

Denaby Utd – Denaby 1  Lincoln City Reserves  4 – Denaby Discomfited.

Denaby Utd – Leeds City Reserves 3  Denaby 1 – Denaby Down at Leeds.

Denaby Utd – Denaby  0  Sheffield United Reserve  7 – Heavy Scoring at Denaby.

Denaby Utd – Huddersfield Town Reserves 8  Denaby 1 – Another Heavy Defeat


Motor Car Ablaze

Industry and Commerce

The Coal Output – Still a Big Deficiency.

Conisbrough Parish Council – Recreation Ground Improvements – The Stench


Aeroplane Competitor’s Success

Crime and Courts

Argument Ends In Blows.

Fatal Challenge –  Miner Killed In Row – Manslaughter Verdict.

Serious Assault at Conisbro


Denaby Utd – Denaby 1  Rotherham County  4 – Denaby Down Again.

Denaby Utd – Denaby 1 Huddersfield Town Reserves 0 – First League Victory.

Denaby Utd – Hull City Reserves 5 Denaby 2 – Denaby Down Again.

Denaby Utd – Denaby 0  Mexborough Town 1

Denaby United – Results to October 1911

Denaby Utd – Gainsborough Trinity Res 6 Denaby United 1 –

Midland League Table – 30th October 1911


Conisbro’ Isolation Hospital – Talk of Split – New Colliery Developments

Successful Model Flying Meeting at Conisborough (picture)

Marconigrams – November 05th, 1911

Marconigrams – November 11th, 1911

Marconigrams – November 18th, 1911

Marconigrams – November 25th, 1911

Crime and Courts

A Dangerous Practice – Pony Driver Smartly Fined

Breach of Colliery Rules at Denaby

Cruelty to a Pony at Denaby

Horse Cruelty at Conisbrough

Swine Movement Order

The “Usuals” – Drunk & Disorderly – Obscene Language

Fowl Stealing at Conisbrough

Mexboro’ Manslaughter Case – Story of a Fatal Fray


Denaby Utd – Leicester Fosse Reserves 10  Denaby 0 – United Overwhelmed.

Denaby Utd – Denaby 3  Grimsby Town Reserves 2 – Denaby’s Welcome Win.

Denaby Utd – Sheffield Utd Res 5  Denaby 0 – Denaby Down Again.

Denaby Utd – Sheffield Utd Res 5  Denaby 0 – Denaby at Sheffield

Denaby Utd – Denaby 1  Notts County Reserve 3 – Denaby Down Again


Successful Cornet Soloist (picture)

Industry and Commerce

Conisbrough Parish Council – The Clerk’s Thankless Task


Marconigrams – December 02nd, 1911

Marconigrams – December 09th, 1911

Marconigrams – December 16th, 1911

Marconigrams – December 23rd, 1911

Marconigrams – December 30th, 1911

Crime and Courts

Begging Case

Hawker Summoned

Shocking Denaby Case – Bioscope Operator Gets Three Months

Manslaughter at Mexborough – Sentence at Leeds Assizes


Denaby Utd – Denaby 1  Gainsborough Trin Res  4 – Denaby’s Weekly Portion

Denaby Utd – Barnsley Reserves 3  Denaby 1 – Denaby’s Fall at Oakwell

Denary United Leniently Dealt With.

Denaby Utd – Mexborough  2  Denaby  0 – The Don Valley “Derby.”

Midland League Table – December 26th, 1911

Denaby Utd – Lincoln City Reserve 7  Denaby 0 – Big Win for Lincoln.

Denaby Utd – Denaby 3  Barnsley Reserve  2 – A Creditable Victory

Denaby Utd – Midland League Results to December 31st 1911

Child Burned to Death

Cain, Hugh

Green, William (2)

Heroes of the Pit – Music Sheet

Section 4a The First Explosion

Springthorpe, James (Senior)

1912 Cadeby Main Colliery Disaster

Industry and Commerce

Mining Death Roll – Kilnhurst Footballer Killed.

Gas Explosion at Cadeby Main

Gas Explosion at Cadeby – Narrow Escapes by Datallers


Marconigrams – January 06th, 1912

Marconigrams – January 20th, 1912

Crime and Courts

Betrayed By Military Bearing

Breach of Rules at Denaby.

Contravening Special Rule 99

Cruelty to a Pony at Cadeby

Infringing Special Rule 106 at Cadeby

Warning to Colliers – Wages Paid in Public-House at Denaby.

Girl-Wife’s Suicide – Coroner Condemns Poison Laws.

Pit Lads Sent To Prison – Confession of Theft at Denaby.

Stolen Butter – Recovery Leads to Disclosure of Another Theft.

Violent Conisborough Man.


Denaby Utd  – Denaby 1  Mexborough Town  3

Denaby Utd – Worksop Town  0  Denaby United  0 – Worksop Lose Valuable Point

Denaby Utd – Doncaster Rovers Reserves  6  Denaby 0

Midland League Table – January 29, 1912


Brother E Marks (picture)

Industry and Commerce

Renewed Denaby Application – Co-Operative Society Successful

Hull Coal Traffic – A Slightly Increased Tonnage.

Strike will Affect 50,000 People To-Morrow.

Proposed Baths


Denaby Ambulance Dinner – Mr Chambers Affection for Denaby Main

Literary and Debating Society – “Superstitions” – Interesting Lecture

Conisbrough “Majority” Ball – Pleasing Social Function in the Drill Hall

Marconigrams – February 17th, 1912

Marconigrams – February 24th, 1912

Crime and Courts

Conisborough’s Filler Fined for Breach of Colliery Rules

Abusive, Violent & Bad Language

Adulterated Gin – Conisbro Publican Fined

Drunk and Disorderly.

Football Coupon Losses – Cruel Denaby Hairdresser’s Admission.

Railway Trespasser – Climbing over Denaby Crossing Gates

Saturday’s   Drunks

Tampering with Lamp – Might Have Caused Fearful Explosion

Wide-awake Conisboro’ Constable.

Wilful Damage – Mistook Tar for Water


The Denaby Club

Denaby Utd – Denaby 5  Wednesday Reserve  5 – Wired Football at Denaby.

Denaby Utd – Denaby United  2  Leeds City Reserve 0 – Denaby’s “Hard Lines.”

Denaby Officials Severely Dealt With.

Denaby Utd – Castleford Town 8   Denaby 2 – Denaby Crack Up.

Denaby Utd – Denaby 2  Worksop Town  2 – Denaby Draw with Worksop.

Denaby United Misdeeds

Chesterfield Town 2  Denaby United  0 – Chesterfield’s Easy Win.

Midland League – Monday 26th February, 1912

Midland League Local Results to February 26th, 1912

Industry and Commerce

Disastrous Effect on Trading Concerns.

Mass Meeting at the Iron Bridge (picture)

National Coal Strike – Premier’s Important Statement – Government Favour Minimum Wage.

Reports from the Coal Fields – In the Don Valley

Riotous Scenes at Cadeby – A Rumour Causes Big Demonstrations

Riotous Scenes at Cadeby – Good Work by Police – Ugly Rushes by 8000 Strong Crowd

Riotous Scenes at Cadeby – Police Baton Charge

The National Coal Strike – How the Local Firms Stand

The National Coal Strike – Situation at the Local Collieries (picture)


Marconigrams – March 9th, 1912

Crime and Courts

Begging at Denaby

Pit Pony Offences

Refused to Quit – Threw Pint Bottle at Landlord’s Son

Colliery Prosecutions – Mexboro’ Lock-keeper & his “Deceased Friend,”

A Denaby Argument


Denaby Utd – Notts County Res  6  Denaby 1 – United Heavily Beaten.

Denaby Utd – Denaby 1 Castleford Town 0 – Denaby’s Fighting Finish

Denaby Utd – Grimsby Town Res 3 Denaby 2 – United Go Close.

Midland League Local Results – March 25th 1912


Boy Found Dead in Bed

Unparalleled Disaster at Sea – Greatest Ship Foundered – Nearly 1500 lives lost

Conisborough Manufacturers Bereavement – Death of Mrs Caleb Kilner

Industry and Commerce

Lecture At Reigate – Denaby & Cadeby Collieries

End of the Great Strike – Resumption on Easter Tuesday – Grave National Peril Averted.

 Momentous Week End.

Return to Work at Denaby & Cadeby

Signing On – The Cadeby Trouble.

Conisborough Scavenging.


Denaby’s Lead.

Marconigrams – April 27th, 1912

Crime and Courts

A List of Drunks

Damaging Trees At Denaby.

Denaby Lad’s Escapade – Broke Barracks Twice in a Week.

His Enlistment Date – Charge of Desertion At Doncaster.

More Drunks on Tuesday

Coal Stealing – Denaby Miner Fined

Checkweighman Attacked – Denaby Collier Sharply Sentenced


Denaby Utd – Denaby 1  Doncaster Rovers Res  2 – Doncaster Too Good for Denaby.

Denaby United  1  Hull City Reserves  0 – Third-Porters Lose at Denaby.

Denaby Utd  – Denaby 1  Chesterfield Res  0 – Denaby Defeat Chesterfield.

Denaby Utd – Denaby  3  Leeds City Reserve   0

Denaby Utd – Denaby 0  Leicester Fosse  0 – Draw with Fosse

Denaby Utd – Wednesday Reserves  2  Denaby 1

Midland League 1911/12 – Final Table

Midland League Local Results – April 1912


Cycle Accident

A Changed Man.


Conisborough Improvement.

Crime and Courts

A Bit Stiff

“Cheap Firewood” – Denaby Persons Damage to a Fence

Conisborough Miner Smartly Fined

Drunken Denaby Woman – Does Damage to a Window.

Mining Offences

Struck his Mate – Denaby Youth Improperly uses Safety Lamp

Wicked Conisborough Boys – Throw Stones at Gas Lamps


Denaby & Cadeby  – Hickleton  192   Denaby  96  for 6 – Denaby Bowling Thumped

Denaby & Cadeby – Wombwell Main  75  Denaby  79 for 2

Denaby Utd – Ground To Be Changed.

Denaby & Cadeby – Mexborough   65  Denaby  37 – Spicy Cricket at Mexborough


Denaby Schoolgirl’s Record (picture)

Industry and Commerce

Cadeby hero – Memorial to be Erected to Manchester scholar

Conisborough Viaduct (picture)

Conisboro’ Parish Council – Refuse Destructor for Denaby & Conisborough.


Children’s Enjoyable Day.

King George to Visit Conisborough Castle

Mission Children’s Outing

Conisboro’ Notes – Sunday Schools’ Trip – Railway Opening

Damage at Conisborough.

Crime and Courts

Wife Desertion – Case Adjourned

A Woman’s Conduct

Denaby Mining Offence – Very Bad Case

Denaby Mining Offences.

Expensive Travelling – Girl Caught at Conisborough.

Assault and Remand

Miner’s Violent Conduct – Constable Kicked

Youthful Trouble – Alleged Assault and Damage at Conisboro’


Conisborough Cricket Tour

Denaby Utd – Lively Annual Meeting – A New Management


The Royal Visit – Conisboro’ Castle – Visits of Three Kings.

The Royal Visit – Eagerly Awaited in South Yorkshire.

The Royal Visit – July 8th – Striking Incident at Conisborough – King in the Tower

The Royal Visit – July 8th – Conisborough Castle – The King & Lady Fitzwilliam (picture)

The Royal Visit – July 8th – Conisborough Castle – The King & Queen (pictures)

The Royal Visit – July 8th – Conisborough Castle – Other Pictures from the Day

The Royal Visit – July 8th – The Queen’s Dress – Ladies at Conisbrough Castle

The Royal Visit – July 8th – Through Kilnhurst & Piccadilly

The Royal Visit – July 9th – Schoolchidren at Mexborough & Swinton (pictures)

The Royal Visit – July 9th – Swinton En Fete.

The Royal Visit – July 9th – Mexborough Loyalty

The Royal Visit – July 9th – At Goldthorpe and Bolton

The Royal Visit – July 9th – Thurnscoe

The Royal Visit – July 9th – At Wath upon Dearne

The Royal Visit – July 10th – At Wombwell

Industry and Commerce

Cadeby Pit Disaster 1912 – The Story of the Disaster

Terrible Pit Disaster – 80 Lives Lost At Cadeby – King Visits The Mine

Cadeby Disaster – Royal Sympathy.

Survivors Stories – Saved By King’s Visit

The King’s Message – Their Majesties’ Sympathy With The Sufferers.

Cadeby Disaster – Waiting for News (pictures)

Cadeby Disaster – Archbishop of York Service (picture)

Cadeby Disaster – Wives Watching the Funerals (picture)

Cadeby Disaster – Rescuers (pictures)

Cadeby Disaster – Bringing Out the Dead (pictures)

Cadeby Disaster – Waiting for News of the Victims (picture)

Cadeby Disaster – Cadeby Rescue Team (picture)

Cadeby Disaster – Death-Roll Raised To 86.

Cadeby Disaster – Inquiry into the Disaster

Cadeby Disaster – Removing the Bodies

Cadeby Disaster – Sad Crop of Funerals (picture)

The People who lost their lives – Where they are buried

The People who lost their lives – Where they Lived

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Ackroyd, William

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Alderson, Charles

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Beech, James

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Berry, Willie

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Boycott, Joseph

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Bungard, Robert Peel Ivema

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Burdekin, James

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Burns, James

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Burns, Thomas

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Bury, Charles

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Carlton, John William

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Carroll, Arthur

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Chambers, Douglas

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Chapman, Robert William

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Cody, Thomas

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Croxall, Eli

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Cusworth, Herbert

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Davis, William Charles

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Denton, George Royds

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Dove, William

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Dungworth, Arthur

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Eddington, Robert Neil

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Ellis, Sydney

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Evans, Phillip George

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Evans, Thomas Emrys

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Fleck, Thomas

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Fletcher, Charles William

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Fletcher, John

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Flynn, Arthur

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Fox, Joseph Benjamin

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Frankland, William

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Gascoyne, Richard

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Godsmark, William H.

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Green, William

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Green William (2)

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Hancock, Tobias

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Hayden, Michael

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Henderson, Edward

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Heptinstall, George

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Hewitt, Henry Richard

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Hindson (Hinton), George

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Horsfall, Frederick William

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Humphries, William

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Hunt, Charles Albert

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Jackson, Samuel

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Johnson, Charles

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Jordan, Matthew

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Kelsall, John William

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Lambert, William

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Marrow (Marsden), John

Cadeby Disaster Victim – McDonagh, James

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Mulhearn, John

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Mulrooney, Martin

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Neal, Herbert

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Nicholson, Percy Edgar

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Phillips, Jarrett

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Pickering, William Henry

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Prince, Charles Edward

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Radley, Charles William Phillip

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Richardson, Frederick

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Rodgers, Cyrus

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Roodhouse, Joseph

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Ross, Joseph

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Rowell, Arthur Edward

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Sanders, Samuel Thomas

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Shuttleworth, Joseph

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Smith, John

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Springthorpe, James (Junior)

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Springthorpe, James (Senior)

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Stone, Frederick

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Stribley, Thomas

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Summerscales, William

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Talbot, Timothy Smith

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Tarbrook, John William

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Thompson, Henry (Harry)

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Thompson, James

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Tickle, Gilbert Young

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Tuffrey, Charles Edgar & Edmund Jesse

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Turner, Joseph

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Wallace, William Henry

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Walsh, Thomas

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Walton, Frank

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Ward, Benjamin

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Waters, William David

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Webster, Samuel

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Whitton, George

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Williams, Thomas Samuel

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Wimpenny, Richard

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Wood, Frank

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Wraithmell, Thomas

Cadeby Disaster – Another Body Recovered – Remainder Expected Race Week.

Editorial – Home Office Inquiry

Fall of Roof. – Fatal Accident at Denaby –  The Inquest.

Funeral Of Another Victim.

Home Office Inquiry Into the Cadey Disaster – Monday Morning

Home Office Inquiry Into the Cadey Disaster – Monday Afternoon

Home Office Inquiry Into the Cadey Disaster – Tuesday Morning

Home Office Inquiry Into the Cadey Disaster – Tuesday Afternoon

Home Office Inquiry Into the Cadey Disaster – Points From The Enquiry.

Recovery Party In The Exploded Pit – Massive Steel Doors Used – No bodies Yet


Census Returns for 1911 – Some Startling Local Figures

Editorial – Cadeby Disaster

Editorial – The Titanic Findings

Editorial – Another Appeal

Lakeland scenes in the Dearne Valley – Countryside Flooded

Marconigrams – August 03rd, 1912

Crime and Courts

Callous Father – Brutal Treatment of Wife and Children at Denaby.

“Collecting” For Cadeby Disaster Fund.

In Court – Bad Language

Conisbrough Farmer Robbed – How Kindness was Rewarded

Petty Thefts – Denaby Plumber Was a Good Character.

Stolen Cigarettes – Conisbrough Boys Lapse

Denaby Miner’s Row – Tale of a Broken Jug


Denaby & Cadeby – Wath 154 for 8  Denaby  80 – Easy Victory for Wath.

Denaby & Cadeby – An Acquisition.


Mr Charles Dawson

Industry and Commerce

Cadeby Disaster Victim – Steadman, (Young) George

Cadeby Disaster – Widows’ Pathetic Disclosure at Inquest – A Painful Incident.

Closing Burial Scenes – Impressive Memorial Service

Mine Giving Up It´s Dead – Four More Bodies Recovered.

The Cadeby Disaster – Recovery of Three More Bodies

The Late Mr Eli Croxall – Story of his Career

The Late Mr S Ellis

What of the Cadeby Heroes?


Marconigrams – September 07, 1912

Marconigrams – September 28th, 1912

Crime and Courts

Sordid Denaby Homes –  Shocking Stories – Prison for Parents

Bad Language

Damage to Trees

Damaged Optic – Denaby Man Rough and Tumble

Drunk and Disorderlies

Drunk and Disorderly

No Dog Licence at Conisborough

Pipe in the Pit

Sorry Week Enders

Starting Early

The Drink and Theft


Denaby & Cadeby – Darfield 17  Denaby 83 Denaby’s Decisive Victory

Denaby Utd – Castleford  3   Denaby  0 – Castleford’s First Home Victory.

Denaby Utd – Doncaster Rovers  2  Denaby 0 – Doncaster’s Third Success.

Denaby Utd – Rotherham Town 2 Denaby 1

Denaby Utd – Denaby 2  Castleford Town  1 – Denaby on the Up-grade.

Denaby Utd – Denaby 2  Castleford  1 – Enthusiasm at Denaby

Industry and Commerce

Crushed Between Falls – Contractor Killed

Fatal Disobedience – Death in a Subterranean Shaft – Killed by the Cage

Conisborough Baths – Opposition Tactics.


Marconigrams – October 12th, 1912

Marconigrams – October 19th, 1912

Marconigrams – October 26th, 1912

Crime and Courts

Unhappy Home – Glassblower Sent To Prison – Shocking Story

Afraid of the Cadeby Mine – “A Smell of Sulphur and Gas.”

Assault in the Mine

Breach of Rules at Cadeby Pit

Court Briefs

Denaby Main and Conisborough School Irregulars

Drunk and Disorderly

Even More Drunk & Disorderly

Unparliamentary Language

Without A Licence

Mexborough Market Thefts


Denaby Utd – Leeds City Reserve  3  Denaby 0 – Denaby Disappointing


Denaby Landlord’s Failure

Loss to Denaby Main – Popular Cricketer – Tributes to Mr. Percy Bury.


Marconigrams – November 23rd, 1912

Crime and Courts

Another Month

About Dogs.

After Game at Denaby – Rabbits that were “bought”

Breach of Signalling Rules.

Colliery Offences at the Cadeby Pit – A Broken Safety Lamp

Colliery Prosecutions – Destructive Pit Boys

Drunk and Disorderly

Drunk at Denaby

Drunk & Incapable

Game Trespass at High Melton

Goldthorpe Man’s Bad Record

Mexborough Drunks

Mexborough Language

Mexborough Miners

Miners – Do what they Liked

New Conisbrough Woman’s Language

Obscene Language

Other Words.

Special Rule Four – Drawing Timber

Coal Stealing at Conisborough – Precocious Lad – Birch Rod

Assault at Denaby – Dispute Over Money Leads To A Fight


Denaby Utd – Denaby 7  Notts County Reserve  2 – Denaby Brilliant

Denaby Utd – Worksop Town  3  Denaby 1 – Denaby Again Defeated

Denaby Utd – Denaby  0  Chesterfield Res  3 – Champions Successful.

Industry and Commerce

The Cadeby Disaster – End of the Inquiry – Cusworth’s Pocketbook

The Cadeby Disaster – End of the Inquiry – Inspectors Important Conclusions


Conisboro’ Joint Hospital Board – Bentley- Alterations – Medical Officer

Review of the Year – Leading Local Events

Marconigrams – December 07th, 1912

Marconigrams – December 14th, 1912

Review of the Year – Cadeby Disaster – Coal Strike – Royal Visit – Titanic

Crime and Courts

Breach of Contract – Case Dismissed Against Conisbrough Miner

Conisbrough Pit Corporal’s Claim

Court Briefs

Mexborough Mothers Claim

No Ticket – Insurance Agent made to pay – Caught at Conisbrough

Conisbrough Errand Boy – An Interesting Case


Denaby Utd – Sheffield Wednesday Reserve 2 Denaby 2 – Denaby’s Gallant Effort


Cadeby Disaster Poem

Cadeby Heroes presented to the King

Captain Maurice Pope

Conisbrough C.C.

Denaby & Cadeby C.C.

Mr George Harrison – Chemist and Postmaster

Mr J Buckingham Pope – Chairman of the Collieries

Ptomaine Poisoning

Denaby and Cadeby C.C. – Pre Season 1913 Report

Home Office Report – Section 1 Description of Colliery and Method of Working

Home Office Report – Section 2 Description of the South Plane District

Home Office Report – Section 3 Conditions prevailing in the South District

Home Office Report – Section 4b The Second Explosion

Industry and Commerce

Home Office Report


Visit of Dr. Figgis

Resignation of Mrs. Kaye Of Old Denaby

Crime and Courts

An Obstinate Filler – Refused To Work

Asleep in the Denaby Pit

False Pretences – Cadeby Collier’s Fraud – Lenient Penalty      

Hanging on to a Pony’s Tail – Driver’s Offence at Denaby

Matches in the Mine

No “Coal Hole” – Cadeby Miners Excuse for Not Working

Pit Lads’ Quarrel – Safety Lamp Used as a Missile

Unusual Charges – Failing to Report Injury to  Pony     


Denaby Utd – Worksop Town  4  Denaby Utd 0 – Sheffield Challenge Cup                                                   

Mr John Kilner Bateson – Glassworks Manager


Mrs Kaye – Old Denaby School Headmistress


A Veteran Teacher – Dr. Lang’s Tribute to Mrs. Kaye, Denaby.

Marconigrams – February 15th, 1913

Conisbrough Cricket club

Industry and Commerce

Cadeby Disaster Victim – John WilliamTarbrook

The Cadeby Disaster – Interesting Claims at the County Court

The Last Victim – Cadeby´s Dead Reaches Ninety.


A Great Leader

Industry and Commerce

Conisbrough Parish Council Election (picture)


Conisborough Hospital – Proposed Alterations & Additions

Marconigrams – April 05th, 1913

Crime and Courts

A Careless Mine Driver

Railway Trespasses – New Conisbrough Boys Get Off Lightly


Denaby Utd – Lincoln City 2 Denaby 0 – Two Points for Lincoln.

Diamond Wedding – Married Sixty Years

Ptomaine Poisoning – Alarming sequel to a public tea

Empire Palace

Mr J Buckingham Pope – Chairman of the Collieries


Denaby Empire Palace

Empire Palace Site (picture)

Denaby St. John Ambulance Brigade Band (picture)

The Cadeby Disaster – Extraordinary Debate In Commons

Poem to commemorate the disaster on the first anniversary

1913 Fire at Denaby Main


Man’s Delirium Follows Burns

Man’s delirium follows burns

Uncontrollable Denaby Boy – Mania for Chickens

Mrs Kaye – Twenty- Five Years as Headmistress

Mr George Harrison – Chemist and Postmaster

Captain Maurice Pope – New chairman for Denaby and Cadeby

100 Heroes – Tributes on Display for ‘The Duration’

100 Graves, 9 Countries, 73 Cemeteries


Ancestors and their Stories

Cadeby Miners ready to Strike

Chapman, James – Connie Bailey (daughter)

Conisbrough Isolation Hospital

Conisbrough Show

Demobilization Account (picture)

Denaby Ambulance Brigade (picture)

Denaby boy’s death – Burning tip at Maltby

Denaby C.C. AGM

Denaby F.C.

Denaby Rifle Club -1914

Discharge (photo)

Enthusiasm at Conisbrough

Griffiths C – Trooper – The Horrors of War

Hague, William – Wounded in Aisne battle

Hodgetts, William Edward (photo) – Lilian Bell & Dennis Hodgetts

Hospital Notice (picture)

Identification Form (picture)

Interview on Radio Sheffield

Medal Letter (photo)

Medals Won

More Memories

Mr Emerson Ass. Gen. Sec. to Collieries

Needham, James (photo) – Barbara Bingham (grandaughter)

Perry Sergeant S. – Seriously Wounded

Recruiting at Conisbrough

Sarah Smith’s Story (pictures)

Smith, Harry – Saved the Machine Gun

Stories from the Front

Stories of the Heroes

Strangled in Bed – Distressing Conisbrough accident.

The Conisbrough & Denaby 100 Project

The Notebook (picture)

War Memorials

William’s Story

Wood, Alex – Conisbrough Soldier killed

1914 – The Great War begins

The Great War Week

Great War Week – The People who came

Great War Week – What you thought of the Exhibition


Conisbrough War Memorial

Appleyard, Sydney – Household Cavalry

1914 – Conisbrough & Denaby

STREET BETTING – Conisbrough men charged.

Bishop’s Ladies down the Mine

Conisbrough Isolation Hospital

Mr Emerson Ass. Gen. Sec. to Collieries

Strangled in Bed – Distressing Conisbrough accident.


Denaby Main Church Choir (picture)

Cadeby Miners ready to Strike


Rev Hawkes, Rector of Johannesburg

Child Mother’s Crime

Denaby C.C. AGM

Accident – Boy Clinging to rear of Motor Car

Children’s Concert

Domestic tradegy – Wife Found Dead in Cellar

Denaby F.C.

Mr & Mrs Stenton Golden Wedding

Conisbrough Show

Gob Fire Causes Great Alarm Prompt Measures

1914 Coroner censures Midwife

Street Betting

Recruiting work at Conisbrough


Flight from the Fatherland

Flight from the Fatherland.


Enthusiasm at Conisbrough.

Great War Week – The Displays

Editorial – The European War has Come Upon Us


Accident at Saw Mill

Industry and Commerce

“Gassed” at Colliery


Conisboro’ Recruits Rousing Send Off

Soldier – Richards, George – Wounded and Captured


Soldier – Hague, William – Wounded in Aisne battle

Soldier – Lawley, Joseph – Prisoner of War (picture)

Soldier – Smith, Henry – Wounded and Captured (picture)

Soldier – Bemrose, Thomas – First Conisbrough Soldier killed (picture)

Soldier – Appleyard, Sydney – Household Cavalry (picture)

Soldier – Sargan, Harry – Household Cavalry

Soldier – Shakespeare T. – Starving Soldier (picture)

Richards, George – Wounded and Captured

Soldier – Gamble, Harry – Killed in France

Soldier – Wood, Alex – Conisbrough Soldier killed

Soldier – Smith, Frank, Conisbrough Ambulanceman

Soldier – Trooper Griffiths – The Horrors of War

Colliery Contractors Death – Crushed in Denaby Pit – A Question of Delay

Conisbrough Hospital Board – A Trio of Resignations

Recruiting Meeting at Conisbrough – Labour Candidate and a Local Preacher

Conisbrough Sensation – Tragedy of Worried Mother

Denaby Large Hall – Destructive Fire

Extraordinary Story from Denaby – Talk of a Sofa.

Recruiting Meeting at Denaby – Colliery Managers Appeal

Suicide after Rejection – Denaby Man who could not Enlist

Troublesome Conisborough Schoolboy

Xmas Treat at Denaby – 1000 children received gifts

Denaby Utd – Wath 1 Denaby Utd 2 – Denaby in Winning Vein


Tea and Christmas Tree


Soldier – Humphreys J – Royal Welsh Fusiliers

Soldier – Hutchinson V. – A Denaby Drummer

Soldier – Rosser W.E. – Conisbrough Clerk in France (picture)

Soldier – Boylan O. – War is a dreadful thing

Soldier – Turner A – Killed in Action (picture)


Soldier – Finney, Richard – Narrow Escape (picture)

Soldier – Goulding George – Prisoner of War (picture)

Soldire – Goulding, Noah – Conspicuous Bravery (picture)

Soldier – Turner H – Wounded (picture)

Soldier – Cotton W – Denaby Soldier Captured

Soldier – Wilkinson W. – Conisbrough Artillerman (picture)

Soldier – Wilson, Private – Mouth of Roaring Guns

Conisborough Church – It’s Architectural Glories – Vicar’s Interesting Lecture.

Conisbrough Man’s Fowl Theft

Conisbrough Parish Church – Annual Soiree

Denaby Cricket Club – the War and the Coming Season – Captains resignation

Earth Tremors – Damage to Cadeby Workings – One Man Killed – Alarmist reports

Farmers Meeting at Conisborough – War Time Problems

Food Prices – Denaby’s Protest

Mine Offences – Control of Ponies

Schoolboy Railway Trespasser Bound Over

Denaby Utd – Denaby 4 Bolton Weslyans 2 – Played in a Snowstorm


Soldier – Griffiths, Charles – Conisbrough Soldier Falls (picture)

Soldier – Regan, Owen – Denaby Soldier’s Misfortune (picture)

Soldier – Dobson – Conisborough constable promoted on the Field

Soldier – Thompson, Benjamin – A Denaby Coldstream (picture)


Soldier – Conroy & Johnson – Missing Conisbrough Soldiers (pictures)

Soldier – Wilkinson – Conisbrough Gunner Verisifies

Doncaster Rural Council – Conisbrough’s Water Troubles.

Offences in the Mine – A Big Fall at Cadeby

Conisborough Parish Council – More about the Northcliffe footpath

Cadeby Distress Fund – Diminishing Dependence.

Conisborough Hospital Burgled – Glass Hands Sent to Prison

Conisborough Isolation Hospital – Bidding for nurses

Conisborough workers attitude – After the war

Conisbrough Cricket – Patriotic Members

Dataller’s death

Denaby C.C. – Annual Meeting

Global Palace – Week’s Programme

Literary and debating society – “Walt Whitman, the American poet”

Mr & Mrs Proctor – Conisbrough Golden Wedding

Soldier’s Wedding


Sailor – Lewis W.E. – H.M.S. Clan McNaughton (picture)

Soldier – Dobson J. Bombadier – The value of First Aid

Soldier – Hill, Joseph – Denaby Soldier’s Lucky Bag

Sailor – Hoult, Albert – Denaby Seaman in Egypt (picture)

Soldier – Revill, Pvte H – From the Front (picture)

Breach of the Mines Act – Serious Cadeby Offence

Conisborough Man’s Death – Run Down By a Taxi

Charge against a soldier – Case dismissed

Colliery Presentation at Denaby

Conisborough Man in Trouble

Conisborough Notes – First Peal – Footpath – Druids- Mornington Wing – Recruiting

Conisborough Parish Council – Discussion on the Northcliffe Footpath

Death of a Conisborough sportsman

Denaby Child Drowned

Denaby Mans Affairs – Petition with Official Receiver

Denaby Publican Fined – Expelling Wounded Soldier Undue Violence Alleged

Spitting in the Police Court


Soldiers – Lawrence Family – More Denaby Patriots

Sailor – Mason, John – Denaby Marine in Captivity

Soldier – Otley, Pvte Wm – Amputation after Frostbite

Soldier – Ridge, John William – Killed in Action

Soldier – Beaumont, A. – A Denaby Gunner

Soldier – Faulkner Pvte W. – Denaby fighters at the Front

Soldier – Gedney, James – Denaby Fighters at the Front

Sailor – Jones, William Robert – Denaby Fighters at the Front

Soldier – Kilalee, Pvte Matthew – Snapshot from the Front

Soldiers – Potts – A Patriotic Denaby Family

Soldier – Turnbull, Joseph – D.C.M. for Conisbro’ Engineer

Soldier – Williamson, Herbert – Territorials at the Front

Damage to Windows at Conisbrough

Conisborough Man’s Excuses – Strong Comments by the Judge

Conisborough Notes – Burcroft Widening, Comedy Grant, Horse & Dray Accident

Denaby Child’s Death

Denaby Notes – United 7 – 0 win, St John’s at Church, Sunday School Concert

Extraordinary Scenes – Furniture Wrecked

Montagu Cup Final – Denaby United Victorious after Two Replays

Nameless Heroes (poem)

Red Cross Society – Concert at Conisborough

Denaby & Cadeby – South Kirkby 86 for 6 Denaby 82 – Only seven for Denaby


Soldier – Cheetham, Jack – Denaby Marine (picture)

Soldier – Cliff W & R – Denaby Lads – Denaby Marine killed (pictures)

Soldier – Cocksedge, Private J. K.O.Y.L.I. – Died in Hospital

Soldier – Cutts, Gunner – Lucky Denaby Soldier (picture)

Soldier – Davies, Pvte E. Territorials – From the Trenches (picture)

Soldier – Dawson, A. – Conisbrough Soldier in the Trenches (picture)

Soldier – Horseman – Four Soldier Sons (pictures)

Soldier – Jarvis, Arthur – Conisbrough Soldier in Ypres (picture)

Soldier – Kerr, John – Wounded (picture)

Soldier – Mattock, George F. – Missing Denaby Soldier (picture)

Soldier – Needham J. – Bursting Shell (picture)

Soldier – Smith N.A. – Headmaster’s Son killed (picture)

Soldier – Wood, Fred – Hell upon Earth (picture)


Soldier – Taylor, G – Denaby Man Wounded (picture)

Soldier – Butler, John – K.O.Y.L.I. (picture)

Soldier – Stones, Louis and Lionel – R.A.M.C. (pictures)

Soldier – Sturgess, Fred – A Denaby “Terrier” (picture)

Denaby Buglers Contempt for the Germans – Beaten to the World

Child’s Narrow Escape from Drowning

Conisobrough Man Missing – Feared Drowned

Damage at Denaby – Pit Boys Fined – Impudent Father

Denaby Sensation – Child’s Body found in Ash Pit

Denaby Tragedy – Hemsworth Painter Drowned

Denaby Woman drowned at Mexborough

Divorce for Denaby Main Woman – Husband’s Love for an American

Fete at Conisbrough – In Aid of the Relief Fund

Operetta at Denaby – A bright performance

Try Midget Marble Flour

Denaby & Cadeby – Hickleton 238 Denaby 234 for 9 – Century by Wednesday Footballer


Sailor – Bradley H. – Wounded in the Dardenalles (picture)

Sailor – Loveridge A.W. – Wounded in Dardanelles (picture)

Soldier – Bashforth, A. – Conisbrough Soldier Wounded (picture)

Soldier – Bridges, S.F. – Wounded and Blown Up (picture)

Soldier – Dawson, Aaron – Conisbrough Soldier Killed (picture)

Soldier – Kerr, John – Military Funeral at Conisbrough

Soldier – Lawley J. – P.O.W. (picture)

Soldier – Lawrence, Benjamin – Son who was given up

Soldier – Snipe J. – Denaby Footballer Wounded (picture)

Soldiers and Sailor – Bagshaws, Jesse, Alec and Walter (pictures)


Soldier – Ackroyd, Harold – Denaby Man’s leg broken

Appeal to Patriotism – Colliery Prosecution Withdrawn – Slackers at Home

Canal Tragedy – Denaby Woman who took to Drink

Conisborough District Education Committee

Conisborough Hospital Board – Nurse down with Scarlet Fever

Conisborough Parish Council meeting – North Cliff and Edlington Footpaths

Conisborough Soldier Wounded at Tickhill – Farmer Committed for Trial

Dedication of Colours – Conisborough First Troop Scouts

Denaby Girl bought for a shilling – Strange document read in court

Sensational Mystery of a Child’s Death – Inquest Complete

Denaby United F.C. – Debt steadily decreasing

Denaby United Football Club – Debt Steadily Decreasing – Presidents Interesting Review

Denaby United – Montagu Cup Winners – Entertained at the Red House

Globe Palace Programme – Charlie Chaplin Competition (video)

Headmaster of Denaby Boys School

Hospital Demonstration – In the Name of Charity – 25th Annual Festival

Hospital Demonstration – Abandoned

Killed in the Denaby Mine – Deputies Warning Disregarded

Soldiers Parade

Denaby & Cadeby – Rawmarsh 44 Denaby 52 – Close thing at Rawmarsh


Sailor – Whitehead C – Denaby Main Man Missing (picture)

Soldier – Beaumont, R – Denaby, Killed under Bombardment (picture)

Soldier – Calvert, L – An affair of Outposts (picture)

Soldier – Cross, John – Letter to Mother & Sisters (picture)

Soldier – Howitt, F – Killed by a Bursting Shell (picture)

Soldier – Richards, G. – Death in Bondage (picture)

Soldier – Trout, Harry – Saved by Cigarette Case

Canal Tragedy – Denaby Woman Who Took To Drink – Sad Story

Conisborough Drowning Tragedy – Schoolboy Falls into the River

Denaby and Cadeby Collieries – Splendid Work of Sewing Party

Denaby Boys Sent To the Reformatory – Wholesale Shop Breaking and Thefts

Colliery Prosecutions – Previous Decision Waived – Tardy Excuse for Refusing to Work

Denaby Drowning Mystery – Little Boys Accused Each Other

Denaby Lady’s Peril – Caught in the Quicksands

Distressing Motor Fatality – Child Killed by a Conisborough Motorist – Defective Brake

Dozen Conisbrough Boys in Trouble – “The Burglar’s Gang”

Hungry Denaby Cricketers – Thurnscoe Licensee who refused to supply teas.

Interfering With Points – Denaby Pony Driver Smartly Fined

Miser who Starved – A Human Tragedy

Throwing Stones – Denaby Youths Dangerous Practice


Sailors – Tomlinson, Charles & Herbert – Typical Sailor Lads (pictures)

Soldier – Hewitt, George E. – Canadian Teacher returns to Fight (picture)

Soldier – Hirst, George – The Shirker (picture)

Soldier – Hutchinson, R. – Killed at Hooge (picture)

Soldier – Jones, F.W. – Denaby Teacher Killed (picture)

Soldier – Keith, Oliver – Denaby Soldier’s Misfortune (picture)

Soldiers – Prew, James, Squire, John W. – 3 Denaby Brothers (pictures)

Soldier – Raynor, A – Saved by an officer who died (picture)


Soldier – Broom, Albert – Narrow Escape (picture)

Conisborough Notes – Farmer Son’s Accident – Million Egg Scheme – Castle Vandalism

Another Colliery Accident – Herbert Jepson

Assault at Denaby

Conisborough Notes – Trackless Cars (picture) – Damage to Trees – Wireless Operator

Conisbrough Steam Roller – Driver Summoned

Denaby Notes – Miner Crushed – More Accidents – Dangerous Practice


Sailor – Curtis, Henry A.B.S. Killed in Gallipoli (picture)

Sailor – Goddard, C Lce-Corpl – Denaby Hero Killed (picture)

Soldier – Balmforth Percy – Killed at the Dardanelles (picture)

Soldier – Gledhill, Owen Pvte – Killed in France (picture)

Soldier – Hornsby H. Pvte – Conisbrough Terrier Killed (picture)

Soldier – Kelly, Pvte E – Wounded in the Dardenelles (soldier)

Soldier – Mangnall, Pvte P. – Denaby Man Wounded (picture)

Soldier – McDermott, J. Pvte – Missing 18 year old (picture)

Soldier – Peck, Pvte W. – Killed in France (picture)


Soldier – Brady, J. – Denaby Drummer Down (picture)

Sailor – Jackson J.H. – Leading Seaman – Wounded in Left Leg (picture)

Soldier – Thompson G. – Wounded at the Dardanelles (picture)

Soldier – Armstrong Noah – killed in Flanders (picture)

Sailor – Birch Charles – Missing believed Drowned (picture)

Soldier – Whitehouse, Pvte B – Killed by a Sniper while Succouring Wounded

Soldier – Allport C. C. – Conisbrough Sergeant’s Experiences

Soldier – Armstrong Pvte T. – Making a Name for Himself (picture)

Soldier – Stockwell Fred – Somewhere in the North of France

Conisbrough’s Girl’s Death – Witnesses Complimented

Globe Palace – Charlie Chaplin (video)


Sailor – Reynolds, George – Wounded at the Dardanelles (picture)

Soldier – Danks, Robt Lee – Military Funeral at Mexborough

Soldier – Davies, J. – Wounded at Loos (picture)

Soldier – Day, W. – Wounded near Hill 70

Soldier – Finn, Thomas – Killed at Loos (picture)

Soldier – Fisher, E. – Wounded in the Head (picture)

Soldiers – Haggar – Conisbrough Fighting Family (pictures)

Soldier – Haigh, Wm – Conisbrough Hero Returns to the Front (picture)

Soldiers – Hinchcliffe – Eight Denaby Main fighters (pictures)

Soldiers – Martin – Three Denaby Brothers – One Missing (pictures)

Soldiers – Massey, Richard & Alfred – Denaby Brothers Wounded (pictures)

Soldiers – Parry, W & G.H. – Denaby Brothers Wounded (pictures)

Soldier – Read, E. – Died from Wounds (picture)

Soldier – Regan, G. – Wounded in Scalp (picture)

Soldier – Rigby J. – Denaby Man Wounded (picture)

Soldier – Sargan, Joseph – Killed in France (picture)

Soldier – Smith, J.H. – Thrice Wounded (picture)

Soldier – Wright, S. – Denaby Gunner Wounded (picture)


Soldier – Bell, William – Severly Wounded (picture)

Soldier – Calvert, Laurence – Gunshot Wound

Sailor – Hickman, James – Wounded at the Dardanelles

Soldiers – Barber – Four Stalwart Denaby Brothers (pictures)

Conisborough Tragedy – Body Found in Lime Kiln

Denaby Empire Palace (video)


Denaby Empire Palace


Sailor – Woodward, Fred – Conisbrough Prisoner

Soldier – Branston T. – Denaby Sergeant Wounded (picture)

Soldier – Connell, John – Killed in France (picture)

Soldier – Haggar, Robert – Describes the Loos “Match”

Soldier – Hutley, Sylvester – Killed in Action (picture)

Soldier – Mannion, Patrick – Denaby Man Promoted (picture)

Soldier – Maugham, J. – Denaby Man in Germany (picture)

Soldiers – Peace – Three Denaby Brothers, One killed (pictures)

Soldier – Robinson, A.H. – Denaby Coldstream killed (picture)

Soldier – Shaw E. – Denaby Man in Germany

Soldier – Wilson, Harry – Denaby Man Twice Wounded

Soldier – Wright S. – Denaby Gunner’s Heroism


Soldier – Hutley, John – Died from Pneumonia (picture)

Soldiers – Wheeliker – Denaby Sergeant Killed – Three Brothers Serving (picture)

Soldier – Atkinson J. – A Corporal’s Heroism (picture)

Soldier – Brice J.R. – Denaby Men with the Canadians

Asleep on Duty in the Pit

Assault at the Denaby Main Hotel

Butterbusk Farmer in Incident at Balby

Conisborough False Pretences Charge Dismissed

Pit Offences – Box of Matches, Pony Stampede and Returning Horses

The Wrong Road – Batch of Young Thieves at Conisborough

Soldier – Beaumont, Arthur – Tragic Memories


St John Ambulance Association – Presentation by WH Chambers


Soldier – Harris, Walter – Torpedoed (picture)


Soldier – Brooke, J.E. – Killed in Action (picture)

Soldier – Cassell, John Wm. – Killed in Action (picture)

Soldiers – Sturgess A. – Denaby Soldier and his Sons


Allports History of Conisborough – Page 1 to 5

Conisbrough Men ; T & H Poole, T Reed and M Cairns

Fowler A. – Died of Wounds

Goodier J. – Bugler Killed

Grocock W. – Wounded and in Stoke Hospital

Haigh H. – Killed


Allports History of Conisborough – Page 6 to 10

Allports History of Conisborough – Page 11 to 15

Allports History of Conisborough – Page 16 to 20

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Allports History of Conisborough – Page 26 to 30

Allports History of Conisborough – Page 31 to 35

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Allports History of Conisborough – Page 46 to 50

Allports History of Conisborough – Page 51 to 55

Allports History of Conisborough – Page 56 to 60


Soldier – Whitehouse W. – Wounded

Soldier – Soar H. – Killed

A Wayward Daughter – Girl Threatens Her Mother in Court

Cadeby Miners System of Fines For Slackers

Conisborough Motor Ambulance

Don Valley’s Ancient Military Glory

Miner and Drink – Conisborough Man Sent to Prison

Urban Powers – Postponed

Crime and Courts

Conisbrough Miners and the Rabbits


Soldier – Cheetham J.H. – Denaby Seaman Invalided

Soldier – Collins, Edward – Severely Wounded

Soldier – Fowler, Douglas – A Conisbrough Commission (picture)

Soldier – Glynn, George – Gassed in France (picture)

Soldier – Hill, Tom – A Happy Band from Conisbrough

Soldier – Hulse, John – Frost bitten feet (picture)

Soldier – Jones Cpl. – Brave Conisbrough soldier wounded (picture)

Soldier – Lawrence R. – Killed in Action

Soldier – Mason – Royal Message to Denaby Man

Soldier – Needham, Joseph – Conisbrough Soldier’s Death

Soldier – Parr, E.H. – Denaby Lad Wounded

Soldier – Smith A. – With the R.A.M.C.

Soldiers of the King (picture)

Soldier – Swipes, C. – Denaby Man Wounded

Soldier – Timmins, Albert Edward – Missing Denaby Man


Soldier – Bransby, J. – Killed in Action

Soldier – Buck M. – Denaby Man killed

Soldier – Bell, Herbert – A Conisbrough ‘Watch Dog’

Soldier – Burns – Denaby’s Fighting Family

Conisborough Woman’s Pathetic End

Denaby Women Assault Bailiff

Globe Palace

Lecture at Denaby – Prof Greenwood on Post War Relations

Parish Council Meeting

Serious Accident – Cadeby Pit Top – Foot was Severed

Soldiers Entertained


Soldier – Hinton, Jonas – Died of Wounds (picture)

Soldier – Revill H. – Conisbrough Soldier Killed (picture)

Soldier – Burns, William – Wounded near Ypres

Soldier – Squires C. – Denaby Man Wounded (picture)

Soldier – Stocks – Denaby Mother and her fighting Sons (pictures)

Floods near Pastures (picture)

Lecture at Denaby on Post-War Relations

Woman imprisoned for theft – “They can’t hang me for it.”


Soldier – Barker, George – Conisbrough Soldier Wounded

Soldier – Faulkner, Wm – Father of 6 Children Killed (picture)

Soldier – Henshaw J. – Old Campaigner Wounded (picture)

Soldier – Jubb, Thomas – Killed in Action (picture)

Soldier – O’Neill, Patrick – Wounded and in hospital in France (picture)

Soldier – Wagstaff – Denaby Family’s fine Record

Soldier – Wagstaffe T.H. – Killed in Action (picture)


Soldier – Wilson R. – Denaby Man Blinded (picture)

Soldier – Buck M. – Killed in Action (picture)

Soldier – Walker, Tommy – Miner’s Lodger Dies

Soldier – Wall, Henry – Killed in Action (picture)

Cadeby Colliery Manager – Harry Hulley (picture)

Conisborough and Denaby News – Australian Funeral – Pony Driver Left his Pony.

Conisborough Miner Overwhelmed

Conisborough News – Affrighted Horse – Lecture “A Piece of Coal,”- Air Raid Signals

Conisborough Experiment – Women on the Land

Conisborough Inn – Treating Offences

Conisborough Miracle – Deaf and Dumb Seaman Restored (picture)

Conisborough Objectors – Appeal to Central Tribunal at Doncaster – Many Local Cases

Court Montagu Ancient Order of Foresters (picture)

Denaby Absentee – £1 Awarded to Police Constable

Denaby Woman’s Serious Offence – Concealing a Deserter – Husband in Hospital

Pit Heroes – How a Denaby Deputy Died

The Happiest Race on Earth – “Our Russian Ally.” – Lecture at Denaby Main


Soldier – Glynn, Thomas W. – Conisbrough Soldier Scalded (picture)

Soldier – Hartley, Ernest – Died of Wounds (picture)

Soldier – Horsman W.A. – Conisbrough Gunner at Kut

Soldier – Lawrence R. – Tributes from the Trenches

Soldier – Rushworth, Jonas – How a Denaby Sniper Died (picture)

Soldier – Cliffe A. – Conisborough Man Wounded (picture)


Soldier – Swaby J.H. – Denaby Sergeant killed (picture)

Soldier – Ward, Lawrence – Killed in Action

Conisborough Man’s Offence – A Stolen Watch

Conisborough Soldiers Wives and their Rates – Hard Cases

Death of Carlton Henry Allport (picture)

Denaby Women’s Behaviour

Extraordinary Conduct – Denaby Pony Drivers Wanton Behaviour

Failed To Report – Conisborough Objector Fined

Mr J Cocks – Presentation at Denaby

Struck By Lightning – A Conisbrough Businessman

What the Policeman Saw – Conisborough Man Heavily Fined

Women on the Land (pictures)


Soldier – Horseman W.A. – Conisborough Gunner Captured at Kut (picture)

Soldier – Uren H. – Right Arm Blown Up (picture)

Soldiers – Mee C.H. & T.H. – In the Thick of It (pictures)


Soldier – Booth J. – Sapper killed

Soldier – Vernon L. – Denaby Man killed (picture)

Carelton Henry Allport

Conisbrough Tradegy – Boy drowned while bathing


Soldier – Appleyard, George – Killed in France (picture)

Soldier – Fowler D. – Dangerously Wounded

Soldier – Harwood G. – Officially Reported Dead

Soldier – Horton G. – Police Superintendant’s brother killed

Soldier – Martin, George – Down with Ship

Soldiers – Moore’s – Denaby Fighting Family


Soldier – Clarke, John William – Deaf & Dumb Seaman restored

Corporal’s Neglect – Failed to Report Pony Driver’s Cruelty

Denaby Neighbours Fall Out – Blames Irish Rebellion

Farmers Trouble – Damage to Growing Grass – Flying Kites & playing Football

Globe Palace

New Girl Guide Movement need Lady Supervisors

Small Affair – Fined for Striking Man, not Woman


Soldier – Campbell J.R. – Conisbrough Driver Wounded (picture)

Soldier – Cooper, Stephen – Killed by a German Shell (picture)

Soldier – Cope, Charles – Mortally wounded in France

Soldier – Crabtree, Gladstone – In Edgbaston Hospital (picture)

Soldier – Crabtree W.H. – Killed in France (picture)

Soldier – Donaghue, Vaughan and Wright – Denaby Pals, inseperable (pictures)

Soldier – Goodier H.V. – Bugler Killed in Great Advance (picture)

Soldier – Hall, James – Killed by a piece of Shrapnel (picture)

Soldier – Horsman, Cecil – Died from wounds

Soldier – Linch T & P – Wounded brothers from Conisbrough

Soldier – Pears W.H. – Died of Heat in India (picture)

Soldier – Pearson, William Henry – Wounded in Big Advance (picture)

Soldier – Rigby, Wilfred – Hospital in Manchester

Soldier – Sharp S.O. – Officer killed (picture)

Soldier – Smithiman J.H. – Died in Action (picture)

Soldier – Smout, John – Wounded by Shrapnel (picture)

Soldier – Soar, Ernest – In Hospital in England (picture)

Soldier – Williamson H. – Conisbrough Officer Promoted (picture)

Soldiers – Wounded – Denaby – Beachill, Gelder, Griffiths, Horsman, Jones, Martin, McDermott, Pickersgill, Wagstaff


Soldier – Atkinson Albert – Invalided – Trench Feet (picture)

Soldier – Dutchman E. – Wounded in Great Advance (picture)

Soldier – Ford J – Wounded in both legs (picture)

Soldier – Oxley H. – Missing in France after Great Advance (picture)

Soldier – Taylor R. – Wounded in Head and Leg

Soldier – Taylor G.H. – Hospital in Colchester

Soldier – Vickers, Arthur – Hospital in Kent (picture)

Soldiers – Wounded – Conisborough – Bostock, Bryan, Burton, Harrison, Horsman, Senior & Wood

Soldier – Barker G. – Cadeby Main Miner killed (picture)

Soldier – Bashforth, Arthur – Killed in Action (picture)

Soldier – Fowler A. – Died of Wounds from France

Soldier – Haggar, Wilfred – Killed in Action

Soldier – Stott, Jack – Death of a Cricketer

Soldier – Sudworth A. – Killed in Action in France

Soldier – Wall J. – Denaby United Footballer killed in Action

Editorial – Forward !

Conisboropugh Soldiers’ Comforts’ Committee entertain Wounded Soldiers (picture)

Conisbrough Man and his Ticket

Conisbrough Volunteers

Denaby Landlord and Waiter Fined – Supplying More than Ordered

Denaby Man’s Conduct

Globe Palace – Fatty’s Plucky Pup (videos)


Soldier – Fisher Family – Son & Son in Law killed (pictures)

Soldier – Hall James – Conisbrough Soldier (picture)

Soldier – Scott, Jeremiah – Died of Wounds in France

Soldier – Batty, Lnce Cpl – Wounded (picture)

Soldier – Brocklesby, Harold – South Staffs – Wounded (picture)

Soldier – Chappell, Jack (York & Lancs) – Died through Poisonous Gas

Soldier – Cooke, Charles – Denaby – (York & Lancs) – Killed (picture)

Soldier – Coulson, John – K.O.Y.L.I. – Wounded (picture)

Soldier – Evans W.H. – Denaby – Missing (picture)

Soldier – Ford J. – Lancashire Fusiliers – wounded in both legs (picture)

Soldier – Nicholson G.W. – Missing (picture)

Soldier – Reed C. – Buffs – Wounded (picture)

Soldier – Roberts W. – Lance Corporal – Denaby – Wounded (picture)

Soldier – Taylor, Joseph (Sherwood Foresters) – Denaby – Killed (picture)

Soldiers – Kelly Brothers – Wounded and Discharged (picture)

Soldier – Williamson, Herbert – Machine Gun Company for Cadeby Hero (picture)


Sailor – Pickett, Clifford – Petty Officer (R.N.D.) – Last in Dardanelles

Soldier – Wheeliker, James – Wounded in Leg (picture)

Soldier – Hoyle C.C. – Killed while bandaging CSM’s wound (picture)

Soldier – Armstrong T. – Commended for Gallantry (picture)

Soldier – Cole, Fred – Died of Wounds in France

“A Drunken Brawl”

Conisborough Boys Fined

Conisborough Hospital Sunday – Spoiled by Rain – High-Class Concert (videos)

Elderly Denaby Man Fined

Objecters – Denaby Colliery Cases – Another Conisborough Conscience

Tragedy of The Road – Denaby Miner Run Over by Trackless Car

Trespass and Damage at Conisborough


Soldiers – Hartley Family – Brother Killed – Father Discharged (picture)

Soldier – Churms, John – 18 months Active Service without Break (picture)

Soldier – Cope F. – Reported Killed (picture)

Soldier – Gee, Frank – Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry – Killed (picture)

Soldier – Haigh H. – Denaby Main – Killed (picture)

Soldier – Leach – Killed at start of Great Advance (picture)

Soldier – McDermott, James – Missing Since August 1915, Now Officially Dead (picture)

Soldier – Nicholson, Frederick, Herbert – York & Lancs – Killed (picture)

Soldier – Travis H. – Reported Killed (picture)

Soldiers – Booth and Jepson – Missing

Soldiers – Wounded – Bulcroft, Collingham, Fisher, Hall, Herdus, Mitchell, Straw, Ward, White (pictures)


Soldier – Booth Alfred C. – Killed Instantaneously by a German Shell (picture)

Denaby Empire Palace – Featuring The Battle of the Somme (video)

Epedemic of Juvenile Theft – Remarkable Denaby Story

Globe Palace Consbrough – Featuring Charlie Chaplin & Fatty & Mabel (video)

Conisbrough Milk Supply


Golden Wedding at Denaby – Mr. & Mrs Josiah Wall


Denaby Empire Palace – Featuring The Battle of the Somme


Soldier – Cooke J. – Denaby Main Corporal Killed

Soldier – Croxall J – Killed in Action (picture)

Soldier – Edge, George – Wounded in the Leg

Soldier – Hardy F. – Struck by Shell (picture)

Soldiers – Horsman Brothers, POW in Tarsus

Soldier – Humphries H. – Denaby Hero – DCM (picture)

Soldier – Keeling, George – Killed while leading an attack

Soldier – Mallett T. – Died of Wounds received in Action

Soldier – Moore H. – Without Food & Drink for 10 days

Soldier – Oxley, Herbert – Officially Reported Dead

Soldier – Pearson E.T. – Formerly of Denaby , Killed in Action in France (picture)

Soldier – Robinson A. – Denaby Military Medalist

Soldier – Roebuck H. – Denaby Man killed

Soldier – Thomas, Thomas – Killed in Action in France (picture)

Soldier – Williamson, Herbert – Presentation (picture)

Soldiers – Wounded ; S.Ball, I.Batt, H.Cooper, W.Danford, S.Lee, P.O’Neill, Marsden


Soldier – Ashworth, James – 19 Year Old Father Killed in Action (picture)

Soldiers – Bell Brothers – Vincent killed (pictures)

Soldier – Broom H – Died of Wounds (picture)

Soldier – Burns W. – Died of Appendicitis (picture)

Soldier – Soar, Harry – Rifleman Killed in Great Advance

Soldier – Taylor G – Died of Wounds (picture)

Soldier – Bellamy, Horace – Denaby Youth Decorated

Soldier – Stevens, John – Local Soldier obtains Military Medal

Conisborough Child Burned – Fatal Air Raid Precaution

Industry and Commerce

Appleyard, Walter – Lord Major of Sheffield


Soldier – Hendley T. – Military Funeral

Soldier – Needham, Joseph – In Memoriam

Soldier – Nettleship A. – In Memoriam

Soldier – Pratt A. – Wounded in Ribs, Back and Shoulder (picture)

Soldier – Purdy, Charles – Died in Boulogne Hospital

Soldier – Rooney, John – Killed in Action (picture)

Soldier – Sampson E. – Died from Wounds in Hospital (picture)

Soldier – Stevenson R. – Conisborough D.C.M.

Soldier – Wren, Luther – Bombed Germans with their Missiles


Soldier – Bell, Walter – Kilner Bros Worker killed in Great Advance (picture)

Soldier – Anson W. – Killed in Great Advance

Soldier – Whitehead W. – Killed in Action

Soldier – Widdowson H. – Killed on the Somme (picture)

Soldier – Ward G.S. – Conisbrough Officer’s Promotion (picture)

Soldiers Comforts

Frozen to Death – Denaby Child´s Terrible Fate – Found In An Ash-pit

Denaby and Cadeby Accident – Shunters Terrible Death

Miner Buried

Remarkable Denaby Story – Juvenile Theft Epidemic – Strong Remarks by the Bench


Soldier – Hoult J.E. – Wounded in Hand and Thigh

Soldiers and Sailors – Bagshaw, Bostock, Crabtree – Walter Wood killed

Soldier – Raynor A. – Rendered Deaf and Dumb


Soldier – Brown, Joseph – Killed in Action (picture)

Soldier – Sykes, Richard – Died of Wounds

Soldier – Whitehead H. – Killed in Action (picture)


Denaby Main 1917 – Michael Patten

Colliery War Funds – Their Excellent Work – Care of the Belgians

Combing Out of the Pits – “Slackers” to Join the Army

Conisborough Golden Wedding – 50 Years Residence in one house

Conisborough Child’s Death – Search for a Doctor

Conisborough Miner’s Death – Returned Soldier Severley Injured

Daughters Steal – Father Censured

Denaby Empire Palace – He Who Accuseth – The Shop Soiled Girl

Denaby Gambling Row – Soldier’s Recriminations

Denaby Wife’s Unhappiness


Soldier – Cooper J.R. – Killed by Shell (picture)

Soldier – Fisher Brothers – Killed and Shell Shock (pictures)

Soldier – Miller John W. – A Denaby Hero (picture)

Soldier – Roberts, George – Denaby Warriors Home on Leave (picture)

Soldier – Sleaford, Frank – Killed by Bursting Shell (picture)

Soldier – Wounded and other – Lewis C., Hudson G., Hudson G., Williams H.


Soldier – Whittaker, Thomas – Killed (picture)

Great War Remembered – Herbert Mennell Rutter – Early Days

Soldier – Cheetham J.H. – Warriors home on leave (picture)

Conisborough Grocers Suicide – Worried by Ailment

Conisborough Man and His Gun

Deaf Denaby Child

Denaby Burning Fatality

Denaby Hairdresser’s Theft

Scourge of Measles – Station Road & Morley Place closed


Soldier – Carter, Arthur – Torpedoed – Fight For Life (picture)

Soldier – Williams H. – Wounded (picture)

Soldiers – Barker and Collingwood – Training for Commission (pictures)


Soldier – Allport C.C. – Promotion for Gallipoli Campaigner (picture)

Soldier – Ashford, George – Denaby Sergeant & the scene of V.C. Exploits (picture)

Accident at Denaby Main – Boys Fatal Oversight – Swinton Miner’s Death

Attempt to find a Scapegoat

Colliery Offences – Failing to Fix Drag – Building a “Pack” using Coal- Leaving Station

Conisborough Fire Brigade – Presentation of Long Service Medals

Conisborough Gas Company – Profits Reduced, Dividends Maintained

Ex-Soldier Assaulted

Local Tradesman’s Impending Departure

Muffled Peal

Row about a Rug – Woman’s alleged Rough Handling


Soldiers Wife’s Goods

Spotted Fever – Case reported at Denaby


Soldier – Nicholson, Winter – Gallant Officer dies of Wounds (picture)

Soldier – Rosser W.E. – Commission for Conisbrough Soldier (picture)

Soldiers – Dugan, Joseph – Killed – Higgins J. – Trench Feet

Soldiers – Hudson S & G – Wounded (pictures)


Soldier – Bagshawe, Richard – Interred Bandmaster (picture)

Soldier – Bird, Harry – Band Sergeant in Regimental Band (picture)

Soldier – Branston, Tom – Denaby Band Member (picture)

Soldier – Stones, Lionel – Denaby Man Honoured (picture)

Soldier – Watson, Percy – Training for Commission (picture)

Conisborough Horsekeeper’s Larceny

Cruelty to a Working Pony

Denaby Sergeant’s Sad Homecoming

Globe Palace

Potato Price

Schoolboys Strange Death


Soldier – Egan, Thomas – Cadeby Pony Driver presumed killed

Soldier – Ellis, Harry – D.C.M. for work at Bullecourt (picture)

Soldier – Higgins H. – Soldiers Self Sacrifice

Soldier – Rudd F.W. – Denaby NCO’s Account of the Fighting

Soldiers – Evans Brothers – Wounded and In Flying Corps (pictures)

Soldier – Westwood C – Missing – killed in Great Advance (picture)

Soldiers – Wounded; Bagnall P., Brady J., Burton R., Taylor S., Williams John

Soldier – Wright S. – Double Honour for Denaby Man (picture)


Soldier – Butcher R. – Military Medal for Conspicuous Bravery – Killed in Action (picture)

Soldier – Duggan – Corporal Killed (picture)

Child Neglect – Denaby Labourer Gets Three Months

Farm Servant’s Death – Tribute to a Loyal Servant

Girl Shot – Strange Affair at Hill Top

Potato Sale – Mexborough and Denaby Men Fined

Potato Theft

Rules Broken – Damaged Lamp


Soldier – Ball S. – Stretcher Bearer killed in Action (picture)

Soldier – Cross Wilfred – Killed in Action in Mesopotamia (picture)

Soldier – McDermott R. – Foot Amputated (picture)

Soldiers – On Furlough


Soldier – Linacre W. – Killed in Action

Soldier – Thistleton A. – Killed in Great Advance

Soldier – Turner J.W. – Killed in Action (picture)

Soldier – Watson, Sydney – Muffled Peal from Parish Church (picture)

Local Tribunal Appeals – Conisbrough Cases at Doncaster

Conisbrough Volunteers – Camp at Thoresby

Denaby Miner Fined for Assault on a Woman

Denaby Women – General Copley Disappointed

Local Appeals – Many Conisborough Cases in The List – A Conisborough Bantam


Soldier – Atkinson A.E. – D.C.M. for good work in the field (picture)

Soldier – Pownall G. – Killed Digging Dugout

Soldier – Burton H. – Died Of Wounds (picture)

Soldier – Hambrey, Ernest, George – Missing declared Dead (picture)


Soldier – Egan, Thomas – Killed in Great Advance

Soldier – Cross W. – Killed in Mesopotamia (picture)

Soldier – Wall Fred – Killed in Action (picture)


Denaby Munition Girls Help Local Institutions

Industry and Commerce

Denaby Miner Killed – A fatal slip

Pony Driver Killed by Fall of Coal

Fatal Injury at Cadeby Main – George Brough

The Cadeby Disaster

Conisborough Refuse Tip – GC Railway Complain – Interim Arrangement


Death of Former Conisbrough Head (picture)

School Exhibition

Crime and Courts

Child Neglect – Denaby Labourer gets 3 months

Denaby Miner’s Gross Fraud


Wounded; Evans F.H., Hancock A., Pearce, Rowe G., Senior A.

Soldier – Brett J. – Killed in France

Soldier – Cranidge, Harold – Died of Wounds (picture)

Soldier – Egan T. – Officially Reported Killed

Soldier – Glynnn T.W. – Died of Wounds (picture)

Soldier – Haigh A. – Denaby Man Killed (picture)

Soldier – Payling C. – Missing, Killed in Great Advance

Soldier – Wood A. – Died of Gas Poisoning

Soldier – Woodhouse H. – Royal Engineer killed (picture)

Soldier – Evans, Horace – Denaby Airman in Germany (picture)

Mines of Messines – Denaby Telegraphist´s description

Industry and Commerce

Mine Offences

Crime and Courts

Denaby Don Juan – Finds Happiness in Making “A Bit of Love.”

Wife Desertion

Remarkable Court Scenes – Denaby Miner sings in Witness Box


Soldier – Hatchett – Missing Conisbrough Man (picture)

Soldier – Hancock A. – Trench Fever (picture)

Soldier – Pearce – Severely Wounded (picture)

Soldier – Wright R. – Sapper Injured

Soldier – Atkinson M.G. – Corporal killed (picture)

Soldier – Bond C.D. – Died of Gas Poisoning (picture)

Soldier – Breeze, J. William – Died of Wounds (picture)

Soldier – Hambrey E.G. – Denaby Soldier Missing & Killed (picture)

Soldier – Manion, John – Killed in Action (picture)

Soldier – Hague A. – Killed (picture)

Soldier – Teale, Albert – Killed In Action (picture)

Soldier – Jarvis – R. A.– Military Medal (picture)

Married Man’s Courtship – Denaby Duplicity

Micklebring Infant’s Death – Parents Censured

Industry and Commerce

Contract Breaches.

Spontaneous Combustion – Cadeby Difficulties Solved

Crime and Courts

Doncaster Mining Offences

Miner’s Callous Neglect

Miner’s Troubles


Soldier – Downing, Ernest – Wounded in Leg

Soldier – Fowler, Horace – Wounded and in Hospital

Soldier – Senior, Arthur – Wounded

Soldiers – Wounded – Ackroyd O.W. (picture)

Soldier – Cocksedge, George – Killed in France (picture)

Soldier – Davy, Arthur – killed on Active Service in France (picture)

Soldier – Parr E.H. – Killed by a Shell (picture)

Soldier – Hall, Percy – Killed

Soldier – Wood A. – Died of Gas Poisoning

Soldier – Woodhouse, Henry Edward – Killed in Action

Soldier – Wilburn, Henry – Missing – Now reported Fallen (picture)

Soldier – Cheetham J.H. – Military Medal

Soldier – Evans, Frank – Mother’s Persistence Rewarded

Soldier – Wright W. – Presentation to a Hero

Soldier – Barnard, Seaton – Conisbrough Officer Missing

Denaby Boxer’s Success

Fatality at Denaby Main – Buried under Fall of Roof

Soldier – Horner W.H. – Died of Wounds

Soldier – Payling A. – Reported Missing now Killed

Wounded : Greathead, Howler, Ray, Sutton


Denaby Main and District Baby Week

Industry and Commerce

Offences in Coal Mines – Large Number of Defendants At Doncaster

Crime and Courts

Maintenance Order for Denaby Contractor


Soldier – Hobson, Frank – Wounded in Arm (picture)

Soldier – Bennett, Alfred – 19 year old Fallen in Action (picture)

Soldier – Calladine, John H. – Killed in Action (picture)

Soldier – Elliott, Frank – Sergeant killed (picture)

Soldier – Haywood – Died of Wounds

Soldier – Bowen, John Israel – Killed at Paschendaele

Soldier – Graves, Thomas – Killed in Action

Industry and Commerce

Miner Killed by Fall of Roof

Gift of £5.000 by The Denaby Colliery  Company.

Crime and Courts

Conisborough Injunction against Doncaster Rural District Council

Drunk and Violent


Soldier – Kaye, Claude – In Dangerous Condition

Soldier – Mellor J.O. – Gassed

Soldier – Broom, Ben – Part of Leg Blown Away

Soldier – Bond, Charles – 19 Year Old Killed in Action

Soldier – Buxton, William – Shell striking Dugout – Give Mother My Love (picture)

Soldier – Cross, John – Missing after Action (picture)

Soldier – Drabble W. – Play Up, Denaby!

Soldier – Fitton, Thomas – 19 Year Old Died in French Hospital (picture)

Soldier – Hardacre R. – Hospital worker Died in France

Soldier – Hirst, George – Succumbed to Wounds (picture)

Soldier – Husbands J. – Play Up, Denaby!

Soldier – Jones, Joseph – 19 Year Old Killed in Action

Soldier – Oates W.H. – Denaby Family’s Affliction (picture)

Soldier – Price Frederick – Sherwood Forester Killed (picture)

Soldier – Graves R. – Killed

Soldier – Briddon A. – Military Medalist (picture)

Soldier – Humphries, Humphrey (Bunt) – D.C.M. (picture)

Soldier – McGagh, Patrick – P.O.W.

Soldier – Ward S.– Awarded Military Medal (picture)


Silver Wedding – Mr & Mrs Alf Webdale

Industry and Commerce

Mine Offences.


Cantata at Wesleyan Chapel

Denaby Palace – The Immigrant (Video)

Lady Bell Ringers

Crime and Courts

Denaby Assault


Benefit Football Match


Soldier – Holt, Herbert – Gassed and in Hospital

Soldier – Hudson S. – Hospital in Glasgow

Soldier – Naughton B. – Wounded

Soldier – Radley W.H. Hospital in Egypt (picture)

Soldier – Wray R. – Trench Feet

Soldier – Blades, Charles – Killed in Action

Soldier – Brammer V.- Gas Poisoning

Soldier – Fitton, Charles – Confirmed Killed in Action

Soldier – Hinchcliffe J. – Denaby Footballer Killed in Action

Soldier – Newall J.W. – Killed by Shell Splinter (picture)

Soldier – Bennett, Alfred – Killed in Action

Soldier – Wren, Caleb – Killed in Action (picture)

Soldier – Boylan, Owen – A Denaby Hero

Denaby Heroes – Another Presentation.

Soldier – Baker H. – Recently Gazetted

Soldier – Illingsworth J. – Serbian Samaritan Cross

Soldier – Turner E. – Awarded Military Medal

Soldier – Wood F. – Military Medal


Cruelty at Conisborough – Man and Woman sent to Prison


The Labour Company (poem)

Conisbrough Military Wedding – Hutchinson – Lindley (picture)


Denaby Empire Palace

The National Day of Prayer – Conisborough and Denaby (videos)

Crime and Courts

Soldier Bigamist – Married at Denaby


Soldier – Churms L. – Wounded at Cambrai (picture)

Soldier – Hodgetts W. – Wounded and Missing (picture)

Soldier – Rich H.G. – Prisoner in Germany (picture)

Soldier – Pearson R. – Died in Hospital (picture)

Soldier – Goodrich H. – Conisbrough Volunteer’s Death (picture)

Soldier – Rutter H. – Killed in Action (picture)

Soldier – Bingham G.W.– Killed in Action (picture)

Soldier – Thomas J. – Cadeby Fireman killed in Action (picture)

Soldier – Baker, Albert – Denaby Military Medalist (picture)

Soldier – Briddon – Conisbrough Military Medalist (picture)

Soldier – Corney W. – Denaby Military Medalist (picture)

Soldier – Jordan T. – Denaby Heroes – Two Very Gallant Men (picture)

Soldier – Mee, William Henry – Conisbrough Military Medallist (picture)

Soldier – Wood F.W. & Worth G.T. – Denaby Heroes – Two more Medallists Honoured

Denaby Child´s Death – Father reproved for Neglect

Denaby Child Burned – Soldier Widow’s Sad Experience

Soldier – Thompson, Benj – Croix de Guerre (picture)


Shortage of Paper


District Food Supply

Crime and Courts

Six Month’s Hard Labour for Cruelty to Children

Scramble in a Queue for Rabbits

Prison for Stealing Cockerel


Soldier – Moore, Leonard – Wounded in Action (picture)

Soldier – Wright, Walter Edgar – Killed in Action (picture)

Soldier – Winner A. – POW in Germany (picture)

Doncaster Wants 400 Men.

Soldier – Stones L. – Military Medal (picture)

Soldiers – Gascoyne, Joseph & Chettham – Gallant Denaby Men

Soldier – Wren, Luther J. – Denaby Hero Honoured

Soldier – Keywood, James – Denaby Heroes – Two Very Gallant Men (picture)

Industry and Commerce

Breach of Mines Act.

Sale of Live & Dead Farming Stock

Crime and Courts

Too Much For Tobacco.


Soldier – Gascoynes, Osric & Joseph – Hospital in Mesopotania & Military Medal

Soldier – Hackett J. – Father of Five Died of Wounds in France (picture)


Soldier – Blackburn D. – Wounded

Soldier – Bucknall – Repatriated, Malnutrition

Another Denaby Hero – Presents for a Gallant Company Runner


A Big Town with a Big Heart

Denaby Men’s Deeds.

Crime and Courts

Compensation for Eye Injury

Army’s Knives, Forks and Spoons

Assault on a Discharged Soldier


Soldier – Conlon, Patrick – Cyclist Company – Killed in France (picture)

Soldier – Dawson, Fred – Shipwrecked by Submarine – Dies of Wounds (picture)

Soldier – Farmer H. – Wounded for the Fifth Time

Soldier – Glennon M. – Killed in Action (picture)

Soldier – Magnall P. – Company Runner killed (picture)

Soldiers – Missing; Haigh, Potts, Robinson, Wren, Yates

Soldier – Preston E. – Buried at Denaby

Soldiers – Prisoners; Jackson, Jones

Soldier – Shutt, Frederick – Prisoner in Germany (picture)


Soldier – Stephenson, Tom – Prisoner of War

Soldier – Smith, George – Died from Pneumonia

Soldier – Baker, George, Ernest – Died of Wounds

Soldier – Chipp, Harry – Killed by Shell Fire (picture)

Soldier – Starr, Henry – Killed (picture)

Denaby Men’s Deeds – Butcher, Wheeliker, Walker and Wright


Death of Oldest Resident

Industry and Commerce

Fall of Roof Kills Pony Driver

Slackness in The Pit – Miners Revive Absenteeism Boards At Denaby.


Cinema – Empire – Charlie Chaplin – “The Adventurer” (video)

For The Holidays – From Rotherham to Doncaster


Soldiers – Shutt, Frank; Wilcox J.H., Shutt J – Denaby Patriots (pictures)

Soldiers – Hobson Frank & J – Wounded and Buried in Dugout (pictures)

Soldier – Leeks P.C. – Wounded and Leg Amputated

Sailor – Stevenson, John – Prisoner in Germany

Soldier – Cooper, James, Henry – Missing (picture)

Soldier – Farmer H. – Wounded (picture)

Soldier – Hall C. – Sergeant Missing

Soldier – Lawson R. – Loss of Left Arm (picture)

Soldier – Robinson A. – Wounded and Missing (picture)

Soldier – Scott, Oswald – Missing (picture)

Soldier – Unwin, Robert – Reported Missing (picture)

Soldier – Thompson, George – Wounded a Third Time (picture)

Soldier – Woodward, James – Wounded after 10 months Fighting (picture)

Soldiers – Brandreth Edward, William – Wounded (picture)

Soldier – Ellis, Joseph – 18 Year Old dies of Wounds (picture)

Soldier – Simpkins J.W. – 19 Year Old Fighting Gallantly when he met his death (picture)

Soldier – Smith G.S. – Denaby Man Killed (picture)

Soldier – Tipper F. – Killed (picture)

Soldier – Stenton, Oliver – Semi-Officially Reported Killed (picture)

Soldier – Hill, Charles Chambers – Military Medal for Conisbrough Hero (picture)

Soldier – Moore, Arthur Gilbert – Military Medal for Gallantry (picture)

Crime and Courts

Married Man’s Indiscretion.


Soldier – Adams C.W. – Marksman’s Toes Amputated

Soldier – Green, William – Missing (picture)

Soldier – Jones, Joseph – Prisoner in Germany

Soldier – Lewis F.G. – Missing since April

Soldier – Martin, Samuel – Wounded and missing

Soldiers – Prisoners in Germany (pictures)

Soldier – Woodward E. – Prisoner in Germany

Soldier – Ackroyd, Lewis – Died of Wounds

Soldier – Barker, Alfred – Killed in Action

Soldier – Bolt E.J. – Killed in Action

Soldier – Butterfield, Charles – Killed in Action

Soldier – Coyne, Thomas – Died of Pneumonia in Italy

Soldier – Day, William Thomas – Killed in Action

Soldier – Platts, William & Charles – Died and Wounded

Soldier – Hinchcliffe L.V. – Gunner Died (picture)

Soldier – Price, Ernest – Killed in Action (picture)

Soldier – Wilkinson R. – Cadeby Man killed

Soldier – Woodward, Joseph – Died of Wounds in France

Soldier – Ford J. – Military Medallist

Soldier – Wharton, Charles – Denaby D.C.M. (picture)

Soldier – Preston H. – Wounded

Soldier – Curran, Clifford – Prisoner in Germany

Soldier – Fidler J.H. – Missing

Soldier – Medlar, George – Prisoner of War (picture)

Soldier – Warrington M.G.W. – Wounded and Missing;

Soldier – Barker, Harry – Killed whilst leading his Platoon (picture)

Soldier – Gleadall, Dennis – Died of Wounds

Soldier – Hobson, James – Killed in Action in France (picture)

Soldier – McArthur, Malcolm – Died of Wounds in Germany (picture)

Soldier – Shaw J.W. – Killed in Action

Soldier – Wheeliker, William Henry – Killed in Action

Soldier – Jarvis R.A. – Croix De Guerre – Belgian Honour for Local Man.

Industry and Commerce

Invention to Prevent Mine Explosions.

National Kitchen for Denaby


Primitive Chapel Special Services

Crime and Courts

A Batch of Miners Fined

Food Prosecutions at Doncaster – Denaby Miner and His Slaughtered Pig.

Mine Manager Summoned – Collier and Absentee Board Incident

Stink Bombs In Cinema – Two Youths Sent To Prison.

Soldier’s Wife Assaulted.    


Soldier – Elmer – In Hospital in Marseilles

Soldier – Jackson, Harold G. – Wounded, Gassed and POW

Soldier – Fretwell J. – Died of Wounds

Soldier – Bleasby H. – Grenadier Guard dies.

Soldier – Webster J. – Died in France of Pneumonia.

Soldier – Taylor, Robert – Died of Wounds in France (picture)


Canal Drowning

Crime and Courts

Pony Cruelty


Soldier – Beecham H. – Missing – Feared the Worst

Sailor – Tomlinson, Herbert – Posted Missing

Soldier – Collingham J.– Wounded

Soldier – Ogley P.– Wounded (picture)

Soldier – Senior, Arthur –In Hospital in Chelsea (pictures)

Soldier – Unwin, Robert – Denaby 19 Year Old Repatriated – Left Leg Amputated

Soldier – Wain, Joseph Ernest – Prisoner in Germany (picture)

Soldier – Cliffe, William – Killed in Action in France

Soldier – Nicholson, Fred – Died from Chest Wounds

Soldier – Smith, Eric – Killed in Action

Soldier – Laurence Calvert V.C. – Conspicuous Bravery and Devotion to Duty


Denaby Burning Accident

Industry and Commerce

Offences in the Mine.

Crime and Courts

A Bow at a Venture – Denaby Man’s Unpleasant Experiences

Alleged Fraud – Denaby Soldier’s Wife Charged


Soldier – Dudhill A.E.– Severely Wounded

Soldier – Cunningham A – Wounded for Third Time at Cambrai (picture)

Sailor – Tomlinson, Herbert – Prisoner in Germany

Soldier – Biggs W.– Wounded in Arm

Soldier – Mitchell W.– Severely Gassed

Soldier – Walton W.– Severe Shrapnel Wounds (picture)

Soldiers – Wounded and Missing – Alpine, Lee, Swinyard

Soldier – Beaumont, George – Killed in Action (picture)

Soldier – Boldan, John – Died of Wounds (picture)

Sailor – Cliffe, William – Died in Heavy Shelling

Soldier – Cunnington, W.J. – 19 Year old Stretcher Bearer Machine Gunned (picture)

Soldier – Parry, Alfred – Died of Pneumonia

Soldier – Potts, Ephraim – Killed in Action (picture)

Soldier –Shacklock, Harold – Killed by Bursting of Shell

Soldier – Siddon, Samuel – Killed in Action (picture)

Soldier – Wainwright, Gilbert – Killed in Action

Sailor – Ward A.E., – Killed in Action (picture)

Soldier – Worth G.T. – Military Medalist killed in Action

Soldier – Thompson, Ben – Denaby Hero

Edwards, George – Succumbed to Pnuemonia

Crime and Courts

Child’s Hard Lot – Pitiful Appeal To Bench Not To Be Sent Home – Parents’ Brutality.


Sailor – Swinyard, Frank M. – In Hospital

Soldier – Guest G.– Wounded

Soldier – Lee, Sam – Wounded a Second Time

Soldier – Bell, Alfred – Died from Chest and Shoulder Wounds (picture)

Soldier – Hartley H. – Killed in Action

Soldier – Knight, Clifford – School Master killed in Action

Soldier – Lidster, Walter – Died of Wounds in France

Soldier – Purdy, John, Joseph – Killed in Action

Soldier – Sewell, Thomas – Died on Last Day of War (picture)

Soldier – Chadwick, James – Wounded and Died (picture)

Soldier – Edwards, George Warren – Succumbed to Pneumonia

Armageddon Ended – End of the Great War

Denaby Heroes. Splendid War Record.

Soldier – Hill, Charles – Presentation to Military Medalist

Honouring Conisbrough Heroes – Presentation to Gallant Sergeant R.A.Jarvis

Presentations at Denaby – Gratitude to Men who have Won the War

Soldier – Clamp, Thomas – Military Medal

Soldiers – Denaby Main Heroes


Denaby Burning Fatality

Industry and Commerce

Denaby Deputy’s Death – Killed whilst helping the men

Denaby Pit Tragedy


Battle Honours – Local Decorations in Great War – A Remarkable List of 250 Heroes

Victory Year – The Stirring Events of 1918 – Final Year of the War

Victory Year – The Stirring Events of 1918 – South Yorkshire’s Part

Crime and Courts

Above The Price – Conisbro’ Beer Retailer Smartly Fined.

Gamblers Plunge Into The River.


Soldier – Jones.W.– In hospital in India (picture)

Soldier – Townsley G.W.– Wounded

Soldier – Laycock F. – Died of Wounds

Soldier – Lewis J.H. – Died in Hospital (picture)

Sailor – Stacey H. – Died of Wounds (picture)

Soldier – Vaughan T.E. – Died of Wounds

Heroes – A List of the Men who won Distinctive Honours

Soldier – Smith H. – Hun Hating

Soldier – Bowen, Joseph – Old Contempables

Soldier – Tyas, Herbert – P.O.W. Returns

Soldier – Wren, Luther – P.O.W. Returns

Soldier – White, John – Mons to Mesopotania

Soldier – Raynor, Albert – Died of Pneumonia


Wedding –Norwood & Broad – Popular Conisboro’ Bride

Industry and Commerce

Deputy Killed by Fall of Stone


Denaby Main Institute – Lucky Denaby – An attractive scheme

Crime and Courts

Altered His Pay Sheet,

Heavy Fine on Beer Retailer.

Birch for Shopbreaking.


Mexborough Cricket League – Denaby & Cadeby Withdraw


Soldier – Hurton A. – Missing (picture)

Soldier – Kay, William – Missing (picture)

Soldier – Laycock F – Denaby Main – Killed (picture)

Soldier – Winfield J. – Died in Mespotania of Pneumonia (picture)

Haigh, Joseph – Denaby O.B.E. (picture)

Soldier – Pickett J.– Awarded Military Cross (picture)


Death from Shock from Burns

Golden Wedding – Mr. and Mrs. T. Weston. (picture)

Industry and Commerce

Fatal Pit Accident.

Williamson, Herbert – To become Chief Engineer at Staveley

National Kitchen at Denaby Main


Conisborough Schools Closed.

Crime and Courts

Alleged Conisboro’ Bigamist – Committed for trial

Separation & Maintenance Order – Thrice Refused.

Ex-Mayor Charged – Important Meat Prosecution at Doncaster.

Miners and Income tax.

Boys Out of Control

Firewood Theft

Theft of Potatoes.


Denaby Honour – O.B.E.for Munition Works (picture)

Welcome Home – Denaby & Cadeby Prisoners Feted


Conisborough Man’s splendid Record – Saved 14 lives (picture)

Scott, Walter – Death of War Veteran (picture)

Industry and Commerce

Denaby Miner’s Project – New System of Coal Carting


Vicar of Denaby Leaving

Crime and Courts

Took Wedding Ring Off.

Girl’s Awakening – Allegations against Miner who Took Marriage Lines

A Pick Up and a Run.

Plucky Women.

No Sunday Fighter


Denaby & Cadeby C.C.


Coroner’s Comments on Double Fatality – Boat Overturned.

Fatal Street Accident – Denaby Schoolboy killed

Industry and Commerce

Miner Dies from Injuries at Denaby Main

Crime and Courts

Miners’ Happiest Time.

The Worst Home He Ever Saw.


Conisboro’ V.C. Homecoming – 1. Reception (photos)

Conisboro’ V.C. Homecoming – 2. The Illuminated Address

Conisboro’ V.C. Homecoming – 4. The Presentation – The Highest Honour on Earth

Conisboro’ V.C. Homecoming – 5. K.O.Y.L.I. Officer’s Tribute

Conisboro’ V.C. Homecoming – 6. I am a lucky fellow

Conisboro’ V.C. Homecoming – 3. The Deed

Conisbrough and Swinton V.C.’s at Buckingham Palace


Denaby Utd – Kimberworth 2 Denaby 1 – Montagu Cup Final

Denaby Utd – Denaby 1 Kimberworth Old Boys 2 – Montagu Cup Final


Conisborough Accidents

Industry and Commerce

Gallant Conisbrough Miner – Unselfish Appeal to Rescuers

Thrilling Story of Rescue Work – Young Miner’s Terrible Experience.

Denaby Miners’ Project – New System of Coal Carting.

A Doncaster Rural Council Appointment.

Conisboro’ Yeoman – Rural Council’s New Chairman (picture)

Crime and Courts

Women and “The Dole.”

Rescuer’s Story – Aunt sent for Trial

Pushed The Wall Down.


Death After a Wedding.

Industry and Commerce


500 Miners Thrown Idle.


New Vicar of Denaby Main,

Crime and Courts

Denaby Youth Censured – “Clear out of Denaby”

Making Their Own Sunday Amusements.

Domestic Servant’s Theft.


Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 196 Doncaster G.N.R.144 for 9

Bowls – Denaby 208 Ecclesall 181 – “Sheffield Telegraph” Cup.

Industry and Commerce

£117 for Loss Of Son.

Coal Strike Local Situation – Industry Running Down. Mines Calm & Orderly

Coal Miner’s Strike – Mines Quickly Flooding.

Conisbrough Parish Council


Hospital Demonstration – Miners and Mr. Walton, M.P.

Don and Dearne Districts – Peace Day

Local Peace Rejoicings (9 pictures)

Peace Day – Denaby Left in Lurch but Rose to Occasion

Crime and Courts

Persistant Cruelty

Vanished Purse – A Shipley Shopping Sequel.


Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 213 for 7 Frickley 15 for 0

Misunderstanding Prevents Win (picture)


Soldier – Whitaker, Alfred – Missing now Reported Killed ((picture)

James Chadwick – Missing now reported Killed (picture)

Kilner Bros, Conisborough M.M. ‘S.

Gallant Soldiers – Presentations at Conisbrough


Boy’s Body in Canal.

Industry and Commerce

Yorkshire Coal Strike – Definite Settlement. – Work Resumed on Monday

Crime and Courts

Wife Thrashing – Husband Alleged to Have Stood on Woman’s Face.

Alleged Highway Robbery

Boy Burgulars – Amazing Denaby Exploits

Fowl Stealing – Alleged Offence Against Conisborough Miner

Stealing Coal from Colliery Sidings.

A Peace Day Celebration’.

Assault and Robbery.

Doncaster Merry Making Party.

Miner’s Attack on Sergeant.


Tributes to Heroes

Conisbrough and Denaby Warriors – Enthusiastic Homecoming – Touching Tribute to the Dead


New Club at Conisborough – Conisborough Athletic

Denaby & Cadeby 190 for 4 Yorkshire Main 147

Industry and Commerce

Doncaster Races

Conisboro’s Development.

For and Against.


Induction of Rev Harry Lee (picture)

Denaby Main Allotment Holders’ Show

Crime and Courts

A Boy’s Maintenance

Lame on All Legs.

Orchard Robbers Fined

Robbery with Violence – Third Man Arrested

The Alleged Highway Robbery


Soldier – Chadwick, James – Reported Killed (picture)

Soldier – Whittaker, Alfred – Reported Killed (picture)

The Victoria Cross Deed


Denaby United & Lesley Hofton

The English Cup. – How Local Clubs Fared in Extra Preliminary Round.


“Mickey” Bennett.- Death Of A Noted Mexboro’ Footballer. Military Funeral.

A Conisborough Worthy – Mr W.H. Baker (picture)

Industry and Commerce

Miners and War Wage – Significant Hint by Yorkshire Official.

Miners and War Wages.

Paid Agitators – Managing Director’s Plea for Industrial Comradeship.

Women In “Glass Houses.”

Don and Dearne Borough Councils


Globe Palace – Conisbrough

Conisbrough’s Fallen – Impressive Drumhead Service

Crime and Courts

Miner’s Divorce – Local Parties in Court Today

Boys’ Dangerous Trespass

Alleged Highway Robbery – Strange Conisbrough Story


Motor Mishap – Accident to Colliery Manager

Industry and Commerce

Buried In The Mine.

Old Workman’s Tragic End

Urban Powers – 01 Mr Neal M.P. – Opening Remarks

Urban Powers – 02 Mr Jesse Hill – Statistics and the Way to Cadeby

Urban Powers – 03 Mr John Simmons – What an Old Surveyor Surveyed

Urban Powers – 04 Mr S Urch – Workers Support and the Cadeby Plum

Urban Powers – 05 John Brocklesby – Urban Powers Leader

Urban Powers – 06 Dr H Schurfield – Medical Evidence

Urban Powers – 07 Frank Oakley – Jack O’ Both Sides

Urban Powers – 08 Tom Hill – A Miners Leader and Mr Chambers

Urban Powers – 09 Mr J.E. Platts – The Discharged Soldiers

Urban Powers – 10 Mr W.L. Worsley – A ‘Poo-Bah”

Urban Powers – 11 W.H.Jones – Final Evidence for Application

Urban Powers – 12 Mr S. Baker – The Working Class Attitude

Urban Powers – 13 Mr A.Willey – A Satire on the Scheme

Urban Powers – 14 Mr G.J.Talbot K.C. – Collieries Companies Record

Urban Powers – 15 W.H.Chambers – Leader of the Opposition

Urban Powers – 16 The Humerous Draper – A Derelict Village – An Amusing Interlude

Urban Powers – 17 Mr Frank Allen – The Property Owners

Urban Powers – 18 Mr H.M. Marshall – The Plight of the Rural District

Urban Powers – 19 Mr A. Neal – Concluding Remarks – Colliery as Godfather

Crime and Courts

Wife Who Betrayed Her Soldier Husband – “A Disgrace To Her Sex.”

Wife’s Alleged “Marriage” While He Was In France – Surprise for a Husband.


Doncaster Greenhouse 2  Conisborough 5

Hockey Notes – Conisboro’s Distinction

Swinton Church 2, Conisbro’ 1. – Montagu Cup Replay.


Dangers of the Street – Conisborough Child’s Tragic Death

Conisborough Diamond Wedding – Mr & Mrs Appleyard

Industry and Commerce

Mr. Walton’s Critics.

Crime and Courts

Conisborough Farmer Sued.

Conisbrough Miner Sentenced at Leeds Assizes


Conisborough 3 Cudworth 1

Conisborough 3 Rotherham 3

Conisbro’ 13. Burnett’s 0.


Soldier – Ramsden, Harry – Death follows Captivity



Christmas in Conisborough & Denaby

Denaby Cricket, Tennis, and Bowling Club Ball

Denaby Rush For  Wedlock. 

Industry and Commerce

Hull Coal Traffic.

Pits Stopped. – Some 900 Miners Idle through Defects and Water. 

Conisborough’s Fourth Park.

Conisborough’s Urban Ambition.


Christmas Events at Denaby

Crime and Courts

Set Court At Defiance. – Parents Ordered to Send Children to School.


Success of the Veteran – Money Match at Doncaster

Conisboro’ Hockey Club.

Conisboro’ Hockey Team – A Record of Victories (pictures)

Hockey – Conisbrough 6  Mexborough 1 – Fine Scoring Performance

Hockey – Conisborough 9 Swinton 4.

Industry and Commerce

Electricity & A Howitzer

The Mexboro’ Offer


Cinema – Globe Palace – The Eyes of Julie Deep

Cinema – Globe Palace (videos)

Cinema – Empire Palace – All of a Sudden Norma

Boy Scouts Rally

Cottage House Rent and Rates

Crime and Courts

Bigamy Charge.- Conisbro’ Man Arrested after Second “Wife’s” Funeral.

Gaol for Negligent Father

Dog Attacks Policeman – Conisborough Owner Fined  at Doncaster.

Failing To Register – Club Secretaries Fined


Denaby Utd – Wath Athletic 4 Denaby 0 – Denaby Go Down at Wath.


Canal Mystery Near Denaby Colliery.

Death of Caleb Kilner – Business Genius (picture)

Industry and Commerce

Urban Powers for Conisboro’


Conisbro’s Gun – Traction Engine Used To Haul It Round The Town.

Denaby’s Beauty Spot – Reply to Lady Mabel Smith

In Darkest Denaby – Lady Mabel Smith’s Sweeping Denunciation.

Crime and Courts

Two Bigamy Charges against Conisborough Miner

Aged Clergyman’s Loans.

At the Courts – Stealing a Horse Brush & Game Trespass

Four Conisbro’ Men Gaming

Unknown Man’s Suicide at Denaby.


Sport at Denaby Main

Denaby Institute v Mexborough Imp Club

Industry and Commerce

Conisborough Freehold property for Sale.

Conisboro’ Gas Company

Rural Road Wages – Conisboro’ Labour Protest


Conisboro’ Vestry Meeting

Poverty of the Clergy.

113 Deaths From ’Flu.

Conisboro’ Fete – War Memorial Effort

Last, but Not Least.

Poor Denaby Miner (picture)

Cinderella – Pretty Operetta in Denaby

Crime and Courts

Denaby Assault – Loaded Rifle in Street Row

Married Woman’s Suicide.

Unknown Woman Found In Conisborough Canal.


Denaby to Apply for Admission to Midland League

Industry and Commerce

Conisboro’ Farm Fetches £5,000 at Doncaster Sale

Deep Seam Coal – Denaby Main’s £50,000 Scheme for Facilitating Output

Accident Causes A Denaby Main Set Down.

Denaby Coal

Orders against Miners For Strike Relief.

Urban Powers? New Tactics in Old Controversy at Conisbro’


Denaby Miners’ Levy for £3,500 War Memorial.

Crime and Courts

Conisboro’ Miner’s Assault – ‘Special’s’ Broken Nose


Soldier – In Memoriam – W.H.Bullock

Denaby and Cadeby 255 for 4  Doncaster Town 62

Midland League Application

Denaby & Cadeby 288 for 5  Frickley 91


Gallant Rescue – Denaby Miner’s Plucky Rescue.

Roadside Collision – Colliery Foreman’s Serious Injuries

Industry and Commerce

The Denaby Trouble – Dissatisfaction with Winding Arrangements.

The Conisboro’ Order for Urban Powers

Warmsworth Link


Parish Church Choir Outing


Denaby Relief Fund – Presentation to Officials.


Denaby & Cadeby – Plant Works 117 Denaby 120 for 5

Denaby & Cadeby C.C. – Whitsuntide Tour

Denaby United Elected to Midland League


Father Kavanagh – Denaby Catholics tribute to a Faithful Pastor

The Denaby Slander Action – Lady Mabel Sued

01. Trial Opens – Case for the Plaintiffs

02. Reporters Evidence

03. Architect’s Report – Good Water – Sweeter than Leeds

04. Mr Chambers in the Box

05. West Riding Medical Officer – In Accordance with By Laws

06. More Medical Evidence – Healthy Mining Village

07. A Denaby Mother of Nine and Final Prosecution Witnesses

08. The Case for the Defence – Lady Mabel’s Evidence

09. Dr Dunne – The Enteric (Typhoid) Epidemic

10. Architect – Worst Mining Village

11. Privvy Middens, Flies and Smells

12. Nurse Swallow’s Strong Word

13. Closing Addresses – Defendant

14. The Plaintiff’s Case

15. Summing Up and Verdict


At the Palace – Local V.C. Hero at Buckingham Palace

Denaby’s Heroes List – Record to be Proud Of


Denaby Cricket Week

Denaby United – Annual Meeting


Holiday Tragedy – Denaby Man Drowned at Matlock.

Gallant Denaby Miner – George A. Chadfield

Scout Winners and Great Jamboree


Conisborough Fete – A Rain-Spoilt Venture.

High Standard of Life         

Improvement in Roads

March Street & Holywell Lane Repair

Crime and Courts

Conisborough Contractor’s Waggons.

Dear Ride.

Fined For Street Betting and Sent To Gaol For Assault.

Domestic Servant Sent To Prison.


Cricket – Denaby District v Derbyshire (picture)

Denaby United – Prospects for the Season


Conisborough Lad Killed by Motor Van – Driver Exonerated

Denaby Celebrates Peace

Death of a Conisboro’ Worthy – W H Jones

Industry and Commerce

Fatal Accident at Denaby Main – Edmund Brown

Park and Playground – Denaby Collieries Company’s Proposal

Triple Alliance – No Appetite for General Strike – Local Situation

Denaby’s Happy Situation.

Conisborough Parish Council & Colliery Company.

Proposed Conisboro’ Park – Question of Right-of-Way.

Crime and Courts

Miner’s Trespass at Conisborough

Alleged Shopbreaking at Conisborough.


Denaby United – Beaten at Halifax, Compensation at Oakwell

The English Cup – Preliminary Round

Denaby Utd – Doncaster Rovers 3 Denaby 1 – Rovers Win with the Wind

Harrison Cup – Retained by Denaby Colliery

Denaby Utd – Castleford Town 3  Denaby United  1

Industry and Commerce

The Datum Ballot – Heavy Adverse Vote

Boys On Strike – Lightning Action That May Close Down Conisborough Works.

Conisboro’ Glass Works – A Return to Work


Conisboro’ Drum-Head Service – Lessons from Past – Vicar’s Eloquent Address.

Crime and Courts

An Old Offender from Denaby

West Riding Sessions – Shopbreaking – Prison for Miners

Unprovoked Assault


Denaby Utd – Denaby 1 Houghton Main Colliery  2 – Big Blow for Denaby

Denaby Main Cricket Club – Annual Meeting

Denaby Utd – Denaby 1  Chesterfield Mun 6 – Humiliating Experience

Denaby Utd – Denaby 0  Nottm Forest Res 2

Hockey – Conisbro’ Victoria 11 Woodlands 0 – Mixed Games.

Chantry – The New Denaby Skipper

Industry and Commerce

Denaby Colliery Official – Happy Gathering

Coal Strike Ended- Work Resumed Yesterday

Greater Conisbro’ – Fourth Application for Urban Powers.


Armistice Day – The Unknown Warrior – The Great Silence (videos)

Conisboro’ Local Heroes’ Fund – War Memorial

Crime and Courts

Three Months’ Imprisonment for Denaby Miners.


Denaby United to Continue.

New Signings at Denaby United

Denaby Utd – Denaby 6  Grimsby Town Res 2 – Denaby’s Surprising Win.

Denaby Utd – Denaby 6 Grimsby Town Reserve 2 – Denaby’s Bombshell


Brothers Run Down – Conisboro’ Man Killed

The Highway Tragedy at Thrybergh.

Industry and Commerce

Dencade Awarded £500 for Brixham Salvage

Good Sportsman Going

 The Glass Trade

Conisborough & Denaby Urban Powers – Opposition’s Last Stand – “As Visionary as the Milky Way.”

Ambitious Conisboro’ – Another Struggle to Secure Urban Powers.


Conisboro’ War Memorial – The Site

Crime and Courts

Ex Soldier on Charge of Drunk and Disorderly

Conisboro’ Affray – Alleged Attack on Irishmen

Conisboro’ Affray – Reference to Alleged Shooting


Denaby and Cadeby Club Annual Meeting

Denaby Utd – Denaby 4  Sheffield United Res 4 – Exciting Match at Denaby.

Denaby Utd – Mexborough Town  2  Denaby 1 – Big Crowd at Hampden Road

Denaby Utd – Nottingham Forest Res 7  Denaby 0 – Defeated Heavily

Dennaby Utd – Lincoln City 4 Denaby 0 – Lincoln Fortunate

Midland League – December 29, 1920

Denaby Utd – Results to December 31st, 2020

Dover United – William Henry Humphries


Quarter 3

Quarter 4


Obituaries in 1920

Conisbrough Boy Scouts Fair

Industry and Commerce

Pony Driver’s Death.

Railway Tragedy – Conisbrough Shunter’s Terrible End

Air-Pipe Burst – Four Miners Injured at Denaby Main Deep Pit.

Hull Coal Trade.

New Colliery Manager – William Still (picture)


Denaby Main Institute – Resignations of President & Secretary

Leading Local Events in 1920

Crime and Courts

Miner Goes on the Stage and Then To Gaol.

Conisborough Shooting Affray – Miner Committed for Trial

Denaby Player Assaulted – Spectator sent to Prison


Denaby Utd – Denaby 2  Mexborough 1 – Luck Played Part

Denaby Utd – Denaby 2  Notts County Reserves 2 – Denaby’s Great Fight.

Denaby Utd – Denaby  0  Scunthorpe United  2 – Unsuccessful Experiment.

Denaby Utd – Results to January 31st 1921

Midland League – January 31st 1921


The Flannelette Danger – Child Fatally Burned at Old Denaby.

Conisborough Tradesman Dies in His Chair.

Ambulance Chiefs – Changes at Denaby Main – Night of Presentations.


Mr W. H. Chambers – Relinquishing Public Duties – Remarkable Record (picture)

Crime and Courts

Answer To Servant’s Allegations.

Not Proper Subject For Borstal Treatment.


Dick Coope – A Denaby Defender (picture)

Hockey – Conisborough Victoria 6 Cudworth 0

Denaby Utd – Scunthorpe United 4  Denaby 1 – Scunthorpe Still Winning.

Denaby Utd – Denaby 1  Gainsborough Trinity 2

Denaby Utd – Rotherham County Reserve 3  Denaby United  0

Denaby Utd – Results to February 26th 1921


Denaby Utd – Denaby 2  Barnsley Reserves  1 – Denaby’s Double.

Midland League Table – February 28th, 1921


Chemist Blinded – Shocking Accident at Denaby Powder Factory.

Conisborough Woman’s Sad End – Drowned at 83

Conisborough’s Woman Death – Shock from Fall & Fracture

Fortunate Escapes in Conisborough Motor Accident.

Motor-Car Overturned and Two Injured Near Retford.

Schoolboy’s Death – Conisborough Mystery

“Palmes en Or” to Secretary

Industry and Commerce

At Last – Urban Powers for Conisboro’ – Ministry Dismiss Appeal


Cinemas – Globe Palace and Empire Palace – Helen of Four Gates

Crime and Courts

Alleged Cricket Club Theft

Conisborough Shooting Affray – Provocation


Denaby United  0   Castleford Town  2 – Castleford Too Good

Denaby Utd – Castleford  2  Denaby 0

Denaby Utd – Notts. County Reserve 7, Denaby 0 – Denaby Thrashed At Meadow Lane.

Denaby Utd – Worksop Town  4  Denaby 2

Denaby Utd – Chesterfield  3  Denaby  2 – Plucky Fight at Chesterfield.

Denaby Utd – Chesterfield 3  Denaby 2 – Denaby’s Good Display at Chesterfield.

Denaby Main C.C. – Prospects for New Venture

Denaby Utd – Gainsborough Trinity  2  Denaby  0 – Moderate Game at Gainsborough

Denaby Utd – Sheffield United Reserve 1  Denaby United  1 – A Fright for the “Blades.”

Denaby Utd –  Denaby 1  Wednesday Reserves 2 – Denaby Down Again.

Denaby Utd – Wednesday Reserves  8  Denaby 0 – Wednesday’s Biggest Win


Fatal Fall at Doncaster Workhouse.

Lorry Fatality – Story of Unfortunate Mishap to Conisborough Brothers.

Industry and Commerce

Federation Secretary’s Sombre Outlook – Appeal to Yorkshire Men – “Great Sacrifice.”

Local Effects of Coal Strike – Works Closing

The Coal Strike – Decontrol – Yorkshire Outvoted

The Coal Strike – Owners Proposals

Conisborough Urban District Council – First Elections (pictures)

Conisborough Urban District Council – First Meeting

W. H. Chambers resigns from Doncaster Rural District Council


Sorby Scientific Society

The Triple Alliance. – Manifesto Gives Case for Stoppage.

War Memorial Unveiled (picture)


Denaby Utd – Leeds United Res 3  Denaby 0

Denaby Utd – Denaby 1  Rotherham County  2 – United Defeated Again.

Denaby Utd – Rotherham Town  9  Denaby 0 – Biggest Victory of the Season.

Denaby Utd – Denaby 0  Hull City Reserves  0 – Juniors Do Well For Denaby.

Denaby Utd – Denaby 1  Worksop Town  4 – Worksop Win at Denaby.

Denaby Utd – Hull City Reserves  5  Denaby 1

Denaby’s Yorkshire Council Debut.

Denaby Utd – Results to End of Season

Midland League – Final Table

Industry and Commerce

Mining Strike – Over 4 Million Unemployed

Strike in Seventh Week

Conisboro’ Urban Council Meeting – No “Soft Talk” – Medical Officer – Highway Matters etc


Cinemas – Denaby Empire & Conisboro’ Globe – Son of Tarzan (video)

Cinemas – Globe Palace & Empire Palace

A Brilliant Whit – Holiday Spirit in spite of Coal War

Char-a-Banc Speed Limit

Conan Began a Burg.

Marconigrams – May 28th, 1921

Crime and Courts

Damaging Trees – Batch of Prosecutions

More Fence Thefts

Theft of Timber


Yorkshire Council & Mexborough League

Denaby United Football Club – Annual Meeting

Denaby Utd – Pays its Way in Difficult First Season

Denaby Main  276 for 7  Pontefract 137 for 8 – Heavy Run Getting and Vital Errors


W. H. Chambers Retires from Public Office

Industry and Commerce

Pit Pony Races.

Coal Miner’s Ballot

Conisboro’ Relief Committee – Some Remarkable Figures

The Coal Strike – Conisborough Relief Committee

Infant Welfare Centre Opened at Denaby Main – Appeal to Mothers.

Proposed Municipal Offices for Conisborough.


Conisborough Notes – New Club Bowling Green – Water Cart – Prices of Commodities

Marconigrams – June 4th 1921

Crime and Courts

Relief on False Pretences – Denaby Prosecutions


The Denaby Cricket Tour – An Enjoyable Week

Ground Improvements at Denaby and Mexborough.

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 163   Barnsley  69 – Fine Win at Barnsley.


Drowning Mystery – Conisbrough Miners Tragic End

Fire at Conisborough Station

Death of Councillor J.M.Heys – A Conisborough Loss

Wedding – Bedford & Brocklesby (pictures)

Industry and Commerce

Don Valley Trade Reviving.

Denaby & Cadeby Emergency Feeding of Children Fund


Religious Controversy at a Conisborough Fete.

Crime and Courts

Claim Against An Auctioneer.

Unlawfully Obtaining Poor-Law Relief

Jump of Death – Changes His Mind When Hanging.


Denaby & Cadeby – Ackworth 88  Denaby  122 for 5 – Ackworth’s Batting Failure

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 190 Swinton 138 – A Fluctuating Game.

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 211  Bentley  141 – Game of High Scores.

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 194 for 8  Bentley Colliery 61 – Bowler in Form at Bentley

Denaby & Cadeby – Rotherham 187  Denaby  193 for 4 – Fine Century by White


Arthur Morris – Well known Entertainer (picture)

Industry and Commerce

H.E. Nicholson (advert)

Conisborough Brothers in Mine Accidents.

Trapped by a Motor – An Unlucky Oversight.

Conisborough’s Medical Officer of Health.

Councillor Horatius the Hero


Cinema – Denaby Empire Palace

Cinema – Globe Palace Conisborough

Denaby Hospital Sunday – A Successful Demonstration.

Conisborough bigger than Mexborough

Marconigrams – August 27th 1921

The Census Returns – Slight Increase of National Population – Some Local Figures.

Crime and Courts

Relief Tickets Fraud at Doncaster.

Street Betting at Conisboro’. – “This is a Fair Cop, Mister.”


Conisborough 172 Sprotborough 126 – Sparkling Batting & Boundary Bails

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 158 for 3 Mansfield Colliery 157

Denaby & Cadeby – Sheffield United 84 for 2  Denaby 83

Two Local Champions – Cranidge & Rufus (pictures)

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 112 for 8 Ackworth 208 for 8

Midland League Results – August 29th 1921

Denaby Utd – Denaby 1 Harrogate 1 – Harrogate put up Fine Defence

Industry and Commerce

The Garage at Conisborough (Advert)

Denaby Powder Works.

A Weird Road – Toll Bar

Conisboro’ Urban Council – Purchase of Municipal Offices – Happy Financial Position


Cinema – Globe – Go and Get It

The Vicar on Gambling.

Marconigrams – September 03rd, 1921

Marconigrams – September 10th, 1921

Marconigrams – September 17th, 1921

Marconigrams – September 24th, 1921

Round About Conisboro’ – Fire Brigade

Round About Conisboro’ – Plums, Pears & Apples

Round About Conisboro’ – Race Traffic and Children

Round About Conisboro’ – Tar Spraying

Crime and Courts

Sad Suicide Case – Denaby Woman’s End

Terrible Shock for Denaby Main Mother – Suicide at 14.

Wanted Husband’s Pipe – Strange Story at a Denaby Inquest.

A Lodger’s Money – Bench’s Leniency in Conisboro’ Case.

Young Housebreakers.

Crippled Soldier Assaulted.

Miner sent to Prison for Unprovoked Assault – “Terror to the District.”


The Great War Ends – The Terminus.


Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 46  Sheffield United  51 for 2 – Sheffield United Champions !

Denaby Utd – Rotherham County Reserves 1  Denaby 4 – Denaby Create a Surprise.

Midland League Results – September 05, 1921

Conisborough C.C. Averages 1921

Denaby Utd – Denaby 2  Wath Athletic 1 – Denaby beat Wath.

Denaby & Cadeby 238 for 8 South Kirkby 105

Midland League Results – September 19, 1921

Denaby Utd – Mexborough Town 1  Denaby 2 – Denaby Prevail after Missed Chances

Midland League Local Team Results to September 26

Midland League Table – September 26, 1921


Conisborough Loss – Sudden Death of John Lowe

Freeman the Freeman – Denaby Miner’s Honour – A Wakefield Dignity.

Industry and Commerce

Conisborough Urban Council – Embassy from Mexborough. To Talk About Amalgamation

Conisbrough & Mexborough – Amalgamation


Marconigrams – October 01st 1921

Marconigrams – October 08th, 1921

Marconigrams – October 15th, 1921

Marconigrams – October 22nd, 1921

Marconigrams – October 29th, 1921

Wath Pierrots at Denaby – A Sparkling Entertainment.

Crime and Courts

Weird Epidemic – Third Hanging at Denaby – Wife’s Whim for a Whiff


Denaby Utd – Denaby 1  Leeds United Reserves 1 – Lucky to Resue Point

Denaby Half-back for Wednesday – Frank Froggatt

Denaby Utd – Amber & Black

Denaby Utd – Mexborough 1 Denaby 2 – 5,000 at Mexborough

Midland League Results – October 3rd, 1921

Denaby Utd – Barnsley Res 3 Denaby 3 – Plucky Fight at Barnsley

Denaby Utd – Denaby 3 Mexborough Loco 1 – Denaby go Further

Midland League Results – October 17, 1921

Denaby Utd – Denaby 1 Bullcroft 0 – Bullcroft’s Gallant Struggle

Midland League Table – October 29th 1921

Denaby Utd – Denaby 3 Bullcroft Main 0 – Mudlarking at Denaby

Midland League – Local Results to October 29th 1921

Midland League Results – October 31st, 1921


Thrilling Rescue at Conisbro’ Station,

Industry and Commerce

Mexborough’s Efforts to Secure Amalgamation.

Milk Dearer In Denaby Than In London    


Hiawatha – Charming Performance at Conisborough

Unveiling of Windows at Conisborough

“Father” of Bolton U.C. Victim of Typhoid.         

Crime and Courts

Military Medallist Fined £5 for Betting.

Too Much Dirt in the Coal.

Month for Assault – Boiling Water over Crippled Soldier

Protestant Irishman’s Strange Experience


Conisborough Victoria  7  Rawmarsh  0

Midland League Results – November 7th, 1921

Denaby Utd – Wombwell 3 Denaby 1 – Great Cup Fight

Midland League Results – November 14th, 1921

Midland League Results – November 21st, 1921

Midland League Results – November 28th, 1921

Midland League Table – November 28th, 1921


The Years Local Obituary

Industry and Commerce

Miners Wages

Parkgate Seam

Amalgamation – The Conisborough Meeting.

Conisborough U.D.C. – Electricity – Market – Slaughter Houses


Reverend Departs

Bolton Enteric Epidemic – An Unparalleled Emergency.

Diary of the Year 1921 – Leading Local Events

Diary of the Year – Leading Local Events in 1921 – Quarter 1

Diary of the Year – Leading Local Events in 1921 – Quarter 2

Diary of the Year – Leading Local Events in 1921 – Quarter 3 & 4

Marconigrams – December 10th, 1921

Marconigrams – December 17th, 1921

Marconigrams – December 3rd, 1921

Crime and Courts

A Tangled Question.

A Mean Theft


Midland League Results – December 05th 1921

Midland League Results – December 5th, 1921

Denaby C.C. Dinner – Pleasant & Profitable Season

Midland League Results – December 19th, 1921

Midland League Results – December 27th, 1921

Denaby Utd – Gainsborough Trinity  2 Denaby 2 – Draw at Gainsborough

Midland League Table – December 27th, 1921

Midland League Local Results – December 1921

Midland League Results – November 1921

Industry and Commerce

“Gob” fires at Denaby.

Doncaster Guardians – Distress Among Glassworkers

Conisboro’ U.D.C. – Libraries, Sewage, Infant Deaths & that German Gun


Cinema – Denaby Empire Palace

Denaby Main Institute – Satisfactory Year – Excellent Library.

Marconigrams – January 21st, 1912

Denaby Level Crossing to Go

Denaby War Memorial – Unveiling & Dedication

Greater – Conisboro’ or Mexboro’ ?

Crime and Courts

Shocking Domestic Tragedy – Alleged Murder and Attempted Suicide

Shocking Domestic Tragedy – Inquest Opened – Funeral of Mrs Robinson

Club’s Action Against Late Steward.

Conisborough Shopbreakers


Denaby Utd – Mexborough Town  1  Denaby 0 – Mexboro’s “Double”

Denaby Utd – Denaby 4 Wakefield 0 – Denaby in the “Soft Coal”

Denaby Utd – Denaby Sixth in Table after Wakefield Win

Denaby Utd – Denaby 2 Lincoln City Res 2 – Kennedy’s Fine Work

Denaby Utd – Denaby 2 Lincoln 2 – Exciting Finish

Midland League Results – January 16th, 1922

Denaby Utd – Denaby 5 Wednesday Res 3 – Denaby’s Fine Victory

Midland League Results – January 23rd, 1922

Midland League Results – January 30th, 1922

Midland League Table – January 30th 1922

Midland League Local Results – January 1922

Industry and Commerce

Conisboro’ Urban Council – Milk Prices -“Beautiful” Sewage.

Triennial Election – West Riding County Council


The North West Pillar

Fullerton Hospital Flourishing in Spite of Bad Times

The Penny Hospital

Marconigrams – February 04th, 1922

Marconigrams – February 11th, 1922

Marconigrams, February 18th, 1922

Marconigrams – February 25th, 1922

Crime and Courts

Curate Drama – Disclosures at the Inquest.- Felo-De-Se Verdict.

Curate and Woman Hotel Deaths Mystery

Every Precaution Taken – Allaby’s Appointment at Mansfield.

Mrs Allaby’s Story – No Knowledge of Husband’s Double Life.

Pauper Funeral – Burial of Victims of Hotel Tragedy.

The Woman’s Career.


Denaby Cricket Club Ball – A Record Success.

Denaby Utd – Denaby 3 Mansfield 0 – Hamilton’s Brilliance

Midland League Results – February 06, 1922

Denaby Utd – Grimsby 3 Denaby 0 – A Bitter Struggle

Midland League Results – February 13, 1922

Denaby Utd – Denaby 0 Grimsby Town Res 1 – A Blow

Midland League Results – February 20, 1922

Denaby & Cadeby – Cricket Club Ball’s – Record Success

Denaby Utd – Scunthorpe 3 Denaby 0 – Denaby still in the Slough

Midland League Local Results – February 27, 1922

Midland League Results – February 27, 1922

Midland League Table – February 27, 1922

Denaby Utd – Denaby 4  Gainsborough Trinity  2 – United Beat Gainsboro’.


Relief Work In Russia – Yorkshire Worker’s Account of What is Being Done.

Denaby Scout at Buckingham Palace

Industry and Commerce

Housing Tenders Show Difference of £9,000.

Crime and Courts

“Cowardly Act” – Denaby Man Sentenced

Domestic tradegy – Denaby Man’s Suicide

Tragedy of Grief & Ill Health – Denaby Suicide


Denaby Utd – Denaby 4 Gainsborough 2 – The Real Denaby

Midland League Results – March 6, 1922

Denaby Utd – Notts County Res 2  Denaby 0 – Notts Too Good for Denaby.

Midland League Results – March 13, 1922

Denaby Utd – Denaby 1  Barnsley Res  1 – Denaby & Barnsley Draw.

Denaby Utd – Wednesday Res 6 Denaby 0 – Shock for Denaby

Midland League Results – March 20th, 1922

Appeal for Better Support – President’s Outspoken Statement

Midland League – Local Results to March 27th, 1922

Midland League Results – March 27th, 1922

Midland League Table – March 27th, 1922


Motor Smash

Tragic Sequel to Quarrel – Miner Knocked Down and Killed

Industry and Commerce

 Road Haulage

South Yorkshire Coal Trade – Shipments for March 1922

Conisborough UDC – New Chairman – Denaby’s “Unearthly Noises”


Conisborough Musical Society – Fine Choral Concert – Elgar’s “King Olaf”

Denaby Empire Palace – The Cradle of Courage

A Denaby Nuisance

Crime and Courts

Preferred Prison

Fighting with other Irishmen


Denaby Utd – Denaby 6 Rotherham Co. 0 – Burkinshaw’s Four Goals

Midland League Results – April 3rd, 1922

Denaby Utd – Denaby 1 Worksop Town 1 – New Champions Held

Midland League Results – April 10th, 1922

Midland League Results – April 17th, 1922

Denaby Utd – Wombwell 1 Denaby 0 – Wombwell’s Revenge Over Denaby

Denaby Utd – Denaby 6 Wombwell 0 – Wombwell routed

Midland League Results – April 24th, 1922

Midland League Table – 24th April, 1922

Denaby & Cadeby – Preview of Season 1922

Denaby Utd – Denaby 3 Notts Co 0 – Denaby win in the Mud

Midland League – Local Results to April 30th 1922


Horse in Greengrocers

Industry and Commerce

Miner’s Welfare Fund – Denaby’s Impressive Scheme

Council Welcome The Opportunity.

Local Elections


Denaby Main Parish Church – Beautiful Musical Service

May Festival – Pretty Catholic Ceremony at Denaby.

Marconigrams – May 06th 1922

Marconigrams – May 13th 1922

Marconigrams – May 20th 1922

Crime and Courts

A Prevalent Practice.

Conisborough Girl Given Another Chance.


Denaby Utd – Hull City Res  2  Denaby   0

Denaby Utd – Hull City Res 2 Denaby 0

Denaby Utd – Notts Forest Reserve 6 Denaby 1 – Big Beating for United

Midland League Local Results – Season 1921-22

Matt Taylor Joins Denaby Club.

Denaby Utd – Review of the Season

Midland League – Final League Table

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 183 for 8 Bentley 182 – Arthur Robinson’s comeback

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 138 Pontefract 169 – Visitor’s Century

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 156 for 5 Bullcroft 151 – Young Bowler’s Remarkable Debut

Conisborough 155 Sprotborough 158 for 7

Ernest Gibbs – A Coming Denaby Bowler

Denaby Utd – Sheffield Juniors for Denaby.


Albert G.Gulliford – Denaby Main Inventor – Economical Pit Shovel

Industry and Commerce

Fatal Accident at Cadeby – John Burns

Fatal Accident At Cadeby – The Danger of Breaking Coal

Disastrous Effect on the South Wales Collieries


Whitsuntide Processions (picture)

Denaby Woods Closed

Former Station Road Headmaster Dies (picture)

Marconigrams – June 03, 1922

Marconigrams – June 10th 1922

Marconigrams – June 17th 1922

Marconigrams – June 24th 1922

Crime and Courts

Boys Caught Attempting To Take Swans’ Eggs.

Denaby Case in Divisional Court.

Miner’s Compensation for Nystagmus

Advice From the Bench


Conisborough Champion – Harry Cranidge (picture)

Denaby & Cadeby – Wath 163 for 3 Denaby 195 for 6 – Century by Tibbles

Edward Tibbles – A Denaby Century Maker

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 160 for 7 Wath 274 for 6 – Another batsman’s day

Denaby Main Whitsuntide Tour

Denaby Main Whitsuntide Tour – Results

Denaby United Football Club – Annual Meeting – Plain Speaking

Denaby & Cadeby – Tom Wass joins Denaby


Chief Engineer to Colleries – Ralph Williamson Obituary (picture)

Conisborough Relief Worker in Asiatic Russia

Industry and Commerce

Cadeby Disaster Fund – 10th Anniversary

Conisborough Housing Conditions

Conisborough Housing Conditions – Editorial Comment

Conisborough Housing Conditions – Medical Officer’s Report


Conisboro’ Garden Fete – Pleasant Gathering in Castle Grounds.

Marconigrams – July 01st, 1922

Marconigrams – July 08th, 1922

Marconigrams – July 15th, 1922

Marconigrams – July 22nd, 1922

Marconigrams – July 29th, 1922

Crime and Courts

Story of Lost Violin


Denaby United Reduce Charge for Admission.

Denaby & Cadeby – July 8 – Denaby 173 Frickley 92 for 4 – Rain spoils game

Denaby & Cadeby – July 22 – Denaby 193 for 8 Collegiate 186 – A Famous Victory


Diamond Wedding – Mr & Mrs Brown

Industry and Commerce

Miners Welfare Fund – Grant of £10,000 authorised


Conisborough Castle

Denaby Garden Party

Hospital Sunday – Glorious Weather and a Great Success

Marconigrams – August 05th, 1922

Marconigrams – August 12th, 1922

Marconigrams – August 19th, 1922

Marconigrams – August 26th, 1922


Proposed New Roads Linking Mexboro’ & Conisboro With The North Road.

The Flood

The Flood – Bank Holiday Wash Out

Crime and Courts


Damaging Underwood.

Street Betting.

Wholesale Thefts – 12 months for Conisborough Miner


Boxing At Denaby – A Disappointing Venture

Lawn Tennis – Ladies Singles Winner (picture)

Denaby Utd – Prospects for the Season 1922/23

Denaby & Cadeby – Collegiate 129 Denaby 128 – Lose by 1 run

Denaby & Cadeby – Remaining Matches – New Face

Denaby Utd – Denaby 1 Wath Athletic 0 – Denaby Start Well

Denaby Utd – Denaby 1 Wath Athletic 0


Station Accident – Guard Between Platform and His Van.

St. John Ambulance Work Screened.


Church for Mexborough.

Crime and Courts

Denaby – Miner’s “Mix Up” in a Train

Denaby Bedroom Tragedy – Miner found Hanged

Denaby Suicide – Low Sprited Youth Cuts his Throat

Burglars at Conisborough.

How Doncaster Police Missed A Chase.


Denaby & Cadeby – Team Photograph (picture)

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 133 Sheffield United 167

Denaby & Cadeby – Frickley 76 Denaby 116 – Robinson 7 wickets

Denaby Utd – Doncaster Rovers 1 Denaby 1 – Eye Opener for Bell Vue

Denaby Utd – Doncaster Rovers 1 Denaby 1 – Splendid Game at Doncaster.

Denaby Utd – Denaby Utd 2 Rotherham Town 1 – Godfrey’s Brilliant Goal

Denaby Utd – Denaby 2 Doncaster Rovers 0 – Rough House with Rovers

Midland League September 18th, 1922

Denaby & Cadeby – Notable Event – Yorkshire Players’ Visit’

Denaby Utd – Denby 8 Guiseley 0 – Guiseley No Match for Denaby.

Conisborough C.C. – Successful Season

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 169 for 8 South Kirkby 188 – Another Close Finish

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 73 Yorkshire 172 – Macaulay 5 Wickets. (picture)

Denaby Utd – Wednesday Reserve 2 Denaby 1 – Denaby’s first defeat

Industry and Commerce

Presentation at Denaby – Valued Colliery Official

An Official Town Crier


Wesleyan Bazaar to be held

Wesleyan Effort. – Successful Bazaar at Conisborough.

Denaby Scouts in London (picture)

Pygott’s Recreation Ground

Crime and Courts

Conisborough Woman’s False Pretences.

The Burglary Epedemic – Story of Widespread Raids – A Remarkable List


Denaby Utd – The Wednesday Reserves  2  Denaby 1 – Denaby Player Sent Off.

Denaby Utd – Mansfield Town 0 Denaby 2 – Notable Victory at Mansfield

Edlington (Men) 0. Conisboro’ Victoria (Men) 4.

Denaby Utd – Denaby 6 Scunthorpe 0 – Cowan’s hat-trick

Hockey – Conisborough Victoria (Mixed) 8 Normandy Park 3

Denaby Utd – Denaby 0 Hull City Reserve 0 – Plucky Tiger Cubs

Denaby Utd – York City 1 Denaby 0 – Return of Kennedy

Denaby Utd – Castleford 3 Denaby Main 2 – Curious Happenings


A Gallant Child – Life Sacrificed for his Little Brother (picture)

Conisborough Woman’s Fatal Fall Downstairs.

Miner’s Accident

Among the Bolsheviks Conisborough brothers in Russia Some Entertaining Experiences

Industry and Commerce

Conisborough UDC – Deficient Street Lighting & Denaby Dangers

The General Election – Don Valley Candidates


Denaby’s Proposed Institute – Handsome Fruit of Welfare Fund. (picture)

Marconigrams – 25th November 1922

Marconigrams – November 04th, 1922

Rememberance Service at 11, Buzzes, Whistles and Bells

Crime and Courts

Labourer Bound Over – Denaby United Football boots sold

Nurse’s Interference Forcibly Resented


Denaby Utd – Denaby 2 Wednesday Res. 1 – Hamilton in Form

Denaby Utd – Denaby 2  The Wednesday Reserves  1

Denaby Utd – Lincoln City Res 1 Denaby 1 – Tame game at Sincil Bank

Denaby Utd – Denaby 1 Grimsby Town Res. 2 – Flag Down

Denaby Utd – Player – Peters, Tim (picture)

Denaby Utd – Chesterfield Res 1 Denaby 2 – Denaby Deserve both points

Denaby Utd – Chesterfield Res 1  Denaby 2 – Much Cleverer Side

Denaby Utd – Player – Powell, Edgar (picture)

Wedding Present for Denaby footballer


1922 Obituaries

Industry and Commerce

Trade Review – Don and Dearne Valley.

Houses Tendered


Christmas Pantomime at Denaby Main – “The Sleeping Beauty”

Local Happenings – Diary – January to June 1922

Local Happenings – Diary – July to December 1922

Marconigrams – December 02nd, 1922

Marconigrams – December 09th, 1922

Marconigrams – December 16th, 1922

Marconigrams – December 23rd, 1922

Crime and Courts

A Nasty Temper

A Wife’s Hard Lot

Doubt In A Doncaster Poaching Case.

No Smoking – Operator and Denaby Picture House Fined

Smoking In Operating Room.

Summons Dismissed

Homing Pigeons Stolen by Conisborough Brothers.

A Poker Attack


Denaby Utd – Denaby 3 Chesterfield Res. 1 – Sparkling Game

Denaby Utd – Rotherham Town 1 Denaby 1 – Foggy Football

Midland League – December 16, 1922

Denaby Utd – Mexborough 1 Denaby 2 – The Christmas Derby

Denaby Utd – Wath Athletic 1 Denaby 1 – Winning Goal second too late

Denaby Utd – Denaby 4 York City 3

Denaby Utd- Denaby 4 York City 3 – Burkinshaw Returns



New Year Messages from Rev Strawbridge & John Brocklesby

Industry and Commerce

Advertisement – Chevrolet Car


Denaby Fur & Feather Society – Third Annual Show

Crime and Courts

Shocking Neglect Case from Denaby

Razor Attack – Young Wife Charged with Attempted Murder

Scene at a Denaby Hotel – Miner Sent to Prison for Assault


Denaby Utd – Denaby 0 Mexborough 3 – A Thrilling Revenge

Denaby Utd – Boston 4 Denaby 0 – Denaby’s Heaviest Defeat

Denaby Utd – Denaby’s Penalties

Denaby Utd Player – Oliver Bransby (picture)

Denaby Utd Player – Lavery, Jack (picture)

Denaby Utd Player – Taylor, Matt (picture)

Hockey – Conisborough 6 Rotherham 1 (Men) Conisborough 7 Doncaster YMCA 0 (Ladies)

Denaby Utd – Denaby 2 Worksop Town 1 – Wonderful Goalkeeping

Denaby Utd – Denaby 2 Notts County Res 1 – Shearing the Lambs

Arthur Thomas – Tablet Erected in His Memory

Bungalows at Old Denaby – A New Use for Old Coaches

Runaway Tubs – Denaby Man’s Safety Device

Runaway Tubs Safety Device – Another Denaby Invention

Denaby Utd Player – Burkinshaw, ‘Josh’

Denaby Utd Player – Godfrey, Joseph (“Joby”)

Denaby Utd Player – Hamilton, Harold

Denaby Utd – Feb 17th – Denaby Utd 4 Rotherham Co Res 1 – More Mudlarking

Denaby Utd – Feb 3rd – Denaby Utd 3 Boston Town 1 – Mudlarking Victory

Industry and Commerce

Boys Terrible Death – Ground to Pieces in Brickworks.

Conisborough Castle by Ivanhoe

Conisborough Lad´s Death After Pit Accident.

Council Elections – Labour Triumph in Denaby – Rebuffed at Conisborough

Denaby Main Cricket Club – Growing Deficit – Need for Stronger Support

Fatal Quarrel at Conisbrough

Hockey – Conisborough 8 Pitsmoor 3

Race Week Smash – Accident at Conisborough

Razor Case – Lenient Sentence

Spare the Rod and Spoil the Child – Batch of Youthful Offenders from Conisboro´

Vincent Rose – Presentation to Respected Colliery Official

Denaby Utd – Mar 10th – Worksop Town 0 Denaby 1 – Brilliant Form at Worksop

Denaby Utd – Mar 17th – Grimsby Town Res 1 Denaby Utd 1 – A Dog Fight

Denaby Utd – Mar 24th – Denaby 1 Nottm Forest Res 1 – All Clout and No Pudding

Denaby Utd – Mar 30th – Barnsley Res 2 Denaby Utd 3 – Barnsley Player Sent Off

Denaby Utd – Mar 31st – Denaby 3 Barnsley Res 0 – Oakwell Brigade Shocked


Vincent Rose – Cadeby Colliery Official Retires


Denaby Utd – Rotherham Co Res 0 Denaby 1 – Denaby spoil at Millmoor

1923 – Apr 14th – Gainsbrough Trin 2 Denaby Utd 2 – Goalkeeper’s leg broken

1923 – Apr 26th – Denaby United 3 Scunthorpe 0 – Scunthorpe well beaten

1923 – Apr 28th – Denaby United 4 Lincoln City Res 0 – ‘Imps’ trounced

1923 – Apr 30th – Denaby United 2 Mansfield Town 1 – Season closes

1923 – Apr 9th – Nottm Forest Res 4 Denaby United 0 – Denaby setback

Annual Medical Report for the Urban District from Dr McArthur

Conisborough Victoria’s Successful Season

Denaby Drowning Mystery – Miner´s Death Unexplained

Denaby Main Ambulance Corps Fete

Fire at Croft House

Kitchen Tragedy – Denaby Girl´s Death from Burns

Rug Clippings at Denaby Main

Silver Jubilee at St Albans – Visit of Cardinal Bourne

Tragic Sequel to Conisboro´ Quarrel – Miner Knocked Down and Killed

Denaby Utd – Hull City Res 1 Denaby United 0 – A Pleasant game

Denaby Utd – Apr 7th – Denaby 2 Gainsborough Trin 0 – Struggling up the Heights


Marconigrams – April 07th, 1923

Crime and Courts

Special Court

Denaby Girl’s Theft – Offence at Whiston


Denaby Utd – Denaby 5 Wombwell 1 – A Sound Beating

Denaby Utd – Denaby 3 Barnsley Res 0 – Fine Double For Denaby.

Denaby Utd – Denaby 5  Wombwell  1 – Denaby’s Dashing Display.

Denaby Utd – Wombwell 2 Denaby 0 – Wombwell Half-backs Score.

Denaby Utd – Wombwell 2 Denaby 0 – Epic Battle at Wombwell

Denaby & Cadeby – Bullcroft 125 for 5 Denaby 238 for 7 – Bullcroft’s Big Surprise

Denaby and Cadeby Annual Dinner – Hope of Winning the Yorkshire Council

Fighting the Famine – Strenuous Experiences in Russia

Roman Catholic Festival – Beautiful May Rites at Denaby

Denaby & Cadeby – May 12 – Denaby 137 for 4 v Collegiate – Abandoned for Rain

Denaby & Cadeby – May 12 – Denaby 232 for 7 Pontefract 165 for 9 – Another Good Batting Display

Denaby & Cadeby – May 29 – Wath 137 for 3 Denaby 132 – Convincing Victory for Wath

Attendances, Results, Scorers, and Teams 1922/23

Midland League Table 1922/23

Conisbrough Isolation Hospital – “More Kicks Than Halfpence”

Denaby Boy Drowned – Brother of the “Little Hero” – Family´s Second Blow

Denaby Boy Killed – An Unusual Accident – Caught by Travelling Weight

Denaby Inventor – First Prize Awarded

Denaby Inventor – Runaway Tubs – Safety Device Approved

Denaby United – A Successful Year – More Plain Speaking

Jun 30 – Bentley 138 Denaby 200 for 6 – Worthington’s 5 wickets

Jun 30 – Denaby 143 for 4 Bullcroft 196 for 9 – Delightful Innings by Tibbles

The Denaby Cricket Tour – Enjoyable Trip through the Country

Debaby & Cadeby – Jun 09 – Denaby 78 South Kirkby 102 for 7 – Easy Victory

Denaby & Cadeby – Jun 16 – Denaby 93 for 8 Castleford 195 – Another home defeat

Denaby & Cadeby – Jun 23 – Denaby 250 for 4 Frickley 114 – First win of season

07 – July

1,900 Middens being Converted

Aug 11 – Billy Narraway – Denaby wicketkeeper

Aug 11 – Denaby 170 for 5 – Wath 159 – Denaby´s Fine Win

Conisborough Hospital Sunday – The Voluntary System

Conisbrough Preparatory School Sports

Cruelty to a Horse – Denaby Greengrocer’s Fierce Attack

Denaby Bowler´s Remarkable Feat – 10 for 6 !

Denaby Boy´s Death – Victim of Appendicitis – Pit Injury ?

Denaby & Cadeby C.C.

Denaby & Cadeby C.C.

Denaby Miner Killed – Deputy´s Warning – A Dangerous Coal Face

Denaby United

Denaby Welfare Scheme – Comprehensive Recreation Centre – Probably Ready in May

Denaby’s Averages

Elderly Conisboro´ Dataller´s Death – Caught by Cage in Cadeby Pit Shaft

Hockey – Conisborough 8 Pitsmoor 1 – Great Start

Motor Fatality – How a Miner Met his Death

Pit Head Baths – Denaby and Cadeby Delegates Visit Manvers Main

Quarter 3 – July to September

Rossington 113 Conisborough 55 – Hat trick for Richardson

Round About Conisboro’ – Beating the Bounds (1)

Round About Conisboro´ – Beating the Bounds (2)

Street Betting at Denaby – Greengrocer Heavily Fined

Veteran of the Corps (picture)

08 – August

Aug 11 – Denaby 140 for 8 Mansfield 181 – A Denaby “Annual”

Aug 18 – George Worthington – Acting Captain

Aug 18 – Luther Robinson – Demon Bowler at 53!

Colliery Casualties – New Practice Adopted at Denaby and Cadeby

Conisborough Housing – Satisfied With Work Done

Denaby Danger Spots – Need for More Traffic Warnings.

Denaby Road Fatality – Child Runs Behind Bus to Death

Denaby Tragedy – Unknown Man – Identity Doubled

Denaby United – Important Additions to Attack and Defence

Denaby Youth´s Rescue – Would-be Suicide Snatched from Canal.

Kelly Cup Final – Interesting Struggle Between Conisborough Clubs

More Coal – Denaby Company´s Projected Purchase

Motor Deal – Denaby Publican´s Unsuccessful Action

Old Account Bill and Ancient Stone

Strafforth Sands Controversy – Shudders at Conisborough Scavenging Proposal

09 – September

Brutal Conisborough Husband – Two Months for Cruel Assault on Wife

Death of “Jack” Hewitt at Denaby – A Veteran Sportsman

Denaby Desertion – 30 shilling (£1.50) a Week to Keep Nine

Pretty Wedding (picture)

Sep 01 – Denaby United´s New “Keeper” (picture)

Sep 01 – Denaby Utd 2 Rotherham Town 0 – Denaby’s Flying Start

Sep 01 – Denaby Utd 7, Chesterfield Res 1 – Two “Hat-Tricks” (picture)

Sep 01 – Gainsborough 2, Denaby Utd 2 – Poor Shooting Loses a Point

Sep 01 – Supporters Club – Enthusiasm at Denaby

Sep 08 – A Shock for Scunny – Kennedy Stoned

Sep 08 – Aubrey Scriven (picture)

Sep 08 – Scunthorpe 1 Denaby Utd. 2 – Nasty Smack for the “Nuts” – Haslam’s Ordeal

Sep 29 – Chesterfield Res 2 Denaby 0

Sep 29 – Denaby 9 Selby 1 – Four for Godfrey; Hat Trick for Chambers

Sep 29 – League Table

Severe Censure – Denaby Doctor Arouses Doncaster Magistrates Displeasure

10 – October

Conisborough Nursing Association – Intent to Withdraw Support

Conisborough School Accomodation

Conisborough U.D.C. – Motor Car – Economy – Scarlet Fever – Rates – Cemetery – Water & Electricity

Conisborough Water Scheme – Solving a Distribution Problem

Denaby United

George Lansbury in the Large Hall at Denaby

Labour J.P. for Denaby – Mr. Arthur Roberts (picture)

Medical Report – Scarlet Fever in Every Ward

Oct 20 – Denaby 1 Grimsby 2 – Victory of a Grim Defence

Oct 27 – Denaby 1 Mexborough 0 – Godfrey Finds the Chink in Their Armour

Oct 6 – Denaby 1 Doncaster 1 – Denaby Do All But Score

Quarter 4

Round About Conisborough – Farmers, Buses, Footpaths and Football

Rover Scout Concert

The Conisborough Manslaughter Case – Sheffield Butcher Sent to Trial

Water Softening Plant

11 – November

Ambulance Contest at Denaby

Applications for Stock

Company Particulars

Company Profits for 12 Years to 30th June 1923

Denaby and Cadeby Collieries – Staff Changes (picture)

Denaby & Cadeby Main Collieries

Denaby Footballer Married (picture)

Denaby United

Denaby Winger´s Transfer – Aubrey Scriven Goes to Birmingham (picture)

Issue of Debenture Stock

Mr Williams at Conisborough

Mr Williams at Denaby

Nov 10 – Denaby 4 Frickley 2 – Frickley Forget Themselves at Denaby

Nov 3 – Hull City 3 Denaby 0 – Feeble Sliding in the Sludge

Nov 30 – Wath 4 Denaby 2 – Athletic´s Triumph in Thrilling Game

Park Road Houses

Remarkable Headgear – Notable Developments at Denaby and Cadeby (pictures)

Round and About Conisbro’ – Bellringers, Footpaths, Water, Great War & Poor Rate

Team Picture (picture)

Tubercular Relief

W H Chambers Retires (picture)

A Dirty House – Parents Given Another Chance

Captain Reynolds Among the Denaby Miners – “It´s not Thee – It´s Thi Politics”

Conisborough Co-operative Society – Presentations to Officials (picture)

Conisborough Motor Accident – Butcher Acquitted of Manslaughter

Conisborough Motor Accident – Sheffield Butchers Fined

Dec 15 – Denaby 4, Rotherham Town 2 – Clifton Laners Fail to Stay

Dec 22 – Denaby 2 Wombwell 2 – Last Minute Goal

Dec 29 – Barnsley Res 1 Denaby 2 – Clever Victory at Oakwell

Dec 29 – Denaby 1 Mexborough 0 – Mexborough Unlucky to Lose a Glorious Game

Dec 29 – Rotherham Town 1 Denaby 2 – Denaby´s Merry Christmas

Dec 8 – Denaby 3 Gainsbrough 0 – Denaby Return to Form

Denaby Amateur Dramatic Society – Contrasted Comedies

Denaby Christmas Festivities

Denaby Footballer transferred to Birmingham – Richard Briggs (picture)

Denaby United’s Fixtures & Results 1923 to 1924

Fatal Road Accident at Conisborough – Balby Cyclist Killed

Mr B Hadfield – Remarkable Public Tribute

Mr B Hadfield – Sudden Death of Promising Young Mining Official (picture)

Round About Conisborough – Roads, Houses, Thaw, Mr Williams and School Fees

Shop Robbery at Denaby – Sea-Cook´s Career of Crime

Industry and Commerce

New Headgear at Denaby Main (picture)


1924 – Denaby United’s Official Mascot

Aged Denaby Priest´s Mishap – Injured in Street Accident

Golden Wedding – Mr & Mrs Arthur Lewis (picture)

Henroost Robbed – Smart Detective Work at Denaby

New Colliery Secretary (picture)

Denaby Utd – Jan 12 – Denaby 4 Hull City Res 3 – Drama At Denaby (picture)

Denaby Utd – Jan 19 – Denaby 3 Lincoln City Res 0 – Ninth Victory Running

Denaby Utd – Jan 26 – Midland League Table

Denaby Cricket Club Ball – A Large and Gay Company

Denaby Girl´s Adventure – Tramp to York in a “Pet”

Mr. George Appleyard – A Long and Serviceable Life (picture)

Sam Kennedy transferred to Nelson (picture)

Denaby Utd – Feb 02 – Castleford 1 Denaby 3 – An Ugly Finish

Denaby Utd – Feb 16 – Nottingham Forest Res 0 Denaby 3 – Denaby Break New Ground

Denaby Utd – Fixtures & Results

Conisborough Cricket Club Dinner – Mr T Williams, M.P. on the Social Value of Sport.

Conisborough Urban Council – Retirement of the Clerk

Denaby Cricket club – Annual Meeting. – Managing in the Welfare Scheme.

Mar 15 – Rotherham Co Res 0 , Denaby 1 – Denaby’s Revenge

Mar 29 – Denaby 1 Worksop Town 0 – Lilley´s Flashing Pate.

Mar 29 – Fixtures & Results

Mar 29 – League Table

Mar 29 – Worksop Town 2 Denaby United 3 – First “Double” on the Town.

Mar 8 – Denaby 2 Rotherham County 3 – Caught in a Weak Mood

Mr W Smith – Notable Career of Public Service

Mr W Smith – Tributes to Retiring Conisborough Headmaster. (picture)

Denaby Utd – Mar 1 – Denaby 5 Scunthorpe Utd 1 – Denaby´s Power

Denaby Utd – Mar 1 – Doncaster Rov Res 0 Denaby 1 – Dauntless Denaby – Only 10 Men.

Denaby Utd – Mar 22 – Denaby 1 York City 1 – Light Sparring – No Punch (picture)

Apr 26 – Notts Co Res 4 Denaby 1 – Denaby Well Beaten.

Apr 26 – Sutton 1 Denaby 3 – A Flash of the Real Thing at Sutton.

Apr 4 – Denaby 0 Mansfield 1 – Impetuous Denaby Forwards Baffled.

Conisborough Engineer´s Suicide – The Pain and Horror of Cancer.

Conisborough Urban District Elections (pictures)

Cricket Prospects – Denaby & Conisborough

Denaby & Cadeby 149 South Kirkby 78 – Denaby win first Match

Fixtures and Results

Midland League – Final Table

Reresby Arms Football Team (picture)

Denaby Utd – Apr 12 – Denaby 0 Wath 2 – Splendid Double Over Denaby.

Denaby Utd – Apr 19 – Denaby 1 Notts Co Res 3 – Denaby Still in the Dumps.

Denaby Utd – Apr 26 – Denaby 2 Sutton 3 – Denaby Lose Last Home Match – Slipshod Football.

Industry and Commerce

Fatal Accident at Cadeby Colliery – Elderly Labourer Crushed.

Capt. Reynolds at Conisbro’ – A Breezy Meeting.

Conisboro’ Ambulance Division’s Bright Idea – An Emergency Cabinet

Cricket De Luxe – Denaby’s New Cricket Pavilion

Denaby & Cadeby – May 17 – Denaby 140 Thorncliffe 105 – Good Bowling

Denaby & Cadeby – May 3rd – Denaby 154 Rotherham 46 for 2

About Conisborough – Headmistress Recovering – Thunderstorm

Conisborough Housing Association Building Project

Conisbrough UDC Accounts

Denaby & Cadeby – June 28 – South Kirkby 247 for 6 Denaby 147 for 2

Denaby & Cadeby – Diary of the Cricket tour

Conisboro’ U.D.C. – Education, Health Week, Scavengers, Fire Scheme

Denaby & Cadeby – July 12 – Collegiate 131 for 5 Denaby 139 – Scare for Denaby

Denaby & Cadeby – July 19 – Bullcroft 240 Denaby 204 for 4 – Gallant effort in two hours

Denaby & Cadeby – July 5 – Denaby 151 for 2 Barnsley 150 – Denaby win in 110 minutes

Denaby & Cadeby – July 26 – Denaby 209 Collegiate 104 for 8 – Stubborn Stand

Boy Scouts in camp at Whitby

British Legion Commemorate 10th Anniversary of Great War

Castle Club Angling.

Conisboro’ Urban Council – The Surveyor’s Motor Car.

Conisborough Miner “Shot” – Curious Accident in Cadeby Pit Bottom.

Bad Denaby Sportsmen.

Cadeby Miners’ Trip – A Happy Day in London (video)

Conisbrough Urban Council – Superannuation – Rates – Electricity – Water and Buses

Denaby United – Denaby United Team

Miners Welfare – 1 The New Institute (picture)

Miners Welfare – 2 The Swimming Baths (picture)

Miners Welfare – 3 Ladies Room (picture)

Miners Welfare – 4 The Opening and Speeches (picture)

Denaby and Cadeby Collieries – Ordinary Dividend of 8 Per Cent.

Denaby & Cadeby Ambulance Corps Inspection in Rain

Denaby ‘Thespians’ Good Attempt – ‘Our Boys.’ (picture)

Denaby United Mascot – Sydney Hingley

Shops around Conisborough – Flanelettes, Pit Pants and Corsets

Shops Around Denaby – Imported Meat and Rug Clippings

Denaby Utd – Oct 4 – Denaby United 0, Boston Town 0 – Dogged Struggle.

Denaby Utd – Oct 11 – Gainsboro’ Trinity 1, Denaby Utd. 0 – Denaby’s III-Fortune

Denaby Utd – Oct 18 – Wath Athletic 0, Denaby United 1 – Dogged Denaby Get Through

Denaby Utd – Oct 18 – Wombwell 1, Denaby United 2 – Denaby Win on the Tape.

Denaby Utd – Oct 25 – Denaby 1 Wombwell 0 – Denaby Pull It Off.

Denaby Utd – Oct 25 – Denaby United 1, Wombwell 1 – Cripple and Narrow Escapes

Denaby Utd – Oct 25 – Mansfield Town 4, Denaby United 0 – Champions Easy Win.

Death of Well-known Tradesman – Loss to Denaby. (picture)

Conisborough and Denaby Shops

Conisborough Couple’s Unfortunate Experience – Tales of a Windowcleaner

Conisborough Man’s Quick Return to Prison.

Conisbrough Widow’s Struggle – Relief Fraud: Magistrates’ Sympathy

Denaby Roperunner’s Death at Yorkshire Main – The Duties of a Deputy.

Denaby Widow Victimised.

Local Colliery Accidents – Conisborough and Denaby Men Killed.

‘Madman’ at Large on Conisborough Farm.

New Gymnasium for Welfare

Denaby Utd – Denaby 2, York City 3 – Hot Finish at Denaby

Denaby Utd – Briggs feats and Harry Dean at Tickhill Road

Denaby Utd – Denaby 0 Lincoln City Res 0 – Honours Easy.

Crime and Courts

Wife’s Walk To Escape Husband.

The Lodger’s Suit – Illegal Pawning at Denaby.

The Vicar of Conisborough – A Valedictory Strain

Cruelty to a Dog – Conisborough Woman’s ‘Temper

Denaby Man Refused Another Chance – Three months with Hard Labour

Denaby Children Terribly Neglected – Prison For Father: Mother Remanded

County Council Elections – The Conisborough Contest – Mr. Roberts Opens Out

Conisborough Fireman’s Presentation – 55 Years’ Service

Denaby Desertion Summons dismissed – Unproven Charges

Denaby Offender Causes Trouble – Not a Joke

Founder of Catholic Community Dead – Father Kavanagh’s Influence (picture)

Denaby Utd – Frickley Colliery 0, Denaby United 0 – A Disallowed Goal

Denaby Utd – Denaby 1 Mansfield 2 – Denaby Deserved Reward – Great Game in a Morass

Denaby Utd – Lincoln 1 Denaby 0 – Weakened Team a Goal Down at Lincoln.

Denaby Utd – Denaby 4 Worksop 0 – Fine Display – Brayshaw Leads a Clever Attack

Denaby Utd – Denaby 2, Scunthorpe 1- Tired Team Beat Scunthorpe

Denaby Utd – Rotherham 1 Denaby 0 – Rotherham Town Beat Denaby United.

Arrangement for Treatment at Conisborough – “T.B.” Cases

Conisborough Musical Society’s Concert Version – “Tom Jones” – A Triumphant Evening

Conisbrough Cricket Club – Annual Dinner

County Council Campaign at Conisbrough – Mr Ogley’s (picture)

Father Kavanagh’s Funeral (Picture)

Denaby Utd – Denaby 4 Wombwell 1 – Another hat-trick for Brayshaw

Denaby Utd – Denaby 4 Mexborough 2 – United get Four Goals Again

Denaby Utd – Wath 0 Denaby 2 – Denaby’s Conquering Career

Chairman of the Conisborough U.D.C. – Mr Jonas Shelton (picture)

Denaby Boxing – Calladine Wins on Points in a Contest of Much Holding

From and to Denaby United

Youth Steals Night Watchman’s clock

Denaby Utd – Denaby 5 Castleford 0 – Brayshaw Makes Gough Cough (picture)

Denaby Utd – Denaby 1 Frickley 0 – Denaby Snatch Points in Last Effort

Denaby Utd – Denaby 6 York City 1 – York Outplayed – The Championship in Sight

Denaby Utd – Midland League Tables – United on Top !

Crookhill Hall (picture)

Denaby Man accused of Manslaughter – Sensational Death at Rotherham

Denaby Pull It Off

Denaby Street Betting Case

Head Teacher Assaulted – “Scene” before Conisborough Children

Lord Lascelles Visits Denaby in 1925

Denaby & Cadeby – Frickley 83 for 1 Denaby 82 – Denaby beaten by nine wickets

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 126 for 8 Tankersley 122

Denaby & Cadeby – Doncaster LNER 46 Denaby 127 – Denaby Too Strong at Eden Grove

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 248 for 7 Rotherham 91 – Greenwood’s Fine Innings (picture)

Denaby Utd – Champions ! – Denaby 1 Rotherham 0 – Denaby Make Sure

Denaby Utd – Frickley 2 Denaby 2 – A keenly fought game

Denaby Utd – More players for Next Season

Dr. J. Foster, of Conisbrough – An Impressive Funeral

Denaby’s New School – Roman Catholics Ceremony – Bishops Impressive Visit

Massed Cyclists at Conisbrough (picture)

Coign of ‘Vantage (picture)

Cyclists’ Tribute to the Fallen (picture)

Dancing at Conisborough Castle (picture)

Denaby Garden Party (picture)

Denaby Men hid from gang – “After Their Blood” – Killed Hen and Two Pigeons

Overcrowded Buses – Blue Bus Service – Police Action at Conisbrough

Round about Conisbrough – Whitsuntide Holiday – Cricket – The Remarkable J.Hamby

Denaby & Cadeby – Annual Tour – Mansfield 61 for 2 Denaby 216

Denaby & Cadeby – Annual Tour – Leamington 259 Denaby 265

Denaby & Cadeby – Annual Tour – Stratford 94 Denaby 108

Denaby & Cadeby – Annual Tour – Keeble College 85 Denaby 121

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 166 for 5 Doncaster Town 165

Denaby Utd – Fixtures and New Players

Conisborough Hospital Sunday – Familiar Appeal – Severe Pressure

Conisborough UDC – Councillor’s Resignation – Appointed Meat Inspector

Denaby Utd – AGM – “O Thou Loss upon Loss!” – Despairing Officials

Denaby Utd – Divisional Champions – Presentation of Medals

Lord Lascelles visit to Denaby (pictures)

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 150 for 3 Doncaster LNER 145 – Seventh Consecutive Victory

Denaby & Cadeby – Hickleton 90 for 8 Denaby 88 – Denaby’s Second Defeat

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 37 Bentley 195 – Denaby’s Amazing Collapse

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 94 for 2 Rawmarsh 92 – Rawmarsh Easily Beaten

Denaby & Cadeby – Mexborough 122 for 1 Denaby 107 – Garner’s Fine Bowling

Denaby & Cadeby – South Kirkby 50 Denaby 169 – Kennedy’s “Hat Trick”

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 305 for 5 Thorncliffe 160 for 3 – Brilliant Century (picture)

Lord Lascelles at Denaby – British Legion Club Extension Opened

Tragedy in Conisborough – Woman’s Death Under Viaduct

Canon Leteux (picture)

Conisborough Obstruction

Denaby Assault Summons Dismissed – Suggestion of “Intimidated” Witnesses.

Denaby Joiners Thefts – Lenient Measures in Serious Cases.

Denaby Welfare – Sunday Evening Riot – Story of Rival Gangs

Stolen Duck Egg – A Difficult Denaby Youth

Denaby Welfare – Unfortunate Start at Institute

Tragedy in a Sylvan setting – Dead Body Found (picture)

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 102 for 9 South Kirkby 98 – An Exciting Finish

Denaby & Cadeby – Collegiate 205 Denaby 161 for 6 – Fine Effort for Win

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 187 for 8 Darton 153 for 6 – Tame Draw

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 162 for 7 Hickleton 161- Match Decided by Fielding Blunders

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 144 Wath 145 fpr 8 – Hargreaves’s Wonderful Effort.

Council Seeks Omnibus Solution

Cadeby Treasurer Sentenced – Theft From Check Weigh Fund

Conisborough Tragedy – “Murder” Verdict – Rebuke to Husband.

Denaby Ambulance Division – Annual Inspection

Denaby Girls Romance – Engaged By Cablegram (picture)

Fire Engine support from Mexborough

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 123 Frickley 124 for 9

Denaby & Cadeby – Tankersley 54 Denaby 151 for 4 – Good ‘Gate’ on Cold Day

Denaby & Cadeby – Thorncliffe 85 Denaby 177 – Good Win at Thorncliffe

Denaby Utd – Denaby 2 Wath 0 – Brilliant Bussey (picture)

Denaby Utd – A Promising Half – David Brown (picture)

Denaby Utd – Wombwell 0 Denaby 3 – Denaby’s Smart “Feast” Win

A Notable Denaby Figure – Mr.W.I. Gibbs (picture)

Conisborough Brickyard – A Chimney Felled

Conisborough Man’s Suicide – Identification Difficult

Conisborough Miners Folly – “Devilment”

Conisborough Murder Charge – Youth Sent for Trial

Conisborough Shooting Affray – Father Committed to Assizes – Frightened of Son

Domestic Strife at Denaby

Denaby Utd – Wath 0 Denaby 3 – Denaby’s “Double”

Denaby Utd – Wath 2 Denaby 0 – A Shock at Wath – Beaten by Improved Team

Denaby Utd – Denaby 3. Worksop 1 – United Back in Their Stride

Epworth Hall – Official Opening at Denaby Main (picture)

Boxing – Military Tournament at Denaby

Compensation Awards – Denaby Company’s Application

Denaby and Cadeby Collieries – 33rd AGM – Interesting Review

Remembrance Day – Conisborough – Moving Spectacle – Eloquent Tributes

Remembrance Day – Conisbrough – 1925 – Hymns and Songs from the Service (6 videos)

Remembrance Day – Denaby – A Mystical Presence

Silver Jubilee – Denaby Church Celebrations – Week of Rejoicing

Silver Jubilee – Social Gathering – Stationmaster’s retirement (picture)

Denaby Utd – Long Eaton 3 Denaby 2 – Denaby Checked – Undeserved Defeat

Denaby Utd – Denaby 0 Scunthorpe 0 – Denaby Held – Goals Would Not Come

Denaby Utd – Loughborough 3 Denaby 0 – Bad Luck at Loughborough

Denaby Utd – Worksop Town 1 Denaby 4 – Denaby’s Mastery – Worksop Shattered

Denaby Utd – More League Footballers

Denaby Utd – Denaby “Star” for Stoke (picture)

Christmas Music – Recital at Denaby Parish Church (videos)

Conisborough Affray – Father sent to Prison – Quarrel over Sixpence

Conisborough Gambler’s Comment

Conisborough UDC – Circular Row – Buses, Level Crossing, Meat and Rents

Denaby Couple to Try Again

Fullerton Hospital Extension – Photograph

Fullerton Hospital – New Extension Opened – Spirit of “Safety First”

Pretty Wedding at Denaby Main

Prison for Disorderly Denaby Miner – An Old Offender

Shocking Denaby Accident – Young Miner Shot Dead – Coroners Gun Lore

The Viaduct Murder – A Suicide Pact – Youth Sentenced to death

World Record in Denaby Exhibition – Fine “Red” Break By Laurence Steeples.

Denaby Utd – Denaby 3 Catleford Town 1 – Taylor’s Goal

Denaby Utd – Scunthorpe 3 Denaby 1 – Checked Again – Well Beaten at Scunthorpe

Denaby Utd – Denaby 1 Sutton Town 1 – Well Matched

Denaby Utd – Castleford 3 Denaby 0 – Smart Win for Castleford

Rememberance Day – Denaby Main

Allotments Society

Denaby Miners Carting Scheme – Visitors to “Ferry farm.” (picture)

Conisborough Farmer’s Record of Public Service – Mr Appleyard Going to York (picture)

Conisborough from the Sky (picture)

Conisborough UDC – Babies in Cinemas – Concern about Infant Deaths

Denaby & Cadeby Staff Dinner – Colliery Harmony – Humane & Progressive Enterprise

Denaby Miners Carting Scheme – Visitors to “Ferry farm.”

Fight in the Pit – Lively Interlude at Cadeby

Fullerton Hospital – A Lively Annual Meeting – Battle over Doctors

Scarlet Fever Patient ‘Escapes’ on Bicycle

Wedding – Bennett – Dodds (picture)

Denaby Utd – Denaby 3 Mexborough 2 – A Christmas Day Revival

Denaby Utd – Mexborough 1, Denaby 0 – Mexborough Better on Boxing Day

Denaby Utd – Denaby 5, Loughboro Corinthians 0 – Loughboro’s Heaviest Defeat.

Denaby Utd – Denaby 5, Wombwell 2 – Tired Teams at Denaby

Denaby Utd – Newark Town 2, Denaby 0 – Luck Of The Spin – Forwards “Off” Day

Industry and Commerce

Denaby Accident – Young Miner Killed in the “Deep” – Coroner’s Severe Comments

Conisborough Fire Brigade – Annual Dinner – Surveyor on “New Town” Problems

Conisborough Musical Society’s Charming Concert – “The Rebel Maid”

Conisborough Ratepayers Association – New President – The “Water Cress” Stall

Conisborough Woman’s Curious Impulse – Stole Without Need

Conisborough Woman’s Injuries

Denaby and Cadeby Cricket Club – Relying On Young Blood – New Fixtures

Denaby & Cadeby Fixtures 1926

Denaby Main from the Air (picture)

Recital at Denaby – A Beautiful Programme (videos)

Rin Tin Tin at the Denaby Empire

Scene at Conisborough Inn – Loose From Home

Denaby Utd – Denaby 2 Boston 0 – Boston Beaten in Last Eight Minutes

Denaby Utd – Denaby 6, Ilkeston 0 – Dazzling Wing Play by Skeels

Denaby Utd – Sutton Town 3, Denaby 3 – Brilliant Defence – Denaby Take Point

Denaby Utd – Denaby 2 Lincoln City Reserves 3 – Lincoln in Luck – Brawn Wins

Conisborough Urban Council – Street Hawkers – Mr H.C.Harrison’s Seat Declared Vacant

Conisborough Urban District – Local Elections – The Nomination List

Denaby Child’s Death – Knocked Down by Trackless Car

Denaby Dogfight – Where “Cruelty” is Excusable

Ex Policeman’s Suicide

New Houses at North Cliff, Conisborough (picture)

Denaby Utd – Denaby 7 Long Eaton 2 – The Attack in Happy Mood

Denaby Utd – Lincoln City Res. 3, Denaby 3 – Victory Again Snatched From Denaby

Denaby Utd – Shirebrook 0, Denaby 2 – Denaby attack in trim

Denaby Utd – Denaby 0 Newark 0 – Futile Afternoon – Poor Marksmen (picture)


Conisborough News – Fire Alarm – New Footpath


Denaby Utd – Midland League Table

Conisborough By Election – Heavy Poll – Labour Party Majority on the Council

Conisborough Fair (picture)

Conisborough Musical Society – Operatic Program at Denaby – “A Mixed Grill.” (videos)

Conisborough Urban – No Surprise: One New Councillor

Denaby and Cadeby Cricket

Denaby Boys Death – Suggestion of Gas Poisoning – Verdict of “Natural Causes.”

Denaby Shoemaker Missing (picture)

Fatal Accident at Denaby – Pit Set Down For Two Days

Street Betting at Conisborough – Toy Pistol as Warning Signal

Denaby Utd – Croot Goes to Bradford

Denaby Utd – Denaby 1 Mansfield Town 1 – Champions Hard Pressed – Robbed of Victory

Denaby Utd – Denaby 4 Grantham 2 – Matt Taylor’s Return (picture)

Denaby Utd – Mansfield Town 1 Denaby United 0 – Fight to the Finish

Denaby Utd – Denaby Utd 1 Shirebrook 2 – Poor Stuff! – “Summer is I’cumen In!”

Attempted Shopbreaking At Denaby – Constable Complimented

Conisboro’ Council – The Clerk’s Salary – Employees ‘Must’ Be Trade Unionists

Conisborough Vicar’s Daughter Married (picture)

‘Council Sunday’ At Conisbrough – Thin Attendance Of Councillors

Denaby Tour – Mansfield – Stratford – Coventry – Keeble College – London Civil Service

Denaby Shoemaker’s Death – Suicide at Second Attempt (picture)

Disturbances At Mexboro’ And Denaby – Councillor’s Window Broken

General Strike – Calamity.

General Strike – Dramatic Collapse – T.U.C. Call It Off: Miners Disapprove.

General Strike – Incident At Denaby Crossing

Miners National Strike – Local Missionaries (picture)

National Coal Strike – Coal Peace Plan

National Coal Strike – Conisborough

National Coal Strike – Denaby

New Conisbrough Labour Club Soup Kitchen (picture)

Slow-Motion Football – Good Fun At Denaby

Denaby Utd – Denaby 2 Mexborough 1 – Challenge Cup Final – Denaby First Holders

400 Children Waiting for Afternoon Tea (pictures)

Denaby Empire Palace

Coal Strike – Food Distribution

Coal Strike – Missionaries Report – 10,000 people Spoken to

Coal Strike – Relief at Conisborough – Urban Council take Charge.

Coal Strike – Conisbrough Distress Fund (picture)

Coal Strike – Distress Committee

Coal Strike – Missionaries Report – 7 Nights in Coal Lorry

Coal Strike – Relief at Denaby – Rations for 13,000 Persons – Miners Offered a Loan

Denaby & Cadeby – The Denaby Tour – Fine Weather and Good Cricket

Denaby & Cadeby – Tour Matches – Mansfield, Leamington, Coventry

Denaby & Cadeby – Tour Matches – Stratford, Keble College, Civil Service Crusaders

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 239 for 8 Tankersley 145 for 7 – Another Draw

Denaby & Cadeby – Wath 150 for 8 Denaby 87 – Denaby Batting Fails

Denaby & Cadeby – Mexborough 122 Denaby 123 for 3 – Good ‘Gate’ Easy Victory

Big Bread Issue (picture)

Conisborough Castle as Prison – Hundred Courts of Medieval England.

Denaby Miner’s Fate – Body Recovered from River

Denaby’s Fast Bowler (picture)

Irving Greenwood (picture)

Miners Despair – Denaby Man Drowned – Tragedy of The Coal Dispute

New Sheffield Repertory Director (picture)

Old Denaby Affray – Midnight Orchard Raid

The Coal Dispute 10th Week – Mr Herbert Smith: “Fight must go on.”

The Garage Conisboro’ – Advert (picture)

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 250 for 6 Swinton 166 for 6 – Another Denaby century

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 116 for 5 Dinnington 115 – Higgins and Tibbles Again (picture)

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 212 for 7 Darton 146 for 5 – Greenwood & Carlin (picture)

Denaby & Cadeby – Swinton 161 for 3 Denaby 92 – Evening League – Batsmen Revel

Denaby & Cadeby – Wath 55 for 2 Denaby 180 – Good and Bad Fielding


Conisborough 85 for 6 Braithwell 67 – Kennedy Begins Well (picture)

Crime and Courts

The Four Murders on the Site

Hooton Wood Tragedy – Inquest Verdict Of ‘Wilful Murder

Excavation at Conisborough Castle

Coal Stealing At Conisborough

Important Colliery Combine – Denaby, Cadeby, Maltby, Dinnington, Rossington

Conisboro’ Hospital Sunday – Labour M.P. Against Nationalising Hospitals.

Hooton Wood Tragedy – Brother Charged With Murder – Shocking Discovery

Conisborough Motor Cyclist Summoned -Machine Tested Before Magistrates

Denaby Club Secretary Charged – Alleged Embezzlement of Institute Funds

Denaby Pony Driver’s Death – Iron and Wooden Lockers – Youth’s Sad Indiscretion

Excavation at Conisborough Castle (picture)

Bradford Man first Headmaster at Denaby Catholic School (picture)

Prison For Coal Stealing

Surveyor’s List of Public Footpaths in Conisborough and Denaby

Unrest among Young Single Miners Debarred from Relief – March to Doncaster

Conisborough C.C. – Conisborough 92 Kilnhurst 39 – Hanby’s Bowling Feat (pictures)

Denaby & Cadeby – Bentley 75 for 8 Denaby 207 for 8 – Larke’s good Bowling (picture)

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 71 for 5 Darton 70 – Fifteen Wickets – 121 Runs

Denaby & Cadeby – Swinton 94 Denaby 95 for 5 – Day Of Batting Failures

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 151 Mexborough 61 for 8 – Thrills-And Boredom

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 79 South Kirkby 78 – Wonderful Finish – Larke’s Great Feat

Ancient and Modern (picture)

Coal Foragers Caught in Cadeby Pit Yard

Conisbrough Council – Desperate Position Of Guardians – Long-Term Loans Wanted

Denaby Ambulance Corps – Annual Inspection (pictures)

Denaby Golden Wedding – A Quietly Happy Couple (picture)

Denaby Hospital Sunday – A Lucky Committee

Denaby Hospital Workers (picture)

Denaby Main Institute – Secretary Acquitted of Embezzlement

Denaby Miner Sent to Prison – “A Bad Lot.”

Fight Straight! – Magistrates Comment on Conisborough Fraud

New Corps Superintendant (picture)

The Denaby Roman Catholics – Achievements of 30 Years – Victory for Religious Education

The Denaby Rumour – Return to Work ?

The Worst Case of Perjury – A Conisborough Theft

Wedding (picture)

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 162 Bentley 126 – Unbeaten ! – A Fine Closing Victory (picture)

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 109 Horsforth 166 – Yorkshire Council Test Game (Semi Final)

Denaby Utd – Gainsborough 2, Denaby 0 – Bromage’s Good Work

Denaby Utd – Wath 1 Denaby 1 – Bedford’s Notable Debut

Denaby Utd – Denaby 2 Frickley 0 – Clever Wing and Sound Defence

An Outcrop of the Coal Dispute (picture)

Denaby and Cadeby Main Collieries Ltd – No Ordinary Dividend

Roman Catholics Schools – Opening Ceremony – Sad Comment of Colliery Chief

Adverts – Cars and Tyres

Barnsley’s New Experiment – Sam Kennedy (picture)

Batch of Young Rowdies

Broken Gate

Clever Retriever (picture)

Conisborough Farmers Potatoes Stolen

Conisborough Miner in Trouble – Heavy Fine for Northampton Speech

Conisborough Parish Church – New Light on an Old Building (picture)

Conisborough Vicar’s Death (picture)

Conisborough Wesleyanism – Jubilee Reflections – Some Pioneers Recalled (pictures)

Conisbrough Council – The Local Distress – Reduction of Guardians Relief Condemned

Denaby Assistant’s Theft

Distress and Provision of 8,000 Meals each Week

National Coal Strike – Meeting with Miners

Organ Recital at Conisborough – An Interesting Programme

The Denaby Roman Catholic Schools Opening (pictures)

The Denaby Roman Catholic Schools (picture)

The Pasture Bridge (picture)

University Post for Former Morley Place Student (picture)

Denaby Utd – Denaby 4 Wombwell 2 – Wombwell fail again

Denaby Utd – Denaby 13 Guisley 1 – Engelshaw shoots in

Denaby Utd – Scheme for Carrying On – Welfare Trustees at End Of Tether

Denaby Utd – Denaby 3 York City 1 – Denaby Master York

Denaby Utd – Frickley 0 Denaby 4 – Denaby’s Romp – Effective Forward Work

Denaby Utd – Walter Wadsworth – Another from Kilnhurst (picture)

Denaby Utd – Denaby 1 Mexborough 1 – Ten Men hold out to Mexborough (picture)

Denaby Utd – Denaby 0 Mexborough 2 – Beaten at Second Attempt

Conisborough Meeting – The Denaby Terms

Armistice Service at Denaby – Ambulance Brigade’s Tribute

Colliery Amalgamation – Pros and Cons – Interview with Maj Leslie (picture)

Conisborough Council – Feeding of Children – “Demand” Becomes “Request”

Conisborough Wesleyanism – How Methodists Came – The Singing Horseman (picture)

Conisborough’s Oldest Man – Survivor of The “Hungry Forties” (picture)

New Vicar of Conisborough – Denaby Vicar Appointed

Remembrance Day in Conisborough

Denaby Utd – Loughborough 6 Denaby 3 – Denaby’s Biggest Defeat

Denaby Utd – Long Eaton 3, Denaby 0 – A Long Eaton hat-trick

Denaby Utd – York 2, Denaby 1 – The Fifth – Denaby down at York

Cadeby Manager Promoted (picture)

Cadeby Miners Back to Work (picture)

Denaby Scouts – Installed in New Hall – Companies Generosity (picture)

End of the Coal Dispute – All Pits Working after 7 Months Idleness

New Plant at Cadeby Colliery (pictures)

New Plants at Cadeby Colliery – The Latest in Fuel Economy

Norwegian Educational Holiday (picture)

Denaby Utd – Boston 3 Denaby 2 – Menlove’s late Goal

Denaby Utd – Lincoln 5 Denaby 0 – Smart Forwards

Denaby Utd – Alfreton 2 Denaby 2 – Point for Denaby

Denaby Utd – Mexborough Town 3 Denaby 2 – Christmas Day Thriller at Hampden Road

Denaby Utd – Denaby U 3 Mexborough 0 – Denaby’s Day

Denaby Husband Relieved – Maintenance Order Rescinded

Aged Miner’s Death – Hastened by Accident – Fatal Fall in Denaby pit

Attempted Robbery

Conisborough Coal Thefts

Conisborough Council – Smallpox Epidemic – Rent Arrears – P.R.S. – Journalists

Conisborough – Review of 1926

Denaby Inventor – Mr A.G. Guilliford (picture)

Denaby Lads in New Zealand – Smart Young Footballers (picture)

Denaby Pit Boy – Presented To King and Queen Of Norway.

Ivanhoe Club

Retirement of John Brocklesby

Rowdy Meeting at Conisborough – Rival Anthems – Cheers for the King and Cook

Smallpox Epidemic

Denaby Utd – Denaby 5 Long Eaton 0

Denaby Utd – Denaby 3, Shirebrook 0 – Brigg’s Impressive Debut.

Denaby Utd – Worksop 2 Denaby 0 – Two Penalties

Denaby Utd – Denaby 4, Ilkeston 1 – Piling Up The Goals

Industry and Commerce

Miner Killed at Denaby – Good Man Lost – Fatal Fall

Crime and Courts

Roodhouse Reprieved. Penal Servitude For Life.

All Worn Out? – Denaby Main Woman Tells Her Experience.

Conisborough Husbands Cruelty

Conisborough Men Full of Fight

Conisborough U.D.C. – Miners and Their Rent Arrears – China

Denaby Man Blames the Wife

Denaby’s Inventor (picture)

Golden Wedding – Nursing Sisters Gift – Annual Divisional “Social.” (picture)

Lurking Dispomaniac – Conisborough discovery,

Proposed Colliery Combine -Major Leslie Explains – New Holding Company.

Smallpox and Middens

Smallpox Epidemic – Increasing at Denaby and Conisborough (pictures)

The Big Drum Changes Hands

Denaby Utd – Denaby 3 Heanor 1 – J. C. Johnson’s Day (picture)

Denaby Utd – Denaby 6, Worksop 0 – J.C. Johnson’s Notable Feat

Denaby Utd – Denaby 3 Newark 0 – Denaby’s Eleventh – Newark Well Beaten

Denaby United’s Advance

Denaby Utd – Denaby 4, Grantham 1 – Keeping It Up – Grantham Follow the Rest

Denaby Utd – Denaby 4, Lincoln 0 – Lincoln Too – Brilliant Form – Dashing Forwards.

An Industrial Part of Conisborough (picture)

Conisbrough Council – Late Start – Rates Up By A Shilling – Surveyor Salary Increase

Conisbrough Fire Brigade – Annual Dinner.

Conisborough Miner’s Thefts

Crushed By Bus – Conisbrough Child’s Terrible Death

The Colliery Combine – An Unopposed Scheme.

Perilous Pastures Bridge – Carrying 500 Buses a Day

Persistent Pilfering – Conisborough Woman’s Black Record

The Colliery Combine – Formation of “Yorkshire Amalgamated Collieries, Ltd.”

Whittakers (advert)

Denaby & Cadeby – Fixtures for 1927

Denaby & Cadeby Cricket – Handed Back By Trustees – No More Free Sport.

Denaby Utd – Sutton 3 Denaby United 1 – Sutton’s first win since Christmas

Denaby Utd – Denaby 3 Scunthorpe 2 – Third Defeat of Season – Denaby Join Elect

Denaby Utd – Denaby 1 Gainsborough 1- Different Denaby – Notable Sequence Broken

Caught in Conisborough Fowlhouse


Colliery Blaze – Serious Fire At Cadeby – Winding Gear Disabled

Colliery Officials Outing

Councillor’s Eligibility Questioned – Appeal To The House Of Lords ?

Conisborough – Library and Smallpox

Conisborough Musical Society – Closing Concert (videos)

Conisborough U.D.C. – Mr John Brocklesby – Buses Speed – Library – Smallpox

Conisbrough Notes – The Feast – Smallpox – Slaughter

Councillor’s Eligibility – Local elections

Easter in Conisborough

Fire at the Pit

Miner and Missing Timber – Prison for Conisborough Man

Motor Bus Speed Limit of 12 mph Exceeded on Conisborough – Doncaster Route

Windmill (picture)

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 182 for 1 Wath 180 – 11 Ducks Waddling

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 165 Dinnington 168 for 4 – Attack Collared

Denaby Utd – Denaby 4 Boston 2 – Boston suffered Common Fate

Denaby Utd – Heanor 4 Denaby 2 – Heanor in Form

Denaby Utd – JC Johnson and Green to Sheffield Wednesday

An Electric “Navvy” (picture)

Denaby Rowdies – “Big Entry Gang”- Magistrates Warnings to Hooligans

Everything for the Boy – Albert Liversidge (Advert)

Industrial Corner of Conisborough

Mixed Bathing at Denaby Baths (picture)

New Assistant Manager at Denaby Main (picture)

New Vicar (picture)

Old Folk’s Treat (picture)

Promising Conisborough Bowler (picture)

Rawmarsh Junior League Champions (picture)

Scrivens Move (picture)

Scuffle Outside a Club – A Conisborough Disturbance

Wadsworth for Southend (picture)

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 182 for 1 Wath 180 – Brilliant Tibbles

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 224 for 6 Wath 134 for 3 – Carlin Gets Started

Denaby Utd – Denaby 2 Wath 1 – Denaby Keep Cup

Denaby Utd – Mexborough to Denaby (picture)

Industry and Commerce

Conisborough U.D.C. – Medical Report 1926 – Improvement in Statistics

Midland League – Final Table 1926/7

Midland League Results – 1926/1927


Pillion Rider Injured

Lady Mabel Smith (picture)

Children’s Outgrown and Cast Off Boots and Shoes (picture)

Industry and Commerce

End of Appleyards on Church Street after 150 Years

What Are the Actual Earnings of the Miner


Conisborough C.C. – Conisboro 153 Barnby Dun 25 – Hirst Revival and a Ground Record

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 221 Silverwood 129 – Foster’s Second Century

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 250 for 8 Dinnington 99 for 3 – Sixes off Dinnington

Denaby’s First Gala

Ouch ! – Another Picture from Denaby Baths ! (picture)

Out to Win (picture)


Denaby Woman’s Death – Patient Left Too Soon – Coroner on Midwife Duties

Several Motor Accidents

Medical Officer’s Report

History – Denaby’s Mightiest Days

History – Conisbrough & Denaby – Great Industrial Enterprise

History – “Ivanhoe’s”  Recollections (picture)

Industry and Commerce

A Reminiscence of Parish Politics (picture)


Denaby Catholic School – New Convent Opened (picture)

Crime and Courts

Denaby Couples Troubles

Order for a Denaby Wife

Mexborough Crash – Visiting Policeman Knocked Out

Miscellaneous Court Cases

A Denaby Brawl – Suspicious Magistrates – “Cosher” Produced


Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 301 for 1 L.N.E.R. 185 – Denaby’s Great Pair

Denaby & Cadeby – Collegiate 199 for 6 Denaby 104 for 8 – Narrow Escape at Abbeydale

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 198 for 7 Darton 197

Exhilarating Cricket – Hard-Hitting At Denaby

Irrepressible Greenwood – More Runs – and Nine Wickets

Wicket-Keeping Extraordinary

Champions of the Green (picture)


Buried By Coal 

Child Dies Through Scalding

Curious Accident

Lightning Damage at Conisborough.

Industry and Commerce

Cadeby Officials Leaving (pictures)

Housing Delay at Conisborough


Warm Welcome to Denaby’s New Vicar

Crime and Courts

Conisborough Teacher in Trouble Maintenance Arrears

Birch For Schoolboy

Fine No Deterrent


Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 132 for 8  Collegiate 184

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 58 for 1 Mexborough 161 for 6 dec – Slow Scoring in Derby

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 128 for 0 Bentley 125

Denaby & Cadeby- Denaby 134  Doncaster Town 79 for 4 – Bad Light Stops Play

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 140 for 6 Mansfield 168 – Holiday Cricket at Denaby

Denaby United – Hope to do Better

Where They Train ’Em! – Denaby Lose Good Men, But Will Develop Others

Conisborough Victoria

Denaby Bowls Champions (picture)

Tennis Champions (picture)


Remarkable Mishap at Cadeby (picture)

Denaby Story of Estate in Chancery – £40,000,000.

Wedding – Lloyd & Soar (picture)

Industry and Commerce

Accident Mystery – Coroner’s Theory of How Injuries Were Caused.

Safety Ignored -Ten Children Fatherless For Ten Minutes Saved.

Action Against Colliery – Miners May Be Thrown Out Of Work

Conisborough Council – Lively Meeting – Houses and Cars -Sharp  Skirmishes.

Crime and Courts

Scrambling For Coins


Birch Leaves Chesterfield for Denaby United.

Denaby Utd – F.A.Cup – Guiseley 2 Denaby 3

Denaby Utd – Wath Athletic 2 Denaby 0

Denaby Utd – Newark 0 Denaby 1 – Clegg Scores Only Goal

Denaby Utd – Denaby 4 Staveley 3 – Thrills at Denaby


Wedding – Appleyard & Soar (picture)

Industry and Commerce

Compensation Claim – Pit Worker’s Application Dismissed.


Communication With Dead – Vicar Opposed

Crime and Courts

Compensation Claim – “Throwing Money Away.”

Watch and Chain and Silver Medals and Man Disappear


Hockey – Conisborough 3, Doncaster L.N.E.R. 2

Swimming – Two Ties for Conisborough Schools Shield.

Denaby Utd – Denaby 7  Wath Athletic 1 – Four Registered By Kelly.

Denaby Utd – Boston 2  Denaby 3 – Nock Hat Trick

Denaby Utd – Denaby 1 Shirebrook 2 – Leaders Lucky To Get Both Points

Denaby Utd – Denaby 2 Scarborough 1 – Weakened Side Wins

Denaby Utd – Frickley Colliery 6  Denaby 1 – Full Value for Win


Entangled In Bus Wheel.

Road Fatality – Inquiry Into Sheffield Man’s Death.

Industry and Commerce

Denaby and Cadeby Main Collieries – Accounts for 1926 to 1927

Promoting Understanding.

Danger of Clifton Hill Falling into Conisborough Clay Pit.

Liberal Candidate For Gloucester – T.W. Casey

Crime and Courts

A Conisborough “Parade.”

Betting at Denaby – A Widow in a Losing Game

Denaby Utd – Denaby Ready To Meet Southport – Boston Beaten – Dour Defence


Denaby Utd – Ready for Southport – 11 Keen and Confident Men (pictures)

Denaby Utd – Denaby 0, Grimsby 1

Denaby Utd – F.A. Cup -Round 1 – Denaby’s First Time – The Next Job – Southport at Tickhill Square

Denaby Utd – Denaby 1  Gainsborough Trinity 4 – Denaby Well Beaten


Most Devoted Of Public Men – Mr J Brocklesby J.P. (picture)

Conisborough’s V.C. – Life on the Afghan Frontier.

Industry and Commerce

New Ford Model A Car – Power : Speed : Beauty : Economy.

Rainbow Bridge (picture)

Colliery Co.’s Generosity -How 7,000 to 8,000 Families Will Benefit.

Miners’ Pensions – Denaby & Cadeby Workers Scheme.

Conisborough Glass Works Shut Down

Dearne Valley Trade Review 1927


Hiawatha and the Meistersingers – A Cello Interlude (video)

Playing Fields for The Denaby Area – A “Paradise.”

Crime and Courts

Crowded ‘Bus. – Police Watch Overloading At Conisborough.

Doncaster Case Remitted From High Court – Story of £100

Motorist’s Defence at Doncaster – “I can’t see with my lights on.”

Prison for Assault on Landlady.


Denaby Utd – Denaby 2  Southport 3 – English Cup Round 1 – Plucky Denaby. (picture)

Denaby Utd – Denaby 2  York City Reserves 2 – Denaby Unfortunate

Arsenal Club Fined and Denaby Player Suspended – Pro. Not Registered.

Balby Street School 31 Opponents 1 !

Denaby Utd – Denaby 4 Lincoln City Res 3 – Experiment Succeeds

Denaby Utd – Denaby 2  Mexborough Town 3 – Mexboro’ Win Yuletide “Derby.”

Denaby Utd – Mexborough Town 0 Denaby 2 – Denaby Turn Tables on Rivals.


Remarkable Spectacle on Sheffield Road.

Weather and Horses

Industry and Commerce

Nancy Crawshaw’s Crag – Famous Landmark to be Blown Up.

The Rock of Justice Surveyor in Quandary – Council & Union Labour


A New Venture – Denaby Church Players (picture)

Church Players – Three One-Act Plays At Denaby – Promising Debut.

Pebbles in Collection

Crime and Courts

Conisboro’ Vagrancy Problem.

Denaby Incident – Stern Reproof for a ‘Welfare’ Trustee

Straying Ponies – Footprints in the Snow.

Shop-Lifting – Conisboro’ Woman Warned.

Affray in Wood -Shots at Keepers by Alleged Poachers – Four Men Charged.


Denaby Utd – Mansfield 3, Denaby 1 – Denaby Unlucky.

Denaby Utd – Denaby 4 Mansfield Town 2


Denaby Utd – Grantham 2, Denaby 1 – Hard Going at Grantham.

Another Local in the Professional Ranks – Clarence Bisby (Notts County)

Conisboro’ 0, Kilnhurst 0 – Mexboro’ League.

Denaby Utd – Denaby 0, Boston Town 0 – The Mud Wins.

Midland League – January 1928


Drowned Boy’s Thought For Younger Brother

Sad Accident at Conisboro’ Cliff – Killed By Train

Typist Killed – Knocked Down by Train at Butterbusk.

Industry and Commerce

Over-Zealous Denaby Boy Killed on Eve of Enlistment.

Prospects of the Denaby Coal Group – Pulverised Fuel.

Editorial – Denaby Baths

Future of the “Welfare” Baths – Relief from Rates – Trustees’ Request.


Launch of “Tashy”

Crime and Courts

A Former Husband – Denaby Wife’s Status Challenged.

An Unhappy Denaby Union

Widow Sued – Caustic Comment in Conisboro’ Case

“Welfare ” Club Warning – Illegal Supply Of Liquor.

Conisboro’ Man in Trouble at Southport – Alleged Fraud.

Conisborough Man Sentenced at Southport – A Useless Cheque


Principals at Denaby Have to Go to Hospital for Treatment.

Denaby Utd – Denaby 1, Notts County Res 0 – A Reorganised Denaby, Winger’s Promise

Denaby Utd – York City 3 Denaby 1 – United Finish Weakly at York.

Denaby Utd – Worksop Town 2 Denaby 4 – Smart Work at Worksop (picture)

Denaby Utd – Denaby 6  Heanor Town 2 – Heanor Vanquished without

Denaby Utd – Nottingham Forest Res 2  Denaby 0


Denaby Utd – Lincoln City Res 4 Denaby 1 -Fine Defensive Work

Denaby Utd – Results to February 1928

Midland League Tables – February 1928


How Denaby Woman Met her Death – Simple Accident in The Snow

Industry and Commerce

Denaby Youth who Lived for Nine Years with a Broken Back

Conisboro’ Council – Role of Oliver Twist – Unemployed Problem

Conisboro’ Engineering Problem (picture)

Crime and Courts

Local Epidemic Of Burglaries – Denaby Men Charged – Mexboro’ Scuffle.


Boxing at Denaby (picture)

Conisboro’ Cricket Club – Some Losses: Two Needs -Improved Finance.

Cricket – Outlook of the Clubs – Denaby – Shortened Programme.

Denaby’s New Forward (picture)


Thurnscoe St. Hilda 7, Conisboro’ 2 – Conisboro’ Swamped. (picture)

 Barnsley Y.M.C.A. 4, Denaby Junior 2 (picture)

Conisborough Halfback For Tottenham (picture)

Denaby Church 6. Denaby P.M 2 – Good Halves. (picture)

Denaby Rovers 7 Newhill 0 – Bold Challengers (picture)

Denaby Utd – Ilkeston 0, Denaby 2 – Too Clever For Ilkeston.

Grimethorpe R.C. 1, Denaby Junior 7 – Victorious Seven Goals Away (picture)

Denaby Utd – Denaby 3, Loughboro’ 0 – Three For Kelly

Denaby Utd – Lincoln City Res 4 Denaby 1 – Beaten With Honours

Demnaby Utd – Shirebrook  5 Denaby 2 – Sensational Finish

Denaby Utd – Scarborough 1 Denaby 2 – Denaby’s Double Shock for Scarborough

Midland League – March 30 1928


Cow Ran Amok

Industry and Commerce

Took A Chance And Paid With His Life – Conisborough Shunter Killed

Denaby Coal (Advert)

New Chairman of Conisborough UDC – Mrs Kaye (picture)


Choirmaster – Presentation to Mr. G. V. Smith.

Purchase of Old Hall in Church Street

Good Friday at Conisborough (picture)

Medical Officer’s Annual Report – Population, Births and Deaths, Small Pox, TB and Sanitation

Crime and Courts

Policeman Ordered Out

Guardians Defrauded – Denaby Couple Treated Leniently

The Poor That Rob the Poor – Fowl Stealing at Denaby


Footballers’ Tribute (picture)

Denaby Utd – Denaby 1  Grantham 0 – Grantham Outplayed

Denaby Utd – Staveley Town 1 Denaby 1 – Fine Defensive Play Gets Point

Denaby Utd – To Carry On – Help From the Workmen.

Denaby Utd – Denaby 4 Wombwell 2

Denaby Utd – Heanor 2, Denaby 0 – Bottom Club’s Useful Points

Prolific Scorer (picture)

Denaby Utd – Results, Attendances & Scorers

Midland League – Final Table


Woodworks Accident

Conisborough V.C. On Leave

Industry and Commerce

Miner’s Leader at Denaby (picture)

Oldest Miner Retires (picture)

Conisborough Urban Council – Council Houses – Petty Annoyances.


Denaby Church Players.

Pageantry At Denaby

Old People’s Tea

Denaby Rovers in Camp (picture)

Crime and Courts

Horse’s Wretched State

Sudden Impulse – Weak-Minded Conisboro’ Girl’s Rush to River.

Terrible Pain Drives Man to Suicide

Tradesman’s Last Message


The Opening of the Season – Black and White (picture)

Denaby & Cadeby – Mexborough 191 for 7 Denaby 190 for 3 – Denaby’s sporting bid.

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 156 for 6 Doncaster Town 56 – Denaby’s 100 to spare.

Denaby Utd. –  A Complete Change of Officials.

John William “Jack” Barker Transferred to Derby County

More Youngsters for Denaby.

Industry and Commerce

Conisboro’ Rate Arrears.


Conisborough Notes – Marrying for ‘Company’ – Fielding Improved – St. Peter’s Guild – Fair

“Rainbow Bridge” No More (picture)

Crime and Courts

Man Charged With Desertion

Denaby Mother Resents School-Master’s Rebuke – Slapped His Face.

Dust In His Eye – Denaby Motor-Cyclist who did not Stop.

Blamed The Drink – Denaby Youth Sent to Prison for Burglary

Converted Money To Own Use – Agent Charged.

Denaby Schoolboy’s Thefts – Warning To Parents

House Ransacked – Finger Prints Clue In Conisborough Case.

Pilfered Timber – New School Building Raided at Conisboro’


A Fine All-Rounder (picture)

A Promising Bowler (picture)

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 76 for 7 Wath 69 – Bowlers’ Day At Denaby.

Denaby’s New Trainer


Grand Old Couple – A Denaby Darby And Joan (picture)

Cottage Fire – Fatal Sequel To Denaby Outbreak – Plucky Neighbours.

Sad Accident

Wedding – Harker & Wray – A Stage Romance (picture)

Industry and Commerce

Rainbow Bridge Accident

Two Fatal Accidents At Cadeby

Colliery Absenteeism

Unleasant Surprise for Denaby Workers

Giant Rock

Rainbow Bridge Reconstruction

Rainbow Bridge Reconstruction – Work in Progress

Warm Work – Workman on Rainbow Bridge

Conisboro’ Council – “Foreign” Labour – Street Lamps – Civic Sunday Sunday Departure.


Civic Service at St Alban’s

Conisborough Notes – One – Rainbow Bridge – Preservation of Wild Flowers

Feast – Hospital Demonstration – Sunday School Trip

Crime and Courts

Perjury Alleged Intimation In Conisborough Case

Embezzlement at Conisborough


Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 107 Rossington 149 – Season’s First Defeat

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 174 Mexborough 102 – Mexborough Collapse At Denaby.

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 226 Collegiate 234 for 4 – Fine Performance by Collegiate

Denaby & Cadeby – Swinton 176 for 9   Denaby 215 – Poor Fielding In Interesting Game.

Denaby & Cadeby – Tankersley 61 Denaby 76 for 1 – Kennedy 6 for 16

Two More Players for Denaby United.

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 174 Mexborough 102 – Mexborough Collapse At Denaby.


Joe Smith’s Accident. (picture)

Stack Fire.

Industry and Commerce

Prize Pit Ponies (picture)


St. John Ambulance Brigade – Lady Divisional Superintendent

Conisboro’ Allotment Society

Stile Collector

Crime and Courts

Sent For Trial – Conisboro’ Father’s Alleged Neglect of Children.

Fearful Tragedy -Young Girl Decapitated – Father Runs Amok – Child’s Head Picked Up.

Denaby Miners Attack on Mexborough Man – “A Cowardly Assault”


Denaby & Cadeby – Bolton 113 for 2  Denaby & Cadeby 109 – Denaby Fail at Bolton.

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 114  Collegiate  119 for 6 – Collegiate Win Well at Denaby.

Denaby & Cadeby – Doncaster Town 74    Denaby 165 – Fast Bowling Upsets Doncaster.

Denaby Utd – Wath 0 Denaby1 – Goal Defeat Against Run of Play.

Denaby Utd’s Prospects – Building Up a Sound Team. Promising Talent & Ripe Experience.

Denaby Utd – Denaby 1 Notts County Reserves 1


Taffy and Floss (picture)

Industry and Commerce

Coal Trade Outlook – Hopeful Signs at South Yorkshire Pits – Five Counties Scheme.

Provision For Aged Miners – Manager’s Appeal at Opening of Conisborough “Welfare.”

Not Poisoned – Conisborough Inquest Held to Satisfy Relatives.

Conisboro’ UDC – Surveyor Mine of Information – Bravery, Swimming, Conversions, Buses, Roads, Fire Engine Questions


Conisborough Notes – An Ancient Chapel

A Fine Swimming Team (picture)

A Route to the Races (picture)

Conisborough Notes – Cricket – Harvest Festival – Tan Yard – Swimming Gala

Dangerous Bend (picture)

The Diver (picture)

Crime and Courts

Alleged Neglect Of Children – Conisboro Miner Sent for Trial


A Denaby Team Maker- Former Aston Villa Back – Tom Swinburne.

Denaby Utd – Denaby 1, Notts Forest 2 – Good Display Against “Class” Side.

Denaby Utd – Denaby 3, Doncaster 0 – Denaby Sparkle – Doncaster Too Slow.

Denaby Utd – Denaby 4 Worksop 1 – Easy One For Denaby.

Denaby Utd – Turner’s Majority.

Sports Pavilion for Conisborough (picture)

Denaby Utd – A Maker of Players (picture)

Denaby Utd – Denaby 3, Wath 2 – Denaby’s Double – Scrappy Evening At Tickhill Square

Denaby Utd –  Wath 0 Denaby 1 – Denaby Hat Trick – One Goal And Many Failures. (picture)

Midland League Table

Industry and Commerce

Coal Trade’s Future – Manager’s Hopeful Prediction In High Court.

Carting Miners’ Coal – Denaby Scheme to Cut Delivery Costs.

Conisborough Council – Attack on Press Hotly Resented.


Canon Leteux – A Notable Anniversary – 40 Years a Priest

Canon Leteux and His Friends (picture)

Strawbridge Memorial Window. (picture)

The Strawbridge Window

Conisbrough News – Strawbridge Memorial Window –“Bow” Bridge – Mothers Union

Denaby Notes – Health Week – The Crossing – Canon Leteux.

Crime and Courts

Street Row at Denaby.

On Account.- Conisborough Painter In Trouble. -Alleged Fraud.


Men of Note in local Sport – Former Goalkeeper – Old Denaby Official – James Hancock. (picture)

Denaby utd – Newark 3 Denaby 1 – Denaby’s Handicap

Midland League Results – October 6 1928

Midland League Results – October 20 1928 – Denaby 4 – Loughborough 1

Denaby Utd – Denaby 3 Methley Perseverance 2 – United Beat Methley Under Difficulties.(picture)

Denaby Utd – Denaby 2 Mexborough 1 – F.A. Cup


Gallant Miners.

Motor Lorry and ‘Bus Accident

Brave Miners Rewarded. (picture)

Drama Festival – Four S.Y. Societies in Competition.

Industry and Commerce

Death After Operation – Conisborough Man Injured in Pit over Year Ago.

Denaby Coal Dispute – 2 ½ d. Ton Rent for Lord Cromwell – Commission Rebukes Both Sides.

Claims For Rescue – Conisborough Council Perplexed Over Fire Scenes.


Change Ringing at Conisborough. (video)

Ancient Pottery to be Examined by Experts

Armistice Day Services

Conisborough Armistice Parade

Denaby Armistice Service

Crime and Courts

A Voluble Denaby Woman.

Denaby Couple’s Differences.

Prison for Neglect – Conisborough Man’s Appeal Fails.

Successful Exhibitors – With Other People’s Produce!


Midland League Results – November 3, 1928 – A Denaby “hat-trick”

Derby County to Visit Denaby This Afternoon

Denaby Utd – Gainsborough 1  Denaby 0 – F A Cup Final Qualifying Round

Midland League Results – November 19, 1928

A Promising Goalkeeper (picture)

Midland League Results – November 24th 1928 – Beaten at Scunthopre

Midland League Table – November 24, 1928

Denaby Utd – Results to November 24th


Fire in Low Road

Handley Wells, Conisborough Musician and Organist

Industry and Commerce

Unconscious of Impending Doom (picture)

Christmas Beef (picture)

Conisbro’ U.D.C. – Proposed Salaries “Cut”- Surveyor’s Spirited Defence of Staff.

Lighting up Conisborough


K.O.Y.L.I. – Inter Platoon Challenge Cup

New Headmaster (picture)

Santa Claus Enters Godfrey Walker Convalescent Home(Picture)

Crime and Courts

Alleged Attack on Wife – Charge against Conisborough Clerk

Decapitated Daughter – Mexborough Man “Guilty,  but Insane.” – Sad Story at Assizes.


Denaby Take All – Four South Yorkshire Doubles,

Denaby’s New Stand – Welcome Addition at Tickhill Square.

Goalkeeper Suspended – Denaby and Arnold Birch.(picture)

Indoor Rifle Range (picture)

New Rifle Competition Trophy (picture)

Midland League Results – December 3, 1928 – Some Big Scores.

Midland League Results – December 10, 1928 – At Home after Five-weeks

Denaby Utd – Denaby 3 Worksop 0 – Weak Worksop Well Whacked.

Player’s Rise

Denaby Utd – Doncaster 1 Denaby 3 – Smart Denaby Forwards.

Midland League Results – December 24 – Grimsby Town score 5 at Tickhill Square

Midland League Results – Christmas Day & Boxing Day – Mexborough Doubled

Midland League Results – December 31 – Too Much for Gainsborough

Midland League Results – December 31, 1928

Midland League Table – December 31, 1928

The Drama In Yorkshire.

Industry and Commerce

Kirby’s (advert)

Trackless Bill – Tramway Company’s Bold Scheme – Protection From Competition.

Trams to be abolished – Trackless Cars For Use – Company’s New Bill.

A Colliery Fatality.

Coal Dispute Loans – Guardians Win Test Case Against Miners – Company to Deduct Money.

Denaby Coal (Advert)

Conisborough Child Welfare Centre Opened – 100th in West Riding

Conisborough Council – A Rat Ridden District – “Shocking” Conditions

Health Of West Riding.

Rat-Infested Houses – Pied Piper Wanted At Denaby.


Conisborough Baptists to Stop Morning Services.

Crime and Courts

A Sharp Lesson -Six Months For Fraud On Guardians.

Art and Tragedy – The End of a Genius – Love and Death – Search for Fame.

Sadler’s Suicide – Conisbrough Man’s Grief for his Wife – Body in Dam


A Back in The Making – “Billy” McCracken’s Latest Deal,

Midland League Results – January 2nd

Midland League Results – January 7th

Midland League Results – January 15th

Denaby United’s New Stand

Young Denaby Defender for Hull City – Arthur Rodgers.

Midland League Results – January 21st

Midland League Table – January 25, 1929

Midland League Results – January 28th

Denaby Utd – Results to January 1929


Conisborough Baby’s Death

Five Year Old dies of Shock Following Scalds

Bandmaster’s Funeral Imposing Procession At Conisborough.

Denaby Colliery Official’s Sudden Death

Conisboro’ Man Missing.

Denaby and Cadeby ” Chief ” for Spain. (picture)

High Award For Denaby Pitman (picture)

Industry and Commerce

Children’s Playground on North Cliff Hills

Five-Shilling Journeys – Officials’ Allowances Opposed at Conisborough.


Church Worship – Listing of Services at 55 Chapels & Churches

Gloops Family Visit Denaby.

The Great Frost – Pit Stopped – Sewer Explosion – Skating – Bovril at the Pit – Street Lighting

Crime and Courts

Father’s Callous Desertion of Children


Denaby and Cadeby Cricket Programme

Denaby & Cadeby – Marked Reduction’ In Members’ Subscriptions.

Denaby Utd – Denaby 1 Lincoln City 2 – Gallant But Disjointed, Battle With Prospective Champions.

Denaby Utd – Midland League Results – February 4, 1929

Denaby Utd – Notts County Res 0 Denaby 1 – Denaby Defeat Strong County Team.

Denaby Utd – Midland League Results – February 11th, 1929

Denaby Utd – Midland League Results – February 18th 1929

Denaby Utd – Midland League Results – February 25, 1929

Denaby Utd – Midland League Results – February 1929

Denaby Utd – Midland League Table – February 23rd


First Baby – Tragedy of Inexperience.

Accidental Death of Young Child

Child Fatally Scalded

Horse and Child – Little Denaby Boy Killed in Entry

Obituary – Mr Moses Soar – A Notable Musician (picture)

Obituary – Mr T. R. Booth – A Link with Old Conisboro’. (picture)

First Aid At 81.(picture)

Children’s Corner – Pretty Sketch (picture)

Industry and Commerce

An Ideal Holiday Picnic

New Era in Road Transport (picture)

Died After Operation – Sequel to Accident

A Denaby Presentation (picture)

Coal Boom – Brisk Trade in South Yorkshire – All Pits Busy.

Denaby Assistant Manager Appointed Manager At Maltby (picture)

Popular Mines Manager – Farewell Gifts at Denaby (picture)

Candidates for the Councils – South Yorkshire Urban and Rural Nominations – Urban Councils  

Local Election Results

The New Councillors – Men & Women Who Won First Victories (pictures)


A Denaby Puzzle – Who Are The Owners Of a Church ?

Denaby Man to Rangoon (picture)

Fire in Denaby Church.

Crime and Courts

Unemployed Organiser Fined.

Suicide Body Recovered from Don

Denaby Woman Assaulted – “Record” Black Eyes


Denaby Boxing Illness Hits Boxers

Denaby Boxing – Bert Priestley Back in Ring

Denaby Boxing – Objection To Referee – Principal Refuses to Box.

Denaby Boxing – Territorial Bouts at Denaby.

Major Leslie’s Cup Competition (picture)

Shooting Competition.

Trials With Huddersfield. (picture)

Midland League Results – March 4th 1929

Denaby Utd – Great Denaby Players

Denaby Utd – Denaby 4, Scarboro’ 3 – Denaby Back to Form in Entertaining Game

Midland League Results – March 11, 1929

Midland League Results – March 18, 1929 – Away Teams do Well

Denaby Utd – Grantham 0 Denaby United 3 – Denaby Render Excellent Account

Midland League Results – March 25, 1929 – York Player’s 50th Goal of Season

Midland League Table – March 25th 1929

Denaby Utd – Midland League Results – March 1929


Denaby Canal Rescue

Two Road Deaths – Conisboro’ Smash Victims.

Woman’s Courage Saves Neighbour In Flames.

Industry and Commerce

Fortunate Conisborough – Council’s Sound Financial Position.

To Be Strictly Non-Party – Conisbro’ Council’s New Chairman’s Promise.

“Too Many Lectures.“ – Councillor and Retiring Woman Chairman.


Conisborough Church Parade

Fullerton Hospital.

Ancient and Modern (picture)

Conisborough Middle School (picture)

The Last Steeplechase. (picture)

“Cupid and the Ogre”

Crime and Courts

“Big Entry ” Gang – Denaby “Tossing” School Raided.


Cricket Once More (picture)

Midland League Result – April 2, 1929 – Mansfield Town Increase Their Lead.

Denaby Utd – Frickley Colliery 3. Denaby 2

Montagu Cup. – Bolton 2, Conisboro’ 0 – Bolton Tactics Win – Luck of Cup Final Ties.

Midland League Results – April 8, 1929 – New Forward Does “Hat Trick.” – Player’s Leg Broken.

Denaby United’s Origin.

Midland League Results – April 15, 1929 – Frickley Check Potential Champions.

Midland League Results – April 22nd 1929 – Wombwell Lose Last Home Match.

Denaby Utd – Staveley 4, Denaby 2 – Good for Staveley.

Midland League Results – April 29th, 1929 – Mansfield Town Third Time Champions

Midland League Table – April 29, 1929

Denaby United Results


Broken Chain – Denaby Mining Student’s Death by Misadventure.

Denaby Boy’s Death – Thrown off his Bicycle.

Local News -Sheep Worrying At Conisbro’ – Conisbro’ Demonstration.

Youngest Voter

Industry and Commerce

Mr. T. Williams’ Claim For Labour (picture)

Rent Arrears Problem – Court Orders Ignored by Tenants.


Roman Catholics May Procession.

Denaby Church Players – “Our Bessie.”

Funeral Delay – Unfortunate Misunderstanding

May Festival at Denaby (picture)

Conisborough Old Folk’s Tea.

The New Middle School

Trains Obstructed – Miner-Ramblers’  Hooliganism At Conisborough.

Crime and Courts

Home, Sweet Home – A Lively Evening at Denaby,

Conisboro’ Speedmen Fined.


Kenneth Bateson – 10 wickets for 27 runs (picture)

Denaby & Cadeby – Bolton 154 Denaby 96 for 4

Denaby Utd – . Denaby United 1, Staveley 3 – Football “Tail.” – Tickhill Square Setback

Midland League Table – Final

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 148  Scarborough  223


Fatal Speed – Young Denaby Motor-Cyclist Killed – Crashed Into Van.

“Golden Wedding ” at Conisboro’. (picture)

Obituary – Mr George Wilkie (picture)

Returning for Vacation (picture)

Industry and Commerce

A Transforming Station.

Distress at Denaby.

The Don Valley Declaration


Corpus Christi

New Middle School At Conisboro’ : The “Quad’ (picture)

Crime and Courts

A Troublesome Lodger.

An Unlucky Last Ride

Footballer’s Domestic Troubles.

Motor Cyclist’s Mistake.

Railway Trespass at Conisboro`.

Sequel to Conisborough Collision.

Too Shy To Come To Court.

Watered Milk – Vendor Fined but Not Blamed.

Body of Unknown Young Man Found in Field – Suicide By Poisoning

A Brutal Assault – Gaol for Denaby Man.

Election Echo – Councillor and Communist in Conflict


Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 245 for 9 Rossington 246 for 3 – Checkmated By Rossington.

Denaby & Cadeby – Firbeck 129 Denaby 234 for 7 – Williams’s Century – Biggest Total And First Win.

Denaby & Cadeby – Mexboro’ 134 for 7   Denaby 127 – Cheap Wickets For Day.

Midland League Fixtures


A Cooler By The Way.(picture)

Industry and Commerce

Denaby Pit Death.

Pit Roof Fall – Heroic Efforts to Rescue Entombed Miner

Conisborough U.D. Council.


The Bandsmen’s Race. (picture)

Conisbro’ Hospital Sunday – Hostel for Sick Mothers – Signs Of Progress.

Denaby Hospital Sunday – The Motorists’ Dues.

Denaby Main Hospital Demonstration – Mile Parade

Crime and Courts

“Dangerous Driving” Summons Dismissed.

Disorderly Denaby Men.

House-Owner Living in a Railway Coach.

In The Cornfields.

Local Court Cases

Local Court Cases

Conisborough Bathroom Tragedy

Conisborough Cemetery Incident – Alleged Savage Attack on Woman


Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 176  Rawmarsh  75 – Reg.Probert in Form

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby  113  Bentley  115 for 5 – Bower and Chambers Busy at Denaby.

Denaby & Cadeby – Doncaster 128  Denaby 99

Denaby & Cadeby – Collegiate 140 for 7 Denaby 260 for 6


Runaway Van – Collision with ‘Bus at Denaby.

No Ambulance In Village –  Conisborough Lags Behind – Road Peril.

Married 50 Years – Man Who Started Work When Seven Years Old.

Birley Spa. – Conisboro’ Man’s Purchase.

Industry and Commerce

Pensions For Miners

Fat Works Fire – Conisboro Blaze.

Council Houses.

Houses by Direct Labour – Conisborough’s Loan For £23,200.


Denaby Churchman’s Post.

Crime and Courts

Denaby Woman and Baby.

In the Courts

Licensing Summonses – Case Against Conisborough Man Dismissed.

Brain Storm Suicide – Man Who Dreaded Water Drowned.

Shop Thefts “Confession.” – Watch Clue to Year-Old Doncaster Mystery.

Cemetery Scene – Conisborough Miner sent to Prison for Brutal Assault


A Conisboro’ Colt (picture)

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 159  Mexborough 193 for 9

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 74 for 2 Swinton 207 for 2

Denaby & Cadeby – Swinton 97 Denaby 101 For 6

Denaby Utd – Denaby 1, Wath Athletic 1 – Wath Break A Run.

A Tennis Champion (picture)

Denaby & Cadeby – Scarborough 185 for 7  Denaby 227

Yorkshire Council – Final Table

Yorkshire Council – Final Table

Denaby Utd – Denaby 7, Staveley 1 – Sparkling Display Against Staveley


Denaby Girl Killed – Road Perils for Children. – Teachers’ Help Asked

Boy’s Amazing Escape – Unhurt After Being Run Over by Bus at Denaby.

Conisborough Farm Fire (picture)

Conisbro’ Grinder Injured.

Girl Killed on Same Road.

A Study in Expressions

New Children’s Playground at Conisborough Crags (pictures)

Industry and Commerce

Better Era For Miners – What Welfare Work Has Done – Conisbro’ Gift.

Conisbro’ “Snobs.” – Woman Councillor’s Caustic Comment.


Church Extension at Conisborough (pictures)

Denaby Memorial Park Scheme.

Shadows of Mining Village Life (picture)

St Alban’s School Swimming Champions (picture)

Crime and Courts

Wheel and Woe.

A Conisborough Feud.

A Conisborough Nuisance.

Denaby Miner’s Assault


Denaby Bouts.

Denaby Utd – Denaby 1  Barnsley Reserves 5

Homing Pigeon – Denaby Society’s Last Young Bird Race.

Denaby Utd – Denaby 2 Mansfield Town 3

Denaby Utd – Denaby 3  Notts County Res. 2 – United’s Changes Bring Improved Form.

Denaby Utd – Mansfield Town 4  Denaby 2 – Give the Champions Good Game.

Denaby Utd – Wombwell 5  Denaby 1 –  Unusual Experience For Denaby.

Denaby Utd – Denaby 1, Wombwell 5 – Wombwell’s Turn – Unhappy Day For Denaby.

Denaby Utd – Wath Athletic 1  Denaby 3


Wedding – Burton – Ogilwy – Arch of Axes – Firemen at Wedding of Colleague.

Wedding – Foster & Bates – Much Married (picture)

Industry and Commerce

Denaby and Cadeby Main Collieries – Annual Report

A Conisboro’ Playground.- Effect on Sunday Schools: Council Action Awaited.

Children’s Playground – “Unclimbable” Fence.

Conisborough’s Plight – Two Alternatives to Rate Increase of 9d. In £.


Denaby Parish Church Debt

Commander’s Farewell – Praise of K.0.Y.L.I. Men

Conisborough Old Folk’s Tea.

Crime and Courts

Conisborough Inquest.

Dole Fraud – Denaby Man’s False Statements – Unprofitable Lodgers

Conisborough Poaching Fine

Intoxicants “On Strap.” – Conisborough Licensee Summoned.

“Not British” – Police Action Criticised By Solicitor – Beer On Credit.

Orchard Raiders at Conisboro’

Conisborough Man’s Suicide on Allotment.

Miner’s Wages and Pension – Recorder Puzzled by a Distinction.


Denaby Contests. – Primo Carnera watches Football

Denaby Utd – Wath Athletic 1, Denaby United 3 – Wath’s Bad Luck In Tussle With Denaby.

Denaby Bowls Experts.

Denaby Utd – Loughborough 2 Denaby 0 – Goalkeeper’s Fine Work.

Denaby United 2  Scarborough 0

Midland League Results – October 14, 1929

Denaby Utd – Worksop 3 Denaby United 1 – Denaby Unlucky

Midland league – October 25, 1929

Midland League Results – October 28, 1929


50 Years Married – Conisbrough Couples Advice (picture)

A Clever Motor Signalling Device (picture)

Missing From Conisboro’.

Industry and Commerce

Denaby Pit Fatality – Youth’s Death Caused by Breaking Rule.

Coalfields Distress Fund – 900 Applicants for £300 Grant to Conisborough.

Welfare Trustees’ Offer of Baths.


Smiles and Self-Help (picture)

Armistice Day – Solemn Ceremonies – Silence Amid Storm.

New Morley Place Headmaster

The Conisboro’ Ceremony (picture)

Crime and Courts

Children’s Food Alleged to Have Been Stolen by Conisborough Father.

“Fearful Record.” Conisboro’, Goldthorpe & Thurnscoe Poachers Heavily Fined.

Plasterer’s Compensation Claim.

Touchy About Their Characters

Domestic Troubles – Conisboro Man’s Strange Suicide Attempt

Found in the Don – Conisborough Haulage Hand’s Sad Death.

Shop Robbery – Sheffield and Denaby  Men Charged at Bakewell.

Policeman “Got Him” on Eight Occasions


How South Yorkshiremen Won The V.C. – Great War Deeds of Derring-Do.


Midland League Results – November 4, 1929

Denaby & Cadeby  Presentations.

Schools Soccer.

Midland League Results – November 11, 1929

Denaby Utd – Rotherham Utd Res 2 Denaby 3 – Sheffield Senior Cup.

A Contrast – Middle School Boys – Conisbrough Welfare

Denaby’s Gates.

Boxing at Denaby

Midland League Results – November 18, 1929

Burdened By Rates – Complaints at Meeting of the Denaby Cricket Club.

Midland League Results – November 25, 1929

Midland League Table – November 29, 1929


A Mishap By The Way (picture)

Found Drowned – Elderly Denaby Miner Found in Bolton Floods

Conisboro’ Couple – Golden Wedding Anniversary (picture)

Mr W. B. Wells – Former Chairman of Conisboro’ U.C. (picture)

Gloops Concert Party – Happy Gathering of 1,200 at Denaby.

Looking For Santa Claus.

Industry and Commerce

Family Insurance – Denaby Claim Paid

Fatal Accident at Yorkshire Main – Conisborough Man’s Escape.

Denaby Main Fund.

Royal Rockingham – History of Yorkshire’s Only Porcelain Pottery

Trade Review – Don and Dearne Valleys.

Crime and Courts


Unprovoked Assault.


Boxing at Denaby

From Denaby to the Wolves

Midland League Results – December 2, 1929

Midland League Results – December 9th, 1929

Midland League Results – December 16th, 1929

Hard Hitting At Denaby.

Midland League Results – December 23rd 1929

Denaby Utd – Mexborough Athletic 1, Denaby United 2. – Deserved Winners

Midland League Results – December 30th 1929


Cottages Gutted by Conanby Fire (picture)

Denaby Child Scalded – Inquest hears Story of Denaby Mother’s Ordeal.

“Maker Of Denaby.’’ – District’s Great Tribute To The Late Mr. W. H. Chambers.

Mr. Chambers’ Death – Loss To Cadeby and Denaby

Obituaries of 1929

Denaby Mourns Its Founder. – Impressive Scenes. Quarter-Mile Long Procession

Industry and Commerce

Buried By Fall – One Man Killed: Two Injured at Cadeby Pit.

50 Years at Denaby Pit

Sheffield Telegraph – Our Free Gift Scheme – Payment to Injured Denaby Miner.

Coalfields Distress Fund – Decision to Disband Local Committee.

Unemployment Scheme. – Proposed Improvements to Cost £26,000.


“Whence All But He Had Fled.”

Local Inns Redundant

Conisbrough and Denaby Events in 1929

Diary of Local History in 1929 – Quarter 1 – January to March

Diary of Local History in 1929 – Quarter 2 – April to June

Diary of Local History in 1929 – Quarter 3 – July to September

Diary of Local History in 1929 – Quarter 4 – October to December

Last Year’s Tale of Tragedy – A Diary of Inquests.

Crime and Courts

Conisbro’ Cliff Murder – Temperton Released

Burglarat David Haigh Ltd


Denaby Utd – Denaby 3, Rotherham United Reserve 1.

Midland League Results – January 2nd, 1930

Midland League Results – January 6th, 1930

The Future – What About The Midland League? Problems in South Yorkshire.

Denaby Utd – Bradford Reserves 3 Denaby 1 – Good Show against strong Bradford team

Denaby Utd – Denaby 2, Lincoln Reserve 5.

Denaby Utd – Scunthorpe United  5  Denaby   1

Midland League Results – January 27, 1930

Denaby Utd – Denaby 1, Loughboro’ Corinthians 2.

A Conanby “Star” – Captain Who Carried Them Through (picture)

The Record? – 20lb Pike (picture)


Dog Causes Tragedy – Denaby Pillion Rider’s Fate at Maltby.

Fell under Dray – Conisbrough Policeman’s Son Killed – Child Eye Witness

Slipped Under Dray – Driver Exonerated at Inquest on Conisbro’ Child.

Obituary – Mr H.C. Taylor (picture)

Conisborough Boy’s Amazing Strength – Six-Inch Nails Bent

Industry and Commerce

Coal To Be Cheaper – Lower Carting Charges In Denaby And Cadeby.


Conisborough Ambulance Workers.

Crime and Courts

Denaby Man’s Wandering In The Early Hours

Boys Break Into School – Parents to Blame For Thefts, Say Bench.

Shopbreaking – Torn Coat as Evidence

Witness Warning

Wife Witness Missing

Alleged Blows at Hotel – Denaby Man Said to be in Critical Condition.

Denaby Man’s Assault – Struck Woman in Public House


Midland League Results – February 3, 1920

Denaby Secretary Cautioned – Christmas Day Incident

Conanby’s Schemer (picture)

Denaby Utd – Sheffield Utd Res. 4, Denaby 0. – United Reserves Too Good for Denaby.

‘Lal Barker’ – Brother of Jack

Resignation of Denaby United Secretary (picture)


Golden Wedding – Happy Conisboro’ Couple – Preached To Sheep & Turnips. (picture)

Mr. G.L. Robinson – A Notable Cricketer – To Be Buried In His Colours. (picture)

Industry and Commerce

Accident – Fatal Roof Fall.

An Exhibition of Miners’ Safety Lamps (picture)


Conisbro’s ” Bard “- The Rev. David Williams. – ” Dewi Mai.” (picture)

Conisbrough Bard in his Bardic Chair (picture)

Plan To Demolish Old Denaby Church.

Conisborough Arts and Crafts (picture)

Crime and Courts

A General Nuisance – Conisborough Man Bound Over

Denaby Hotel Dispute.

Hospital Depositions – Constable’s Action Criticised at Doncaster.


Denaby Utd – Lincoln City Res  6 Denaby 1 – Nasty Blow for Denaby. (picture)

Denaby Utd – Denaby 4  Shirebrook 1

Denaby Utd – Denaby 1, Bradford Reserves 2.

Denaby Chairman and Financial Secretary Resign.


Lines Blocked by Derailed Coal Trucks – Train Diverted In Time.

Conisborough’s Oldest Resident Dead.

Industry and Commerce

The “Hill Top Hotel,” Conisborough, Near Doncaster for Sale

Conisborough’s Hill Top Hotel Sold

Pit’s Closed for Easter

Fresh Blood.(picture)

Conisborough Council and Bus Licences – “Wangle” Alleged.

“Wrong People Present.” Demand That Conisborough Council Business Be Cancelled.


A Denaby Resignation.

Crime and Courts

Conisbro’ Man’s “Bit.”

Dustmen Fined For Assault


Denaby Boxers Figure In Contests At Stalybridge.

A Wicket Down – The burial of Luther Robinson, of Denaby. (pictures)

Industry and Commerce

Fatally Injured At Colliery Screens.


Denaby Boxing Contests.

Poor Support – Future of Denaby United Club in the Balance.

Denaby United – Club Will Fulfil its Fixtures.

Placed on record

Denaby Swift’s Centre Forward (picture)

Denaby’s Captures: Talk Of Transfers (picture)

Midland League Results – April 22, 1930

Denaby Boxing Ban.

Midland League – Final Table 1930/31


Conisboro’ Man’s Death – Unhappy End to Friendly Football Game.

Motor-Cyclists Collide.

Deaths – Mr. J. H. Bradley & Mr. W. T. Stuart

Ambulance Pioneer – One of “Wicked” Denaby’s Just Men (picture)

A Good and Faithful Servant (picture)

Wedding – Smethurst & Ward (picture)

Industry and Commerce

Killed By Keystone – Fatal Accident at Conisboro’ Cliff – Quarryman Crushed.

Two Quarrymen Injured.


May Pageant at Denaby (picture)

Denaby Rifle Team’s Success.

Denaby Not Wicked – Spirited Reply By Vicar – “All Twaddle.”

 “Wicked Denaby.”

Denaby Defended – “Beer-Drinking and Romanism Two Great Qualities.”

Practical Christianity of Miners.

Sunday at “Wicked” Denaby.

Crime and Courts

House-Painting Offers – Conisborough Man Sent For Trial.


Denaby & Cadeby – Wath Athletic 131 for 2  Denaby  129 –  Wath Trounce Denaby.

Denaby & Cadeby – Hickleton Main 95  Denaby 102 – Narrow Win by Denaby.

Foster Sees It Through

Boxing at Denaby

Woodhead Signed by Hull (picture)

Rawmarsh 70  Denaby  72 for 8


Local Wills – W .H. Chambers’s Estate.

Industry and Commerce

Yorkshire Traction Co Ltd (advert)


Veteran Bellringers.(picture)

Corpus Christi at Denaby. (picture)

Conisborough Notes – June 6th

Conisborough Notes – June 27th

Conisborough Notes – June 13th

Montagu Estates – Colliery Company’s Purchases – Conisbro’ Farms Sold.

Crime and Courts

Denaby Man Fined for Street Betting – Tram Escape Fails

Prison for Butcher – Story of “Fiendish Cruelty” to a Bullock


Good Bouts at Denaby – A Battle of Giants.

Denaby & Cadeby – Mexborough 211 for 7 Denaby 186 for 7

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 189 Bolton 32 for 2 – Denaby’s Recovery


Mr Bernard William Gibbs,

Wedding –Sellers & Todd (picture)

Industry and Commerce

Sale of Red Lion Hotel, Conisborough.

A Conisboro’ Inventor – Safety Device for Lifts and Cages.

Who is my Neighbour?


Fullerton Hospital Sports (picture)

Conisbro’ Feast. – 40th Hospital Demonstration

Fullerton Hospital Sports –The Will to Win

Pig Club Closes

A Record Parade (picture)

Crime and Courts

The Long Arm – Constable Stern Chase


Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 192 for 8  Rotherham 190 – Wright’s 138 in 90 Minutes.

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 289 for 6  Elsecar  159 for 1 – Two Centuries at Denaby.


 On The Rocks – A Cayton Bay Mystery – Denaby Girls’ Adventure

Industry and Commerce

Crushed To Death – Trapped By Trucks – Shunting Mishap.

Ambulance Work Trophy

Conisboro’ U.D.C. – The Clerk and Conveyancing Fees.

Conisboro’ U.D.C. – County Areas Conference.

Conisboro’ U.D.C. – Missing Voucher – Memorial Park – Open Air Baths

Conisboro’ U.D.C. – The Recovery Of Rent Arrears.

Denaby Main Swimming Bath


Conisborough Castle Damage – Police!

Crime and Courts

Kicked Step-Son – Denaby Pedlar’s Cruel Conduct

Conisborough Man’s Boast.

Conisborough Man’s Fatal Depression – Alone With the Gas Ring.

Waterproof as Counterpane – Conisboro’ Man’s Theft.

Denaby Thefts – Miner Sent To Prison

Wholesale Thieving – Men’s Bad Record  – “Ought Not To Be At Large”


Wright for Record ?

A Denaby Bradman (picture)

Denaby & Cadeby dnb  Hickleton 197

Left Arm Slow Break Bowler Discovery

Denaby United Capture

Denaby & Cadeby – Bentley 45 for 1  Denaby 44 – Veteran Unplayable.

Denaby & Cadeby – Debaby 135 Mexborough 125 for 6 – Prolonged Rain prevents Certain Victory.


Gallant Rescues – Life-Saving at Mexborough and Denaby.

Unavoidable Street Accident at Denaby – Sudden Dash – Boy Killed.

A Churchwarden.

A Woman Warden.

Bad Luck for Pigeon Fancier

Industry and Commerce

Conisborough U.D.C. – An “Edgar Wallace” Mystery. “Missing Voucher.”

Conisborough Notes – Sixty Steps – Iron Water Tanks – Rent Arrears

Conisborough U.D.C. – Another Interview with the Unemployed


Conisborough Ambulance Problems

The Great Storm – “Lansbury Lido”

Crime and Courts

Dog Worries Fowls – Conisboro’ Man Ordered To Pay.

Denaby Auxiliary Postman Sent To Prison – Pilfered The Post.


Fullerton Cup Final – Denaby 196  Mexborough 166

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 215  Wath  21 for 1

Denaby Utd – Bradford 5  Denaby 0 – Denaby’s Bad Start at Bradford

Denaby Utd – Denaby 2 Rotherham 0 – Better Work. Denaby’s First Win.

Conisborough Cricket Club – Review of the Season.

Denaby Utd – Rotherham United Reserve 1  Denaby United  4 – Denaby’s Double at Millmoor

Denaby Utd – Hull City Res 2 Denaby 1

Denaby Utd – Hull 2 Denaby 1 – Denaby Beaten At Hull.


Headmistress Who Acted as Council Clerk.

Public Award for Bravery

Industry and Commerce

Fall of Roof Could Not Have Been Prevented

Crushed Between Tubs – Inquest on Young Colliery Worker – Carried 3000 yards

Fatal Accidents – Killed at Denaby and Barnbro’

Killed by Fall of Roof

Shaft Accident – Lucky Deputy (picture)


Licensee Changes

Denaby School Gala .

Denaby Swimming Gala (picture)

Gallant Girls. (picture)

Mexborough Baths to Cost £18,000.

Crime and Courts

Court Cases

Furious Bicycle And No lights

House Breaking at Goole


Denaby Utd – Denaby 3 Nottm Forest Res 5 – Forest Too Fast And Strong

Denaby Utd – Denaby 2 Grimsby Town Reserves  3 – Trial Winger Scores Twice

Denaby Utd – Denaby 2  Mexborough Town 2 – Even Battle After Early Shocks.(picture)

Denaby Utd – Mexborough Town 2  Denaby 1 – Effective Second Half Policy.

Denaby Utd – Denaby 2 Hull City Res 2 – Young Centre-Forward Impresses

Denaby Utd – Denaby 6  Notts County Res  3 – Vollans’ Hat Trick.”


Headlong Fall – Domestic Mishap at Denaby – Slip On Stairs.

Methodist’s Loss – Mr George Taylor

Conisbro’ Law Student’s Success (picture)

Wedding – Robinson & Broadhead – Mexborough Cricketers Wedding


Denaby Folk Dancers (picture)

Crime and Courts

Young Denaby Couple’s Troubles.

A Denaby Crowd – Attracted by Sight of a Policeman.

Betting at Denaby – End of a Bad Season.

The Writing on the Wall

Throwing Lighted Fireworks – Silly Denaby Lad.


Denaby Utd – Bradford City Reserves  4 Denaby United  1 – Play Pluckily with a Depleted Side.

Denaby Utd – Denaby 2 Grantham 1 – Pace and Perseverance.


Denaby Man’s Fate – Found Drowned in the Thames

Fog Smash – Milk Flowed

Trackless Accident.

Obituary – Mr Cyrus Scholfield

Industry and Commerce

Trade Review – Don and Dearne Valleys – Prospects None Too Bright.

Conisborough U.D.C. – Bus Halts and Shelters – Allotments for Unemployed

County Libraries

Demolition and Road Works


School Concert – “House Plays”

Trackless Buses – The Doorstep Crawl

Crime and Courts

A Batch of Offenders

Faults on Both Sides – Magistrates’ Opinion of Conisbro’ Smash.


Inter Club Boxing.

Midland League Results – December 1, 1930 – Barnsley Beat Mexborough 13 – 2.

Midland League Results – December 22, 1930 – Scarborough Again Fail at Denaby.

Midland League Results – December 27, 1930 – Christmas Day Matches

Midland League Results – December 27, 1930 – Denaby Beat Mexborough.

Midland League Results – December 29 1930 – 7 “Hat Tricks’’ in 5 Matches

Midland LeagueTable – December 29, 1930

Denaby Utd – Midland League Results – December 1930


Gallant Youth – Recognition of Canal Rescue (picture)

Conisbrough’s first Barrister (picture)

Denaby Wife’s Tragedy – Husband Reproved – Father’s Sad Discovery.

Children’s Corner – Hazel Wall (Conanby) (picture)

Industry and Commerce

Denaby Empire & Kirby’s (Adverts) – Dangerous Curves (video)

Dangerous Practice – Pony Driver’s Death at Cadeby

Pit Pensions. – Denaby & Cadeby Men’s Annual Tea -Triumph of Co-Operation.

Trade In 1931- The Local Outlook – No Great Expectations

By-pass from Buckingham Road to Balby Street started.

Local Personalities – Mr A. Roberts


Quaker Mission – Conisbro’ Man’s Work Among Freed Slaves.

Conisborough Notes – Jan 16, 1931 – Ante Natal – Library – Birth & Death Rates

Conisborough Notes – Jan 23, 1931 – Brooke Square – Trackless Termnus

Leading Local Events in 1930 – Achievements and Disappointments – Quarter 1

Leading Local Events in 1930 – Achievements and Disappointments – Quarter 2

Leading Local Events in 1930 – Achievements and Disappointments – Quarter 3

Leading Local Events in 1930 – Achievements and Disappointments – Quarter 4

The Casualty List 1930

Crime and Courts

“Bedlam” in Hotel – Denaby Men in Court after Disturbance


Midland League Results – January 5th 1931

Hancock Transferred – Clever Inside-Right for Liverpool.

Midland League Results – January 12th 1931

Midland League Results – January 19th 1931

Midland League Results – 24th January 1931

Midland League Table – January 26th 1931

Denaby Utd – Results to January 25th 1931


Denaby Miner’s Collapse – Natural Causes

Fatal Scalds – Coroner on a Common Domestic Danger.

Fire Tragedy – Shocking Mishap Old Man Burnt to Death – Three Horses Perish

Fire Tragedy – The Inquest – Shocking Mishap at Denaby (picture)

Industry and Commerce

Whirled Round Shaft – Denaby Man Caught in Screen – Unseen Accident.

Difficult Times Ahead – Justifying Large-Scale Combination.

Conisborough Fire Brigade

Conisborough U.D.C. – 1. Unemployment and the Six Hour Solution

Conisborough U.D.C. – 2. Scholarships to Mexborough

Conisborough U.D.C. – 3. Plea for Conversions – Conisborough Still in Backward State.

Conisborough U.D.C. – 4. Unemployed’s Subject – Allotments – Humane Certificate -Visitor Shocked


Mr. Hanmer’s “Toilers” – London Critic’s Praise.

Conisborough Cliff Caves

Where is This ? – “Cow Pasture”

Where is This ? – The Old Ruin on Crookhill Road

“Highwayman Love” – Conisboro’ Church Society’ Production.

Crime and Courts

Conisboro’ Suicide – A Sad Family History – Third Hanging.

Frauds on Public

Park Road Robbery.


Midland League Results – February 2nd 1931

Midland League Results – February 9th, 1931

Midland League Results – February 16th, 1931

Denaby Utd – Denaby 4 Loughborough 0 – Denaby United Forwards Show Good Form.

Denaby Utd – New Men in Doncaster’s Reserve Team.

Midland League Results – February 23, 1931

Denaby Utd – Doncaster Rovers 1 Denaby 3

Denaby Utd – Results to February 23rd, 1931

Midland League Table, February 23rd, 1931


Mr. Jesse Hill – Valued Public Servant – Conisboro’ Rating Officer.

Wedding – Davies & Elliott (picture)

Industry and Commerce

Coal Problem – Miners Without Coal – Strike Threat

Denaby Pit to Close for Alterations.

Miners Unable to Obtain Own Supply in Coal Problem

County Council Elections (pictures)


Handicraft for Women (picture)

Marconigrams – March 13, 1931

Marconigrams – March 20, 1931

Marconigrams – March 27, 1931

Marconigrams – March 06, 1931

The School “Smithy” (picture)

Crime and Courts

A Nuisance to the Neighbourhood.

Denaby Men Taken by Surprise

Denaby Miner Sent to Prison

Shop-Breaking – Miners Sent To Prison – Two Denaby Cases.


Midland League Results – March 2nd 1931

Spectator “Warned Off.” – Alleged Kicking of Linesman at Denaby.

Midland League Results – March 9th 1931

Denaby Utd – Denaby 0 Chesterfield Res 2 – Attack Shows More Thrust

Midland League Results – March 16th, 1931

Boxing – Ellis Ashurst (picture)

Boxing – Steve Firman

Conisboro’ Rangers – Only Unbeaten Team in the District

Midland League Results – March 23, 1931

Midland League Games – March 24, 1931

Midland League Results – March 26th, 1931

Denaby United Report Financial Loss.

Midland League Results – March 30th, 1931

Denaby Utd – Results to March 31st

Midland League Table – March 31 1931


Golden Wedding – Mr & Mrs Wrathmell

Obituary – Mr. G. Severn – Distinguished Ambulance Officer.

Industry and Commerce

A Coal Shortage – Denaby Miners’ Home Supplies


Fullerton Hospital – Growing Demands on Denaby Institution

Crime and Courts

Grab And Smash In Cadeby Lane.

Rate Summons – Order against Denaby Man

The Denaby Coal Famine – More ” Quota ” Trouble.


Denaby Utd Progress – Improved Balance Sheet Despite Difficulties.

Midland League Results – April 4th, 1931

Midland League Results – April 6th, 1931

Midland League Results – April 7th, 1931

Midland League Results – April 8th 1931

Midland League Results – April 13, 1931

Denaby Utd – Shirebrook 1  Denaby 2 – Denaby Get Both Points at Shirebrook.

Midland League Results – April 20th 1931

Denaby Utd – Denaby 3  Shirebrook  3

Midland League Results – April 27th 1931

Denaby Utd – Midland League Results 1930 /31

Midland League – Final Table 1930/31


Denaby Baby’s Death – Coroner’s Advice to Parents – Provide Cots.

Fatal Wobble – Elderly Miner Killed By Trolley ‘Bus – Denaby Accident.

Industry and Commerce

Pit Bump – Mexborough Man Killed – Huge Stone

Good and Faithful Servant (picture)

Conisboro’ County Council By-Election.

Conisbro’ Urban District – Something Attempted, Something Done – Decade of Progress

West Riding County Council Vacancy


Cinema – Denaby Empire

The Roman Catholic May Festival (picture)

Marconigrams – May 1st 1931

Marconigrams – May 8th 1931

Marconigrams – May 15th 1931

Marconigrams – May 22nd 1931

Marconigrams – May 29th 1931

Crime and Courts

Denaby Poachers – Offenders all Round

Blighted Career – Conisborough Councillor Sent To Prison. (picture)


Yorkshire Council Cricket – Thriller at Denaby

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 209 for 6 Swinton 202 for 8 – Palpitating Finish at Swinton.


Wedding – Flint & Gibson

Wedding – Westlake & Wheelhouse (picture)

Industry and Commerce

Yorkshire Traction Company Enterprise – Modern Travel by Road – Sunday by the Sea.

Denaby Main Colliery – 100 Men Out of Work – Proposed Levy.

Denaby Pottery

County Council By-Election.

Shock for Socialists – County Council Candidate Bottom of Poll.


Church Lad’s Brigade Camp at Rhyl

Local Landmarks – Conisborough Castle (picture)

Marconigrams – June 5th 1931

Marconigrams – June 12th, 1931

Marconigrams – June 26th, 1931

Crime and Courts

“Stolen” Bikes – A Denaby Pit-Yard Mix-up


Denaby Boxing

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 90  Collegiate  92 for 6 – Collegiate’s First Win of the Season

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 228 for 6  Bullcroft 161 – Denaby’s Best.


Baths Accident.

Denaby Main Youth as Stowaway.

Wedding – Sharp & Ogley (picture) – A Picturesque Conisborough Wedding

Wedding – Willis & Dryden (picture)

Industry and Commerce

Appeal to Denaby Miners.

The Pride  of the Pit. (picture)

Conisboro’ Glass Works Veterans (picture)

Veteran Glass Workers -15 Kilners’ Men Share 800 Years’ Service – Industrial Pioneers.

Conisborough Council and Its Employees.


Canon Leteux – Roman Catholic Priest Leaving Conisborough

A Hospital Fellowship (picture)

Denaby Hospital Sports

Denaby Hospital Sports (pictures)

Good old Mexborough, Denaby, and Conisborough,

No Short Weight (picture)

Crime and Courts

Assault on Constable.


Wrestling and Boxing – Spirited Contests on Denaby United Ground.

Denaby & Cadeby – Bullcroft Main 201  Denaby . 214 for 7 – Win at Bullcroft.

Referee Declares “No Contest” at Denaby.

Denaby & Cadeby – Mexborough. 147 Denaby 148 for 6 – Four Wickets to Spare


Bus in Ditch – Twenty-five Passengers in Mexborough Vehicle

Conisborough Fatality – Extraordinary Circumstances in Boy’s Death.

Fatal Stumble – Boy’s Death from Broken Neck.

Retirement of Cadeby Veteran (picture)

Industry and Commerce

Retiring Station Master – Remarkable Railway Record of Family.


New Wesleyan Minister (picture)

Wesleyan Minister’s Retirement.

Woman Organist at Conisborough.

Children’s Day Out – 15 Coaches

Brighter Denaby

Conisboro’ Causerie – August 21, 1931

Crime and Courts

Smart Sentences on Doncaster Poachers.


Contests at Denaby Main.

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 111 Wath 113 for 7 – Dour Struggle For Wath.

Midland League Results – August 31st 1931


Girl’s Death Mystery – Poser for Coroner’s Jury at Denaby.

Wedding – Joyner  & Pikett (picture)

Wedding – Kelsall (84) & Salmons (74)

Commissioner’s Camp – District Scouts at Clumber.

Industry and Commerce

20 Years At Colliery – Cadeby Main Under-Manager to Retire.


Castle by Night – Striking Effects of Floodlighting at Conisborough.

Conisborough Notes – Church Matters

Vicar Going West

Conisborough Notes – Woman Organist

Conisborough Notes – Pubs & Clubs

Conisborough Notes. – Hawkers & Footpaths

Weekend Floods – In the Days of the Flood – ” Flood Friday.”

Last Post

Marconigrams – September 18th, 1931

Marconigrams – September 4th 1931

South Yorkshire Times and Mexborough and Swinton Times

“South Yorkshire Times” – Memories of Early Days – An Old Friend of the Paper

Weekend Floods – Adventures in Dufton’s Row (pictures)

Weekend Floods – Off to School on Monday Morning (picture)

Weekend Floods – Railway Under Water

Weekend Floods – Tragedy and Comedy

Weekend Floods – Woman’s Gallantry – Pickaback Rescues

Weekend Floods – Worst for Generations – Recollections of Other Floods

Crime and Courts

Student’s Smash – Dangerous Driving Case Dismissed.

Young Brigands – Conisboro’ Lads Widespread Looting.


Denaby & Cadeby – Well Done Wath – At The Top of The Table

Denaby Utd – Denaby  6  Scarborough  1 – Scarboro’ Skittled.

Denaby Utd – Frickley Colliery  3  Denaby 2 – Better Team Work Wins.

Midland League Results – September 7th, 1931

Denaby Utd – Denaby 2 Scunthorpe  2 – Scunthorpe Deserved Draw

Midland League Results – September 14th, 1931

Penalty Scorer Walker

Midland League Results – September 28th, 1931

Denaby Utd – Lincoln City Reserves  6  Denaby United  2 – Sharp- Shooting Forwards


Accidents – Runaway Cart, Colliery, Football

Industry and Commerce

Officials’ Salaries. Conisborough – Council Defer Consideration


Castle Lighting

A Floodlight Sidelight. (picture)

Conisborough Castle by Floodlight (picture)

Conisboro’ Gala – Triumph for Middle School – Station Road Girl’s “Solo” Feats

Conisborough Notes – Measles & Infant Mortality

Marconigrams – October 02nd, 1931

New Denaby Memorial Park


Midland League Results – October 12th , 1931

Boxing at Denaby Main.

Midland League Results – October 26th, 1931

Midland League Table – October 26th 1931

Denaby Man Continues with Injured Shoulder.

Midland League – Local Results to October 31st 1931

Crime and Courts

Miner Gets Damages – Slipped From ‘Bus. – Crushed Foot


Contractor Buried And Entombed Four Hours.

Conisboro’ Chemist’s Sudden Death (picture)

Obituary – Mr R Coleman – Loss to Conisborough Church Life (picture)

Windfall at Conanby (picture)

Industry and Commerce

Pit Reorganisation – 600 Miners to Receive Notices.

Has The Tide Turned? – Trade Review – Coal, Iron & Steel, Brass, Glass, Soaps & Oils

Conisborough U.D.C. –  Rota System of Employment Unworkable – No Economy Yet.


Conisborough Vicar – Parting Gifts & Tributes – Impressive Record

Marconigrams – November 20th, 1931

Crime and Courts

The Smaller Fry.


Midland League Results – November 02nd, 1931

Denaby Utd – Hull City Reserves 4   Denaby 2 – Unlucky to Lose at Hull.

Midland League Results – November 09th, 1931

Denaby Utd – Bradford City Reserves 2  Denaby 0 – Brilliant Work by Goalkeeper.

Midland League Results – November 16th, 1931

Denaby Utd – Notts County Reserves  7  Denaby  1 – Notts Player Gets 5 Goals

Midland League Results – November 23rd, 1931

Midland League Results – November 30th, 1931

Midland League Table – November 30th 1931


After the Funeral – Bearer Found Dying on the Line – Shocking Injuries.

Two Injured by Fall of Roof.

Industry and Commerce

Cadeby Disaster 1912 – Distress Fund

Mutual Help Fund – Over £20,000 Paid Out Since 1925 at Denaby.

Don and Dearne Valleys – Upward Tendency of Trade

New Imports Order – 50 Per Cent. Duty on Many Articles.

Social Worker’s Funeral.

Big Denaby Scheme to Start Now – To Cost £16,000.

Work for Unemployed – Council Adopts “Rotary” Scheme.


Great Pastor – Reverend Canon Leteux

Cub Champions. (picture)

Marconigrams – December 04th, 1931

Marconigrams – December 11th, 1931

Crime and Courts

Cycling  Across “Rec.”

Denaby Betting House – Bookie Nearly Too Quick For Police.

Hire Purchase Piano – Prison for Fraudulent Conisbrough Miner

Wages and Dole – Denaby Relief Waiters Sent To Prison.


Midland League Results – December 07th, 1931

Brief Contests at Denaby Main.

Midland League Results – December 14th, 1931

Midland League Results to December 27th 1931

Midland League Results – December 28th, 1931

Midland League Table – December 28th, 1931

Midland League – Local Results to December 28th 1931


Casualty List of 1931

Death of Mrs Hill

Mr. H. Hulley – Fatal Collapse at Cup-Tie – Holder of King’s Medal (picture)

Wedding – Shields & Law (picture)


The Rev. W. J. T. Pascoe. (picture)

1931 Casualty List

Conisborough & Denaby Events in 1931

Review of 1931 – Quarter 1  – January to March

Review of 1931 – Quarter 2 – April to June

Review of 1931 – Quarter 3 – July to September

Review of 1931 – Quarter 4 – October to December

Crime and Courts

Backyard Squabble – Denaby Neighbours Bound Over.

After Turnips – Denaby Brothers In Trouble.

Alleged Cruelty To Mare – Warrant Issued For Denaby Man.

Forbidden Cycling At Conisboro’.

Police Court Birch For Bad Boys – Young Conisboro’ Thieves.

Brass Fittings Stolen From Cadeby.


Denaby Utd – Denaby  0 Mexborough 3 – Christmas Day at Denaby.

The Christmas Story – Denaby United v Mexborough Town

Midland league Results – January 4, 1932

Denaby’s Signing (picture)

Midland League Results – January 11, 1932

Midland League Results – January 18, 1932

Midland League Results – January 25, 1932

Midland League Table – January 25th, 1932

Midland League Local Results – January 1932


Accidents after School & on Scaffolding

Industry and Commerce

A Funny Roof – Mexboro’ Miner Killed At Denaby.

Cadeby Colliery Pithead Baths –  Cleanliness Leads To Better Feeling.

Home Coal Carting Committee

Mr. B. H. Pickering – Denaby & Cadeby Colliery Agent (picture)

PitHead Baths for Cadeby – £35,000 Plant (pictures)


Baptist Church

Chorister 32 Years.

New Hall for Denaby Main – Parishioners Complimented by Bishop.

The Bishop at Denaby (picture)

Wesleyan Church.

Marconigrams – February 12th, 1932

Marconigrams – February 19th, 1932

Marconigrams – February 26th, 1932

Minney Moor Close

Street Lamps

Crime and Courts

Police Court Girl “Gangsters.” – Conisboro’ Children’s Silly Exploit.


Denaby & Cadeby – Big Overdraft.

Midland League Results – February 1st 1932

Midland League Results – February 8th, 1932

Denabu Utd – Nottingham Forest Res 2  Denaby 2 – Championship Aspirants Get Fright

Midland League Results – February 15th, 1932

Denaby Utd – Denaby 1  Bradford City Reserves  1 – Black’s Brilliant Goal.

Denaby Utd – Grimsby Town Res  5  Denaby 3 – Denaby Extend Champions.

Midland League Local Results to February 29th, 1932

Midland League Results – February 29th, 1932

Midland League Table – February 27th, 1932


Body Recovered from Don – Inquest.

Drawing the Fire – Dangerous Domestic Practice – Child’s Death.

Found Drowned Mystery – A Mexborough Mystery

Theories of Denaby Woman’s Death – Family’s Tragic History

Conisborough Musical Society Operatic and Orchestral Programme. “The Rebel Maid.”

Death of Interesting Personality

Industry and Commerce

Denaby & Cadeby Main Collieries, Ltd., Company Report

Conisborough U.D.C. – Fixed Stewardship Meeting – Memorial Park – Employment of Ex-Service Men

“Stewards” Meeting – Conisboro’ Councillors Off Their Perch.


Flood Lighting Castle

Bridge over Kearsley Brook

Denaby Main War Memorial Park (picture)

Denaby School Gutted – Shock for Rossington Street Residents (picture)

Marconigrams – March 4th, 1932

Crime and Courts

Denaby Wood Tragedy – Keeper’s Encounter With Poachers – Fatal Shot

“A Good Time” At Mexboro’

Gas Meter Theft – Denaby Miner’s Poverty Plea


Hands Across The Sea – Corpl. Joseph Sheldrake. (picture)

Denaby Utd – Chesterfield Reserves 3  Denaby  3

Denaby Utd – Denaby 4  Rotherham United Reserves  1 – Denaby “Hat Trick.”

Denaby Utd – Denaby 3  Frickley Colliery 1 – Denaby Leave It Late.

Denaby Utd – Scarborough  3  Denaby 5 – United’s Splendid Win.

Midland League Local Results to March 29, 1932

Midland League Table – March 29, 1932


Burnt To Death – Denaby Girl’s Fate At Derby

Fatal Play – Denaby Child Crushed By Planks

Mexboro’ Man Killed At Denaby – Struck By Girder- Back Broken

Wedding – Marrow & Downing. (picture)

Industry and Commerce

Councillor – Albert Liversidge (picture)

Councillor – George Oldfield (picture)

Councillor – Frank Burns (picture)

Councillor – Herbert Wray (picture)

Election Address – Herbert Wray


A Show Place

Conisborough – A Show Place

Keen Racing at Denaby (picture)

Marconigrams – April 8th, 1932

Marconigrams – April 22nd, 1932

Marconigrams – April 29th, 1932

Crime and Courts

The Denaby Shooting Affair – Young Gamekeeper Acquitted

Strangling a Dog – Gross Cruelty at Denaby

Elderly Conisbro’ Labourer’s Theft


Denaby United Out of Debt.

Denaby Utd – Denaby 1  Gainsborough  1

Denaby Utd – York City Reserves  3   Denaby  0

Denaby Utd  – Denaby 5  Hull City Reserves  2 – Black’s Part in Fine Win (picture)

Denaby Utd – Denaby 2 Bradford Reserves  5

Denaby Utd – Barnsley Reserves  2  Denaby United  1 – Denaby Again Defeated.

Denaby Utd – Denaby  5  Hull City Reserves  2

Denaby Utd – Denaby  2  Boston United  2

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby Break New Ground – Withdrawal from South Yorkshire Section

Denaby Utd – Gainsborough  3  Denaby 2

Denaby Transfer Brannan – Brilliant Goalkeeper Joins Arsenal (picture)

Denaby Utd – Boston United  3  Denaby 3


A Fox Cub Collar

Wedding – Gill & Pears – In Football ‘Regalia’

Wedding – Hacker & Boot. (picture)

Wedding – Stones & Gill (picture)

Wedding – Thomas & Tupling (picture)

Industry and Commerce

Accident At Denaby Main – Rope Runner’s Death

Traffic Manager Reminiscences

A Novel Engine (picture)

Engine Number 10,000 (picture)

Conisboro’ U.D.C. – High Birth Rate & Infant Mortality – Birth Control Remedy


Roman Catholic Procession (picture)

The “Royal” Procession (picture)

Denaby and Cadeby War Heroes – An Old Debt Paid – What of the 300 Dead ?

Conisborough Notes – Spring Is With Us

Denaby and Cadeby War Heroes – An Old Debt Paid (picture)

Marconigrams – May 13th, 1932

Marconigrams – May 27th 1922

Marconigrams – May 6th, 1932

Saturday Torrents – Sunday Floods – 36 Hours Downpour – Serious Damage – One Life Lost

South Yorkshire Again Under Water

Stories Of The Flood – Week-End Despatches From All Areas

Stories of the Floods – Old Denaby & Mexborough

Crime and Courts

Betting Houses – Mexboro’, Denaby and Thurnscoe Cases – Heavy Fines

Cycling With Hands In Pockets

Denaby Cyclist Fined

Denaby “Tossing School” Raided

Conisboro’ Men’s Theft


Denaby & Cadeby – East Ardsley 93 Denaby 85

Denaby Utd – Frickley Colliery  2  Denaby 3 – Double Over Frickley.

Denaby Utd – Scunthorpe United  3  Denaby  3 – Denaby Surprise Scunthorpe.

Denaby Utd – Scunthorpe United  3  Denaby  3 – Denaby’s Big Lead Neutralised

Midland League – Local Results – Season 1931/32

Denaby Utd – Rotherham United Reserves  1  Denaby  United  5

Midland League – Final Table

Denaby & Cadeby – Firbeck 127 Denaby 76 – Tibbles Just Misses the Half-Century

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 197  Bullcroft  50 – Tibbles and Greenwood in Form

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 55  Mitchell Main  130 – Fine Fielding By Mitchell

Denaby Prims (picture)


Cyclist Killed – Collision with Van at Old Denaby

Denaby Child’s Death – Scalded With Bacon Fat

Honour for Medical Officer

Industry and Commerce

Killed By Tubs – Boy’s Neck Broken – Unexplained Accident

Another Scramble


Denaby Priest’s Views

A Foul Deed – Gentlest of Old Horses

Marconigrams.- June 03rd, 1932

Marconigrams – June 10, 1932

Marconigrams – June 17, 1932

Marconigrams – June 24th, 1932

Old Denaby Village Fete.

The Baby Show (picture)

The House of 2032

Crime and Courts

Pelting Pylons – Might Throw Thousands Out Of Work


Denaby & Cadeby – Rotherham Town 125 for 4   Denaby 121

Football In Denmark – Denaby Player’s Impressions  (picture)

Boxing at Denaby

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 68 for 1, Rotherham dnb – A Tibbles Revival

Another “Iron “? (picture)

Denaby & Cadeby – Frickley  242    Denaby 130 – Triumph Over Clock


Killed On Road – Conisboro’ Child’s Sudden Dash

An Octogenarian – Aaron Trout

Life-Saving Certificate – Rare Honour for Denaby Official

Wedding – Steel & Read (picture)

Wedding – Guest & Milnes (picture)

Industry and Commerce

Why Not a Trip into the Countryside ? (Advert)

An Old Service Remembered (picture)

An Old Service Remembered (picture)

Prize Pit Ponies (picture)

Local Boundary Schemes – Conisboro’ Proposal


Fullerton Hospital – Annual Demonstration – M.P.’s Appeals

The Drummer (picture)

The Honeymooners (picture)

Brook Square

Conisborough  Notes – Church Gift – Street Betting – Scalded

Marconigrams – July 01st, 1932

Marconigrams – July 08th, 1932

Marconigrams – July 22nd, 1932

Marconigrams – July 29th, 1932

Crime and Courts

Disgraceful Denaby Case – Prison for Public-House Pianist

Plunder – Prison for Fraud of Guardians

Denaby Woman’s “Comfortable” Suicide – “Suffered Awful”

Conisboro’ Shop Theft


Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 208 for 7 – Firbeck 215 for 6 – Denaby Foiled By Time

Denaby & Cadeby – Rossington  122  Denaby 123 for 9 – Another Win

Demnaby & Cadeby – Denaby 103 for 3 Collegiate 94

Denaby & Cadeby – Bentley 131 Denaby 94 for 4 – Rain Foils Denaby’s “Double” Effort



Fall from Bridge – Boy Killed on Railway – Shocking Injuries

Fall from Bridge – Denaby Boy Killed on Railway – Shocking Injuries

Obituary – Ned Longbottom.

Funeral – Sidney Pugh

Obituary – Leonard Palmer

Obituary – Sarah Ann Johnson

Obituary – Tom Cauldwell

Wedding – Berry & Brocklesby

Wedding – Cowles & Thompson (picture)

Wedding – Hinchcliffe & Dawson – Teachers Wed (picture)

Wedding – Johnson & Reynolds

Wedding – Lawrence & Gammon – Conisboro’ Tradesman’s Bride

Wedding – Wellings & Sampson (picture)

Wedding – Wheeliker & Cox (picture)

Stranded and Broke Urchins

Industry and Commerce

Pit Pensions – Increased Levy at Denaby and Cadeby

Dearne Valley Scythestones

Conisborough U.D.C. – District Boot Fund – Proposed Conference – Overlooked Clinic


Conisborough Notes – New Hotel – Examination Success – Outing – Cycling

Conisborough Notes – Swimming Certs – Public Conveniences – Privy Middens

Marconigrams – August 05th, 1932

Marconigrams – August 12th, 1932

Marconigrams – August 19th, 1932

Marconigrams – August 26th, 1932

Crime and Courts

Cyclist Knocked Down – Denaby Motorist Fined – Stopped To Scold

Denaby Betting House

Denaby Miner Amok


Sport Levy to be Continued at Denaby Despite Hard Times

Deanaby & Cadeby – Denaby 121 Rossington 128 for 4

Denaby & Cadeby – Bullcroft 222 Denaby 127 for 3 – Denaby Bowling Collared

Denaby Utd – First Practice Match – Promising Talent At Denaby

Denaby & Cadeby – Mitchell Main 225 for 5 – Denaby 116 – Highest Score for Five Years


Obituary. Denaby’s Loss – Mr. G. H. Milnes (picture)

Conisboro’ Inventor – Non-Explosive Humane Killer

Mr Charles Hanmer

A Coming Champion

Our Portrait Gallery  (picture)

Industry and Commerce

Electric Loader – Demonstration at Cadeby – Reducing Costs

Sickles Of The World – How Conisbrough Serves All Lands (picture)

Conisboro’ U.D.C. – Sharing Work – Unemployed’s Suggestions – Cheaper Money


Cinema – Denaby Empire – Desert Song (video)

Cinema – Denaby Empire – Riders of the Purple Sage (video)

Denaby Show – The Years Bounty

A School’s Champion (picture)

Denaby Memorial Park

Marconigrams.- September 16th, 1932

Crime and Courts

Baby “Born With a Black Eye”

A Hawk-Eyed Policeman


Denaby Utd – Lincoln City Reserves  4  Denaby 1 – Denaby’s First Defeat.

Denaby Utd – Loughborough 1 – Denaby 2 – Fine Defence


Conisboro’ Horsekeeper Ready for a Rest (picture)

Long Service Award (picture)

Missing Young Couple

New to Licence Trade

Industry and Commerce

Problems of Poverty – Boots for Bairns – Convened Conference


“Black Diamonds.”

Church Brigade Champion (picture)

Church Halls

Conisborough Castle

S.J.A.B. Long Service (picture)

Marconigrams – October 28th, 1932

A Coming Champion (picture)

Conisborough News – Slaughtered Pigs – Gas Failure – Water & Lamps

Conisborough News – Weighing Machines – Conveniences – Congratulations

Local History – Significance of Place Names

Marconigrams – October 07th, 1932

Marconigrams – October 14th, 1932

Marconigrams – October 21st, 1932

School’s Champions  (picture)

Crime and Courts

A Noisy Hawker.

Conisborough Case Dismissed – “A Misunderstanding Somewhere”


Helper Robbed

Theft of Coal


Denaby Utd – Denaby 4 Pilkinton’s 0 – Only Two Local Midland Leaguers Left

Denaby Utd – Scarborough  3  Denaby  3 – Maintain Splendid Record

Water Fete – Conisboro’ Swimming Club Gala – Thrills at Denaby

Denaby Utd – Denaby 4 Rotherham United Res 1

Midland League Table, October 31st 1932


Wedding – Ward & Coombe – Married In Malta (picture)

Industry and Commerce

Denaby Co-Operative Society – Offer of Freehold Declined

Light on The Coal Quota – Collapse of the Export Trade

Conisboro’ U.D.C. – Chat About Chairs

Denaby Baths – Unemployed’s Request to Council


Practical ” Welfare “

Headmistress’s Farewell Prize Day

Marconigrams – November 04th, 1932

Marconigrams – November 11th, 1932

Marconigrams – November 25th, 1932

The Season of Remembrance – Sorrow And Pride


Denaby Utd – Denaby 4, Worksop 0 – Mastery In The Mud (picture)

Denaby Utd – Newark 0  Denaby 2 – Spoil a Newark Record

Denaby Utd – Bradford City Reserves 6  Denaby 0 – City Player’s Four Goals

Denaby United – Denaby 3, Grantham 2 – Most Promising Local Challengers,

Denaby United Team Picture – Ready for Carlisle


Some Notable Losses (pictures)

The Year’s Obituary

Weighed in the Balance

Industry and Commerce

Escaping From Fall – Broken Ribs Stab Heart & Lungs – Miner’s Death


Stern Year – Many Trials but Much Progress – Diary – January to June 1932

Stern Year – Many Trials but Much Progress – Diary – July to December 1932

The Casualty List – Toll of Pit, Road and River – January to June

The Casualty List – Toll of Pit, Road and River – July to December

Marconigrams – December 09th, 1932

Marconigrams – December 23rd, 1932

Not Forgotten (picture)

Crime and Courts

A Sea Of Trouble – Denaby Man’s Multitude of Offences

Denaby Claim Dismissed

Grim Find on Railway – Head on Line – Desperate Suicide


Denaby Utd – Carlisle United 1 Denaby 0 – Slip in the Mud – Single Goal Decides

Denaby Utd – Notts County Reserves 3  Denaby 0 – Attack Weak.

Denaby Utd – Denaby 0, Newark 2 – “Sticky” Day at Denaby

Denaby Utd – Grantham 2, Denaby 0 – Forwards Again Held

Denaby Utd – Denaby 1 Mexborough 2 – Mexboro’ Turn the Tables

Denaby Utd – Mexborough 0 Denaby 2

Midland League Table, December 30th 1932

Midland League Results to December 31st 1932


Accident at Cadeby

Industry and Commerce

Conisboro’ U.D.C. – Tom Mann – Council Demand Release – “Obsolete” Law

Cortonwood Disaster Inquest – Fatal Seventh Shot

Death from Scratch – Wound Inflamed by Water


Appointed to Methodist Mission in South Wales (picture)